
Thirza On The Nudist Beach

With the summer in her head, Thirza looked outside. It was twenty-seven degrees Celsius and there was a clear blue sky above the earth. From the neighbour's garden came the sound of a cup being placed on the table. Her eyes turned to the side and she watched as the neighbor relaxed on a garden chair. With that cup of coffee she was probably enjoying it to the fullest.

Thirza sniffed the fresh air from outside and looked again at the other gardens. There, too, some neighbors were enjoying the warm summer weather. Silently Thirza stepped back. She was happy and at the same time a little disappointed that none of the neighbors had seen her; after all, she was standing in her bedroom without clothes. On the one hand she liked it because it prevented awkward situations, on the other hand it did not satisfy her exhibitionist side.

She had been curious about exhibitionism for a few months. It had started after watching a porn movie in which a couple having sex was watched on a beach. She then searched for more videos in which women showed themselves in public. It had made her curious about what it must be like to feel those eyes burning on her body.

Standing in front of the wardrobe, she thought about what she would wear that day. Given the temperature, it wouldn't be much. She also lived alone and did not expect any visitors. She took a dress from the closet and pulled it over herself. With a naughty feeling she left her lingerie in the closet. When she stood in her small garden a little later, she felt the wind blowing past her pussy. She noticed that her libido started to play up and got an idea to explore her sexual desires further. She looked up the nearest nudist beach on her mobile and looked at the route. That afternoon she drove there.

Although it was busy in the parking lot near the beach entrance, she managed to get a parking space. The entrance led to a normal beach where people walked around dressed, but she didn't have to walk far to enter the nudist beach. From the top of the entrance, she could already see the naked people lying in the distance. The idea that she would show herself naked to a large number of people for the first time there already started to itch between her legs. Despite the heat, she quickly headed that way.

Just past the sign that indicated where the nudist beach began, doubts set in. As the moment approached, things got tense. For a moment she hesitated whether to continue walking, but she knew she would regret turning back afterwards. She took a deep breath, waited a few seconds, and blew the air out of her body again.

Here we go

She walked on and passed the first naked people. The fact that she herself was still wearing a dress almost gave a feeling of pressure on her body. The faster she walked to a place where she thought she would like to lie down. She looked around and set her bag with bottled drinks, a towel and some other supplies on the sand. The first eye contact had already been made with a lady lying a little further away, although she turned her head before Thirza did. The latter gave Thirza a push, as if it was confirmation that it was okay to be naked. The most normal thing in the world.

The dress went over her head, after which she resolved to keep looking at her bag for the first few seconds. With one hand she held the garment while the other pulled out a towel. She put the dress deep in the bag and spread the towel over the beach. When she sat down on it she was pleased with the choice she had made earlier in the day; she had brought her softest towel. She kicked off her slippers, after which she took the time to absorb the people around her. In her view, most of them were already a bit older, say past 50, and did not particularly appeal to her. Despite the exhibitionism she had in her, she preferred to be watched by people around her age or slightly older. The question of where to draw the line flashed through her mind. She herself was 22, so she thought of a maximum age of 26.

"Okay, maybe thirty," she thought when she saw a handsome man about that age lying down the road. As she looked at him, his head turned in her direction. Proud as she was of her body, she stared at him until he looked away. The feeling she got from it was a confirmation of her naughty thoughts. She really enjoyed being watched and felt the tension ease.

She felt like drinking so she took a bottle of water from the bag. After a few sips, she slathered herself with sunscreen. Especially the places that did not often come into the sun were rubbed with an extra layer. She put on her sunglasses and, leaning back on her elbows, watched the people passing by.

Especially those who walked in clothes gave her exciting looks. Often it was lost beachgoers who had missed the sign or people who walked on to another stretch of beach. Thirza didn't much care what they came to do; if only they looked at her. She deliberately spread her legs as a younger couple walked by and saw their faces stare at her just a little longer from behind her sunglasses. Hand in hand, the couple walked on, but the man could not resist looking back again. He seemed to pay less attention to the other naked people he walked past. Thirza stared after the couple and saw them moving on to the next beach entrance. She wondered if the couple had deliberately chosen to walk through the nudist beach. She would never get the answer to that question.

