
The Teacher's Toy - 1

The next story never happened. It's a fantasy I have in my head. I don't think it can really happen. Pure spins from my own brain.

It was just after summer vacation. Jessica stepped into the classroom. She had failed her HAVO exam and had to repeat the year. Jessica was a beautiful girl to watch. medium length blond hair, blue eyes, slim body, tight buttocks, and a C cup that many a boy could stare at for hours. In a new class with classmates she only knew by sight but not by name. She sat back a little. She's always been a little shy, but now she's even more so in a new class. She had just turned 17, and her classmates were a year younger. The class got a new mentor. One they didn't know, because he had been hired during the summer holidays. The door opened and a large muscular man walked into the room. He immediately exuded authority. The man leaned his bag against the desk and took a piece of chalk from the blackboard. "Good morning class, I'm mister De Jong," he said sternly and wrote his name on the board. Mr. de Jong was 35 years old, bald head, muscular, and had a stern look in his eyes. ¨I am your mentor this year. If there's anything, I'll be the 1st to hear it, no matter what's going on. Figures, situation at home, you can always contact me, and remember, everything you discuss with me stays between us. Jessica looked at this man with wide surprised eyes. She had never seen such a strict man. Mr. de Jong took turns pointing to the classmates so that they could introduce themselves. After a few had been, Mister de Jong pointed to Jessica. ¨You, blond lady in that white blouse, stand up and tell us your name¨. Jessica stood up cautiously. 'Um I'm Jess... she said softly. Mr. de Jong interrupted her. "Young lady I'm sorry, I don't understand you, can you speak a little louder?". ¨Eh sorry sir, I'm Jessica, 17 years old, and erm I'm the girl who didn't pass her exam last year¨. Mr. de Jong remained silent a little longer than the rest, but soon pointed to another. After everyone had introduced themselves, Mr. de Jong pointed out places. 'Jessica, right here in front of my desk, I'm going to make sure you pass your exams this year'. Jessica was shaking like a straw. She grabbed her bag and sat down right in front of Mr. de Jong's desk. She looked straight into Mr. de Jong's eyes. Mr. de Jong smiled back a little. "You don't have to be afraid Jessica, I'm strict but fair," he said in a slightly calmer tone. Jessica calmed down a bit, and the rest of the class went pretty well, little bit of getting to know each other. After class, Jessica went to the bathroom. She had been sweating in places she didn't even know a human could sweat. Man, that mister de Jong was strict, but somewhere a small flame had started in her. He looked pretty good, muscular, bald but attractive. She felt it did something to her. But yes, so many people may have thought that. In the 1st 2 weeks of the new school year, little actually happened with Jessica. She did her best, better than last year, and she did her homework well. But when homework was done, someone suddenly haunted her mind. Mr Young. She couldn't help it, it did something to her. Every night before going to sleep, Jessica fingered herself with Mr. de Jong in her head. How would he be in bed? she wondered. Also so strict? dominant perhaps. Jessica was no longer a virgin, but she wasn't very experienced either. More and more often her panties got wet just thinking about him. She sat in the front with Mr. de Jong, and felt that her panties had become wet again. ¨Ehm mister de Jong? could I go to the toilet?', she asked. Mr. de Jong looked at her sternly. "You ask nicely, so go ahead." Jessica ran to the toilet. She just couldn't resist, she had to. She quickly locked the toilet, and her fingers found her wet lips. Don't make too much noise, soon someone will hear you, she thought. Quietly, but quickly, Jessica fingered herself to a climax. She exhaled briefly, straightened herself up, and went back to class. As if nothing had happened.

