
Through The Window - 1

Inspired by LotteKink and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EK4E9nCeYI

Thank you for putting this right today. You are a valuable member of our team.The words of Walter, the company's CEO, echoed in Willem's head. How many times had he heard them? For his boss it had become a mantra that he pronounced without any feeling and therefore without batting an eyelid.

It was true that Willem was single and that no one was waiting for him at home, but he felt that this was used very frequently. Above all, he felt like the much too good employee of the team. Not that it really bothered him.

He knew that his colleagues adored him. In fact, he was often better able to continue working after office hours than during. For some reason, he was the person most colleagues turned to when they couldn't get a problem resolved.

In any case, Willem had helped Walter once again by taking over the preparations for the important client meeting the next morning.

Another oft-heard one-liner came to his mind: a good manager is someone who can delegate. If his boss was good at anything, it was indeed delegating. In fact, he was so good at it that most of them didn't realize they had extra work shoved down their necks. On the other hand, he also created a good atmosphere in the company. So Willem didn't want to complain at all.

Willem concluded the presentation with a satisfied feeling and poured the last remnants of the cold coffee down his throat. A glance at the clock on his task bar showed that it was already eight thirty. He opened the Uber Eats app on his mobile phone and ordered a takeaway pizza from the eatery near his flat.

Only then did he notice that dusk had set in. He was all alone in a dark and deserted room on the ninth floor of an office complex.

Quietly he turned his office chair and looked outside. A few years ago he would have had a beautiful view of the city. The city council of the university city was fully committed to tourism, so that the most beautiful buildings were enchantingly illuminated as soon as the sun sank below the skyline.

Unfortunately, they had also invested in the construction of modern student housing. A few months ago, his view had been obscured by a 15-story student dormitory building. They all had large windows with sun-resistant glass, so that it was not possible to look in.

At least that was the case during the day. Now Willem saw some of the boxes light up. He could see into the rooms where the light was turned on.

Without dwelling on the voyeuristic aspect, he let his gaze glide over the mini-worlds.

He saw a boy sitting at a table, bent over his laptop, occasionally leaning to the side to write something. Only those few movements broke through the idea of ​​a still life. Willem felt a peace descend over him.

A few windows away, a boy and two girls stood in the doorway. The boy had a cupcake in his hand with a lit candle. A third girl smiled at her visitors and skipped towards them. After she had blown out the candle, there was an extensive hug. The joy radiated from the scene.

Willem moved his head further in the direction of the next light plane. Halfway through, he stopped. He looked at a room that was not as brightly lit as the other rooms. Only a standing lamp provided some dimmed light. It was because of what he saw that he had stopped abruptly.

A young woman in a long dress stood with her back to him. That in itself would not be so special. However, she was standing just in front of the lamp, revealing her silhouette through the thin fabric of her dress.

William held his breath. This unexpected revelation was a sight to behold. He stared at her unabashedly. Not that he made much effort, but Willem could not tear himself away from this image that held him captive. He didn't want to look away either. It was so beautiful. So sensual. So intimate.

His eyes followed the contours of her body, which looked more graceful than the dress itself suggested. From her legs he followed the paths of her thighs outlined in the light. They leaned towards each other.

Suddenly Willem opened his mouth and gasped aloud. It wasn't that he had forgotten to breathe. But where he saw her thighs meet, it looked like she wasn't wearing any panties. The distance between the two windows was far enough for doubt. However, his imagination ran away with him.

A wave of excitement washed over him. Somewhere there was a rational voice trying to rise above the storm in his head, shouting that it was only appearance, that the chances of her actually not wearing any underwear were extremely minimal. William ignored it.

He knew all too well the increasing pressure he felt in his jeans. He was in control. Even if he wasn't alone. Among colleagues and friends, or just in public, he had enough self-control to control his baser urges.

But now he was alone. The girl he was looking at was oblivious to anything. Who was he hurting by looking at her anyway?

With a simple movement of his hand, Willem moved his steadily growing cock to give him a little more room. While control of his body was slowly being taken over by his second brain, this would suffice for now. Besides, he didn't expect much more to happen. He had no idea what the girl was doing there, but as soon as she moved, the magic would dissolve into nothingness. Then he'd go home, eat his pizza dello chef, and probably forget about her by then.

And then she moved. However, it was not what Willem had expected. She didn't leave, she didn't look for anything in one of the drawers of the low cabinet against the wall, she didn't sit on the low two-seater.

No, she slowly and sensually began to rock her hips. The rest of her body followed the slow-motion dance like the expanding ripples after a pebble was thrown into the water. Her arms found their own way. They looked like two snakes performing their own sultry dance under the hypnosis of the fakir's flute.

Willem's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. This was the most exciting thing he had ever seen. Even if he couldn't see through her clothes, his eyes would have sucked on her like leeches.

Although Willem couldn't hear the music the young woman was dancing to, it didn't look strange. In fact, out of nowhere, the melody of Lovely by Billie Eilish popped into his head. Her movements made sense. Or his head made it throb.

Witnessing something very personal only heightened the excitement.

The woman began to twirl in the daze of her dance. Slow and flowing. Willem's gaze went up. He wondered what she would look like. His gaze lingered on her breasts, the outline of which he saw through the backlight of the floor lamp.

There was a short circuit in his head. She had no bra on. He was sure. No doubt this time.

