
Vacation Croatia

Hi everyone. I'm Tess and I chat with different people from time to time. Below is a story for me, my girlfriend Cindy and an exciting vacation. Have fun curious what you think, I'd love to hear it.

Kiss Tess

Finally the time has come, after much nagging and begging I finally get permission to go to Croatia with Cindy. I immediately call her with the good news. Cindy had long since received permission from her parents to go, but apparently my mother thought we were still too young at 16 to go on holiday together. Of course I understood her, nowadays you hear so many strange stories about young girls who are raped or worse - disappear - abroad, but we were ready, we wanted to go on holiday together, discover the world and enjoy being away without parents who have an opinion on everything. Cindy and I agreed to find a nice resort the next day and plan our vacation further.

The next day I was at Cindy's door early, we were both super excited and in our minds we were already on the beach in Croatia, but we hadn't got that far yet, we searched the internet for nice resorts and eventually found a suitable place. "Shall we book these?" Cindy asked, I immediately agreed. A beautiful resort on the coast, from the hotel there was a view over the beach and the sea, there was a large swimming pool and a large hall where we could sit in the evening. After reading the reactions we were completely convinced, it got good grades and it also turned out to attract quite a bit of youth, so we would certainly have some claim and make new friends. We fill in our details and with the last press of the button we had booked our holiday.

Two weeks later we are at Schiphol with packed suitcases, a last kiss and greeting to our parents and through the check-in gates we disappear from sight towards the plane. "I find it quite exciting." I say to Cindy "the first time flying, the first time on vacation without parents, but I'm really looking forward to being away for 10 days with you."

She agrees with my tension "I've never flown before Tess, I think it's getting a bit exciting now. What if something serious happens, then we'll be all alone." Our fears and worries vanish immediately as the plane takes its place on the runway and we are slightly pushed into our seats as the pilot gives full throttle for takeoff. More than 2 hours later we descend at the airport of Pula, despite having had some turbulence once, the journey went smoothly and we get into the van with our luggage that takes us to the hotel. We sit in the front of the bus and already look around to see what kind of people are going to the hotel, it is a bus full of Dutch people. Finally a man enters, he looks through the bus and is looking for the rest of the family. His wife and child are sitting a bit further back, but there is no room left there. He sits down next to me on the other side of the aisle and looks at both of us in surprise. "So, both ladies flew to Croatia alone" he starts to me. "That's right sir, we are on vacation without parents for the first time, and you." Haha laughs the man, "Just say you, I'm Kjeld by the way and my wife and child are further down the back of the bus." "Hello Kjeld, I'm Tess and this is my girlfriend Cindy, have you been to Croatia before?" Kjeld has been coming here for 4 years in a row and knows the area and beautiful places quite well. During the entire bus journey, Kjeld tells us where we should definitely go and what we should pay close attention to. He also gives a tip for the hotel, "if you leave an extra tip for the room girls and boys on the first few days, they will clean your room extra well and you will often get an extra towel or something, a lot of people tip at the end, but then they are often not as satisfied as the others."

When we arrive at the hotel, the whole bus empties, we thank Kjeld for his information and that we will probably meet on the beach or at the pool. I especially hope the latter, because I am impressed by its sporty build and it also has a very nice face.

The first two days fly by while we enjoy the beach and the pool. Everything about our holiday has been fantastic so far, the weather, the view, the food and Cindy and I are having a lot of fun together, especially when we notice that another group of guys are showing off at the pool to impress us. to make. Day 3 we booked an excursion that Kjeld recommended to us. With a number of Jeeps we go through the interior of Croatia and come to places where you would otherwise never come as a tourist. It's a great experience and he was right that we shouldn't have missed this. When we suddenly run into Kjeld and his family again in the evening at dinner, I make sure that during the next round of scooping up food that I am at the same time as him at dinner. I stand behind him and tap him on his broad shoulders, "hey, do you remember me, Tess from the bus." Kjeld looks around "I certainly remember you, you don't just forget such a sweet appearance" he says with a smile. I start to blush. "We went on an excursion with the Jeep today, you were right, it was really amazingly beautiful." "It's great that you enjoyed it, are you also enjoying the beach a bit?" he asks me. "It's even more beautiful here than in the pictures" and before I realize it I ask "are you never on the beach, I haven't seen you yet." I'm shocked by my own words, what must he think of me, a 16-year-old girl who would like to see a man of double age on the beach, the blush slowly turns into shame and I feel my cheeks turning red.