Another week passed, and a week full of nightly dreams about Mr. de Jong. But the atmosphere would soon change. Jessica was walking through the canteen on her way to the weekend when she ran into Mr. de Jong. 'Jessica, my classroom, now' he snapped. Jessica's eyes widened, and her heartbeat shot up. She quickly followed him. He slammed a key on her table. A 3 for Geography? How could that be? she had such a good feeling about it. Mr. de Jong looked at her sternly. 'We're not going to screw this year up again, are we Jessica?'. Jessica barely dared look up. It felt like she had let him down. "I have spoken to the teacher, and you may retake him, and now." Jessica looked at him in surprise. 'Eh now? but I don't have time to learn now'. Mr. de Jong put the resit in front of her and sat down behind his desk. Jessica watched the questions, then did nothing for 10 minutes. What was she supposed to do with this. Suddenly a 2nd sheet is pushed next to the key. An answer sheet?. Surprised, she looked at Mr. de Jong. He nodded his head briefly. "Don't copy everything literally, and fill in a few answers incorrectly," he whispered. Jessica didn't ask questions, but it didn't feel right. After half an hour she handed in the test, and Mr. de Jong tore up the answer sheet. She sat there silently. 'Why did you do that?', she asked in a whisper. Mr. de Jong smiled a little. "I want something in return," he grinned. Jessica was shocked. Was this a false pick-up? Mr. de Jong gestured for Jessica to unlock her phone and give it to him. She shook her head. Mr de Jong sighed. ¨Okay, then the 3 will remain for Geography´. She felt herself turn red, and with a trembling hand she handed over her phone. Mr. de Jong put his number in her phone and gave the phone back. He bent over. Jessica felt her panties getting soaking wet. Why was this so hot for her? "Tonight at 10 p.m. I want 2 nude photos of you on the app, understood?" he whispered. Her eyes grew as big as saucers. Cautiously she nodded yes. Mr de Jong smiled. 'Nice, good weekend Jessica', and he let her out of the room. No sooner said than done, she sent 2 nude photos that evening. He had seen them, the blue checkmarks were on, but there was no response.

The following Monday was a beautiful late summer day, and Jessica wore a white summer dress. She had lessons from Mr. de Jong for the last hour, and she was nervous. What would he do with those nudes, and why didn't he respond to them? She walked into class and sat down in front of his desk. Mr. de Jong was teaching as if nothing had happened. He didn't even give her a look. Like she was nothing. She felt shame. She almost felt rejected. But when the bell rang, he motioned for her to stay put. The class emptied out, and her heartbeat sped up again. Mr. de Jong locked the room. "Stand up," he said curtly. She stood up, and Mr. de Jong came to stand right in front of her. ¨Those were 2 beautiful photos you sent, he whispered. Jessica had to bite her tongue to keep from showing her excited side. Would it happen? did he cross that line with her? Mr. de Jong stroked her blond hair. Her breathing got heavier a little. "You finished your finger on the toilet the other day," he suddenly said. Jessica turned red. How did he know this?! no one was there, right? certainly not in the maids' room. Jessica could only nod. He took her hand and brought it to her panties. ¨Put 2 fingers in, and then bring them to your mouth, and suck them off'. Trembling with fear, she did this. She brought her soaking wet fingers to her mouth and sucked them. A combination of fear, lust and submission coursed through her body. Mr de Jong smiled. ¨Very good slave. You will do as I ask you, and I will make sure that your photos do not end up on the internet, and that you pass your exam this year, understood?'. Jessica couldn't suppress a small excited smile, and nodded. ¨Yes Mr de Jong, I understand´ She walked out of the room and received a whatsapp.

¨ tonight 8 o'clock in the pool, in your bikini, don't tell anyone. If you can't leave your parents, make something up. 1 minute too late, and your beautiful tight body can be admired on the internet.

