
Vera Is Strange

Still a bit tired from the weekend, Vera arrives at work. She is the head nurse at the hospital. She likes her job, but on a Monday morning the joy of work is usually not immediately present.

With a cup of coffee in hand, she plops herself into her office chair with a sigh. She quickly checks her e-mails to see if there is anything urgent before moving to her department corridor to greet her colleagues and check if there are any problems.

She is the first to visit Suzanne, who has also worked weekends.

Everything under control, did anything special happen this weekend?

Vera asks.

No, nothing special, nothing I couldn't handle. Some new recordings, but nothing out of the ordinary

Susan says cheerfully.

Great, that's what I like to hear

says Vera a lot more cheerfully.

Or is it!

she exclaims when Vera wants to turn around.

Worried, Vera looks at her.

Nothing to worry about, but Jeroen Gijssens is in our department after an operation

she says triumphantly.

Jeroen Gijssens, the show jumping rider who became Olympic champion?

Vera asks.

Yes indeed. And he looks as handsome as on TV

she adds jokingly

Lost in thought, Vera walks down the hall.

Jeroen Gijssens is her daughter's hero. She has a large poster of him above her bed and admires him like no other. She started riding because of him and at every competition she says she wants to become as successful as Jeroen. In addition, he is immensely charismatic and is as much in the news for his parties and his amorous escapades as for his victories.

Although he only lives one village away, she has never met him in person.

Then we will change that

she chuckles.

What room is he in?

she calls to Suzanne.


she calls back with a wink.

She immediately goes to room 306, knocks and enters.

He looks at her as she walks in.

He looks pale and has a lot of tubes and tubes hanging from his body, but he still looks good

she finds

Everything to your liking, Mr Gijssens

she asks, standing next to his bed.

Now it is! I seem to have ended up in heaven with an angel standing next to my bed

he replies cheerfully.

Blushing and not knowing what to say, she stops.

If there's anything I can do for you, just let me know

she finally stammers.

You can certainly do anything for me

he replies with a wink

Bewildered by so much impertinence, she turns.

As she turns around she feels a hand on her buttocks.

She stands frozen for a moment. As the hand prepares to move under her apron to her buttocks, she pats his fingers, looks him straight in the eye, and heads for the door.

Before she closes the door, she looks back.

He looks at her, winks and kisses his lips.

Dismayed, she closes the door and lets herself fall against the door with a sigh.

Everything OK?

asks a colleague, who just passes by and looks at her a little worried.

Yes Yes

replies Vera gruffly.

She pulls herself together and continues walking.

Wow, what a charm that man has. A real Don Juan. The rumors are true after all. And he's handsome too, even though he's hurt here in the hospital. Her heart is still pounding from his touch and his flattery. All day long she keeps thinking about him and that moment.

Vera is 40 years old and she tries to keep her body in good shape, but the ravages of time are starting to take its toll. She has gained some kilos and is getting more folds and folds everywhere in her body. Her breasts have also never become so firm again after Ellen's birth.

Would he really be interested in me? I can hardly compete with his youthful girlfriends who are 15 years younger?!

she thinks.He has had another affair with Miss Belgium. I can't argue with that though

she muses


When they sit down with the whole family in the evening, she tells them that Jeroen Gijssens is in her department.

Her daughter Ellen is immediately overjoyed.

Wow, mom, really. What does he look like. Is he really as handsome as on TV? Have you spoken to him? What all did he say? When is his next game

she rattles off.

Calm down, calm down, girl. I've only seen him, not spoken to him yet. He has to rehabilitate and still looks limp and pale.

Can you ask for a signature?

Ellen continues

Yes, I might ask

Vera answers hesitantly

Ellen jumps up.

Oh, that would be great

she exclaims.

I'll see what I can do

replies Vera.

Just watch out for his advances. He is known as a womanizer and he has loose hands

her husband Jef joins the conversation.

Yes, I've already noticed

thinks Vera

Oh, don't be silly. I am 15 years older. How could I compete with Miss Belgium with my fat bands and sagging breasts

replicates Vera.

Yes that's right

says Jef tactfully, not understanding that he is hurting his wife by doing so.


she thinks.

You look really beautiful. I'm sure Jeroen thinks you're very handsome

Ellen says while looking at Jef angrily.

Of course, honey, I didn't mean it that way, you sure look good . for your age

he says quickly.

Vera frowns at him and gets up to clear the table.

Shit, that wasn't particularly smart of me

Jef thinks as he hits his head.

This outlines the problem

thinks Vera.

