
Vacation At Petertje - 1

Liza arrived in warm Miami. She was waiting for her suitcase and it had been more than half an hour now. She had already texted Petertje that she had landed. He would be waiting for her outside. She had known Petertje, or Peter, since birth. He was the first to come to the maternity visit when Liza was born and had become her godfather. Petertje and her father had been friends since childhood and had grown up together. He was always the smallest of the group of friends in the neighborhood and therefore became

little Peter

named. But even though Peter, after his growth spurt in puberty, had become the longest of the bunch of friends, people kept calling him Petertje, just like Liza.

Petertje had moved to Miami ten years ago to pursue his dream. He had set up an IT company that was taken over by a larger company from the United States, but he had stipulated that he would get a high position in the newly formed company. And that had done him no harm. It went so well that he eventually bought a beautiful house on the beach with four bedrooms, three bathrooms, a sauna and a swimming pool. All in all, Petertje had made it in the land of unlimited possibilities. Two years ago, Peter had invited her to his house for a little vacation, but then the pandemic hit and the whole country went into lockdown. And now there was finally the opportunity for Liza to go to her godfather.

Finally Liza had her suitcase, passed through customs and headed for the exit. Once outside she shielded her eyes from the bright morning sun. As she walked she only noticed that she had taken off her bra on the plane. When she got on the plane, she discreetly took off her bra and put it in her handbag. Normally she preferred not to wear a bra, but during a twelve-hour flight she didn't like that at all. Her flight was very comfortable. Peter had served her the best seat. Once the plane was airborne, she fell asleep. In between she had woken up to eat and drink something and then fell asleep again. She woke up just before the plane started to land. She hoped she wouldn't suffer much from a real jet lag.

Once outside, she saw Petertje standing in the full sun in a sleeveless shirt and swimming shorts. He was even bigger than she remembered. Liza estimated him around six feet tall, suntanned with a full head of blond hair, but she was even more impressed by his broad chest and broad arms. Hi Peter. she said before feeling his strong arms around her and her face pressed against his broad chest.

Jeez Liza, what a beautiful lady you have become. Peter said when he let go of her and looked at her for a moment. Luckily you look more like your mother than your father. He said and laughed loudly at his own joke. Let me take a good look at you. He took her hand and spun her around. How old are you now? 17?

16 replied Liza.

16? asked Peter in disbelief. Then you will have to beat the boys off of you

Liza blushed. That's not too bad.

I can hardly imagine that. Peter said as he took another good look at her from head to toe and back. He almost regretted not being 30 years younger, otherwise he would have known. Shall we go then? It's over an hour's drive. Peter packed her suitcase and together they walked to his pick-up truck.

During the ride Liza talked a lot about her parents, her brother, school, side job and sports. Peter listened to it all with pleasure and occasionally asked something. Sometimes he missed the Netherlands. It was all so neat, clean, tidy and uncluttered. His life, outside of the holidays, consisted only of meetings, dinners and computer work. He enjoyed how Liza talked about her life in his motherland. Every now and then he looked to his right and looked at his best friend's daughter, whom he unfortunately hadn't seen in years. He decided to visit his homeland again next year. When Peter looked at her, he saw her slender legs clad in tight jeans, her beautiful hips, slender stomach, and her full breasts bouncing with every bump in the road unbound by a bra. He saw her nipples poking through the thin fabric of her shirt. Peter? Are you listening? he heard her say. He had looked at her just a little too long and intently. Huh, so sorry. What did you say?

I asked how much longer? she asked.

Peter looked at the road. Oh, I think another fifteen minutes or so.

Good! Liza said. I feel like swimming.

That's totally fine. You've seen the photos of the house, haven't you? he asked.

So and or! Liza replied. We don't have those kinds of houses in our village

Peter laughed out loud. No, you certainly don't have them there.

They arrived a little later. Peter pressed a button on the dashboard, after which the gate opened. Peter sent the car onto the lot. Liza widened her eyes. Is this all yours?

Well and or. And this is just the front. He replied, then parked his pickup between his other two cars. They got out at the same time, Peter took her suitcase from behind and let Liza look at his cars. Then she walked across the neatly mowed lawn that lined the driveway. Incredible he heard her say.

Coming? Peter said as he walked to the front door. He opened the door, walked in with Liza in tow. Oh my god! Liza said with enthusiasm. It was cool and comfortable inside, much better than outside, at least when dressed. How beautiful! Liza said. She first walked into the spacious living room. On the wall hung a gigantic TV and all sorts of art and paintings. In the middle of the living room was a wonderful luxurious sofa in a U shape, with a glass coffee table. The large kitchen was fully equipped with a cooking island in the middle. Ha, my mother would be jealous of this.