"We are on the beach every day, just not on the beach here in front of the hotel." View I think, a normal reaction, maybe it's not too bad how he feels about me, I think as he continues his sentence "we always walk about fifteen minutes from the hotel to the left, there is a quiet nudist beach where we like to lie. Sometimes we are the only ones there and it is nice and quiet. Come and have a look if you want, much better to relax than here among all those tourists." Seriously, he asks really seriously when we visit the nudist beach. I don't really know what to say to this and a stuttering and hesitant "who knows" follows from my mouth, surprised I walk back to Cindy to get rid of my 2nd plate of food, which suddenly seems to be a challenge now. because Kjeld's words are like a block on my stomach. "And how was Kjeld?" Cindy asks teasingly. I'm quiet for a moment, look at her and say softly "he invited us to have a look at the nudist beach, nearby and it turns out to be super quiet." Cindy's eyes widen and her cheeks begin to blush. Neither of us dares say another word about it. After a pleasant evening at the bar I'm lying in bed when I suddenly hear Cindy chuckling "you know Tess, I want to go to that beach tomorrow, I'm curious what your big friend looks like without clothes." Startled I jump up in bed "you want something!" I call to her. "Together to the nudist beach, if it is indeed so nice and quiet there, he will probably make less effort to impress than all those boys do here, since he is with his wife." I'm speechless, my girlfriend Cindy who is still too prudish to go to the toilet in a bikini now suddenly wants to go to the nudist beach with me. "I don't know, it really seems like a step too far" I answer her. Not that I mean that, I really want to go, but that shouldn't be so convincing.