I still love my husband, but the flame, the passion, the desire is gone. It has become boring after 20 years of marriage. The sex has also become practically a mandatory number. It rarely happens and there is little passion involved. There's a little kissing, then he sticks his cock in me, pumps a few times and cums with a moan. If I'm lucky it lasts a bit and I also get the chance to have an orgasm or else I'm left hungry. We used to have sex several times a week, we tried out all kinds of positions, there was licking and blowing. This is all in the past.

she thinks gloomily

She wonders when this has changed. She can only conclude that it must have happened gradually after Ellen was born.


The next morning she takes an extensive shower and uses rich perfume. She normally never does this for work, but without admitting it, she wants to please Jeroen. She is nevertheless charmed by his advances.

You have acquired a nice perfume, something to celebrate

asks Suzanne as she walks past her.

No just

replies Vera

I'll bring room 306 his meds

says Vera to her colleagues.

A little nervous, she enters room 306.

He's sitting straight in bed and already looking a little better.

Ha, my angel is back there

he greets warmly

Good morning Mr Gijssens

she greets him imperturbably.

Not too formal, say Jeroen, little angel

And my name is Vera

she replies

You will always be an angel to me

he replies sweetly.

You have a nice scent

he says approvingly.

Do you want to seduce someone or something?

Here are your medicines

Vera continues imperturbably while she also hands him a glass of water.

May I ask you something?

she asks as he swallows the tablets.

Natural angel, anything you want


My daughter is a big fan of yours. She also rides horse. Would you give her your autograph


Sure, if I can please you and your daughter with that


She takes a booklet from the pocket of her nurse's apron, opens a blank page and hands it to him.

Do you also have a pen?

he asks, looking her straight in the eye.Yes, of course, sorry

she stammers, fumbling for a pen in her pockets.

He writes a sentence in the notebook and signs it.

When he closes the book and wants to give it back, his hand slides back to her buttocks like yesterday. This time, however, his hand immediately goes under her apron to the side of her thighs.

She freezes for another moment and a shiver runs through her. She feels her legs go limp and it gets hot. A glow comes to her cheeks and butterflies flutter through her stomach. Then she pulls herself together and pushes his hand away. He looks at her sheepishly, still holding the booklet in his hand. As she bends over to take the booklet, his hand slips back under her apron and begins to caress the insides of her thighs. She wants to leave, push his hand away, but she can't, she seems motionless, as if she has no strength left. She even slightly opens her legs and invites him to continue his journey of discovery towards her panties and her slit. He doesn't hesitate for a second and his fingers slip into her panties. She can barely suppress a cry. A finger is already caressing her pubic hair. She feels her pussy getting wet. It's dead quiet in the room. Only Vera's increased breathing can be heard. His finger now slides further in search of her clit and the entrance to her cave. He feels the warmth and humidity that he gets near her pussy lips. When he touches her clit, a shock goes through her body.

Suddenly the room door opens and a nurse enters.

Quickly he pulls his hand back and Vera takes a step aside.

Oops, I didn't know you were here, am I interrupting?

she asks, a little surprised.

No, no, we're done, I gave him his meds

says Vera cheerfully.

And here's my autograph for your daughter

says Jeroen as he gives her the booklet back.

Next time without panties

he whispers to her quickly and unobtrusively.

Ah, now I get it. It's about the signature. I thought of something else first

chuckles the colleague as they go outside together.

Oh, don't be silly, be serious

Vera chuckles along.

Emotionally exhausted, she returns to her desk. She can't believe this is happening to her.


Her daughter is already waiting for her when she comes home in the evening.

And, do you have the autograph?!

she asks


exclaims Vera, triumphantly holding up the booklet.

Ellen snatches it from her hands and begins to read it.

I must show this to my friends immediately

she cries, running up the stairs screaming with joy.

You made someone very happy here

says Jeff.

Shall I make you happy too?

she asks as she seductively approaches him.

She has been horny all day after Jeroen's touches and really wants sex.

Not now, I'm going to play tennis in 15 minutes

he replies

Disappointed, she turns around. Ten years ago they would have immediately had passionate sex on the kitchen table and now he is more interested in his tennis match than her.


The next day she is doubtful with Jeroen's medicines in her hand.

Should I take off my panties or not

is the question that constantly haunts her mind.

The thought makes her incredibly horny.

I can do it, no one will notice.

she pees.

After ten minutes of deliberation, she decides to put on her naughty shoes and takes off her panties.

She walks uneasily in the hallway, greets her colleagues and looks at everyone in the fear that they would notice that she is walking without slip. However, they all greet her in a friendly way without looking at her strangely.