That evening, just to be on the safe side, she was already half an hour in advance at the entrance of the swimming pool. She had lied to her parents that she was going to see a friend. She hoped she wouldn't be recognized. At exactly 8 o'clock, Mr. de Jong arrived by bicycle. He locked his bike and smiled at Jessica. They walked in together. Jessica wanted to enter the ladies' changing cubicles, but Mr. de Jong grabbed her wrist. No no, and he took her to the men's cubicles, and pushed her inside. In the cramped cubicle he stood in front of Jessica. "Get changed," he whispered. Jessica couldn't believe it. She did it without hesitation. She got naked and put on her bikini. Mr de Jong smiled. He brought his lips to hers and kissed her. Jessica only thought yes finally, but when she wanted to open her mouth to tongue with him, Mr. de Jong stopped. He looked sternly at her. Now he dressed. A muscular body emerged, his 9 inch cock between his legs. Jessica's mouth fell open. Mr. de Jong put on his swimming trunks and together they walked to the swimming pool. It was fairly quiet, except for a few older people even deserted. They swam a few laps, and not a word was exchanged. Jessica was anxious, but very horny. After fifteen minutes of swimming, Mr. de Jong stopped. In a place where Jessica could just stand in the water. He came up behind her. ¨If you let go of even 1 tiny moan...´, he whispered. Jessica felt her panties go underwater. Her legs were pushed open, and she felt the hard head of the big cock against her pussy lips. Was this really going to happen? she had never been that big before. She bit her lip hard, and inch by inch Mr. de Jong slid his cock under water. Her body tingled, she wanted to scream, scream, but she couldn't. She almost bit her teeth, her eyes were huge. Did no one see this? Or do the oldies not care so much? Mr. de Jong slid in his entire 22 cm, and began to gently fuck Jessica. Her breasts were taken out of her bikini underwater. She was now the only one completely naked in the pool. "Mmm you're tighter than I thought," he whispered in her ears. She breathed quickly, short, so as not to groan. He started massaging her breasts. Then Jessica panicked. She saw someone she recognized. A colleague of her father. ¨Mr de Jong, I know that man, he must not know this, she gasped. ¨Mr. de Jong put her top back on her breasts under water, and thrust into Jessica hard 2 more times, before he took his cock out of her, put it in his swimming trunks, and swam away. The moment he swam away, the man saw Jessica. 'Hey Jessica, what are you doing here?, the man laughed. Jessica adjusted her panties underwater. 'Oh erm let the thoughts swim away,' she said out of breath. 'Ooh yes, very right, give my regards to your father'

Jessica couldn't believe what had just happened. She was briefly fucked by 22 cm, but she couldn't moan. Her throat hurt from the suppressed moans, she felt humiliated, but she had never been so horny in her life. Mr. de Jong swam to the stairs and walked to the changing cubicles. Jessica followed a minute later, and just saw every cubicle he went. He pulled her in, and a wild French kiss followed. "I'm so proud of you," he whispered, that you didn't moan while being fucked by me. Jessica looked at him with wide eyes. "Thank you," was all she could manage. They spoke briefly when Jessica was instructed to change her clothes, but to keep her bikini underneath. She did as she was told. She felt it, she had become his sex slave. They walked out together, no one saw her come out of the men's locker room. She wanted to grab her bicycle, but Mr. de Jong grabbed her wrist again. He pointed to a taxi, and they sat in the back. Mr. de Jong gave an address that she recognized. It was the school! The taxi drove away, and Mr. de Jong looked at her. "Take off your clothes, bikini too," he whispered in her ear. She looked at him in surprise. 'M-but the driver then??. Mr. de Jong took out his phone and showed her the nude photos. Jessica took the hint. And with trembling hands she began to undress. Surprised, the driver looked in his rear-view mirror. 'You will receive 4x the fare from me if you keep your mouth shut,' said Mr. de Jong. The taxi driver nodded, looking in the mirror every now and then as Jessica stripped off all her clothes. "Play with yourself, like you did on the toilet," he whispered, and massage your breasts right away. Jessica did as she was asked. She slid 2 fingers in, and stroked her breast with her other hand. She couldn't hold back the moans any longer. The taxi driver turned red with embarrassment, but Jessica had lost all embarrassment. 'Go on, slut, finger yourself in the back of this taxi,' he smiled. It wasn't even a minute before Jessica screamed, but just before she wanted to cum, Mr. de Jong grabbed her wrist. ´hey hey hey, did I say you could finger yourself?¨. Jessica couldn't believe her ears. He was in complete control. He pulled out his erect cock and grabbed Jessica's head. He rammed his cock deep into her mouth. Wisps of drool leaked down the corners of her mouth. 'Mmmm suck slut, you will suck'. She tried to suck his cock, but it was too big. He started fucking her mouth hard. His balls smacked against her chin. The driver was almost at school when Mr. de Jong took his cock out of her mouth. 'You can't even blow me off in this ride?', he said sternly. Get dressed, and quickly. The driver stopped at the school and received a mega tip. He didn't look back, didn't say a word. Jessica had only half dressed herself, and was dragged along by Mr. de Jong. He opened the school and turned off the alarm. "My room, quickly," he commanded.

