
The Sun King - 1

Dear readers, thank you very much for your comments on Bedroom eyes!

And here's a new story. I have a thing for history and this time I was enjoying a story about 'The Sun King'. All facts are correct, but of course I brought the main characters to life in my own way.

Enjoy reading! X. Zazie

This story is about Louis. Not an ordinary Louis but Louis the sexual expert

Louis Quatorze, Louis the fourteenth, the Sun King, the king who had the immense palace of Versailles built with great vision. The man who became king of France in 1638 when he was still a boy of four and who would then rule the country for seventy-two years as an absolute monarch and as the almighty 'Sun King'.

Of whom when he died no one knew exactly how many mistresses he had in his life...

Well, except for Monsieur Bontemps, his personal servant, some say the most powerful man at Versailles. Monsieur Bontemps probably knew because for many years he made sure the ladies were neatly ready for Louis, but unfortunately he didn't write it down. There must have been hundreds of them because Louis could do something about it. he loved women from high to low, from queens and princesses to the simplest ladies-in-waiting and chambermaids. But anyway, only one girl was his very first love and mistress. That was Valérie and from her newly discovered memoirs Le Roi du Soleil et Moi, the Sun King and I comes this love story.

Valerie the girl

I can't remember anything other than moving in with Maman. From one palace to another, from the Louvre to Saint-Germain and then back again or sometimes to a completely different palace. Maman was the chef in the king's palace and the king's palace was always where the king was. What I can also remember is that the king and I played together from an early age. We are only a few days apart and my maman gave him her breast milk when he was a baby like me. We grew up together and there weren't that many children in the palace. Actually, as far as I remember now, there were only three children, Louis, Philippe and me. Philippe is only one year younger brother of Louis, but that didn't really count, because as a child he always acted a bit strange in girl's clothes.

And I? So I am Valérie, daughter of my maman Sophie, chef de cuisine du Roi and when I grew up I was her right hand. So it was for a long time, until Louis made me countess at the age of sixteen, since then I am Comtesse Valérie de Rocque-en-court and own a small country house in this place, a few miles from Louis' chateau at Versailles.

REVIEW: Louis and Valérie 7 years old Valérie, mais nun, I don't want that! Louis yells. We run through the halls of the palace playing football together and I have the ball but of course he wants it. He has those moods that he wants everything and always wants to get his way, that boy doesn't make me good. Then he acts like he's the boss. Just because he happens to be king doesn't mean he's always in charge. I think Louis is a nice boyfriend, he's funny, except when he's so bossy. Like now. But you know, he can have the ball, I'm going to maman, help in the kitchen. So I give the ball a hard kick so that it rolls even further away from Louis and shoot down a side hallway, towards the basement stairs to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Maman is just sitting at the table drinking a glass of wine with some other cooks and when I come and sit next to her, puffing and grumbling, she asks: Another quarrel with Louis? I nod and suddenly I almost cry. Maman, he's been acting really stupid since he became king. Valérie, ma chère, you have to be patient with Louis. He still has to get used to this himself. At the same moment Louis comes running into the kitchen, panting, blushing and shouting when he stands in front of me Valérie, fille stupide, stupid bitch, bow to me!

I stick my tongue out at him, he's stupid himself. Maman takes Louis on his lap and then he bursts into tears. He turned seven yesterday and there was no fun party at all, he sobs. All just big people who bowed to him and then said nothing to him, just stared at him or whispered to each other. Maman strokes Louis on his long hair and says sweet words to him: You get used to it, mon petit amour, and you can always come here, hain? We both get a cup of chocolate and another piece of his birthday cake. And Maman and the other cooks sing 'long shall he live' for Louis and that makes him very happy, happy. A little later Louis and I run away again, outside, we are going to sail boats on the pond in the palace garden.

Louis the boy

I have no idea if any other people have ever become king so young. Louis's father died when Louis was more than four years old and Louis automatically became king. But of course Louis could not rule then, his mother Anna the Austrian and the Cardinal, Monseigneur Mazarin, did that instead. In the meantime, Louis was being taught all kinds of things and the cardinal told him a lot about how he thought you should run a country.

