
Then But Without...

If there is another good song after this, let's dance, Victor says to Vera. And as Real mother for ya moves towards the end, the trumpet from the intro of Funkin for Jamaica sounds in the background. They look at each other for a moment and step onto the dance floor. It always looks a bit awkward and wooden, those first fits. Vera's dark green dress swirls around her. She waves her arms in the short sleeves. The dress dresses her well because of the waist. It falls a bit above her knees, underneath she wears tights and ankle boots. Victor had advised her not to put a top under her dress, but due to age, a tight cleavage is a thing of the past.

Vera looks cheerfully smiling at Victor and moves easily along to the music. The DJ has got the right flow and puts on the next Soulshow classic. Gradually Victor throws the shame away and also starts to become more flexible in the hips. After a few records, they step off the dance floor, slightly sweaty, when the DJ puts on something less familiar. Let's have a drink, asks Vera. Yes, nice.

From the bar, Victor and Vera watch the people moving on the dance floor. It's been a while for them since they were out. Because they are now completely out for a night without children and there is a special evening for people over 40, they dared to do it. According to the poster, it is a real old-timers evening. Standing among schoolchildren or students would feel a bit embarrassing. We are not the only ones who no longer move so smoothly, Victor says to Vera.

A night out usually consists of a movie or dinner. After the kids came, the real steps got a bit out of hand. Yes, they sometimes went away for a weekend, but the money didn't splash against the baseboards, so excesses were only possible to a limited extent. But now they have a weekend to themselves and especially each other.

If you were here with a friend, with Lara for example, what would you do? Victor asks Vera. He knows that she used to go to hip places like the Roxy in Amsterdam with Lara. I think that I would mainly dance, she says. We always like to dance and talking is not possible with loud music. I would secretly be curious to see how that goes. And whether you also get a lot of attention. Vera smiles at Victor.

And if you hadn't had me now and you had been here, which man would get your attention? Victor asks a little more boldly. Vera forgets the easy option I don't think anyone, I already have a husband and looks around. She shrugs casually and disinterestedly. She scans the room again and then nods to a group of men in their 50s. I can imagine one of them, she says, but also because there are almost only couples, I think.

Victor looks at a group of 5 men. Most are a bit firmer. Vera also looks at the group and Victor sees that her gaze lingers on a somewhat more alternative type. A tall, slender man, hair a little longer in a ponytail, light beard, somewhat hipster. He's wearing an army green t-shirt with some grunge band name on it and brown jeans with all stars underneath. Ah, so him, Victor chuckles.

Victor pulls Vera back onto the dance floor and they dance not too far from the group. Vera now and then almost unconsciously looks sideways at the alternative man who in turn also looks at her. She smiles a bit tensely and then looks at Victor who grins. She bends over and says to Victor: Your comment makes me want to look at him all the time, that goes without saying. That's okay, he also has a tendency to look at you.

I'm going to the toilet, but you just stay here dancing, says Victor. Huh, what do you mean? If he asks you something, just say we are colleagues and on a work trip, Victor says with twinkling eyes. Vera looks at Victor in surprise, but he is already walking past her to the hallway. Vera continues to dance a bit awkwardly on her own. In itself, there are more people who dance alone here and there, so she doesn't stand out too much. She looks ahead. The group of men is dancing in a circle right next to her, only the alternative person looks around more.

When Vera looks sideways at the group of men, her gaze darts back to him. Suddenly she sees him stepping out of the circle and coming towards her. She quickly tries to look the other way. He walks past her and then says: Hey, do you feel a bit at home among the old guys, he asks. She looks at him and nods at his t-shirt and says: Yes, I think I better ask you that? It's not quite my music, but I'm having a good time with friends and a beer.

It is quiet for a moment, but then Vera asks, looking past the man at the other men: Are you from around here? No, we are in a house belonging to one of the boys, old college friends. And you? was the question Vera could expect. Ehm I'm here with colleagues, she says anyway, feeling uncomfortable and thinking she's turning red. Is it a one-man business, because you are here on your own, the man says laughing. By the way, my name is David, and he holds out his hand. Vera, says Vera.