Jessica and Mr. de Jong arrived in the classroom. He slapped her across the face with the flat of his hand. His handprint was on her cheek. 'Next time you suck better, understood!?'. Jessica had tears in her eyes, but also a soaking wet pussy. How could it be that such a shy girl was turned into an unformed slave by Mr. de Jong in a matter of weeks. He had her undressed again, and she stood naked in his classroom. He pushed her hard against the wall, with her ass back. "Do you want to get fucked again?" he asked. Jessica couldn't take it anymore. 'Yes sir de Jong please I haven't been fantasizing about anything else for weeks, please!'. Mr de Jong laughed. His mission was successful. With a good thrust he pushed his cock back in, and began to fuck Jessica wildly. ´Now you can moan slut, moan!¨. He grabbed her by the hair and thrust hard into her pussy. Jessica screamed. ´oohhh yes finally!´. Pets Pets, 2 firm taps on her buttocks. 'Say it slut!', Mr. de Jong moaned. ´ohhh I am your sex toy mister de Jong!¨ Her tight pussy was worked out by the big cock of mister de Jong. It took at least 10 minutes of non stop pounding. Jessica screamed her vocal cords completely hoarse, before Mr. de Jong moaned out. She felt a mega load of warm cum sprayed into her pussy. 'oohhh thank you mister de Jong, thank you thank you'. Mr. de Jong pulled her hair hard, slapped her ass even redder than her buttocks already were, and then withdrew from Jessica. Some of the cum leaked out of her pussy and onto the floor. 'Lick it up!', he gasped. She willingly got down on her knees. She could barely stand on her feet, and she slurped it off the carpet. "Swallow it," he laughed. Jessica swallowed it like a good slave. Mr. de Jong picked up Jessica from the floor and put her on his desk. 2 fingers slid into her pussy. He started fingering her hard. Her worn-out pussy. 'I want to hear you beg', Mr. de Jong whispered. ´oh please mister de Jong can I cum?´. Mr de Jong laughed. 'Sometimes you have kept my orders very well this evening, sometimes you haven't, but I am, as I said on the 1st day, strict and fair. Come on girl, and let's hear it!'. Jessica smiled from ear to ear. ´oohhhhh yes thank you mister young thank you! she moaned in a hoarse voice. Her body began to tremble and shake, and she sprayed all over Mr. de Jong's desk. She became dizzy. She looked briefly at the ceiling of the school. She heard Mr. de Jong's voice in the distance. 'You are a good slut Jessica'. She was so tired that she fell asleep on the desk.

The next morning, Jessica wakes up with a start. Where is she? she looks around. It's her own bedroom. How did she get here? she feels her body, she has been washed. Her hair smells fresh. She walks downstairs, and her father is sitting at the breakfast table. 'Hey Jessica, how was your classmate yesterday?'. She remembers the excuse. ´Oh yes nice, we went swimming. You get greetings from your colleague, who we met', she answers hoarsely. 'So what happened to your voice!', laughs her father, had so much fun?'. Jessica tans a bit, uh yes apparently. It's quiet for a while. 'Well, it was very nice of Mr. de Jong to bring you home after you fell asleep on the roadside. Can you imagine what would have happened if you had met the wrong one? She is silent for a moment. After everything that happened, the night she became his sex slave, he made sure she got home safely. She walks upstairs to her phone. 1 whatsapp. From Mr. de Jong.

“Jessica, when I first saw you I saw the potential you had. That sweet girl, but I think so naughty inside. you have realized that potential. I want to let you know that you did well on the resit, a 7.5. I have also removed your nude photos. What happened between us stays between us, that's why I'm your mentor. But if you want to continue being a sex slave, come into my class this afternoon and wear a skirt. No super short skirt, beautiful and elegant. But you leave your panties at home. See you this afternoon slut'

This is just a small part of the fantasy going on in my head. Maybe you already noticed that I am the Jessica in this story (not my real name). If the story goes well, there may be a sequel. I am also open to tips.

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