
The wrong

It drives me absolutely crazy. I've had a splitting headache since I woke up this morning. I'm still in bed, under the covers, in the late afternoon when I hear the door downstairs open and close loudly, followed by the tapping of a pair of high heels on the wooden floor. Apparently my mother came home earlier than usual. I stay under the covers in the dark when the footsteps come up the stairs and finally there is a knock on my door. I don't answer, but the door opens after a few seconds.

"Honey, how are you? Do you still feel so bad?" I hear my mother ask me. I slowly slide the blankets over my head and my eyes have to get used to the bright light outside my blanket fort. I look at her sadly and nod. "Still having such a headache dear? Have you taken an ibu or a paracetamol yet? Maybe that will help a little dear." I shake my head, "Couldn't find anything..." I answer slowly. "Well, give me a minute then, be right back. Your father must still have something lying around somewhere." My mother says firmly and turns abruptly and leaves my room. I immediately disappear back under my covers to escape the bright light.

Not much later there is another knock on the door and again there is no waiting for an answer and she opens the door. I half crawl out from under my covers and see my mother come in with a glass of water in her hand. "Here honey, I was able to find two more in yes father's study, otherwise take them both at the same time. Then it works a bit faster." And she hands me the glass with water and two blue pills. I immediately toss them into my mouth without thinking twice and wash them both down with a big gulp of water. I really hope they help a little, because I'm dying. "Thank you mom." Is all I can say. "You go and close your eyes sweetheart, I'll come and check on you in half an hour or so." She says motherly and gives me a kiss on my forehead, after which she leaves my room. I slip back under my covers and close my eyes, hoping for relief.

Apparently I had fallen asleep for a while, and when I slowly open my eyes I notice that the headache has subsided considerably. Good! Then they worked! I think to myself. But at the same time I also feel that my heart is beating very fast, I feel it beating hard in my chest, as if it is about to jump out. My breathing is short and rushed and my head feels all warm. I sit up straight on the bed. I've never felt that way. It's like my skin is all glowing and has become extremely sensitive. And then suddenly I feel something else, an enormous warmth in my crotch. Like I've never felt before. I reach down between my legs and startle when I feel I'm stiff. And not just stiff, my cock is rock hard like never before. My whole underpants stretch and glow with heat. I grab him by the elastic and quickly pull him down over my buttocks, knocking the covers off me. And then I stare at it for a while. My cock seems to be huge, it's all swollen, thick veins are throbbing down my shaft, my swollen purple head is all shiny because my skin is so tight. He jumps nervously between my legs, seeking release. The heat from my crotch rises to my head and all kinds of horny and exciting thoughts flash through my head. My pole just seems to grow more and get harder. It's just getting painful. As steely as he is now. For a moment I don't know what to do, the feeling is so overwhelming. What the hell did my mom give me?

I try to think for a moment and then decide to call my mother. I'm afraid there's something serious going on with me, an allergic reaction or something. I quickly throw the blanket over my lap and then call my mother. My voice cracks a bit, because of the excitement in my voice, "Maaaam, maaahaaam!" And a moment later I hear her heels walking up the stairs at a rapid pace. This time there is no knock, but the door opens immediately. "What's the matter honey? Are you not feeling well?" she immediately asks me with a concerned look on her face, and she sits down next to me on the edge of the bed. "Oh baby, you're all red and you're all glowing. Have you gotten so sick?" I look at her, "I don't know mom, but I feel so... weird." I answer in a trembling voice. "What do you mean sweet? Weird?" my mother asks as she rubs my forehead. Her touch immediately sends a shiver through my body. "Well... just... my headache is gone, but my heart is beating so fast mommy. I feel so weird, what's going on?" I say half-stuttering, trembling with excitement. "Oh honey, explain to me what's bothering you then? Did it just come on or?" My mother asks me worriedly as she puts her hand on my upper leg on the covers. Immediately I feel a kind of shock go through my body, my cock throbs violently with excitement from this simple touch through the covers. I sigh loudly and close my eyes. It's so hard to keep my mind on it, somehow my thoughts are starting to get more and more filled with all sorts of horny imaginings. "What's the matter sweetie? Explain to me exactly what is bothering you, or should I call the doctor for you?" My mother asks, apparently even more concerned than she was before. "No, no... you don't have to. I think." I answer again in a trembling voice, "My skin feels so... sensitive. And... and.." "And what, honey?" she asks as she gets even closer and puts her other hand on mine. "Um... it, uh... hurts. Right there... say..." I say softly, not daring to look at my mother. "What do you mean over there?" And she looks at me questioningly. I still don't dare to look at her but lift my hand and slowly I point to my crotch. My mother looks up in shock, her gaze drifts to my crotch and then back to my face. "There? Uhm... does mommy... have a look then? Or do you want to wait for your dad? I think this uh... might be more his territory." she says somewhat of her aprepo. She probably didn't expect this. Of course she had seen me naked before, but in recent years, since puberty had started, this had of course diminished considerably, as I grew more and more fond of my own privacy.

