
The Young Colleague. New Mistress

On the way home, Monika could still feel her abused ass. The man had taken her without mercy. Still she had enjoyed it, the comments, the horny looks, the disgust of the women and the intense cumshot. Slowly, however, her thoughts turned to what awaited her now. Her colleague was different and where he had always been in control, he now seemed to be more controlled.

When she got home, her colleague arrived at the same time. He got out in a hurry and said

hurry up they can be there any minute. I also have to blindfold you and put in a Ball gag.

Before she could ask anything she was already pushed towards the front door. It seemed better to her to do as he pleased and ask nothing. When she arrived, she took off her dress and knelt in the middle of the room. This earned her a compliment and a gentle caress through her hair. A tremor ran through her body at this gentle touch. However, she was quickly brought back to reality when the blindfold was tightened tightly around her head, followed by the Ball gag barely fitting into her mouth.

Seeing nothing and unable to say anything, she waited to see what was to come. She heard her colleague walking restlessly across the room. She also felt that she was starting to get horny from the tension. Suddenly she heard the front door open. She heard heavy men's steps, but also the click of heels. This meant that a woman was also present. Her whole body tensed and she felt herself getting wetter, only now realizing that she was being offered helplessly here to a bunch of strangers. She heard how her colleague hurried to the entrances.

I put her down as you demanded:

However, no answer came.

She heard the woman's footsteps approach and a pair of sharp fingernails moved across her breasts to her nipples. These became rock hard from the gentle scratching of her sensitive skin. Suddenly they squeezed the nipple hard and viciously. She let out a stifled cry, which was immediately punished with a hard slap in the face.

quiet, not a sound

she heard the man say, meanwhile the long sharp nails were on their way to her other breast. She tensed her body in anticipation of another vicious beating of her nipple. Now, however, the nails caressed her softly and tenderly. Meanwhile she heard the man say:

A Ball gag with nipple clamps we said. The price is therefore already 100 euros down

Get one out of the car

she heard the man say to yet another person.

Apparently, the woman who was still gently playing with her nipple stopped him with a gesture. Then she heard the man say

with the teeth

She heard the third person move away. Meanwhile, her thoughts flew to her cunt, which had now become quite wet, the nails on her nipple and the man's comment that a hundred euros would be deducted. Was she now traded by her colleague? And what would that mean?

So in her mind she hadn't heard that the departed man had already returned. She was startled out of her thoughts when the Ball gag was suddenly removed. She sighed in relief for a moment. However, this was short-lived, because another one immediately took its place. After it was secured, she felt two metal chains hanging on her breasts. These were tightened slightly and then placed on her nipples which caused a nasty pain because the clamps had sharp teeth. She wanted to bow her head, but a tap under her chin and

head up, pull those tits up

of the man caused maximum tension to be put on her nipples. After a few moments she heard the man approaching. Full he grabbed her in the crotch which made her let out a muffled scream of terror followed by a hard slap on the cheek

quiet I said

said the man meanwhile stuffing four fingers in her cunt.soaking wet, ma'am

and easily accessible with a little practice. He grabbed her by the head and pushed her forward so that she lay with her ass up. She now thought she could get some pressure off her nipples, but he prevented this by pulling her head up and pushing her breasts to the floor. Then he pulled her legs apart, made his fingers even wetter with her horny cunt and started to put two fingers in her ass, also pushing a third and fourth after a short time.

tight ma'am, but also plenty of options

To then turn to her colleague fourteen hundred euros not a penny more. Apparently he agreed to this because there was no opposition. She heard the rustle of banknotes and suddenly she was pulled to her feet. Not rough but firm. The clamps were released and the gag Ball removed, but the blindfold remained on.

Let me update you on what happened and what will happen.

she heard the man say.

you had submitted to your colleague. Your colleague approached my employer and offered you. You just heard the price. We will take you with us immediately, you will be washed, you will receive food, a place to sleep and everything a person needs. Tomorrow morning you can decide whether you want to continue or whether you want to go home. If you want to go home, we will bring you back neatly and you will be free from us and your colleague. If you stay, you will receive a contract for one year in which you indicate that you surrender completely to my and then also your employer and will fulfill all assignments. There are exceptions, but they are self-evident. You can also decide not to come along now, but your colleague will not like it. He must then pay the money back.