Yes, erm.. he just went to the toilet, and I wanted to get something to drink, says Vera to escape for a while. Ok, I'm going to get the boys beer, so I'm going to the bar. Vera and David arrive at an empty part of the bar and the bartender looks at Vera first. What do you want to drink asks David before she can say anything. Just have a sweet white wine then, she says laughing. And what does your colleague want? Beer? Six beers and a sweet white wine, David says to the bartender without waiting for an answer. Vera looks around restlessly. That man is standing here now, and soon Victor will come as her colleague. Won't that be a hassle.

Victor comes out of the hallway and looks at Vera, tilting his head slightly and raising his eyebrows. Vera looks back with wide eyes. David also sees Victor and hands him a beer. I took care of your colleague because you left her all alone on the dance floor, says David. I'm David. Hi, I'm Victor. I thought it was safe here and it turned out to be so, Victor says while making a toasting gesture to David and Vera.

What kind of work do you do, David asks Victor and Vera, but his gaze is focused only on Vera. I work as a counselor at school, she says without lying. Oh how nice, what kind of children do you supervise? asks David interested. Most have learning difficulties, sometimes behavioral problems, dyslexia, adhd. I also work with children, but those who have really gone off the rails, says David. Oh, interesting, what kind of institution then? In a juvenile facility.

Victor sees that Vera and David are suddenly engaged in a real conversation. He steps back slightly and leans against the bar. Vera also looks at David more emphatically while talking and occasionally nods in agreement. She just seems to really forget that she's here with her husband and that David isn't a stranger. They laugh back and forth. Occasionally David puts his hand briefly on Vera's forearm or under her elbow when he makes a joke that seems to involve mutual recognition.

Vera bends over and says something to David. David frowns, looks at Vera, then looks around for Victor. He looks at him and again Vera with a surprised look. Victor cannot understand the conversation because of the music and the distance, but it is clear that it is about him. David grabs Vera lightly by the upper arm and takes her to Victor. You are married, I just heard and no colleagues, David says with a questioning tone. Sorry, Victor came up with that, says Vera. He was curious if I were single here with girlfriends which man would get attention from me. And when I pointed out to you, he pulled me into your group and left. And then you started talking to me.

I told her to say we were colleagues, Victor adds, so I made it difficult for her. And you too, sorry. Well, it doesn't bother me, but why then asks David. And Vera also looks at Victor questioningly. The one about those colleagues was because I thought you might not have started a conversation if Vera said we were married. I was just curious to see that, it's nice to see that Vera is still in demand.

David slowly nods that he understands. But I had the impression that you kept looking at me, David says unexpectedly to Vera. Vera turns red. Victor grins. Um, that was kind of an accident I guess, because Victor asked me which guy would get my attention and we danced right next to you. Well, accidental or not, I take it as a compliment says David , or a signal haha.

The DJ suddenly puts on Prince with When Doves Cry. Oh, this is such a good song, says Vera. Do you like to dance then? asks David. Victor nods in agreement and Vera also agrees with a shrug. The three of them, Victor, Vera and David are now dancing on the side of the dance floor. Vera takes turns looking at Victor and David. David has focused his smile mainly on Vera.

David's friends pass by after a while and make it clear that they are going home. David indicates that he wants to stay a little longer. For a moment they look semi-inconspicuously at Vera and smile at David and slap him on the shoulder. Vera sees that it is now half past two.

Then Vera leans towards David with a small smile: What were your friends laughing about? They asked how I picked up that nice woman and if I knew you.

Only just

, I then said. Vera smiles flattered: You just said I kept looking at you, but why did you keep looking at me? Honestly? asks David. Vera nods. I join my friends. You are the nicest woman here in this place. Vera smiles: Thank you. And even more honest? asks David. Yes. You also seemed to be receptive to my gaze, I saw that in your eyes.

Vera quickly looks at Victor to make sure he didn't hear this and turns red again. But what about it, because I think you are married yourself? she says, looking at his hand with a ring on it. Oh, you had already looked at that? That's right. But you felt no hindrance to look at me and speak to me. No, why? I live my own life. Besides, Susan and I have such a good relationship that we let each other do it freely. So when you go out, you can look at others and talk? Yes, or more. What about her? David nods.