I think so too. Peter said. Although I use it too little.

Do you never cook? she asked.

Rarely. I'm hardly ever home, except when I'm on vacation and then I usually have it delivered. Sometimes I have a cook come and cook for me and the visitors

I almost regret that you are not my father. Liza said.

You shouldn't say that. Your father takes very good care of you.

Lisa smiled. I know that too, but it all looks so beautiful. She turned and saw the swimming pool that was full of sun. With an accelerated pace she walked to the garden. Red-brown tiles surrounded the swimming pool with a neatly mowed lawn. There were beach chairs with umbrellas in various places and a large barbecue in the back. Liza stepped into the garden and dipped a hand into the cool water of the pool. She looked back at Peter who was approaching and smiled. I heard sea.

That's right. 200 meters away is the sea. Peter said.


Really. Peter replied. But come, I will bring you the guest room.

Peter led her upstairs and showed her the rest of the house before coming to the guest room. The guest room was also fully equipped and had its own bathroom. Here too, a large TV hung on the wall and in the middle was a wonderful, large, soft bed. Liza ran into the bedroom and jumped onto a soft mattress. She turned around giggling. I can get used to this. She said after she stopped giggling.

This is all for you in the near future. Peter said with a broad smile. If you unpack your things now and put on something comfortable, I'll see you downstairs.

Liza nodded and Peter turned and walked out of the room. She stored her clothes in the wardrobe, her makeup in her own bathroom, and her underwear in the chest of drawers. After she had changed into comfortable sports shorts and ditto top, she went downstairs where Peter was already waiting in the living room. On the coffee table were two yellow drinks in a champagne glass. He handed a glass to Liza and held up his own to toast. After they had toasted, they both took a sip while looking at each other. This contains alcohol! Liza said in surprise.

Yes, what else did you think? He asked.

I can't do that at all. And certainly not from my parents.

Do you see your parents anywhere? Peter looked around demonstratively. Here you can do whatever you want, but don't tell your parents. I don't feel like fussing.

Liza took another sip and smiled. Top. I will not tell.

A little later, after they had finished their drinks, Liza went back to the bedroom to change into a new bikini that she had picked out especially for this holiday. She had searched town and country and had finally found a few that suited her perfectly. For today, she searched for her favorite. It was a pink bikini with white dots. First she looked in the wardrobe, but couldn't find the bikini anywhere. Then she looked in the chest of drawers between her underwear, but the bikini wasn't there either. Finally, she checked to see if she had accidentally left her bikinis in her suitcase. To her horror, her suitcase contained nothing but air. FUCK! SHIT! Liza threw out a few more expletives.

She heard Peter storm upstairs. What is it? he said as he stormed into the room.

I forgot my bikinis. She looked at her open suitcase with tears in her eyes. She was so looking forward to swimming and chilling by the pool.

No right? Have you looked everywhere? No hidden compartments in your suitcase? Peter sympathized with her.

I checked everything. What should I do now? Disappointed, she sat down on the bed.

That is very unfortunate. We can go to the mall tomorrow. Then you can choose what you want. He tried to cheer her up a little.

But I want to swim now. Otherwise I have to wait until tomorrow.

Peter looked at her and felt for her. Then he suddenly came up with a solution. I'm sure I still have a bikini around here somewhere. It may not be all you, but it's better than nothing.

Liza's face brightened. Are you sure you still have a bikini somewhere?

I'm not sure, I'll have a look. Peter turned back and walked to the large walk-in closet. He was sure there must still be a bikini somewhere from one of the many free-ranges that had walked around here in recent years. Usually they were thin girls, model type, who liked to spend an evening with a rich man. Then the next morning he called a taxi to take the lady home. Usually the girls left some clothes lying around. At first he kept the clothes in case they came for the clothes, but eventually he had a closet full of women's clothes that he didn't use anymore. So he finally threw it away and never again kept the clothes the ladies left behind. But still, but still he had to have something lying around.

After some searching, he finally found a black bikini with a matching black thong. He couldn't remember the lady who had worn this bikini, but it didn't matter at the moment. Peter walked into the guest room with the bikini in his hand. He tossed the bikini onto Liza's lap. I hope you like it. I'll leave you alone for a while. Peter left the guest room, went down into the garden and sat down in a chair in the shade.

Liza undressed and put on the bikini. She looked at herself in front of the mirror in the bathroom. The bikini was way too small. The bottoms still fit, but the top offered almost no support and barely covered a quarter of her full and round breasts. When she left the guest room, she quickly grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her. Perhaps it would be better if she waited until tomorrow to swim, but first she wanted to know what Peter would think.

Wrapped in a towel, Liza went downstairs to Peter, who was sitting outside. She walked into the large garden, she heard the sea again. I think it's too small. Liza said as she stood in front of Peter.