His logical thinking had been switched off for a while. The question whether his senses were not fooled by his own desire was not asked. Willem wanted her to be naked under the dress, so he saw it that way.

He rose from his office chair and stood in front of the large window. Only the stained glass window and the yawning depth in front of him stopped him from getting closer.

In his mind, however, he was right in front of her. He stretched out his arm and touched her. With his fingertips he sought the softness of her breast, caressed her stomach, felt her hips. But all he felt was the cold hardness of the glass.

Meanwhile, she stood with her face turned to him. She stood there like that, as if she had turned just for him. Her dance didn't stop. Sultry she kept moving to the subdued music in his head.

The twilight was just enough to make out the features of her face. He found her enchantingly beautiful.

Long light brown hair with a touch of red curled around an open face. She had closed her eyes. A divine smile proved that she was all in her modesty. She clearly felt at one with herself.

She also felt excited. The breasts that Willem himself had just touched in his imagination were now touched by her hands. He had been too engulfed in his horniness to notice the transition from the intimate dance to this erotic self-aggrandizement.

What he saw, however, was no shameless lust. This was something bigger, something more meaningful. It was a ritual rite in which the goddess of femininity was honored.

One hand slid down between her breasts. He knew what would happen now. Her hand would pull up the dress, he would finally see her naked pussy, her hand would slide between her legs, touch her wet slit and explore her cave.

This thought turned him on so much that his already erect cock reached a new state of hardness. He felt trapped in a cage that was much too small and cried out for liberation. Willem's hand made the same descent as the woman in front of him. He unbuttoned his pants, zipped down the buttonhole, and lifted the top of his panties over the throbbing cockhead, whipping it to find release.

However, his desire was not fully fulfilled. The hand did not pull the dress up. She did, however, push the fabric between her legs, just below her triangle. The movements that the hand made, still in time with the music that meanwhile blared loudly through his head, left no room for misunderstanding. The hand slid back and forth over the slit that was unmistakably there. The other hand kneaded the breasts alternately hard and soft.

Suddenly the woman threw her head back. Her mouth opened. It was inevitable that a moan had rolled over those luscious lips.

Willem wrapped the fingers of his hand around the club that shook from side to side in front of his belly with every movement.

In the evening in his bed he sometimes dared to look up the slow pleasure. Stimulated by horny films, but also more often by horny stories, he liked to walk across the border to the point of no return. The longer he managed to delay this, the more intense and violent his orgasm was.

Now he didn't think about this. He wanted to release the almost unbearable pressure in his stomach, balls, and bazooka. His hand moved up and down.

It wouldn't take long. He already knew that. He didn't mind. This was just way too horny.

He closed his eyes. Faster and faster went his hand, bigger and more pressing became the pressure. He felt the fire in his balls reach the gunpowder that would cause the inevitable explosion.

He gasped for air. His eyes opened. He wanted to look at the woman at the moment when his semen was offered for her.

At the moment the white liquid shot against the window, Willem let out a scream. It wasn't the sweltering sensation of cumming. It was because the woman herself was now staring at him with her eyes wide open. She no longer danced, she no longer stroked herself, she stood motionless and looked straight at him.

William didn't dare move. With his hand still wrapped around his cock, he stood frozen in front of the window. Could she see him? That was not possible. He was completely in darkness.

Ping! He heard the sound of an incoming mail. He turned his head to the right and saw the light from his monitor hitting the side of his body. It was a soft light. Was it enough for her to see him standing there?

With lightning speed he inhabited his screen and turned it off. Cautiously he looked back at the window with the young woman. It was now dark in the room.

He felt ashamed. Not because he was caught. Because he could imagine how she must feel. Watched, violated her privacy, assaulted by a pervert.

He quickly cleaned up the traces of his sin and washed his shriveled little worm at the sink of the toilet. He shut down his computer and devastated went home. His ordered pizza would be getting cold by now. But he didn't mind. There was a word for that: karma!


Lotte huddled on her bed. She relived the events of the night in her head.

She had gone out for a drink with her best friend Amy after class. She had been telling the whole time about her latest conquest. How he had blindfolded her the night before. How he had tied her arms and legs to the bars of her bed. How he'd teased her with his hands, his mouth, and his cock, until she yelled at him to fuck her now or it wouldn't be his best day.

A slumbering horniness had seized her. She felt a wet spot in her shorts. Her abdomen tingled. Or had it been her pussy?

She had just turned on the radio and turned the floor lamp in her room to a mood light when a text message came in from Amy.

Now it's my turn.

She sent a photo of a boy tied to a bed. He was only wearing underpants that couldn't hide the size of the cock underneath.

The photo acted like a fire accelerator, igniting the pilot light Amy had ignited with her story. Just then, a Billie Eilish song had blared over the speakers. It was calm and penetrating. It gave her goosebumps.

She closed her eyes and let herself go completely. The music, the horniness and her fantasy determined her further actions. She locked herself in a cocoon of tenderness. All she knew was that she was enjoying herself. Husband.

With the last notes of the music she had opened her eyes. In the office complex across the street, she had seen the vague forms of a man. Right in front of her. He couldn't help but watch her satisfy herself. From the meager movements she could see, it looked like he was jerking off to her.

She had screamed. She had turned off the light. She was huddled on her bed.

Her thoughts and emotions flew in all directions. She felt caught, dishonored, dirty. And God, how horny she felt.

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