
Who Throws The Ball...

Delicious horny lady, this story is again especially for you.

It was, with your help and a lot of research on the internet, a great experience.

I've already told you, but I'll tell you again, it got under my skin.

Maybe someday I'll find the courage!

Kiss, Frank

Usually I'm busy at work, sometimes just busy, sometimes very busy. But every now and then it's quiet. A good time to archive some old projects, clear up e-mails and go into town around three o'clock and grab a drink on a terrace. Today was such a day. I was in between two projects, one almost finished, the other not really started yet.

The weather was nice so at half past three I strolled into town. On the way I saw a beautiful brunette riding a bicycle and I immediately thought of Susan. To Susan with her delicious ass and big breasts and to the great weekend that, by all accounts, had been a resounding success. When I'm sitting on a terrace later I'm going to send her a message, I tell myself.

The beautiful young woman who brings my beer has no eyes for me, but I do for her firm breasts that seem to want to jump out of her blouse. Ah, if only I were 20 years younger, I dream ... My dream is shattered when my phone rings. Work, goes through my head and I look grumpy at the screen. But my heart skips a beat when I see the caller's name!

With Frank, I say as casually as possible. Hi Frank, it's Susan, it sounds and I feel the sun shining on my face. Hey Susan, how are you? Stuck somewhere recently? I ask and she bursts out laughing. No, after that last time with you it's been a bit slack, she replies. Then you have to do something about it sweetie, I say. Right, and that's why I'm calling you. I'm holding my breath.

I think it would be fun to kind of do it all over again, says Susan. A kind of? I ask. Yes, says Susan, just like last time, but different. So not at my friend's house? No, Susan replies, this time it's all going to be… well, just a little different. Can you next weekend? Sure, where are we meeting? I ask and Susan gives the address. I try to fish some more, but Susan doesn't say anything else.

The days pass and the tension mounts, at least for me. We chat the night before and I think I sense a tension with Susan too. A nice tension, a horny tension! When we finally stop chatting I've come twice and my shirt is full of cum. Before I get into the shower I turn on the washing machine.

The next day I drive to the address Susan gave. You will reach your destination in 200 meters, the lady of my navigation reports. When I look around I only see forest, until I indeed come to a large fence. I stop my car, but as soon as I want to get out, the gate starts to move. When I see the camera I can't resist sticking my tongue out. I drive in, but don't see a house yet. That makes sense because it turns out to be hidden behind a few bends and a country road of at least a kilometer.

But once I arrived at the house I was silent. A beautiful villa, large but not too, beautifully situated in the middle of the forest. The front door is ajar, I close it behind me and it sounds like it locks right away.

On a table in the hall is an envelope with my name on it. I open it and take out a card. On the front is a man tied to a ladder, next to him is a lady in high boots. The flogger in her hand is on its way to his body. I open the card and read the message. Hi Frank! Today we do it differently. Take the corridor on the left and enter the second room on the right. Kiss, Susan.

As I turn around and walk to the hallway I feel my cock grow. I open the door, but no one is in the room. A huge bed, a bathrobe and again an envelope. The front of this card shows a man, on his knees, his arms tied to the head of a bed. Behind him is a woman. The head of the strapon she is wearing is already between his buttocks. I unfold the card.

Hey Frank! Freshen up and we'd love to see you in the other hallway, first door on the left. Kiss, Miranda. P.S. only wash, not what you do when you're chatting with Susan! I let this surprise sink in, then undress with a smile and walk into the bathroom. There is a large jacuzzi in it. I feel for a moment, the water is wonderfully warm. But I don't come for a warm bath and a shower. My cock is hard and if I was it I'd have to hold back, but I'm willing to give that.

Neatly clean everywhere and wrapped in the bathrobe, I walk back to the hall and into the other corridor. Another envelope hangs on the first door on the left. Again with a map. A close-up of a man, his face contorted, from pain, from pleasure, or both? Leave bathrobe outside and hands behind your back! is written in it. I slide the bathrobe to the floor and look down. I can't walk into a room with a stiff cock, can I? I don't even know who is or isn't in there! I gather my courage and open the door anyway.

The warm, humid sauna air greets me. Right in front of me is a woman sitting on a wooden bench. Fat? No. Full? Certainly! Her long blonde hair can't cover her huge breasts. All I can see of the brunette on her knees is the round buttocks, the back and the back of her head, but I recognize Susan immediately. She turns around, but the blonde pushes Susan's head hard into her lap. Hi Frank, I'm Miranda, she gasps and looks fondly at my cock. I can't see what Susan is doing, but when Susan does something she does it right and in a minute Miranda comes screaming.