"That... I'm really not going to make it mom... sorry... I don't know what to do, and it hurts so bad there..." I say as my steely cock jerks impatiently again and my heartbeat keeps beating loudly in my ears. "Okay, okay baby. Mama'll take a look at it... no problem." She says firmly and sits up straighter and turns slightly more towards my crotch. "Can... can I knock the covers off you? Otherwise it will be a bit difficult to watch, I think." And without really waiting for an answer, she grabs my blankets tightly with both hands and knocks them off my body with a smooth movement, until next to the bed. Instantly my huge, swollen pole leaps to freedom. I feel the cold air stroke my cock and a shiver shoots through my body, I sigh loudly again. My mother, on the other hand, lets out a small scream from her mouth. She looks with wide eyes at what is happening between my legs. "OW! Ow... owww, oooow. Baby...", my mother stammers, searching for words. "Um... this is, uh... big." She's still wide-eyed at my cock, which now moves up and down impatiently, my thick shiny head swollen to the max. But then she picks herself up, looks at me and says, "Honey, this isn't meant to be. I don't know what you're trying to achieve with this, but this is highly inappropriate!" I am shocked at her reaction. She seems to want to get up, but I grip her hand tightly. "I'm serious mom! Please! It hurts so much... I woke up like this, I don't understand it! I don't know what to do, I feel so... weird!" I say, almost imploringly, to my mother. She stays put and looks at me again, "You woke up like this? Really?" she asks me as her gaze returns to my steely cock. She stares at it for a moment and then suddenly I see her eyes widen and she looks at me in horror. "SHIT! honey... those pills I gave you? Those... they weren't blue, were they?" she asks me with a tremble in her voice. I look at her questioningly, "Yes, I think so? What do you mean mom? What does that have to do with this?" My mom immediately gets up from my bed and starts walking around my room with a look of horror on her face, "Shit, shit, shit..." Is all that comes out of her mouth. "Mom? What's going on? I don't get it!" I ask her concerned, but she keeps pacing back and forth like she doesn't even hear me. Then suddenly she stops and her gaze immediately shoots to my very tense cock that bounces impatiently back and forth. She walks over and sits down next to me on my bed, her gaze still on my swollen cock. "Sorry..." she says suddenly. "Sorry, this is my mistake... I should have been more careful. How could I have been so stupid." And then she looks at me again. I still look at her questioningly, I don't understand it at all anymore. "Those pills I gave you for your headache. They... weren't painkillers honey." She says with regret in her voice, "Those were your dad's special pills, you should never have taken them..." I still look at her in disbelief and ask, "What do you mean, special pills? Does that make me feel so weird?" She shifts slightly and looks at my tense cock again, "Yes dear... that's because of your dad's pills. Your dad... he... can't take him very well anymore, uhm... up And we've tried so many things... nothing helped. And so we got him these pills, they should help... but alas," says my mother with a slight tremor in her voice, "I'm sorry baby, this should never have happened!" I look at her somewhat shocked, I never knew this of course. "So... those pills I took are... to, uh... harden...?" She puts her hand on my chest and looks back at me with a very guilty look in her eyes. "Yeah dear, but you... you took two... and... of course you have no problem at all getting... um, hard... yourself. So it's probably working for you now.. .much stronger than it's actually supposed to work..."

