
With Blackbird At The Campsite - 1

My name is Colin. I am 21 years old and currently on HBO. I borrow some money, but in addition to studying I also have a part-time job at the campsite in the village. It's a quiet and pleasant part-time job where I don't have to do much, and I work with a few other people my age. Sometimes when the campsite is (almost) empty, we can invite some people and have a small party, and partly because of this, the owner never has a shortage of employees, even if it is a large campsite. That is why a new colleague joined the team in the summer, Merel. She had just had summer vacation and her parents had told her to go to work. She had once come to a party of ours at the invitation of a friend, and something had apparently impressed her enough to apply. I had seen her then too, a beautiful young face with a cute nose, long blonde hair that reached her ass, and 2 small bumps under her concealing thick sweater. She still seemed too young to me, but she had a strong effect on me and I had to restrain myself from approaching her. I thought of her that evening during a long shower, and several evenings after that.

So I recognized her on her first day at work, and when our eyes crossed that old feeling was immediately rekindled. Her face and body hadn't changed a bit, but she'd let her hair hang looser and wilder now, as if it were still damp. We always mess around at the beginning of the work day, and she went around to introduce herself. She came to me and shook my hand. "Hi, I'm Merel." She looked right into my eyes when she said it, and immediately put my self-control to the test again. She let her hand hang in mine a little longer, until the boss urged us to start. I was given the task of showing her around, so I suggested we walk around the campsite to show all the facilities. So we walked around the campsite, I was explaining things to her about what we did, and meanwhile thinking what her age would be.

For example, I turned the conversation towards school and study, and I said that I was already studying in the city, but that I share a house in the village because of the low housing supply and costs. She loved that I was already living on my own, and kept asking questions about where and how. I was eventually able to ask about her school situation, and found out she was in 4th grade. She must be around 16 I thought to myself. Talking about everything, we got through the afternoon, and we discovered that we had a good click. The sun was already low, but the work was done and we went to the hall to pack our things. The others had already said goodbye and left when the boss arrived. Apparently a house had been forgotten that still had to be done. He asked if we wanted to do that for a while, and that it was also a good experience for Merel. So we stepped outside again and walked to the house, at the very back of the forest edge. I asked Merel if she shouldn't call home to say she'd be home later, but her parents were still at work, and it didn't matter as long as she was home before dinner. We arrived and I started explaining everything to her. We were working on the beds when I teasingly threw a pillow at her. It hit her in the face and she fell back dramatically on the bed. She squeaked out "ouch!" and held her hands over her eyes, as if she had gone blind. I came over to see if I really hurt her when she cunningly grabbed a pillow and slapped me with a giggle. Now it was my turn to fall down with an exaggerated whimper, and she jumped on top of me and punched on. She continued like this fanatically until I surrendered with my arms up, and she grabbed my wrists in a headlock.

"are you surrendering?"

"yes, do what you want with me."

"good, from now on you are my slave."

She was still on my stomach, and I got a good look at her now. She was wearing a work t-shirt, but her body was clearly visible. Her breasts stuck straight out, and through the fabric I could see 2 hard points. It was good that she sat on my stomach, because the cell tower in my underpants now had coverage all over the world. My gaze went down and I saw that her hanging shirt exposed a small part of her belly. She had amazingly flawless skin, lightly tanned, and a cute belly button. Her shorts were tight on her

legs, and I tried to imagine what lay behind them. I didn't have much time to fantasize, though, because she bent down to catch my eye and smiled and asked what I was thinking about. My math lessons, I said jokingly and to relax the atmosphere. She laughed and asked if I wanted to know what she was thinking. I looked at her again and felt the fabric around my mast stretch. "I think you were looking at my panties. But as my little slave, I order you to keep looking at me." She moved her head closer when she said that. "And now you have to kiss me because you threw a pillow in my face." I slowly moved forward and gave her a tender kiss on the mouth. I could smell her body well now, and her intoxicating warm scent made me feel lightheaded. She returned my kiss with a lick, and slowly moved her lower body over my stomach. She backed away a bit and said with a smile that she had never been kissed. I teasingly asked her if I was her experiment. She answered yes and kissed me back. She dropped herself on top of me while kissing, and I felt her stiff nubs poking my torso. She was now cuddling her body back and forth, still holding my wrists. It was like she was trying to strangle me with her body like a snake, her hair tickling over our faces. I had no idea how far I could take her, but the kissing turned my mind to zero. "Blackbird, you don't know what you're doing to me" She blushed a little and sat up again with her hands on my chest.