Monika was spinning in her head, what she had experienced, what she had heard, the offer and her body and mind calling for more lust, pain and humiliation. She hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement. Then for the first time she heard a name the man who had been speaking said

OK, Karel, give me the coat

she was wrapped in a big soft coat. She asked the man softly

should I also bring some clothes If what you need you will get in your new residence

After a few moments it dawned on her that the man assumed she would stay. She didn't have much time to think about it, though. A firm man's hand grabbed her upper arm and guided her outside and to the car. She was carefully placed in the back. She smelled the perfume when the woman sat down next to her. When the door slammed shut, the woman took off her coat. Again the nails went over her body, this time she didn't stop at her breasts and nipples but dropped further down. Unknowingly she spread her legs to allow her fingers to enter her wet cave. An ignominious laugh sounded and suddenly she was grabbed hard by the neck. Her head was pressed down and she understood that she was being directed towards the woman's cunt. Without being instructed to do so, she went on herself, spread the woman's legs a little more and began to pamper the wonderfully smelling cunt. Her tongue flashed over the clit, the labia, the bit of flesh between pussy and ass and back again. She heard the woman's breathing quicken, signaling to her to lick, suck, and bite even more ferociously. Before the woman came, she clamped her legs tightly around Monika's head. He felt the woman shake under her mouth and tasted the cunt juices that flowed freely. Moments later, the woman collapsed exhausted, her hand still holding her head tightly against her wet cunt. Suddenly she grabbed Monika by her hair and pulled her away. She pushed her aside and Monika found herself tidying up her clothes. She didn't say another word. Monika wondered if she could talk, but wisely decided not to say anything and certainly not to ask. In the short time she had been introduced to BDSM, she had understood that a slave girl was expected to speak only when asked. She also understood, partly due to the behavior of her colleague, that this woman was much higher up the step. The car drove almost silently down the road and the comfortable sofa made her relax. She thought back to the licking she'd given the woman. Despite the fact that she had never licked a woman before, she was very pleased with the fact that she got the woman to climax so quickly and intensely.

Slowly her mind wandered to what awaited her and what and what she had to decide tomorrow. Involuntarily she started to get more and more aroused by the licking she had given and now the unknown destination and future. So lost in thought, she felt the car slow and turn, then heard them turn onto a gravel driveway. When the car stopped, she heard the woman get out and immediately slam the door shut again. She heard them walk away over the gravel path. She was in doubt about what to do. Take her blindfold off and also get out of the car or wait. She decided to wait partly because she had not yet heard the driver get out and that she was naked. She began to feel around to see if she might find the coat. She didn't feel him anywhere so she assumed the woman had taken him. Suddenly she felt movement in the car, she heard two doors open and footsteps approaching along the gravel path.

A new slut?

did she hear a woman ask?

yes, an older one, but I think only recently used. It all feels rather tight, but also horny. So I think Mrs. will have a lot of fun with it.

okay unload that pleasure meat. I'll take them to the quarters


The door opened and a firm hand grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the car. Not caring that she was barefoot, she was pulled over the sharp pebbles that hurt her feet. She fought back the pain, but couldn't hold back a sigh of relief when she felt slippery tiles beneath her feet.

She's not faint. One of the few that doesn't complain that it hurts.

she heard the woman say. She was grabbed by her collar and a chain was again attached to it.

come bitch, follow

and with a good jerk she was set in motion.

If you keep walking diagonally behind me, nothing will happen. Every time you hold me up you get a blow with the whip.

After a number of steps in which she became more and more confident in walking with the blindfold, the woman suddenly stopped. With a few sharp pulls on the chain, she pulled Monika next to her.

It's a good thing you get a different collar tomorrow, then you know more quickly what the intention is

Once again it dawned on Monika that there was someone else who assumed she would be staying for a longer period of time. Meanwhile, the woman continued

We are now at a staircase with fifteen steps, the first four I will tell you what to do, the others you do it yourself. Again, every hesitation or error is a lash.

Slowly and quietly, the first four steps were climbed on the woman's instructions. However, on the fifth, she got a tug on the chain that tripped her.


said the woman, signaling her to stand up with a tug on the chain. Monika hesitated which made her pull the chain again and a


sounded. The rest of the steps went smoothly but without hesitation or error. However, it went wrong again on the penultimate step.


and again a jerk. With a sigh, she took the last step.

kneel down

sounded the next command. Quickly she knelt to be pressed right through so that she was on all fours.

After a few moments she heard again the man she had heard in her own house.

how did it go Lisa?

The pebbles and hall well. Less stairs. Three fouls, but I suggest double the lashes. She didn't try her best.

Monika thought of protesting. At the last minute, she decided to call it quits. However, the woman who turned out to be called Ilse had noticed.