From an early age, Louis received private lessons every day, French, Spanish, martial arts, court etiquettes, too many to mention. And because Louis found it really boring in the beginning and kept nagging until I was allowed to join, I pretty much followed most of his lessons. That's why I can read and write so well and that lasted until the day he really became king, when he was thirteen.

I've seen Louis change a lot. From a very angry impulsive boy to a young man who knew better and better what he wanted. He soon realized that at the age of thirteen he was not immediately given power, that his maman Anna and the Cardinal would not immediately leave their seats. Louis learned to be patient and wait for his chance.

And until then, he worked hard to become the king he wanted to be. He wanted to gather good people around him, but he wanted to rule alone, because that was what God had finally decided for him. And he also wanted to make people think he was a bit mysterious. After all, as a king you are not an ordinary person.

REVIEW: Louis and Valérie 11 years oldLouis just got out of the Cardinal's class, the only one I'm not allowed to attend. He is furious, when Louis storms into the kitchen where I am helping Maman prepare dinner, he shouts when I become king he will leave immediately, never and never will he agree with me in anything! It makes me giggle , Louis is really nice when he is so angry. Lately he hardly ever does that anymore, he always smiles just a little weird, like you can't see who he is and I can't help it, but I think this real Louis is the nicest!

Maman puts chocolate in for us and the three of us sit down at the kitchen table. What's the problem, Louis? Maman asks. Everyone already calls Louis Majesté, but Maman does not, to her Louis is like a son, it does not occur to her to see him as a king. And Louis thinks that's good from Maman and, by the way, also from me, but otherwise he really wants everyone to treat him like a king. That's why the other cooks no longer come to our table when Louis is there, they keep a great distance.

Oh, he always whines about a parliament, that there should be one and that the people should be able to participate in the discussion. But they didn't get me for nothing, did they? If I wasn't allowed to rule alone, would God never have sent me here? Maman responds: Do you know, Louis, what God really wants, people just don't know that. And perhaps it is not so important whether you rule alone, but it is more important that you rule well, that you become a good king. Louis pauses for a moment and then asks, in a completely different tone: and what do you mean by that? , Madame Sophie? Maman: Well, you know Louis, a country is only a country because people want it to be. If they want to belong together, you have a country, no matter how big or how small it is. And they like to stay there if it is a good country, if people are treated fairly and see that their king is working hard on it. But if it is a bad country, then they want to leave or depose the king.

Again you can just see how Louis is thinking: But Madame Sophie, people don't always know what is good for them, don't they just need their king for that? Maman nods: That's right Louis, people don't know that always, or they disagree. But they do always feel whether someone has their best interests at heart, and that's why they got you to take care of that. Louis shows a broad smile: well, that's what I'm going to do. But I also want to become a special king. Monseigneur Mazarin thinks I should do a lot of the arts and so I will dance. Our dance class starts tomorrow, Valérie. Maman laughs heartily, but my mouth just doesn't drop open. I had never really looked for this behind Louis

Which King Louis wants to be

I really don't know where he got it from, but somehow Louis knows very quickly how he wants people to see him. In any case, he never wants to let himself be known, only with Maman and me he sometimes explodes about something, but otherwise he is almost always… how do you say that serene. Louis has also discussed it with me many times. According to him, people have no use for a grumpy king or a king who doesn't know it all either, as his father actually was. And that is why he wants to learn that he is above everyone, he wants to be serene, as if he knows everything and nothing touches him.

What also concerns Louis very much is that his maman Anna is completely wrapped up by the Cardinal. Maman leaves everything to Monseigneur Mazarin, but you know Valérie, I don't want anyone but me to be in charge later on. But how am I supposed to do that! We often talk about that together, how important it is that he gets good and smart people around him, but who do what he wants. Do you know how Maman does that, Louis? She is chef de cuisine du Roi, but she can't make everything you like all by herself. That is why she always looks for good cooks and makes sure that they take credit for their work, but only she gives them assignments and only she decides whether their work is good.

Louis shows that this appeals to him and Louis comes back to it every time we have free lessons. Which is important for France. And what kind of people he needs. Louis thinks he should have the best ministers for military science and for the treasury. And I think he also needs someone who understands what people need.