Vera looks at him in surprise as she moves on James Brown's Sexmachine. Victor also continues to dance quietly and watches in amusement. He can't hear what Victor and Vera are talking about, but Vera has an intense look.Yes, you better release each other, otherwise there is a much greater risk that someone will want to leave, right, says David. But if you fall in love, or she? asks Vera. Well, very rationally you say that your relationship was not the ultimate, so there was better. The chances of someone falling in love are much higher if you forbid someone to have contact with others.

Then suddenly a bell rings at the bar and the DJ shouts: People, the last round! David says to Victor and Vera: I'm going to grab my coat now, it will be a long wait, in my experience. Vera looks Victor: Shall we do that too? Victor nods and they follow David. Where are you staying? We are staying in a bed and breakfast a little further down the road, says Victor. I would like to invite you to that friend of mine, but that is a bit strange. Or can we have a nightcap at your place, asks David. I think it's a bit early to go home already, but nothing else is open in the area. And he looks at Vera. Vera looks at Victor and says: One is fine, right?

They arrive at the bed and breakfast. This consists of a separate chalet on a large meadow, so they are not a burden to anyone. We have beers and white wine, says Victor. I'll get something. Vera turns on the television and puts it on music channel Xite with R&B soft pop. Victor, do you ever speak to a woman when you are out with friends David asks when Victor is back with the drink in his hands. Victor quickly looks at Vera who is sitting next to David on the bench and tans a bit. I don't go out that often, but only for fun, he says and quickly checks whether Vera swallows that. You see, David says laughing, Even your husband does it and so do you when you're out with a girlfriend, there's nothing reprehensible about that.

Vera just asked me in the dancing why I approached her because I am married after all, David clarifies his question to Victor. And I said I did that because she was the nicest woman in the bar and because I had the impression that she was open to it and looked at me several times. Victor laughs: Ohh, Vera caught. And thanks, David. What did you say to Vera why you addressed her as a married man? My wife Susan and I have an open relationship and that works fine, no jealousy, just a nice feeling of freedom. And wish each other luck. And we love each other very much. I would never want to lose her.

How do you do that. I'd be too insecure and jealous for that, says Vera as she takes a sip of her wine. Don't you just fall in love with someone else, she asks. No, I have not really experienced that yet, usually it is also for one evening. But what makes you insecure when you've been together for so long. Doesn't that go much deeper and further? says David in a general sense, but seems to ask Vera directly. She has no answer for that.

I think it's nice to say that you wish each other happiness. If you really love each other, then you also want to set each other free. And I can imagine that that might add an extra dimension to your relationship, says Victor, with Vera looking at him with a frown. I'm actually sure that Vera and I will never break up, the basis is very strong, and then I can imagine that you can also look for excitement. That it gives your life something extra. That it doesn't have to be at the expense of your relationship. But you have to separate lust and love.

Would you need that, Victor, asks David therapeutically. I've never thought about it that way, it naturally strokes my ego when I notice that I'm getting attention. But I like it better when Vera gets attention from other men. I used to be jealous about that, but now I even find it a kick when she flirts back a bit. Then I'm proud too. Was that also the reason you left her behind on the dance floor as a colleague? Ehm.. yes I was curious sorry, Victor says with a remorseful face to Vera.

That's not something to be sorry about, David notes, that's a compliment to Vera. Vera, how do you feel about Victor getting attention from another woman or even responding to it, David then asks. Well, I find that difficult. Then I become insecure. There is a woman on Facebook who always likes everything about him and then he makes a joke to her again, I find that difficult. She looks at Victor: Vanessa.

And is that why you find it scary to get attention yourself or maybe you like it? Ehm, oops, yes, I think that's how it works. Psychologically, but I disapprove of myself to convince myself that Victor disapproves and then doesn't. So you actually like it, but you are afraid of the consequences? Yes, something like that, but purely I like it for fun and self-confidence, she says, looking a little embarrassed at Victor. Bart? says Victor smiling and Vera looks uncomfortable when she hears the name of her childhood friend with whom she has been in contact a bit lately. Well, now you know that Victor even gets caressed to see it. Vera doesn't know what to say for a moment and takes a sip of her wine. Yes, but I don't think the other way around.

How did you like seeing us talk on the dance floor, Victor, asks David. I liked it, it was exciting, especially when you touched each other unconsciously, says Victor, a bit unreal, by the way, but no insecurity or mistrust or anything, proud for sure.

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