"We'll talk about it tomorrow, good night," says Cindy and I also wish her a good night's sleep. Although I'm already quite tired I can't fall asleep, my mind keeps spinning and I keep seeing images of myself moving completely naked on a beach while all eyes are on me. Eventually I manage to fall asleep and dream softly away at the images that keep repeating themselves in my mind. The next morning at breakfast I know the question will come again; "And what will it be today" "I've thought about it for a while, but if you dare, we'll go to the nude beach together" is my answer. After breakfast I quickly go to our room and go to the shower. I undress, stand naked in front of the mirror and take a quick look when everything is ready for departure. I doubt whether I will leave the little pubic hair that is there or whether I will leave clean shaven. Cindy bangs on the door "what are you doing?" is the question that follows. "Honey, what do you think, should I shave my cunt or not?" I hear her laugh, "open the door, I need to do some touch-ups too." Without thinking about it, I unlock the door, Cindy enters and looks at me in amazement. "Wow, you could have said you were naked." I don't think she minded, but we had never really seen each other without clothes. "Yes, I told you I wanted to shave, so you should have known" without batting an eyelid, she steps next to me in front of the mirror and confidently takes off her clothes. I look at her beautiful body as she stands completely naked next to me, puts her foot on the edge of the bath and carefully starts to shave her pussy. She is even more beautiful naked than expected, she has a beautiful round buttocks, although I am also very satisfied with my own buttocks, but her breasts are certainly double mine. "What cup size are you" I ask carefully, "85C and you?" "Unfortunately I don't get further than 80B, but I'm satisfied with it, those big hanging things don't seem like anything to me either." When we both have shaved our pussy we look at each other, "who expects this, that we look at each other naked in the bathroom while we are shaving" Cindy smiles at me. We get dressed again and pack the necessary things for the beach "check beach towel, check sunscreen, check sunglasses, check bikini not necessary" and Cindy puts the same things in her bag. After a short walk we arrive at a rocky outcrop, Kjeld had already said that we could find a shortcut through the bushes and so we finally end up on the nudist beach. It is indeed almost completely empty, somewhere high against the bushes are a number of towels and 3 naked people are visible in the sea, at least 2 adults and a child. Further on, some people are sunbathing here and there and there is another couple playing badminton in the middle of the beach. We look at each other "Kjeld must be lying there when they are there in the sea" the moment I look towards the sea again I see that the couple with child is walking back towards the towels. "Hey, you found it" calls the man in question, now it's clear, that's Kjeld with his family. "Come and sit with us, then you are not so alone" he shouts over the beach to us. Now there is no way back and we slowly walk towards the towels where Kjeld and his wife and son have taken place in the meantime. "Let me introduce you to my wife Eva and our son Brian." We are kindly welcomed and although I still find it a bit exciting and unreal, I throw the bag down in the sand and put the towel down to sit on it. Cindy sits next to me and I'm actually surprised how easily she takes off her clothes. Her long dark blond hair flutters in the wind as she pulls her shirt over her face and without hesitation she undoes her bra and almost proudly shows both her beautiful breasts to Kjeld and Eva. She slides her short jeans over her hips with a few sultry movements and she lets the almost revealing tightness slide smoothly behind them. Completely naked, she sits down on her towel again and looks at me expectantly. "Well Tess, don't be so shy, hop, hop, get out of those pants. I would like to take off my clothes just as sensually as her, but somehow I notice that I'm too insecure about that. What makes me even more insecure is that I feel that while undressing Cindy I noticed that I got a moist pussy During the shave in the shower I couldn't take my eyes off her body and now that she has done such a subtle striptease I'm not even sure anymore if I prefer to look at her or at Kjeld. I try to take my mind off things and pull my shirt over my head. "Is the water cold?" I ask meanwhile to prevent all eyes from being on me and hopefully to disguise the fact that I've already gotten wet without having touched the water. Fortunately, Eva notices my uncertainty and knows what to do to help me. "Kjeld, go and feel if the water is still so nice and warm just now" Kjeld gets the hint and takes Brian under the arm and pulls a sprint to the sea. While this is a relief to me, I'm currently thinking more about a way to get Cindy out of here. Although I also like Eva's body I still have Cindy's undressing on my mind and I don't want her to see that I got turned on. "You go into the sea too" I suggest to her but she prefers to wait until I'm done too. Then there's nothing else to do and I'll hope it doesn't stand out.

While I unclip my bra and let it slide off my breasts, Eva stands up "I'm also going back into the water, then I'll see you in the sea in a bit." Now I'm disappointed that I didn't wear a skirt because then I could first take off my thong in the hope that it wouldn't stand out, but I opted for simple sports shorts and now they're going off too. A small damp stain is visible on the front of my thong and although I try to avoid it, a wisp of moisture still sticks to my wet cunt as I take off my thong. Although Cindy doesn't mention it I know she saw it, and I quickly fumble my thong in the bag, stand up and say "let's go in the sea." Of course I liked being in the sea now because then I could disguise everything again and no one had to see it. The water feels cold when I step into it and although I see that Kjeld has a negative physical effect on it, something is starting to grow in me. On my not too large breasts, it is immediately noticeable that my nipples swell up enormously when I am cold. They suddenly become huge compared to the breasts and I think this is the first time I have seen and felt them getting so big. "Cold isn't it?" Kjeld smiles at me, so it's clearly visible to everyone. Despite all that, I don't let myself be fooled and I try to behave as normally as possible. I must honestly say that I am also very comfortable in the presence of Kjeld and Eva, I don't feel uncomfortable at all anymore and we have a great time both in the water and on the beach. When it is a little after one o'clock and we have all eaten something, it turns out that it really took too long for Brian. Eva proposes to go to the hotel with him so that he can take an afternoon nap and then she will come back with him after that time. When Eva is dressed and has left the beach via the shortcut, Kjeld and Cindy decide to go into the water again.