The excitement and the naked bodies around her kept the excited feeling present. Unknowingly, her hand slid to her thigh and from there to her groin. She really couldn't resist feeling it for a moment. At the first touch she realized how wet she had become. She looked down and saw her fingertip gleaming in the sunlight. In her mind she brought her fingertip to her mouth and only then realized what she was doing. Looking around, she made eye contact with a woman a little further away. Somewhat embarrassed, Thirza looked away, although at the same time it excited her that the woman had seen her like this.

A few seconds later, Thirza looked in her direction again. The woman, whom she estimated to be about 25, looked down at her book. She lay on her stomach, propped up on her elbows. Her breasts were clearly visible between her head and the book. Thirza stared a little too long and was caught. The woman looked up and they made eye contact again. This time, however, Thirza decided not to look away; instead she moved her leg so that the woman had a clear view of Thirzas intimate area.

Because the woman turned her eyes back to her book, eye contact was broken. Thirza almost regretted it and deliberately remained in the same position. When the woman hadn't looked again after a few minutes, Thirza decided to fall back and lay flat on her back. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the sun.

A moment later Thirza opened her eyes and looked sideways. Apparently she had fallen asleep for a while because more people had settled around her that she hadn't consciously heard walking past. As she took a sip of water, she looked at the woman. She was still lying on her stomach and reading from her book. Thirza realized that she was staring again and shifted her eyes. She saw all kinds of people around her. Slim, full, tall, short, young, older and with different skin tones. Still, most of them were somewhat older and most were white, though often well tanned. Thirza visited everyone and tried to imagine what the reasons for all those people would be to go to a nude beach.

When she arrived at the umpteenth thoughts, her gaze met that of a man. She had seen him lying before, but then paid no attention. However, something in his eyes managed to get her attention during the contact. Her eyes didn't move from his until the man was tapped on the shoulder. It was his wife who had been lying next to him all this time. Thirza couldn't understand what she was asking him, but judging by the man's movement, it was about something in the bag. He got up and rummaged in the plastic bag next to him. In the meantime, a colossus dangled between his legs that you could say yourself to.

Fuck Thirza heard herself think. She was used to her exes, but that man nevertheless surpassed her most well-endowed ex-boyfriend. It increased her excitement. Thirza tried to look inconspicuous but noticed too late that he was spinning. She turned her head and looked at the sea with embarrassment. The sound of the waves made her relax.

She knew he had seen her and was very curious how long he watched. Quicker than she wanted to, she turned her head back to his side only to discover that his girlfriend was now looking at her too. Subconsciously, Thirza bit her lip. Pretending nothing had happened was no longer an option. It had been too obvious that she was watching them. She saw the man move his lips and after the last word the woman laugh. What would they talk about? Thirza was sure it was about her and got up. She sat upright on her towel so her nipples were clearly visible. She could feel their eyes burning on her skin it seemed. Blushes appeared on her cheeks.

Fuck she thought.

Because it was the first time she had been looked at like this, she felt the adrenaline racing through her whole body. Her heart beats in her throat. Before she knew it, her head turned as red as a tomato. Thirza breathed in through her nose and out through her mouth. She had to calm down. Hoping it would help, she turned over and lay down on her stomach. She folded her arms over each other to serve as a natural support. With her eyes closed, she tried to relax, though she couldn't take her mind off the fact that she was being watched. Full of excitement, she moved her bottom back and forth to find a more relaxed position. The only thing she achieved with that, however, was that she spread her legs further. She felt that either the couple or the woman from earlier probably looked straight between her legs. She didn't know if that was the case. It wasn't even about that; after all, it was about the feeling that she was being watched. As long as she had that feeling, the excitement kept rising.

Because of the state she was in and the murmur of the sea, she hadn't heard anyone approaching her from behind.

Sorry, can I ask you something? Thirza heard behind her.

She turned her head and saw the woman standing in front of her. From below she had a great view of her labia where not a single hair could be seen. Her gaze shot up through her breasts until she met the woman's eyes.

Uhm, yes of course Thirza answered softly.

I've seen you lying around for a while and saw you put on some sunscreen earlier this afternoon. I was wondering if your back is done? I know from experience how difficult it is to properly lubricate all the spots. The woman told me.

Thirza did her best to keep looking the woman in the eye and was silent for two seconds.

Now that you mention it, I really couldn't have done that. I haven't thought about it since I greased the front.

Shall I do you a favour? The woman winked.

Thirza's eyes darted for half a second to the couple ahead. However, they were busy with each other and paid no attention to Thirza. She immediately began to doubt whether the couple had actually looked at her when she had laid down on her stomach.