Let's see, maybe it won't be too bad.

Liza opened the towel revealing her full breasts in the much too small top. Peter started to laugh. It is indeed much too small. Sorry darling I don't have anything else.

Liza didn't like his laughter and threw back the towel. I really hate this. How could I be so stupid as to forget my bikinis? I bought a few new ones especially for this holiday.

Sorry for laughing so. Peter looked serious again. Show me again.

Again she opened the towel and watched Peter's reaction. He actually thought it looked exciting, but of course he could never tell her that. You know what? You can do it for an afternoon. No one can see you.

Are you sure? she asked.

Yes, of course. It would be a shame if you can't swim and have to wait until tomorrow, right?

Maybe you're right. Liza replied.

Take a spin.

Liza dropped the towel on the floor and spun around. Peter first looked at her full buttocks in the shorts that just fitted. Then he looked at the clasp of the bikini that was barely holding. On closer inspection, it's not too bad. He thought she looked better than many a lady who had walked around here.

You're not just saying that to make me feel comfortable, are you? she asked.

Peter looked at her mockingly. How long have you known me Liza? You trust my judgment, don't you?

Sorry Peter, I didn't mean it that way.

No problem girl. Now come and have a nice swim.

Relieved by Peter's remark, she walked quickly to the pool. At first she felt the water with her foot. It was cool to the touch, but was a nice change from the hot sun beating down on her back. Liza pushed off, pinched her nose with her thumb and forefinger and jumped into the cool water that felt wonderful around her warm body. She ended up on her feet in the two meter deep pool, after which she pushed off and swam up. Once at the top, she immediately felt the warm sun on her face and took a deep breath. Peter had walked to the edge of the pool and was looking at his best friend's daughter. And? How are you?

Delicious! Liza replied, after which she started to float on her back. What she didn't realize, however, was that the top had half slipped off. Her left breast and nipple were still fairly covered, but her right nipple was clearly visible. Unconsciously, Peter licked his lips at the sight of her exposed nipple that looked perfect. A perfect areola with a large nipple on top made his blood boil. He wasn't sure if he should say anything about it, but decided against it to make the situation even more uncomfortable for her.

Peter turned around, walked in and came back with two new drinks. He sat on the edge of the pool with his legs in the water and handed her a glass as she swam over to him. She still hadn't realized that part of her top had come down completely. Liza took two large gulps after which she gave the glass back to Peter and continued to float on her back. Peter now had a beautiful image on her partly bare breasts that floated on the water like two buoys. Ooh, I can get used to this. Liza said with satisfaction. Me too, Peter wanted to say, but he wisely kept his mouth shut.

Suddenly Liza dived and came up between his legs. Her half-bare breasts rubbed against his shins. Again he handed her the glass again and looked from above at her perfect breasts, unwittingly staring at them. Liza set the glass down next to him, planted her elbows on his knees and pulled herself up a little. What are you looking at? she asked seriously.

Well Liza, see for yourself. He replied, nodding at her breasts.

She looked down and saw her bare breasts. Shit! She slid back into the water and straightened her top. Has it been like this all along?

I just saw it. Peter lied. But hey, that's not something I've never seen with other women. And if I may be so bold. They look beautiful.

Thanks Liza said, not knowing if this was a compliment or more bragging from Peter. That was a bit weird, wasn't it?

What's weird? Peter asked.

That I swam half naked through your pool.

Peter smiled. You know girl, it's not all that bad. For all I care, you swim naked here. I do that sometimes. There is complete privacy here, no one says what I can and cannot do in my own swimming pool, let alone in my own house.

Do you really?

What am I really doing? Peter answered the question with much the same question. Seeing how far he could go.

Well. Liza began. Swimming naked.

Every now and then. It actually feels pretty good. Peter smiled at her. I sometimes do it myself in the sea further on.

You are kidding?

Why would I joke about that? Now he looked at her seriously. There are entire tribes that do nothing but recreate naked. Unfortunately, here in the US they are very prudish, but in Europe there are many nude recreation places. I've been on a few. And again it feels pretty nice.

So, if I want to swim naked here, I can?

Yes of course. And as we say here in the US

knock yourself out


Aren't you going to stare at me all the time? Liza secretly wanted to try it. She had heard from friends that they had done that on vacation, but Liza had never known if she would dare to do it herself.

I promise I won't stare at you. And if you don't like it, you put everything back on and we'll buy you some nice new bikinis tomorrow. At this, Peter got up from the pool edge and turned around. Try it first, I won't look and won't turn around until you let me.