"Go on, I'm going to enjoy the sun for a while" I report but apparently that doesn't suit Kjeld and he picks me up from my towel in one movement and throws me over his shoulder. His hand clamps tight against my ass so I don't bounce too much as he walks towards the sea. I see that Cindy has already walked a bit further ahead and lets me hear something towards Kjeld "mmm... firm grip, nice." Immediately he puts me down on the floor and looks at me in surprise "what do you mean?" Of course he also understands very well that as a minor girl I can make life very difficult for him now. "I enjoy your arm on my ass" I reply sending an air kiss to his face. Noticeably shocked he looks at me "so you don't mind that I picked you up and took you with me, it was obviously on a whim without me thinking about it." "No, I find it exciting to have an older man touching me, no one has touched me like this before." Okay, so this was a 'do or die' remark if it falls well there is nothing to worry about, if it falls wrong it's done with the fun. Without saying anything he picks me up again to take me to the water, but this time not by my ass to throw over his shoulder, this time the full hand grabs the inside of my groin and I feel his index finger pressing against my pussy as he takes me into a baby position. I wrap my arms around his neck and whisper in his ear "I want you to deflower me." I can feel his heart beating faster as I say it and I suspect more is reacting to my words as the strides get faster and bigger towards the water. In the water we have the usual fun again, we jump on each other and alternately we can stand on Kjeld's shoulders, after which he lowers himself into the water and jumps up with enormous force so that we are thrown off.

When we frolic and talk in the water for a while, I put on my naughty shoes. I need to know if Kjeld wants to go along with my proposal just now, I'm going to stand behind him, put my hands around his waist and grab his dick. He didn't see this coming but he doesn't protest either, slowly I feel pressure on his cock and when I move it back and forth a bit I have a hard cock in my hand in no time. It's exciting, especially for me because this is even the very first time I feel a hard cock. Now comes the most exciting part, because now there has to be a way to be with him so that I can explore his cock further and he can fuck me. But I know that Cindy really doesn't give us alone time because she knows very well what's going to happen and I'd rather not be busy while she's waiting for the towel. When I'm sure Kjeld's cock is hard enough not to fall off again in 5 seconds I jump on his back, wrap my legs around his waist and say "shall we go back to the bath towels." "Well, we better stay in the water Tess" is his response. To which I teasingly respond "do you have something to hide then?" I expected a lot but not the reaction he gave "yes right Tess, because there was just a sweet little girl who wanted to play with my young man for a while, and I don't think it's such a good idea that I have a boner dick and two 16 year old girls across the beach walk back to the towel, guess what." Cindy looks at me surprised "you have what?" My whole plan seemed to fall apart and although I enjoyed touching his cock it suddenly seemed like the worst idea I could have come up with. "Sorry Cindy" I respond, "Kjeld just made me really horny and I asked him to deflower me." So the high word was out, no matter how embarrassing it was to stand naked in the sea with a strange man and my best friend and talk about deflowering.

"And you are certainly the only one who wants to lose your virginity" is Cindy's response. The conversation suddenly takes a completely different turn and even Kjeld can't believe his ears. "Wait a minute, so I have two teenagers here who are now both indicating that they want to lose their virginity?" Wholeheartedly and in unison, we answer "yes" at the same time. It is quiet for a moment and I see Kjeld thinking "there is still a tiny cove here near those rocks, when the water is low like now there is a beach there, it does not give more space than 2 people, but if you really want this we can swim over now." Even before he gets an answer I dive towards the rocky outcrop to look for the beach, Cindy swims right after me and Kjeld now has to believe it to prove his words. It is indeed nothing in terms of space, at most you can lie next to each other with two people and that only takes a while because when the tide comes in again, this position is again one meter under water. Young and inexperienced as they are, we beg Kjeld who can have that big cock in her pussy first. "You have to be wet first, otherwise we can't start" and before we know it he stands between us and gives us both a wonderful finger fuck. Everything is new to me, I think I once fingered myself and that was half a year ago, then, because I had turned 16, I was allowed to drink for the first time on my birthday and that put me in bed at night decide to discover it. I had come and also thought it was a nice feeling to come, but I didn't like the fingering, so it stayed with that one time. Now I had two fingers in my cunt from a man who could have been my father in terms of age, and to make it even weirder next to me was Cindy with two fingers in her cunt from the same man. I have my eyes open and take everything in, I see Kjeld on his knees with a huge cock between his legs.