And so Louis comes to his choice, if he ever really has power, to appoint three prime ministers, for military science, for the treasury and for les humains, his subjects. And only he will give orders to those three ministers. He will never let them decide anything together, all decisions must come only from him.

Nobody saw it then, but I did, my Louis is becoming grand, très grand

LOOKING BACK: Louis and Valérie 14 years oldLast year, Louis officially took over the government from his mother and the Cardinal, but not much has changed. Monseigneur Mazarin in particular is still in charge. Louis is vigilant and waits for his chance.

Today Louis, his brother Philippe and I drove to Versailles. His dad once had a hunting lodge built there, but no one has been coming for a long time, there are just a few people to keep it in order. Louis wants to see if it's anything, that little castle. The three of us sit in the royal carriage and before and behind us ride the musketeers, the king's personal sentinels. Louis immediately falls in love with the castle. It is located in the middle of the woods and swamps, not a person to be seen, only silence and trees and the occasional wild animal. He thinks it would be great to make something beautiful out of that, far away from the busy, smelly Paris and from all those meddlers who walk around there.

While Louis points out more and more enthusiastically, a view, a group of deer, the castle in the distance, Philippe has to yawn more and more, on purpose of course. Philippe does not like nature, he prefers to be surrounded by a lot of people. Fortunately, Philippe no longer wears dresses and I think he has become a nice boy. The thing about the girl's clothes was weird, he said his maman made him wear girl's clothes to make sure he never wanted to push Louis off the throne, like their uncle tried again and again with their father the previous king. When we talked about it, he said, grinning a bit crookedly: mais Valérie, I don't want that at all, it seems to me to be a nightmare to be king. I pray on my bare knees every night that God gives Louis a long life. I get that, because it doesn't make sense to me either

When we've taken a closer look at the hunting lodge, Louis suddenly becomes very solemn: mademoiselle Valérie, monseigneur mon frère, I want to live here. I'm having the castle renovated, when I turn eighteen I'll move. Philippe looks at him in surprise: are you serious, Louis? Nobody wants to live here, you'll be all alone here. Louis just shows that funny smile of his again, it looks like he has other plans.

It's a hot day and a little puffy from the heat, the three of us walk through the small garden to the forest, followed at a great distance by a few Musketeers. The boys have long since learned not to care about that anymore, to them it's as if sentries and lackeys and all that don't exist, but I still don't like it when those people follow us like that and see everything we do.

After quite a while of walking we arrive in the woods on the shore of a lake and before I realize what is happening Philippe has completely undressed and runs screaming into the water. With a big dive he disappears under water and when he comes up again with his wet glittering body, his long dark hair hangs tight around his head and with his eyes shining with pleasure he looks like some kind of forest faun. Allez, Valérie, Louis, Venez, come in too! When Louis undresses and runs into the water, I can't stay behind. But yes, boys have it easy, I have to unbutton a bodice, take off some petticoats and some other stuff after my dress and by the time I'm naked I see how both boys are naked and up to their navel in the water brotherly standing next to each other looking at me.

It makes me completely embarrassed and with my arms in front of my breasts and the slit between my legs I quickly run into the water. I'm a good swimmer and I immediately take revenge on the boys by first pulling Louis and then Philippe under water. A fierce water fight then breaks out, in which Louis keeps trying to get hold of me while Philippe focuses more on his brother. It's been a really long time since we had such fun, but I feel that something else is going on in the meantime, our wet bodies are also starting something else. I find it quite exciting when Louis touches me and every time I get the chance I really have to peek at what the boys have hanging between their legs.

After a while we get out of the water and because we have nothing to dry off we lie down in the grass on the shore of the lake to let the sun dry us. I lie in the middle and enjoy the warmth on my body intensely. At a certain point, Louis turns on his side towards me and I see but especially feel how he looks at me all over my body, it is as if he lights a kind of heater in me. After a minute or so he says very simply You are beautiful, Valérie. Mmm, I think Louis is beautiful too, he has started to grow a lot this year and I can already see quite a lot of hairs growing around his penis. And that penis itself, I've never seen one, but it's really a lot bigger than before. But I like his face the most, with those beautiful dark eyes and that long wet-curly hair that reaches to his shoulders. I love him and I can't help it, it makes me glow.