Surely Thirza replied. She took a bottle of sunscreen from her purse and handed it to the woman. Before she lay back down she took another sip of water as the woman next to her sank to her knees in the sand.

I'm Nadine by the way said the woman.

Thirza They shook hands.

Thank you for this, Thirza said before she sank down on her towel. The woman, Nadine, said nothing back. All Thirza heard was the sound of an almost empty bottle being squeezed and the murmur of the sea in the background. Seconds later, the first drop of sunburn sent a shiver down her spine. She surrendered to the feeling and relaxed. She closed her eyes.

Is this your first time here? Nadine asked to break the silence.

Yes. Does it stand out? asked Thirza back. Her eyes opened even though she couldn't see Nadine without turning around.

A little. Everyone who is here for the first time looks around a lot. The more you have been to a nudist beach, the more you get used to the naked people around you.

Even if those people have such huge cocks? Thirza wondered quietly.

I also thought it was exciting for the first time or think... she said.

Nadine chuckled. It reminded her of the first time she herself had been to a nude beach. At first she had been terrified of anyone seeing her body. She told how that had been for her. Thirza listened carefully and recognized some of the things Nadine said.

Nadine's hands, meanwhile, rubbed the sunscreen over Thirza's lower back. And fell further over her body. As if they had known each other for a long time, Nadine massaged the sunscreen over her buttocks and did not hesitate to rub everything in between the buttocks as well. Thirza found it tense and gasped as she felt Nadine's fingers move close to her anus.

She felt the tension ease as Nadine dropped a line of sunscreen down her legs and began to spread. Nadine's fingers descended down both sides of her legs to her ankles. From there they came up again to distribute the sunburn especially between her legs. Thirza felt Nadine's hands rub up and felt a tingling pull from her fingers towards her intimate area. Unconsciously she pushed her buttocks up a little bit, which was noticed by Nadine.

Nadine watched Thirza's buttocks move slightly as her hands moved closer to her cunt. She deliberately slowed down the pace at which her fingers stroked Thirzas skin, allowing her to enjoy the view a little longer. Although she hadn't walked over to Thirza about this, she couldn't suppress her own desires. She began to do her best to make the rub last as long as possible and even slipped back a bit. As if she had forgotten a place, she stroked back down to turn back from Thirza's knee. If she did it again it would be too noticeable so she stroked her fingers even closer to Thirzas lips than before. She watched closely as her fingers moved close to Thirza's glittering lips. Excruciatingly slowly, she continued to caress until she felt she had had everything several times. Both women's hearts pounded in their throats. Nadine brought her fingers to the buttocks and slid down the seam again. She just couldn't resist and slipped a phalanx between her lips.

Thirza couldn't hold it anymore and moaned softly. She bit her lip to cover up the sound but knew Nadine must have heard her. She lay dead still, afraid she would startle Nadine with a movement. It was as if neither of them realized where they were anymore.

Extremely slowly, Nadine moved her finger between Thirza's lips. A jolt of Thirza's body and a soft moan indicated that she had found the right place. Very calmly Nadine touched her clit. She listened attentively to Thirzas moans.

In an effort to suppress the moans, Thirza took a finger between her teeth. It barely worked. Because the thought came up that she might be being watched, she couldn't contain herself any more and decided to let herself go. It was perhaps less than three minutes before Thirza lost control of herself and an intense orgasm rippled through her body. The orgasm threw her completely off the map and made all boundaries disappear like snow in the sun. With her back arched, she pressed her buttocks up in the hope that Nadine's finger on her clit would feel even more intense. It worked. Her fingertips moved even faster than before. The nice feeling continued until her clit became too sensitive. Thirza pressed her legs together and grabbed Nadine's wrist behind her back. Thirza's forehead pressed against the towel for a few seconds. Then she turned around and looked up with a horny look. She noticed that Nadine looked at her with blush on her cheeks. Thirza herself also felt her cheeks glow. She got up and looked around. Only then did she notice how many people had watched her. With a double sense of shame and excitement, Thirza burst out laughing. All emotions came out when Thirza suddenly realized what she had done. For a group of complete strangers she had herself fingered on the beach!

Nadine understood her completely and laughed along with her. They gave each other a hug and looked at each other.

Welcome to the nudist beach Nadine said in a sultry tone.


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