The 20cm wonder pole is ready to spoil us both, I look to the side where I see Cindy enjoying herself with her eyes closed. Her body slowly jerks back and forth and softly I hear her moan. I put my left hand on her right breast and start gently massaging her tit and nipple, this has an effect on her moans which slowly starts to get louder. Would she realize that I'm the one who spoiled her too, I wonder. The situation makes me very horny and I turn my upper body towards Cindy, now I grab her left breast with my right hand, put her right nipple in my mouth and start to suck it gently. She opens her eyes, looks deep into my eyes "you are a nice horny slut, you know that" she whispers softly to me as she closes her eyes again and fully enjoys how she is spoiled by a strange man and her best friend. Kjeld looks at me and gives me a signal with his head "come on, go and eat her on your knees and I will let you enjoy my hard cock." I don't have to think about that for long and before I know it I'm on my knees between Cindy's legs, while I lick her cunt and clit with my tongue I feel how a hard cock slowly finds its way into my cunt and two hands on my hips that determine the rhythm. Eating pussy and being fucked at the same time, I had imagined a lot about my defloration, but I never dared to dream this. I've never had sex before, and now I was doing it with a woman and a man at the same time, I don't know how I did it but it wasn't long before Cindy clamped her legs around my face, lifted her ass and with an intense groan indicated she had reached her climax. After she has come she opens her eyes "come on me honey" I crawl further up and lie on top of her, our breasts press against each other and Cindy starts kissing me.

First a normal kiss but before I know it our tongues touch and we have ended up in an intense french kiss. Behind me I still feel two strong hands on my ass, but that big cock has ended up in another pussy, Cindy's pussy. She moans and shouts that she wants all the cum. Kjeld listens to her wish and with a few heavy thrusts Cindy gets her pussy sprayed full. Kjeld's hands grab my waist and he turns you back on my back in the sand. "Shall I let you enjoy yourself too girl" is the last thing I hear before he starts licking my pussy. Cindy comes on her side next to me and this time it's my nipples that are being pampered. The intense feeling that tries to find its way into my stomach is the feeling of a hard orgasm. It's only my second orgasm in my life, but I already know that it's the best orgasm I'll ever have for the time being and probably forever. My body jerks violently and I feel the muscles of my pussy contract as I put my hands on Cindy's head. I want them to never stop, I want to keep this feeling forever, and then the orgasm comes from very deep and my whole body feels completely relaxed in one fell swoop from the huge moan with which I reach my climax. There are two teenagers who have just lost their virginity and an adult man of half thirty who has had the afternoon of his life, relaxing on the beach, the looks they give each other without saying a word. This trio will never forget each other. We decide to swim calmly back to the other beach, the water now feels like a wonderful cooling of the body and while everyone washes their body a bit clean, we slowly walk out of the sea again on our way to the bath towel without anyone being there who missed us.

Fifteen minutes later, a cheerful children's voice sounds through the bushes "Daddy, Daddy" it's Brian and they are back with Eva. The little boy jumps on his father's lap and no one shows any sign of what has happened. Life goes on and while Eva takes off her clothes Cindy and I fall on our backs on the towel, close our eyes and enjoy this wonderful summer day in Croatia.

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