I suggest making it twelve. She has a tendency to become rebellious.

okay, you can do that in a minute. But no marks or damage. How is she on


I'll check them now.

A snapped one

legs apart bitch

accompanied by two kicks to her shins made her spread her legs and show off her cunt.

visual control. Well shaved pussy. Her ass is nice and clean. Has been used recently, some semen is still running out and is still slightly open. Additional recommendation. She probably also leaked in the car so have it cleaned yourself. Nipples are hard, so she is probably aroused, which is also confirmed by the moist labia. Her armpits could be hairless. Recommendation to double the number of lashes due to poor physical hair removal. Physical control

immediately three fingers penetrated her wet cunt.

drench. The bitch is in heat so ready for use by you and the driver

clearly. The punishment is eighteen lashes. ten on her buttocks, five on her breasts and three on her pussy after we use them. Have her ready in an hour.After these words she heard a click and understood that she had watched the man through a connection. A slight tug on the leash and a gentle stand-up made her stand in surprise at the woman's cover. The moment she stood up, the chain was taken off, the collar was removed and then the blindfold disappeared. After her eyes adjusted to the light, she saw a woman in her mid-thirties with medium-length blond hair and a sexy dress.

I'm Ilse and your personal assistant. If the lady does not need or lend you, you are under my supervision and guidance and I will help you with everything necessary. I hand out rewards and punishments or the lady must want to do it herself. The only ones you will meet in this part of the house are madam, her secretary, whom you just heard, the driver and me. We are also the only ones who know about your special status. You can now go and freshen up, the bath is already ready, after that you will be available for the secretary and the driver for an hour and a half. Refusals are not an option you just do what they want. Do you want the lashes before you take a bath or after? And first on your breasts or on your buttocks?

Monica thought for a moment

just do it for the bath and you can decide the order.

Good. Just stand with your back against the wall. And count and thank you.

How do you want me to thank you

just with Ilse. I'm not a mistress or stupid

Immediately after she spoke these words, a sadistic grin appeared on her face and a lashing blow went over Monika's breasts. Hard enough to hurt, but not too hard to leave a bloody welt. The blows followed each other quickly so that Monika had to be quick with counting and thanking. After the fifth blow, the short command followed

turn around:

She had barely turned around when the first blow landed on her buttocks. Even now it went on at a fast pace. Monika, however, could just keep up with counting and thanking. This caused a disappointed sigh from the woman after the tenth stroke.

sorry you kept up I would have loved to start over again. But come I show you the bath

Monika looked around in the large luxurious bathroom, what she noticed were the hooks that were attached in different places. The woman saw her look:

Only in the sitting room are there no hooks in the other areas that are available to you are various options to secure yourself in all possible positions. Tomorrow after your meeting with the lady, I will show you all the rooms. Today you only see your utility room. But that's nothing special. Now take a bath because you only have 40 minutes left and then the men will come and they want to use you for the full hour.Monika gently lowered herself into the water which had a wonderful temperature and which had various fragrant and relaxing herbs sprinkled in it. Relaxing, her mind wandered after what had happened to her in the last few hours. She was humiliated, fucked in the ass in public, almost sold, had to eat on a strange woman, whipped, taken to a place unknown, she was going to be used by two men in a minute and have a talk tomorrow, everyone was convinced she would agree to whatever was offered. And it made her horny too, she noticed when she disappeared with her hand between her legs.

After about twenty minutes Ilse came back in.

Come on slut we're going to get you ready for the men. Monika is taken by the woman to a dressing table where all make-up stuff is on. Her hair is tied in a ponytail and heavy makeup is applied, giving her a raunchy appearance. Then her nipples are also made a little redder with lipstick, just like her labia.

so now you're the whore you're going to be regular for next year

gets them added as a comment. She looks up at the woman, but before she can say anything, she hears the door open and the two men enter.

so slut you ready

she immediately recognized the man who conducted the negotiations by the voice. Before she can answer, however, she is already grabbed by the other man and he presses his mouth on hers. His tongue pushes her lips apart and they get involved in a horny exciting French kiss. His fingers, meanwhile, penetrate her cunt mercilessly, demandingly and forcefully, first two soon followed by number three and four. The first finger of his other hand meanwhile gains access to her asshole, this also happens demandingly. When the man realizes that the poop hole is more spacious and used to it, he quickly presses two fingers. Panting and getting wetter and more excited, she lets this happen under the watchful eyes of the other man and woman.

