
Vengeance Goddesses - 1

We've just come from training when I and my girlfriends Vieve and Romée meet a group of five boys in a rather dark street. They wear dark hoodies of which they pull the hoods even more deeply over their heads, so their faces are barely visible. Although we walk on the other side of the street, we feel that they have got us in their sights and are not going to let them pass just like that. Now we will have to apply what we have learned in real life.

We look at each other, a little nervous, but we know exactly what to do, we have practiced this so many times. The boys cross the street and come straight at us. When they are a few meters away from us, the one in front says hey sluts, we want a bit in your pussy.... At the same moment that he says the last word, we open the attack for the boys completely unexpectedly. The first three take the brunt, each of us successfully aiming a clever kick in the balls and screaming and shrinking they go down. The other two get a hard kick in the side from Vieve and me in one sweeping movement and immediately afterwards Romée pokes his eyes with one two fingers while I do it with the other.

All five of them are groaning on the ground, unable to do anything for the time being, but just to be on the safe side, we turn on our flight mode and in no time we are far away. While running I feel that these worthless guys have loosened what I've been trying to push away all along. Slowly but surely the decision is growing that it's done now, it's time for me to right the suffering my dead sister has done

Krav Maga

When I open the front door I shout yoohoo, home!, run upstairs and immediately jump into the shower. I'm still completely stiff from the stress and under the massage of the warm water I come to myself again. After a while I inspect my body, fortunately no too noticeable damage this time, only one of my tits got quite a twitch by a high-swept foot from my training buddy. I take the affected breast in my hand and feel it, but it is not really painful, but I see a small bruise. Luckily I have small firm tits, they can take a beating. I'm not that tall anyway, slim and thanks to all the training I'm in good shape. I massage my affected tit under the warm water for a while and then I soap myself well. I have dark short curly hair, I have a shaved pussy and so I'm done quickly.

When I walk into the room in my pajamas and bathrobe where my parents are reading with soft music, I give them both a kiss and ask mom how the training was: ohw, good, pretty spicy, very real life this time answer me as casually as possible. Dad looks at me thoughtfully for a moment, then nods as if he's suppressing something and reads on, but Mom can't resist: “I don't like you doing that, Charlie. You're covered in bruises over and over again. Of course she's right, it can be rough sometimes, but I really need this: máham, you know why I'm doing this, don't you? Then she sighs deeply and lets it go. sit further.

But with all the action tonight, everything has been stirred up again for me. How my sister Marie, barely a year older, was raped one night three years ago by four boys, how her boyfriend Noah died that same night, how those boys escaped the dance despite the report, how my sister couldn't live with it at all after that and how she followed her boyfriend by also choosing death. Soon after that I decided that would never happen to me and then I enrolled here in Amsterdam with Krav Maga, the martial art developed by the Israeli army for hand-to-hand combat. Everything is allowed, surprise is paramount and the only thing that matters is that you survive and win.

Mary and Noah

Mom and Dad go to bed early as always and more or less unconsciously I've already made up my mind, I'm going to rummage through the Terrible File, as my parents call it. Not long ago I turned nineteen, I've been studying medicine for a year now and I think I should be able to handle it. But it turns out not to be easy, what I read is horrible.

The Terrible File turns out to be a very detailed and horrifying record of all the misery that befell my sister, as recorded by the Greek police during their long interrogation. It also contains newspaper clippings and documents from the Dutch police, from lawyers and even from a private detective my parents hired. It is clear from everything that my parents tried to the bitter end to get justice for what they felt had been done to my sister, but unfortunately also that the guilty managed to escape. As a result, not only has the dark cloud of what happened to my sister hung over our family, but also the acquittal of those guys.

Because what happened

Now three years ago, Marie and her boyfriend Noah insisted on going to Hersonissos. They had both just turned seventeen, had graduated from the Havo where they met and wanted to let loose. Both my parents and his parents didn't like it, such a party place of unhinged young people, but the couple insisted and after a lot of hassle they got permission, with the agreement that they would look after each other. They ended up in a hotel with apartments and studios, which was packed with crazy Dutch boys and girls. Right next to Marie and Noah were four boys from the Wassenaar area, from what I understand from the documents, they were those cocky rich sons who made a huge mess of it. They had spoken back and forth on the balconies the first day and Marie had the impression that they liked her. Well, nice, really, my sister was the prettiest and sweetest girl on earth, with her little angelic figure, her dreamy blue eyes and her long blond hair.

The first two nights, those guys came back around two or three a.m. making a lot of noise, always just as Marie and Noah were in bed. Then it was a typhus riot until early in the morning with loud music, lots of banging, scraping chairs, sounds of falling glass and above all the shouting and wailing of those boys who were only sixteen years old.

The third night they were completely done with it and Noah went to get a story from them, if it couldn't be less. The boys next door showed understanding and managed to convince him that they would stop if Marie and Noah first joined in the fun. Noah in turn persuaded Marie and not much later they were both drinking a large glass of gin and tonic.

Barely ten minutes later they went completely out. Not that they became unconscious because they still got what was happening, but they somehow became totally dazed and unwilling. When Marie came to her senses again, the four guys with erect cocks stood completely naked in front of her and she was also stripped of her clothes. Not much later she was completely naked on the bed, two boys spread her legs wide, the third had her hands above her head in a headlock and the tallest boy, who she thought was pretty much the leader, spit a good glob of her pussy after which he rubbed it a bit with his head and then rammed his cock into her hard and to the root in one go. Right after that, he proceeded to fuck her roughly, like she was an inflatable doll with no feeling.