Then Philippe also intervenes, he also turns on his side to face me, and so I am now wedged between the king of France, staring at me, and his first heir to the throne. Philippe is freer than Louis, before I realize he puts a hand on my left breast. They are not very big yet, but have been growing for a year or so. That's soft Philippe responds, only not this he giggles when he makes my nipple hard between his fingers. Philippe, don't do that! Louis snaps, You can't do that just like that! Oh, never mind Philippe bounces the ball back, I like boys much better too and he plops down on his back again, goes staring at the clouds for a while.

huh? I notice from Louis and myself that we didn't see this coming. But Louis doesn't say anything and keeps looking at me. He brings his hand to my right breast and asks in a whisper Can I? I nod shyly yes. And then he gently takes my breast in my hand, feels it all over and then, like Philippe did before, hardens my nipple by moving it between his fingers. Then he gently runs his hand down my stomach, to where the hairs grow between my legs. When I look at Louis I see how his beautiful dark brown eyes have almost become even darker and how he looks at me intensely.

Philippe has also come up again and suddenly says: mèrd, Louis, ton queue, your pole!!. Louis turns bright red, quickly lays back on his back and puts his hands over his hard cock to cover it up. And so, suddenly shy, we lie quietly next to each other, with bodies in which all kinds of things are happening and of which we do not yet understand much. At a certain point I can't resist and secretly peek at Louis's body. I think he's beautiful, he's still a boy to look at, with a smooth body, but with a penis, or pole as Philippe said, which is already really big. And then those soft dark hairs around it, I get jitters all over my body.

And then I think, alors, Louis just touched me, so I want that too. I turn to him, gently place my hand on his stomach and slowly move down his tight body until I can grab his cock under his hands. I gently caress him there, Louis moans from it and before I realize what is happening he sprays some white stuff over my hand. Now Louis also calls mède, jumps up and runs into the water. I also get up, I want to leave here and get dressed, while Philippe looks at both Louis in the water and me in surprise.

Barely half an hour later we quietly bump back to Paris. After a quarter of an hour I can't stand it any longer, slide close to the still grumpy Louis and ask him in a whisper What did I do wrong? Louis looks at me again with that strange smile of his, but then, suddenly, with a broad grin rien, Valérie, nothing. I was shocked, I've had cum before but I was really shocked by this. I move a little closer to Louis, look up at him and when he looks back with those beautiful dark eyes I give him a soft kiss on the lips .

Philippe has of course been watching it all again and asks et moi, Valérie? I bend over and give him a little kiss, just like Louis on the lips. And then, really Philippe: et maintenant món queue? Louis bursts out laughing: if you little brother, you keep your pole with you! And so the journey continues, giggling and with remarks that are sometimes at or quite over be the edge. I really enjoy being with these two guys!

Louis and the sun

In the same year, Louis gave his first ballet performance, the Ballet de la nuit, which lasted almost one night and the music for the most part was written by Lully, who, like many other artists, now frequented the palace. The preparation took a few years and Louis and I received dance and ballet lessons from Madame Courbevoie, who taught us all the dances of that time. In addition, she taught us all the tricks of the ballet, the steps, the movements, light-footed lifting (Louis) and landing (me) and whatever.

Louis danced the part of Apollo, god of the sun, in the ballet, and I got a part as one of his many nymphs, the earthly women he fell in love with. Only later would it become clear how prescient his choice was

On the evening of the performance, Louis looks beautiful. He has been fitted with a suit that appears to be entirely made of gold, it sparkles with every movement he makes and seems to shoot flashes of light through the light of the hundreds of candles on the stage. He has a large golden halo attached to his head and together with the gold-colored make-up on his face, he is now really the sun. Louis is hoisted up from under the stage on a kind of platform that once it is up fits exactly into the floor of the stage. It is a beautiful sight from the room. Slowly you first see the top of his halo appear and then inch by inch his face and then his whole body.

