
Xmas - Mira And Milan

I haven't seen him in half a year! It's Christmas Eve and in a few hours my twin brother Milan will arrive from Nijmegen, where he lives and studies. I look forward to seeing and hugging him again.

When I look outside I see that it is snowing a little less and because it will be dark in an hour, it seems best to me to let Seppie out first, so that he can take it again tonight and tonight.

Four days ago I arrived here with mom and dad in Noorbeek. In total, I will stay with them for two weeks and then I will go back to Berkeley, San Francisco, where I will do the first year of my medical studies. When I had just been here for a few days, they started a little hesitant about the fact that they can never leave easily because of the dog, and whether I would mind looking after Seppie if they went to Gambia for a week, to the sun.

If there's anything I can do for them, it's this, and to be honest, I think it's nice that Milan and I can spend Christmas and the days after with the two of us.


The wind has been blowing hard all day and a lot of snow has fallen. Because thanks to the warm California I can't stand the cold anymore, but unfortunately I don't have any really warm winter clothes with me either, I decide to walk out of the village via the small road past the church. There is a sunken road that goes towards Sint Martensvoeren and where you walk reasonably sheltered from the wind. Just as I walk past the supermarket, two young guys get out of a large Landrover, mmm, especially the one coming from behind the wheel seems like a tasty snack.

Seppie is a big labrador and although he is quite old it always takes me a lot of strength to keep him under control. Because I'm not really big myself, thanks to my mom who comes from India, Milan and I have her dark appearance and small build. Not that I mind because I think I'm quite successful with my big brown eyes and long dark hair, but if you have to control a hard-pulling labrador while it's also slippery, then a little more weight and strength would be nice. be nice.

When we arrive in the woods after about twenty minutes it is already getting quite dark there and I decide to just walk around for a short while and then go back.

At one point we pass dense low bushes when there is a loud rustling, probably an animal, I think Seppie was shocked. Which is why I only now understand why he kept growling and pulling like that. When suddenly a hare pops out and runs away from us in a zigzag, there is no more hacking for me. Seppie wants to go after the beast and for a moment I try to keep him under control, but soon I go down hard in a blown pile of snow. I let the belt slip and it's gone.

When I have freed myself from the snow and knocked most of me off I go after him. Fortunately, he barks loudly so I know roughly which way he's headed, but the bark is getting softer and I just keep running down the path, hoping he'll come to his senses in a moment and I'll be able to take him back with me. It becomes a pretty crazy trip through the woods and a few times I really have to stop for a moment to listen if I can still hear him.

When I stop to listen again I hear him barking and howling strangely high in the distance and after quite a long search I find him, completely off the path in a clearing, with his right front leg in a fox trap. What asshole would do something like that in the middle of a forest. With difficulty I manage to free Seppie, but afterwards it turns out that he can barely walk. Softly howling, he hobbles slower than slowly on three legs behind me and because the wind is getting harder and the snow has started to snow harder, I soon get ice cold. Wow, what a stormy weather, and only now do I realize that it's a good thing that mom and dad left for the Gambia yesterday, because today it probably wouldn't have worked out with that flying.

The way back seems endlessly long and at a certain point I start to doubt whether I am walking towards Noorbeek, because there is no light anywhere to be seen. And when I want to check on my phone on Google maps where I am, it turns out that the battery is empty. What an idiot I am. At good luck Seppie and I stumble on, but when he finally hardly moves forward I decide to carry him. Honestly, I never knew that dog was that heavy, I think we're about the same weight.

Christmas angels

Slipping and sometimes almost falling I struggle through the forest, while the increasing wind and the snowdrift mean that I see less and less and get the feeling that I am slowly freezing. In retrospect I find it almost unbelievable that this turned out well, I've lost all sense of direction and when I finally see a house with lit windows looming ahead, I can't even muster the energy to be afraid. Without thinking about it, I stumble, with Seppie still in my arms, to the front door and ring the bell.