Her boyfriend Noah, naked like her, sat with a stiff pole with a cock ring around it, tied to a chair next to the bed, gag in his mouth and in full view of his girl being busted by the four boys. It went on endlessly, the boys taking turns attacking her while the others held her arms and legs under control. Meanwhile, Noah became more and more sober and had to watch everything helplessly. But the drugs also wore off on Marie, causing her to fight back, moaning and begging for the boys to cut their hair and let her go. But the more she shouted that, the more excited those guys got.

When my sister got too rebellious, they tied her to the corners of the bed with their arms and legs spread, then they fucked her at an even faster pace, alternating each other faster and faster with their cocks in her pussy, or in her mouth to keep her quiet. hold. Constantly one after the other came in or over her, after which they forced her to suck their cocks hard in her mouth again. Because she threatened to sink into an apathetic state after a few hours, the guys gave her drugs again, so that she even started to participate a little. So they untied her and instead of making her get away she even took turns sitting on one of those cocks and rocking like she was in a trance on and on while poor Noah just watched the boys be touched the girl from all sides and squeezed her breasts black and blue as they raped her continuously.

Golden Spoon Boys

It started to get light again when the boys got tired of it. First they untied Noah and, according to Marie, took him back to their studio. They also gave him the drugs again in between and when they dragged him away between two boys he was completely dazed and not aware of anything anymore. Marie was drugged one last time, then one of the boys slung her frail, naked, abused body over his shoulders and carried her down into the garden, where he flung her into the swimming pool. He himself jumped after it and there in that cold water he rubbed her body completely clean. He also went deep and long into her pussy with a few fingers, to erase all traces there too, because that was what he did. He then left her totally dazed in the water. She had no idea how she finally got back to their little studio, the door of which was ajar and where she didn't find Noah. Totally lost and completely fucked, she crawled under the duvet and fell into a deep sleep.

Barely a few hours later, the chaos broke out when it turned out that Noah was lying dead under the balcony of their studio. Of course, the first thing the police got to was my sister, who was naked and drugged and fast asleep in her bed.

At first she couldn't remember much, but as her memories came back little by little it became a complete nightmare for her. Fortunately, the police called both Noah's parents and our parents and that same afternoon they arrived in Crete, where Marie had already been taken into custody for drug abuse and was locked in a cell.

It took a long time but in the end she remembered everything and, with many fits and starts and tears, she gave an extensive testimony. But the four boys denied everything. According to them, it was all the other way around, Noah and Marie made a big typhus noise every night, they were fucking on the assembly line with a lot of noise, and it seemed like they were totally drugged but going on. According to them, especially the girl was super hysterical and she screamed for her boyfriend to continue, who then got tired of it and called her everything and anything.

Meanwhile, the parents of those boys had also arrived, all wealthy people who, with their social position and their important connections, immediately took their sons into protection and sent them back home on the first available flight while they handled the matter in Crete.

Whatever Marie eventually stated, the police did not believe her and the internal examination, which was only done 24 hours after the incident, did not yield any evidence. Even mom and dad and Noah's parents doubted her story during that period of the investigation

Back in the Netherlands, with Noah's dead body traveling back on the same plane, my sister broke completely under all the reproachful looks during his cremation. Barely a few days later, Marie committed suicide, leaving mom and dad and me in shock.

Every day I see how my parents suffer from Marie's death and from the injustice done to her. Because they are now deeply convinced that the boys were really guilty. Their private detective questioned numerous people who were also staying at the hotel at the time and who explained how the boys could go on a rampage. From his reports and dad's personal notes on them, it appears that after that investigation my parents were without doubt that those four golden spoon boys from Wassenaar drove Noah and Marie to their deaths. One of the papers even has the question written by my father: "Noah thrown off the balcony...?"


Somehow I knew it all, but not that it was that bad. It unleashes that big ball inside of me that's been there since Marie's death, resulting in me crying and crying and crying

All the sadness for her loss and for how things have been here since then come out. And after the sadness comes the anger, the chill at what people can do to each other and that they also get away with it. After which the next emotion arises: revenge. I want those four boys, all three of whom must be about my age by now, to suffer as my dear sister did. They will pay, and firmly too.

The next day I start working out my plan, which I also involve Vieve and Romée in, because I can't do it alone. They know my grief and when I tell them the whole story of how everything really happened, they of course agree to participate. I don't think I can have better sisters in revenge. We also immediately have a name, because Romée says that in her lectures they recently talked about the Greek Goddesses of Vengeance. Those Erinyes lived in the underworld and "came up" when a criminal had to be punished with their vengeance. Well, here we are, the Erinyes, the boys are going to have some fun.

By entering their names in the social media, we soon know everything about the four boys and it turns out that they now live together in an apartment here in our city of Amsterdam for their studies. We decide to first observe them as inconspicuously as possible for a few weeks and then catch them in our nets

Thank you for reading this story. It's something completely different, an article I recently read prompted me to do this. Not so romantic this time, but unfortunately these disrespectful things do happen. Since we all hope for justice when something bad happens to us, I thought it would be good to write about this.

X. Zazie

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