Now Susan gets up and when she has turned around she shakes her head. Frank, is that the way to greet ladies? What must Miranda think of that? she says and nods in the direction of my crotch. Well, don't worry about that, says Miranda and gets up too. Together they walk towards me. Bye baby, says Susan and presses her lips to mine. I feel a hand go over my pocket. That can't be right, both of us neatly smooth, and you with such a forest down there, says Miranda. Keep an eye on him Susan, I'll be right back. Before Miranda is gone, Susan runs her fingers up between my buttocks. Behind Miranda too! she calls before the door closes.

There's still plenty left, says Miranda when she returns with a trolley. On top I see a razor blade and a can of shaving cream. It also has a bowl with a spatula on it, but I can't see what's in it. There is also something on the bottom sheet, covered by a towel. Susan lifts a corner of the towel and I see several ropes and a penis cage. Did I say it would be different? And there's more underneath! says Susan and smiles at me, horny, as only Susan can.

She beckons to me and I sit on the wooden bench. Moments later my hands are tied behind my back and my feet are apart, attached to the wooden bench. You shave, Susan says and grabs a thinner rope. She loops it and lowers it over my head. Miranda is already spreading the foam over my stomach and balls. Keep that dick out of the way, she says. My cock is erect and really out of the way, but Susan sets the tone for the evening and tightens the loop. I groan and Miranda takes the razor. The blade skilfully goes over my pocket, stomach and groin. Well, the front is done, Miranda says with satisfaction and runs her fingers from my head over my cock to my balls.

What did you say about the back Susan? she asks, her fingers moving further. Oh yes, there is still work to be done here! she exclaims delightedly and unties my feet. Forward! says Miranda and together with Susan she lowers me onto the floor. There I am, on my knees, my cheek on the floor and my ass in the air. Someone is pulling my buttocks apart. No! This is really not possible! shouts Susan and out of the corner of my eye I see her walking to the table. She returns with the bowl.

Here it comes honey! Susan says and then I feel a sticky substance being smeared between my buttocks and on my ass. I'm by no means an expert in this area, but I'm well aware of what to expect. No pain no gain! says Miranda, her hands still on my buttocks. And that pain comes. Arrggh! I scream as Susan jerks the solidified wax from my butt crack.

I feel a hand between my buttocks and, thank God, the pain has subsided. The result is thoroughly inspected. Well, that's what you get if you don't keep up, says Miranda after a few seconds. But I don't have to count on pity because giggling they smear my ass full again. Only after the fourth time are the ladies satisfied.

Yes! shouts Susan, now you're ready for tonight. I feel something cold between my buttocks and several fingers that smear it. The pain quickly disappears, the fingers do not. Still prone with my face on the floor and my hands tied behind my back, my ass is thoroughly examined, inside and out. Miranda grabs some from under the towel and then a thick metal butt plug finds its way up my ass. I sigh when, after much pushing and pulling, he finally shoots over the edge. Susan and Miranda put my buttocks back on the wooden bench and my feet are secured again.

With much erotic ceremony the table is placed in front of me and the towel is slowly removed. The crocodile clips are fitted with long ropes and the leather patch at the end of the horsewhip has visibly seen a lot of action. The penis cage that is also there looks a bit small to me. Susan grabs two clamps. The teeth bite hard into the thin skin of my pocket.

Same safeword as last time? she asks and I nod. Well, let's see how good you can lick, braggart! she says. During one of our many chats I told her that I'm pretty good at eating pussy and apparently she hasn't forgotten that. Susan straddles me on the couch, holding a rope in each hand that leads directly to a clamp on my pocket.

She leans forward. This puts her cunt against my mouth, but also puts tension on the ropes in her hands. The skin of my sac is pulled tight, the clamps bite, and my tongue enters Susan's cunt. I feel the rope around my cockhead being pulled taut down against the other ropes. Mmm! nice big moans Miranda. Her nails scrape against my shaft and across my head.

I feel something go flat on my leg. It's gone for a moment, but then it's back... Pets! on the inside of my groin. I moan. It really doesn't hurt... not yet. pets! pets! Left and right against my dick. I take Susan's clit in my mouth as much as possible. Miranda runs the piece of the whip over my head. Yes! moans Susan as the shiver running through my body ends on her clit.