Liza was still unsure what to do, but decided to give it a shot anyway. First, she peeled the top off her naked body and laid it on the edge of the pool. Then she took off the bikini bottom. For the first time in her life, as far as she knew, she was naked in a swimming pool. She bobbed it around a bit to get used to the feel. And it actually felt pretty good.

And how does it feel? She heard Peter ask.

Lisa smiled. Very well, I think.

Peter smiled. He hadn't planned this at all when he invited Liza, but it was a nice touch. The blood rushed to his crotch and hoped it wouldn't show too much if she allowed him to turn around. Can I turn around? Or rather not?

You can. Liza was shocked by her own reaction. At this, Peter turned around. Liza immediately felt his gaze on her naked body. Feels good huh?

Actually yes. She said and after she got used to his gaze on her she swam away, giving Peter a good view of her buttocks. He desperately wanted to jump in the pool with her, but he didn't want to intrude. Peter sat back down on the edge of the pool with his legs in the water. He looked at Liza with interest, but hopefully not too much. He tried not to look at her too much and occasionally tried to look away, but his gaze was drawn to her naked body. Can you see it? He heard her say and was awakened from his daydream.

Sorry Liza, it's not every day that such a beautiful girl swims naked in my pool. It was a small lie, but it would be better if she didn't know everything about the ladies who regularly floated around naked.

Liza smiled at his answer. Why don't you join?

Oh, I don't know. What will your father say about this?

Liza looked around demonstratively. Do you see my father anywhere?

Peter smiled at her comment. She had bounced back pretty much the same comment he had made earlier today. You're right. Peter took off his shirts, tossed them on the lawn, and headed for the pool. He was just about to start making a bomb when he heard Liza say: Stop!

What is it? he asked.

It's not fair.

What not?

I'm naked and you're not. That's not fair.

I don't think your father would like that.

Do you see my father somewhere. Again she looked around demonstratively. Peter could do nothing but agree with her. But now he felt uncomfortable. He could never jump into the water naked with his best friend's naked daughter, could he? But he couldn't keep himself dressed while she was naked in the pool. That wouldn't be fair indeed. He grabbed the waistband of his swimming shorts and pulled it down in one jerk. His shorts landed next to his shirt on the lawn. Before he pushed off, he looked at Liza's face, which looked at him in disbelief. He had seen this look before and it was still fun. He jumped up and made a little bomb just two feet next to Liza. Water splashed up right in her face.

Peter came above the water and rubbed the water from his face and hair. The water made his muscular body glisten in the sun. He opened his eyes and smiled at Liza, but suddenly Liza splashed water in his face and swam away. She splashed more water in his face with her feet and he couldn't help it. He swam after her. Luckily it wasn't too big a pool and soon grabbed one of her feet and pulled her towards him. Peter dragged Liza through the pool underwater, she had almost no way to catch her breath. Finally he let go of her, Liza came up coughing and spluttering. Water was in her eyes and nose and just after she opened her eyes, Peter splashed water in her face again. This time he swam away and Liza swam after him. Every time she thought she had caught him, he slipped away again. But after many attempts, she finally grabbed his foot and wouldn't let go. Now she was in control, she thought. Peter thought otherwise, he took her other hand and pulled her towards him. Liza bumped into him, crushing her full breasts against his muscular chest. Peter felt her hard nipples press against him. Again he felt the blood rush to his crotch. On the one hand he wanted to push her away and forget all this, but on the other hand he wanted to grab her even tighter and hold her tighter. He hesitated for a moment, but his body bubbled.

Liza saw the doubt in his eyes. She felt that way too, though she knew it was wrong. She pressed herself tightly against him. Her hand slid further under the water and found his hardening cock. She saw and heard Peter moan as her hand grabbed his cock. Don't Liza. He said, panting. This is not possible

But Liza couldn't be stopped anymore. The moment she saw his cock for the first time she was hooked. It was big, no gigantic. She had had sex with 3 different guys, but none of them had thought of her. Often they were ready in minutes and left her unsatisfied. And none of them had such a device as Peter. She hadn't seen it in its full glory yet, but what she felt with her hand amazed her. She ran her hand over the soft skin of his cock, felt the swollen veins running over his cock and finally grabbed his head. It felt big, the size of a small tennis ball. As she slid her hand over his cock she heard Peter panting.

Peter pushed her back until her back touched the edge of the pool. Liza could hear him panting harder the longer she played with his cock. Suddenly Peter grabbed her hips and lifted her onto the edge of the pool. Her naked pussy was right in his field of vision. With his hands he slid down her wet thighs towards her pussy where he pushed her lips apart. A shudder ran through her body as his fingers touched her pussy. Peter looked up at Liza and then moved forward. Just before he touched her lips he licked his lips. He felt the warmth radiating from her pussy. He looked up one more time before closing his lips around her clit. Liza moaned in pleasure.

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