The tension in the room is to cut, everyone senses that something very special is going to happen here. This is not just a play in which the very young king acts, this is more, this is how Louis wants us to see him in the future. And really, I just can't believe this is the same Louis I romped naked with in the lake of Versailles that same year. He is all majesty, the way he looks, the way he uses his body, the way he walks instead of walking, the way he enchants everyone with his whole otherworldly appearance

In the second act I enter and together we do a rather difficult pas de deux to the beautiful music of Lully. I'm wearing a thin white dress that reaches a little over my knees and is just not transparent but shows off my curves well. It makes me quite nymph-like, I think. I'm pretty nervous and louis sees that right away. He takes my hand and with a graceful step turns with me with his back to the audience. Ca va Valérie, are you okay? he whispers. And immediately after: you can hear it! That pulls me through, that Louis still turns out to be the sweet, attentive boy that I have come to know recently.

I smile at him, we turn back to the audience as if it's part of the game and at a signal from Louis to the orchestra we start our dance. Soon it feels like we're transcending ourselves, like there's no one around us but the two of us. I focus all my attention on Louis, trying to do his best with every step, dancing as gracefully as possible and trying to make myself as light as possible when he has to lift me.

The performance is a resounding success, everyone in Paris talks about it for days and I think that's when the legend of the Sun King was born. In the following years it turns out that Louis has thought everything out in advance, because from that moment on the symbol of the sun keeps coming back. In his signet ring, on coins, in sculptures, on the dials of the immense clocks on the facades of his palaces and even on the guns and rifles of his army.

The Sun King has arrived

REVIEW: Louis and Valérie 16 years old One morning Louis walks into the kitchen while I help Maman prepare lunch. Bonjour madame Sophie greets Louis Maman, and he makes a little curtsy for her. I think my and his maman are the only people he bows to. Maman smiles sweetly and replies bonjour Louis after which he asks her if I can take him for a walk. If Valérie wants that too, that's fine, mon chère. I nod enthusiastically yes, I see Louis now that he is getting busier, unfortunately less and less and I like to come along. But I'm not wearing a really nice dress and I change quickly in our apartment behind the kitchen.

The garden of Chateau Saint Germain is not that big and we walk to the far corner to be a bit out of sight. There is a small gazebo with some benches and Louis takes me there. When we sit down I notice that he is a little nervous. What is it Louis? I ask, trying to meet him. And then the high word comes out. That his mother asked him a while ago if he had ever loved a woman and that he hadn't. And that she had then asked one of her older ladies-in-waiting to initiate Louis into the physical love of husband and wife. She did that and Louis says that he liked it but actually kept thinking about me.

Ma chère Valerie, ever since we swam in the lake at Versailles I would love to agree with you. um. I get a head like a cuff because I know exactly what he means. After our trip with Philippe to Versailles I was completely confused and then I asked Maman how that works with boys and girls. Maman then questioned me quite a bit worried about what exactly we had done. When I told them that we had looked at each other and that Louis was getting white stuff out of his penis, she was relieved and said ma chérie, watch out for the children. And then she explained everything to me, that such a boy's penis is there to enter a girl and that then that white stuff will come and that the children will come from it. She then gave me some kind of drink that, if I take it every day, ensures that no children come.

Louis doesn't get an answer because of my reverie and is now really worried waiting, he blushes. Ehm.et alors, Valérie? he asks. I look at Louis, a little shy, I find this very exciting. But I do want to and say softly oui, yes, please Louis. I keep thinking about you too. Louis is very happy and immediately kisses me on the mouth. With the tip of his tongue he tries to get between my lips and when I open them a bit his tongue slips inside me and he starts playing some kind of game with mine.

It makes me completely weak and kisses Louis back more and more intensely, it feels like we've lived here all those years of our youth. A little out of breath, we let go of each other and sit next to each other for a while, recovering from what is happening between us and in our bodies. Louis then asks me to come to his room that evening. If I wish he will send his personal servant Monsieur Bontemps to fetch me. I nod that it's okay, give Louis another kiss and we walk back hand in hand

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Love, Zazie

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