A woman opens the door a crack and she is clearly startled when she sees me, a dark-skinned rather small young woman with a large dog in her arms, both white with snow, bloodied from the wound on Seppie's paw. Fortunately, she doesn't hesitate for long and lets me in. Finally I can put Seppie on the floor, after which I can do nothing more than sink to the floor of the corridor. I'm exhausted and feel like I've been shocked by this adventure, or maybe it's that I'm caught by the cold, or both, I don't know, I can't think properly anymore.

A man helps me to my feet and supports me to enter the warm living room, where he helps me take off my soaking wet coat, after which I am given a blanket and a cup of Glühwein to drink. Seppie is also taken care of and then it slowly dawns on me that I have to do something. I ask where I am and it turns out that I have strayed quite a bit and that I have now ended up in the first house of Voeren.

Fortunately, these nice Belgian people have a charger for my phone and when I try to contact Milan a few times, he is shocked.

Sjit Mira, what have you been up to is his first not very loving response. When I start to cry, he quickly recovers. He has just arrived in Noorbeek and wants to come and pick me up with my mom and dad's car right away. He asks me to give my phone to the man who then gives him the address, and barely half an hour later Milan is at the door. I'm still in shock but luckily I have the realization to thank those nice people and I just catch the man telling Milan to warm his girlfriend tonight

Body as jug

It is already light when I wake up. To my surprise, I'm naked in bed, and not only, Milan is next to me, naked too! Something I used to think about quite a bit, how he would be with girls, but now that he's lying next to me with his naked body I find it very strange. What happened?

Most of last night soon returns, my disastrous journey through the woods with Seppie, the rescue by those nice people in Voeren, my little brother who picked me up there, the grueling journey back thanks to Daddy's Four-wheeled and mom still went reasonably well, the stove that was heated up at home by Milan, how I couldn't get warm, the glasses of Glühwein that didn't really help either. At some point, somewhere in front of me, the light apparently went out, and now I'm lying next to a naked, naked and softly snoring brother.

I carefully get out of bed to take a pee, but because it is freezing cold up here and my own temperature is still not right, so that I immediately become shaky again, I quickly crawl back into bed. And strange or not, I am now glad that Milan is lying next to me like a living jug, I nestle against him like a spoon, with my back against his chest and stomach and my buttocks against his crotch. But what I didn't foresee is Milan's reaction, in his sleep he puts his arm around me and takes my right breast in the cup of his hand. Mmm Susan he mumbles, after which he is soon back under sail, judging by his snores. But that doesn't apply to me, because what is that hand doing there around my chest and who is Susan again. At the same time, to my horror, I feel how his penis grows between my buttocks and how his hand, which fits perfectly around my chest, gently kneads and massages me there.

His warmth, his body against mine, his growing cock, his hand kneading not only my breast but also my nipple until it stands like a stiff turret, I don't understand what's going on here at all. Is he sleeping or not? This is really not possible, but somehow this excites me immensely, I just feel how my pussy is spontaneously steaming itself for a willing reception. Just to be sure I run my middle finger between my pussy lips, but when I sniff it I certainly don't smell sex, so we haven't done anything yet.

Saved by the dog

Well, really, I'm not a prude girl at all, in Berkeley alone I've done it with at least three guys lately. But sex with my brother?

We've been in mom's tummy together, we've grown up together, we've gone through primary and secondary school together, we've experienced everything together that you can experience as twins. And in the time that we discovered our bodies, we really sometimes sat together to look for and feel the differences, but something with sex never occurred to us.

But that seems to be changing now, because behind me Milans cock is getting harder, more pushy so to speak and my pussy seems to like it too. But just about the moment I decide to give in to my insistence and start working my way over Milan's post, Seppie starts beeping pathetically down the hall. Oh yes, how would it be with him! I tear myself away from my brother's warm pushy body, dress warmly with a double jogging suit and go see how our dog is doing.