"Sorry I didn't know what hit me, since I saw you at the party I had to see you again, and I thought the best way would be to work here, if you have a girlfriend or something then I understand and.. "

"No I don't mean it like that, I've been thinking about you nights since I saw you then, and I'm really glad you came to work here. I just don't know if it's wise since you're still in high school, and we colleagues now. Someone may take it the wrong way, like I'm taking advantage of you."

Her eyes lit up when I said I'd thought of her too, and she looked out the window. "Then why don't we close the curtain? And besides, you're my slave so I'm taking advantage of you." She came back down and rested her chin on my chest.

"What did you think when you saw me?" I was hesitant when she asked, but her dilated pupils and gently moving body tempted me to tell everything.

"I thought you were the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Your pretty face and beautiful long hair melted my heart, but it was your body that awakened a primal urge in me. I often dreamed about what was hidden under your sweater , and how much I would like to hold you close to me." I stroked her back as I said that, and I felt a shiver run through her body. She looked at me a little surprised and got up a bit.

"Really? The boys in my class only have eyes for the big breasted girls. I always see them staring at gym, but never at me."

"Those boys in your class are crazy." I pushed her against me again, and tickled her neck. Merel brought her face back to mine and whispered softly in my ear: "Would you like to feel my breasts?" I just didn't know how I had it anymore. On top of me sat a very horny girl of barely 16, who with only a whispering voice makes me stiffer than any of my ex-girlfriends ever could. I stroked her bare belly for a while, and slowly moved my hand up over her t-shirt. Merel's breathing stopped for a moment, and she

put her head next to mine. I reached her breasts and took one in my hand. It filled perfectly, like it was made for it. I took up the whole shape with my hand, and stroked my thumb over her hard nub that hardly cared about a bra. Merel exhaled hard and I also raised my other hand. I now had both breasts and gently kneaded them while my thumbs played her body. I asked if I could unbutton her bra, and she nodded in agreement. So I pinched my thumb and forefinger behind her

back on the clasp, and it came off easily. I came forward again with my hands and tenderly took care of her breasts again. They weren't too big, but they weren't small either, I guessed cup B, so perfect. They weren't as soft as you usually get with bigger girls, but a bit firmer and a joy to play with. I began to focus my attention on the nipples a little more, and squeezed them gently. There came a light moan from Merel. She had grabbed my hair with one hand and leaned on the other. She was now slowly moving up and down my abdomen as I felt the heat radiating off her. Her breathing got faster and faster until her body began to shake and she pressed against me, gasping and pushing my arms out of the way. I wondered if she had come, and my question was answered when she kissed me and I felt her clammy lips. She opened her mouth and twisted her tongue around mine, and I tasted her sweet horn. The horniness you can only taste in a girl who is so longing that every touch makes her shake. I tried it out and gently slid my fingernails down her back, making her moan and wrap me around. We didn't say anything for a minute and cuddled when she whispered in my ear that I could do whatever I wanted with her. I was amazed that my pants hadn't ripped yet and I made a mental note to only buy this brand again because I felt like a shock iron. She moved her body back and slid over my bulge and giggled, probably because I gasped. I pressed her against me when my phone rang loudly.

It was the boss. I cursed the whole campsite and the holidaymakers who had booked this cottage, but calmed myself down and put it on speaker. I told them that the house was almost finished, but he went to close the gate and said that we had to continue working tomorrow. I looked at Merel and she looked back with a sigh. We walked back to our bikes and said hello to the boss. It was already 7 o'clock and Merel had to go home. I cycled with her for a short distance, until the fork. She came to me and stroked my crotch gently, and said that next time she would be my slave.

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