She knocks on the door of room 306 and enters.

Hello my angel

she is greeted immediately.

Hi Jeroen, you are all right

she asks routinely.

Reluctantly, she goes to him and hands him the medicines.

When she stands by his bed, he looks her straight in the eye.

They don't say a word.

The fact that she is standing here and not moving a finger is the sign for Jeroen to move his hand to her knee.

Gently he caresses the inside of her thighs and slowly raises his hand.

She closes her eyes with pleasure and excitement. What a wonderful feeling. She almost faints. Now that he doesn't have to overcome the barrier of her panties, his fingers go straight to her pussy lips. He touches her inner lips with his index finger. She shivers with pleasure and can't suppress a soft moan. Then he makes circular movements around her clit, occasionally touching her pleasure point. She almost faints. Her pussy is soaking wet. He now increases the pace of his caresses and massages her clit. She moans incessantly now. Then he pushes his finger into her vagina and starts fingering her while continuing to caress her clit. Only the dipping sound of his finger in her soaking wet cunt and her increased breathing fill the room. When he picks up his pace, she cums with support. He pulls his soaking wet finger out of her cunt. Vera has to sit on a chair. She can't anymore.

Jeroen looks at her with a smile.

You are a nice woman

he says approvingly.

After a few minutes, she stands up, stumbling.

Now it's my turn. Just wait

she says as she goes out and closes the door behind her.

Not understanding, Jeroen is left alone in the room.

After fifteen minutes Vera comes back in with a sink filled with water and a washcloth.

She does

do not disturb

lights on.Now I'm going to spoil you

says Vera.

She straightens Jeroen, bends over and unbuttons his hospital gown.

She takes the washcloth, puts a little soap on it and lovingly washes his chest. She gently caresses his muscular chest. Jeroen enjoys it. Unable to control herself, she gradually descends towards his penis. Gently she rubs around his shaft and balls. Slowly his penis erects. She now takes both her hands and starts jerking him off until he is straight.

Jeroen is stretched out in his bed with his eyes closed. Then Vera bends over and gently takes his head in her mouth. This immediately elicits a moan of approval. She begins to zabble on it like she licks an ice cream cone.

When she teasingly stops, the command to continue comes immediately.

She now starts to suck him with full devotion. She clamps her lips around his shaft and moves them quickly forward and back as her tongue circles around his head. She feels his balls pulsate and seconds later he shoots his full load into her mouth. She swallows part of it, but a large part runs down her chin.

Reminiscing, Jeroen lies in his bed with his eyes closed. She bends over and starts kissing him passionately. They remain tongue-tied for quite some time.

Come on, now I have to go, otherwise my colleagues will get dirty thoughts says Vera as she stands up.

Wow you are amazing

whispers Jeroen.

Tomorrow I have night mail, then we can do this again and maybe even go a little further

she says teasingly.

I already can't wait

says Jeroen.


The next day Vera happily goes to work. She has never looked forward to her night mail so much.

When all the lights are off in the rooms and everyone is in bed, it's time to deal with Jeroen. She takes off not only her panties, but also her bra.

Her heart beating, she enters his room. He is wide awake in bed.

Bye my hot angel

he greets her hotly.

She goes over to him without hesitation and starts kissing him passionately. His hands immediately go to her breasts and begin to knead them. Lovingly he plays with her nipples. Her body reacts immediately with her nipples stiffening and her cunt soaking wet. When she looks at his cock she sees that he is already standing straight, ready to fuck.

Without hesitation she crawls onto the bed, making sure she doesn't hurt him and watching out for the snakes he still has on his body. She positions her cunt over his cock and slides down his shaft. They both moan in pleasure simultaneously. She now starts riding him wildly. They are both so horny that they come after just a few up and down movements. His cum mixed with her cunt juices flow out of her cunt onto the sheets. She slowly feels his cock shrivel and slide out of her cunt. Panting, she sits on top of him. He caresses her breasts tenderly.

She doesn't have enough yet. She crawls off him and starts sucking his cock clean. Slowly she feels his penis growing back. Meanwhile, Jeroen's fingers have found her cunt. While she sucks him off he plays with her clit and inserts 3 fingers into her soaking wet cunt. Rhythmically they bring each other back to orgasm.

Exhausted, Jeroen remains lying down. For a healthy man this is already quite an effort, so you can imagine what it means for an injured recuperating man.

Softly she kisses him on the lips and leaves the room satisfied.

When she crawls into bed after her night shift and curls up against her husband, she feels a little guilty, but she would do it again in a heartbeat.


Doesn't your daughter want to come horseback riding with us?

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