As I walk down the stairs, he's already wagging his tail at me, hopping on three legs. The right front leg is thickly bandaged, Milan is studying for a physiotherapist in Nijmegen and apparently released all his skills on Seppie last night. I give him a big hug and then unlock the back door, he can't really walk yet and has to do his needs in the backyard today. After that, because our dinner last night fell apart, I decide to prepare a nice Christmas breakfast. Finally, when I have loaded the table with homemade croissants, Christmas bread, pastries, eggs, juices, name it, I call Milan out of bed at the bottom of the stairs and soon he comes downstairs, also nice and chill in a warm jogging suit.

The food tastes good to us, but we both feel that this night together in one bed has changed something between us. When we finally have eaten our fill and we sit down with a coffee by the warm stove, Milan looks at me shyly at a certain point and then asks: Ehm, sister, did you learn last night why I went to lie with you? I pretend my nose is bleeding, a little teasing won't hurt. Nah? um, you were so cold, I thought it best to give you some warmth. That man in Belgium also advised it

I can't help it, I have to giggle and then say: ohw Mil, that worked out well, your pole even participated this morning to give me warmth. He turns bright red while he mutters softly fucking. I then decide to stop teasing him and climb onto his lap, as we used to do before: Don't worry little brother, I thought it was really horny, I almost forced myself on you. And thanks again for your help last night, because I was really far gone, wasn't I? Milan pulls me against him and kisses me on the lips: yes, I was shocked but you'll make it up again he says with such a sweet half grin. Shall we take a bottle of wine or something to those nice people today, by the way?

Close together again

And we do. In the supermarket we buy a good bottle of wine and some tasty cheeses, put everything in a backpack and together we set off, on foot, to immediately make a nice trip through the cool white landscape. We have locked Seppie up in the heated pantry with a good bowl of kibble and plenty of drinks, she will manage for a while.

On the hill just outside the village we see a couple having a snowball fight outside a nice old house, and I'd be a bitch if it wasn't the guy I saw getting out of that Landrover yesterday. Shall we join in? Milan asks with a broad grin, but I have the feeling that something is going on there that we should not interfere with. So I respond neuh Mil, I prefer to walk on. Look, if it had been that guy who was behind the wheel

Most of the time we barely talk, enjoying the view, walking together, the fresh air, everything. Until at a certain point I feel that I still want to talk about what happened in bed. That I enjoyed being together like this and that I would like to sleep together again tonight. We talk about it for a while, what that is all of a sudden between us, but we soon agree that we shouldn't be too difficult about it. We have a nice week here together and the best thing is to enjoy it, Milan thinks so too, so mmm, it will be fun.

And little brother, who is Susan, by the way? You mentioned her name in your sleep. It remains silent and when I look at him while we are still walking I see tears in his eyes to my surprise: Mil, sweetheart, hey, what's up? Then he tells me that she been his girlfriend since September and broke up with him just before he left for here. I feel super sorry for him, hold him up, give him a long hug, whisper in his ear that it will be ok and finally give him an unreasonably long kiss on his lips. Then we walk on in silence, we talked it over a bit, we hugged and it's okay. I vow to be extra nice to my little brother. And then I think, horny as I am apparently, that he and that girl must have had sex often, otherwise he wouldn't have snuggled up to me so familiarly and even worked on my tit and nipple in his sleep .

The Belgian people are very happy with our presents, we drink coffee with them, but when the man realizes that we are not a set but brother and sister, he grins ohw, and I would have advised your brother, but nice to you to crawl. We chuckle sweetly along, but if only he knew

When we come home more than two hours later, we enjoy cooking together in the kitchen, to make a real Christmas meal. It is old-fashioned close between us again, as it used to be, when sometimes half a word was enough to understand each other. And especially we goats again, our parents once went crazy with how we laughed at nothing and just kept going.

That evening it is blown and finally, when it is bedtime, we look at each other a little doubtfully. Gosh, Mil, the dork, so be the one who takes the bull by the horns again: you with me or I in bed with you? Then Milan grins broadly: I'll go in with you then. Well, that's obvious...