But instead of letting herself be eaten any longer, Susan turns around. Carefully she keeps the ropes under tension as she brings her hands back. Her buttocks recede and her smooth little star slowly comes towards me. I close my eyes and open my mouth. Susan moans as my tongue twists around her asshole. I hear the whip go through air. The pain shoots up my spine as the leather patch hits my pocket. Susan pulls harder on the ropes. Only when my tongue goes in a bit does she release the tension.

Yes, he likes it! I hear Miranda say and the cloth goes past my hard cock again. She pulls extra on the rope around my head and I pull my head back a bit in shock. Susan disagrees and tugs at the clips on my pocket. Immediately I push my tongue as deep as I can into her now wet hole. Yes! yells Susan as my tongue twirls wildly. She lets herself be pampered for at least another minute or so before getting off the couch. You have not exaggerated! she gasps and pushes her tongue into my mouth.

Well, I want to feel that! says Miranda and before I know it my tongue is in a new ass. Aaah! Yes! she quickly screams. Susan takes the clamps off my pocket but her fingers twist around my balls and she pulls harder and harder while her other hand rubs my head roughly. Moaning and groaning I endured it, my tongue deep in Miranda's ass.

Miranda allows herself to be served even longer than Susan, but then she also steps back on the floor. Time for restrictive measures! Susan yells and she grabs the penis cage from the table. Well, I'm not hugely created, but the ladies see that it will never fit like this. They look at each other and start laughing. Ice! they shout at the same time. Miranda exits the sauna again. Susan's fingers run over my balls and her tongue over my head.

It certainly won't work that way! I moan. Leave that to us, we'll get you small! Susan whispers before letting my tongue into her mouth. Well here we go! Miranda shouts as she enters with a styrofoam box. She lifts the lid for a moment and pulls out a handful of ice cubes. She hands some to Susan and I feel the ice cream getting everywhere.

My groin, balls, my pole, my head and my ass. But it can't compete with the sight of the two insanely horny women and their hands between my legs and my cock standing at full force. Then there is only one thing to do! says Miranda and takes the lid off the box again.

In her hand she now holds a stick of ice, the size of a bendy straw. The honor to you! she says and hands the swab to Susan. We won't do this to you, says Susan, looking at the sharp edges of the end. When the stick comes out of her mouth a few seconds later, it is nicely round. That's something different! shouts Susan and with her other hand she grabs my head.

While turning, she gently pushes the tip into my pisshole and then she slides the rod all the way in. The cold I feel is so intense that it cannot be described. It travels through my cock through my stomach to all ends of my body. When I feel the warmth of the sauna coming in again, the penis cage is already on my penis. And there is still room left!

Miranda puts a collar around my neck. Come along! she says. Low! Susan yells as I try to get up. I crawl out of the sauna on my hands and knees on a leash. Miranda opens the next door and Susan leads me inside.

The room is spacious but has no windows. The dark purple velvet that really covers the entire room gives the impression that we are in the part of the casino where only bets above a thousand euros are accepted. But the Saint Andrew's cross in the corner, the heavy raw wood table in the middle and the hoist on the ceiling betray its true nature. The doors of the large closet are open. Do not look! says Miranda, but I've already seen the floggers and canes.

Stand up! commands Susan and two minutes later I'm standing with my arms and legs spread, my face to the wood, stuck to the cross. The leash attached to my collar is thrown over the arm of the crotch. A soft hand that rises between my legs causes the space in the penis cage to quickly disappear. The pressure on my cock is not too bad. I wonder how much longer.

I hear Susan and Miranda whisper to each other, but I can't hear what's being said. Something whips through the air. It slams hard against the back of my thigh. I bite the fierce pain of the cane. Same sound, other side. I push myself against the crotch as if to avoid the blow. I groan as the cane touches my other thigh. The canes deliberately hit my thighs, each time in a different place. I count in my head. After 20 times it stops. Painful stitches still pierce the back of my thighs.

The pressure on my cock has increased quite a bit, but bearable. I don't know what they're doing, but behind me Susan and Miranda are working on something. I anxiously wait. I don't have a choice either. Without warning I hear something whirring. The pain starts on the top of my right buttock, then moves to the top of my left buttock and ends on the side. Something flexible, probably a belt. Same pain, different order. They take turns at my buttocks. Tightening doesn't help, relaxing doesn't work. I forget to count, groaning as I wait for them to find their satisfaction. When Miranda and Susan stop, my buttocks are on fire.

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