I now look at my cock again, it's really swollen and it feels so rock hard it almost feels like it's tearing out of my skin. The palpitations only seem to get worse and my thoughts become increasingly cloudy. "But, but now?" I ask my mother in shock, "What should I do now? I feel so..." But before I can finish my sentence, she interrupts me, "The only solution dear... is... discharged. It only thing your penis can help now... is... is... cum..." says my mother stuttering as she stares at my cock again, "If you don't, honey... you'll still be here hours..." I look at her with big eyes, "What? Hours more? Mom! I really can't handle that... I feel like I'm going crazy and it hurts so much mom..." I say desperately to her. "I know baby, I know... it's all my fault, honey. That's why... that's why I'll help you, okay?" she says reassuringly, placing her hand on my cheek.

Then suddenly she gets up and says she'll be right back, I want to tell her something, ask her some more questions, but before I get the chance she's already out of my room and I'm left alone. What the hell did she mean by that, I think to myself. But I don't have to wait very long for my answer. Less than two minutes later, my mother walks back into my bedroom and resolutely closes the door behind her. She comes and sits next to me on my bed again and puts her hand on my chest, "I've locked everything downstairs, your dad won't be home for another hour or two, so we still have a while, ok? But you have to Promise me darling, don't ever tell anyone...not anyone and especially not your dad, okay?" And she gives me a loving kiss on my forehead. I want to respond and ask her what the hell she means, but suddenly I feel something touch my steely cock. I look down and see my mom's fingers running up my shaft, a shiver runs through my body and my cock jumps. "Mmm, mommy will help you baby, tell me when you're about to cum. Ok?" my mother suddenly says with a horniness in her voice that is strange to me. I can only nod and keep watching my mother's fingers slide over my cock. She lets her fingertips explore every inch of my cock, every bulge of my throbbing veins. Then they slide further up and she gently strokes my thick shiny head, I sigh and moan softly. A small smile forms on my mother's lips. A drop of pre-cum seeps out of my head and she gently rubs it with her finger, wetting my head with my own horn. "Mom is going to help you now... ok?", she says still looking at my swollen cock. Then suddenly she closes her fingers around my pole, she immediately grabs it tightly. I feel her fingers clamp around my cock as she slowly begins to move her hand up and down. I moan loudly, my cock is so sensitive and so ready for discharge. No one but me has ever touched my cock before, and now it's my very own mother who is slowly jerking me off. Carefully her hand slides the length of my cock, but it's so sensitive and I twitch my face. My mom immediately sees that, "Oh dear, sorry! Doesn't it feel right? Is it too sensitive?" she asks worriedly, holding my cock tight. I nod disappointed. "Ah, maybe this will help." My mom says firmly, "Maybe I should get him a little... wet."

She throws her long hair over her shoulder and then suddenly bends over, just above my swollen pole she keeps her head still. And then I watch my mom let her saliva drip from her mouth over my thick head, then spread it with her hand over my cock. She spits over my huge cock a few more times, little threads of mucus hanging between her lips and my hungry cock. Her hand now slides a lot smoother over my pole and I finally start to enjoy it a bit. My mom sees that too, "It's better that way, isn't it honey?" She says with a sweet smile on her face. She now really goes to work, her hand goes up and down faster and faster and slides through the saliva that drips over my pole. Her hand sometimes makes a twisting movement and soon she uses her other hand to jerk me off. It really is a heavenly feeling and every time it seems to get a little drier my mother spits on my swollen head again to quickly spread the saliva again. One of her hands drops down for a moment and she even starts massaging my heavy balls. I moan and groan in pleasure, her hands are heavenly. But in between my moans I think I hear my mother moan softly as she stares at my huge, young cock between her fingers with greedy eyes. And so it goes on for several minutes, she uses all kinds of techniques and I enjoy like I have never enjoyed before. My breathing quickens and my cock seems to get even harder. "Are you almost there honey?" my mother asks after a while. "Sorry... but... it's so good mommy. But it just seems... like, like I can't get over that edge... sorry..." I answer softly.

"Mmm, I was afraid of that..." she says, pausing to move her hands for a moment, "I think...I think Mommy should try something else." And immediately she lets go of my pole and gets up from my bed.