Seeing and seizing opportunities

I'm already in bed when Milan comes back from the bathroom and I really can't help but admire him. He's not much taller than me, but so different, he has a really nicely developed body, flat, not too wide but fairly muscular, clean-shaven which I find incredibly sexy and whow, now I can see him well, really a quite a cock that is still reasonably quiet now, but is already quite present. But the most beautiful thing about my little brother is his face, brown eyes as big as me, on his cheeks and upper lip a haze of dark stubble, medium length dark brown slightly curly hair, I don't understand that Susan that she distances herself from this sweet did.

We immediately huddle together, it is freezing cold up here and we need warmth. We lie with our legs intertwined, belly to belly, breasts to chest and give each other soft short kisses, with our hands caressing each other's backs and buttocks. Mmm brother, we should have done this a long time ago I whisper. Mmm yes is his answer and we enjoy lying there for a while.

To my astonishment I wake up hours later, it's still dark and I have to go to the bathroom. Did we just fall asleep? I can hardly believe it, idiots that we are. When I get back into bed I crawl close to Milan's warm body again. He lies on his back and I unabashedly explore his chest, belly, I caress him wherever I can caress him and then gently knead his cock and balls. I take his balls in my hand and wiggle them cozy for a while. Weird the way his cock reacts, like being stung by a wasp. In less than a few minutes he stands frozen on his body and what I saw earlier I can feel now when I enclose him with my hand, wow, it's quite a device.

It seems to me that since last night and because of everything that happened last day, it has inevitably moved in this direction. I'm so in the mood for sex that I don't want to wait anymore, whether Milan is asleep or not. My pussy is in great shape, I've learned to listen carefully and give her what she wants quickly. I crawl on Milan, enjoy stretching out on his nice tight boy body for a while, then organize his pole between my legs and slowly but surely I slide over him.

Milan seems to be sleeping through, but quite restless, because again he mutters everything and I'm really sure I hear him say Susan again. Well, let him think that, can he be with her again in his dreams. Actually, his cock is enough for me, I slide up and down a few times in a relaxed way and when I finally have his cock completely in me and my pussy is filled to the maximum, my orgasm is already underway. I enjoy it with a soft moan, while tightening and relaxing the muscles of my pussy, as I learned in my tantra classes in San Francisco. As a result, I manage to come endlessly long and enjoying it intensely, I have the feeling that I have never been so close to my brother.

So this is

I wake up because I'm getting fucked. Hey sister, were you there again whispers Milan, with his sweet grinning face above me, while he holds his cock deep inside me for a moment. And which, to greet me, he then pulls out softly and tenderly and almost completely and then again meanly and hard and completely and until our bones collide.

It's light, it's morning and apparently I fell asleep again last night. You were lying on top of me with my cock still in you, so I thought it would be okay if I picked up where you left off says brother dear, now with a big fat grin. I thought you would wake up if I turned around with you, but you must have been busy last night, didn't you? In response I say nothing but smile sweetly, sometimes a girl has to act like a mystery. I do spread my legs as far as possible, fold them around his hips and encourage my dear brother not to talk but to drive.

And it turns out my brother likes to do that and is very good at it, because he fucks me like his life depended on it, he pounds his cock into me in one go and really, its really whow! I do feel like he's acting out a bit at the same time, like I'm that Susan, and I like him, this seems like a good way to get that girl out of his system. We regularly look at each other, with eyes that are so very similar, as if we are looking into our own. One time it's a wink, then a smile or a kiss, we have intense contact while Milan fucks me through and through and poles and possesses and lives out and all of which I undergo with intense pleasure.

I'm having an inordinate amount of fun this Christmas because we're just brother and sister, we're not relationship material so we don't need to be with each other after this except be nice and stay for each other. And to think we'll be together for another week

Thank you very much for reading my story! X. Zazie

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