Then without notice the man stops kissing, pulls his fingers out of the holes and says

so time for a sandwich and then a double penetration. He pulls her over to the bed, drops onto it and pulls Monika onto him. He puts his cock against her ass and pushes it in all at once, causing a moan of pain, horniness and excitement. The other man has meanwhile put his cock against her cunt and he also pushes it in at once. It takes the men a moment to get the rhythm and to coordinate their thrusts, but then the woman is thoroughly fucked.

In the distance she hears Ilse say:

How horny, a naked woman being sandwiched by two fully clothed men.

However, she did not pay much attention to it because she feels an orgasm coming on. Before that, the men stopped. A sigh of disappointment escaped her lips. However, the sigh soon turned into a moan as the man's cock was pushed into her cunt. Immediately followed by the cock of the man lying on her. Again, it turned out that the men had done this before. With a few thrusts they got the rhythm and simultaneity and she was thoroughly beaten by the two cocks in her cunt. The man below begins to work her breasts softly and tenderly at first, but gradually harder and meaner. Despite the pain in her breasts and the stretching of her cunt, she felt increasingly horny. It didn't take long before she felt her orgasm coming on. This was the signal for the man above to stand up, look at her and call her a whore and a slut. In the meantime he spat in her face and after forcing her to open her mouth some good globs in her mouth.

The humiliating actions did not miss the effect and horny moaning the orgasm presented itself. For the men this was the signal to increase their pace considerably and after the abused woman had reached her climax, the underlying man sprayed several large jets of sperm into her cunt. However, the man above pulled his cock out of her soaking wet cunt and sprayed the sperm all over her body. Immediately after his final jet, he rolled off the woman, pulled her up and took her into the shower, followed by the second man and the woman. He forced her to kneel in the shower tray and then began to piss on her. The second man followed suit, only he gave the command

mouth open

so that he pissed the urine into her open mouth.

After they finished they looked down at the woman and said the leader

no matter how beautiful she will look. It remains a street whore

then the men, laughing, left her quarters. Humiliated, but also full of questions, she got up and wanted to take a shower. However, she was stopped by the woman.


was the short command. She dropped to her hands and knees and crawled after the woman. He took her to a cage where there was a mattress and a blanket. She immediately understood that she would not spend this night in the comfortable bed, but in this cage. However, the moment she wanted to crawl into the cage, she was stopped by the woman. This one pulled the mattress out of the cage, pulled up her skirt, spread her legs and a short

eating pussy

follow the. Diligently Monika started pampering the cunt. It didn't take long before the woman started to breathe faster, which was reason for Monika to pamper the clit and labia even more fanatically. With a growl the woman came and she pressed the Monika firmly against her cunt with her hand so that her breath was taken away. After half a minute she was released, but she didn't get much time to catch her breath. Legs apart, the woman stood above her. I have to piss and make sure you drink it all or you'll sleep on a wet mattress. Monika saw that she started to pee and immediately pressed her mouth against the cunt and started to drink quickly, the moment she thought she couldn't keep up anymore Ilse stopped for a moment, to start again after a few seconds. Except for a few drops, the mattress did not get wet, which also gave Monika a proud feeling. However, she didn't get time to enjoy it. She was immediately pulled up by her hair.

there is still a penalty pending. But since you've been drinking so well, I won't hit the last blow hard

was said with a sarcastic undertone.

Monika was attached to some hooks in the ceiling and wall. Her legs spread so that her cunt was easily accessible.

Ms. I have to hit you hard so that you know tomorrow that you are being fucked with her favorite dildo. You don't have to count and thank, but don't make a sound either. You will receive this punishment until you undergo it silently:

The woman looked at her, paused, then cracked the whip and the first blow followed. Monika gritted her teeth in the stabbing pain, but made no sound. The ritual was repeated with the second blow, and again the pain rippled through her body. Eyes closed, she waited for the third blow. Convinced it wouldn't be that hard. Oh the command

eyes open

opened her eyes to look into Ilse's sadistically grinning face.

I changed my mind. I hit harder

Now the whip cracked twice. The second time, Monika flinched.

here he comes

her whole body she tensed in anticipation of the blow that was to come. However, the blow was much softer than she expected.

However, she didn't get time to recover. She was untied and chased towards the loft with a few blows of the whip. She was tied to the corners with hand and ankle cuffs. With a cynical

Good night

Ilse turned off the light and left Monika spread out in the dark.

To her surprise, despite the treatment she had received, she still felt excited, horny and curious about tomorrow. Despite the awkward position, she falls into a restless sleep.

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