I'm shocked when I see her starting to unbutton her blouse. "Mom... what, what are you doing?" I ask in shock. "I'm taking off my top clothes, darling, otherwise everything will be covered in stains. You just sit on the edge of your bed darling, will that work?", She answers with a kind of slight tremor in her voice. I can do nothing but obey her and sit on the edge, my huge cock jerking up and down restlessly as I move. My mother's saliva slowly drips from it. In front of me I see how my mother takes off her outer clothing. Her blouse slips off her shoulders and I see she's wearing a black bra. It is only now that I suddenly notice how big breasts my mother actually has. Sure, I've seen it before, but never through these eyes, through this haze of horniness. She reaches back and she unbuttons her bra, my heart skips a little as her bra slides off her body and falls to the floor. My mother is not super slim or anything, she is quite a bit on the full side. But I really have to swallow when I see her huge, full breasts leaping towards freedom. Without clothing they almost seem to be twice as big, they hang slightly but are still very full and firm. Two large, light-colored nipples adorn her full mounds, my steely cock spontaneously begins to produce pre-cum from this thrilling sight. My mother is now standing in front of me and looks at me, with both hands she grabs her huge breasts, they fit impossible in her hands. Her fingers disappear into the soft flesh and she kneads them gently and then pushes them together firmly. "Do you like them dear?" she asks in a sultry voice. I can only nod. "Your father always loved it too, he could play with it for hours...", she says as she steps towards me and sinks to her knees. I watch her kneel down in front of me and get on her knees between my legs, immediately she grabs my steel hard cock again and with her other hand she pushes lightly against my chest. "Just sit back darling... and try to enjoy yourself. Just let me know when you're coming, okay? And remember... I'm only doing this because this is all my fault... and I just want to help you. That's all . ok" She says again with that same tremor in her voice, but her gaze is not on me, she only has eyes for my swollen cock right in front of her face. I lean back slightly and rest on my elbows as my mom starts jerking me off again. It's such a surreal and horny sight to see my topless mother between my legs, holding my cock in her hand. She rubs all the saliva and pre-cum on my cock several times, then grabs it tightly at the base. Then she suddenly bends over slightly and opens her mouth. A shiver runs through my body as I feel her warm, wet tongue slide unexpectedly up my shaft. I moan loudly and my mother smiles as she runs her tongue down the length of my steely cock. Her tongue slides over my head, which now continues to produce pre-cum nonstop. She gives my huge purple head a kiss with her soft lips and then suddenly she opens her mouth wide and swallows my cock in one go. I'm overwhelmed by the heavenly warm, wet feeling of her mouth closing around my cock. She starts sucking it slowly, sliding my head as deep as possible into her mouth. Her hand at the base continues to make light jerks as she sucks my cock. So that's what it feels like to get a blow job, I think to myself. And I already know, I never want anything else. My mother starts sucking more and more intensely and sliding her mouth over my pole. Every now and then she slips it out of her mouth and licks my cock head with her wet tongue. She now spits on it with force and bites it into her mouth again. I can see my mother, with my cock in her mouth, changing in no time from a sweet mother and housewife, into a sex-hungry creature who is out to make her son cum as hard as possible. She goes deeper and deeper, I feel my swollen head slide further and further into her throat. She cooks for a moment when she has almost my entire cock in her throat. I don't know what's happening to me, I thought something like that only happened in porn movies. Then she tilts her head back and my cock slides straight out of her throat, long threads of slime stretching from her mouth to my shiny shaft. She swallows and gasps for a moment, her eyes completely focused on my huge cock. She moans with enormous horniness and then rises slightly. She rubs my wet cock head over her huge soft tits and hardened nipples. She lets a huge gush of mucus drip from her mouth onto my cock and her full tits, then she puts my cock in between and starts jerking me off with her lovely soft tits. My cock almost completely disappears between the soft flesh of her full breasts. Now she suddenly looks straight into my eyes again, I see a look that I've never seen before with my mother and only know from those horny porn movies. "Mmm, is it nice honey? Are you coming soon? Mommy warn you..." she asks with a hoarse, horny voice. And even though I'm enjoying myself like never before and being completely overwhelmed by all kinds of feelings, I have to admit to her that I still can't seem to get over that edge. The feeling is there, it feels like I could explode at any moment like never before, it's bubbling in my pocket, my cock is taut. But the discharge remains.

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