
The Prize - 1

Couple wins a vacation, their first in a long time. They come to enjoy it and do so in more ways than one

It happened just after my thirty-eighth birthday, in May. There were a few messages on our answering machine asking us to call number to claim our prize. Both my wife, Jennifer, and I immediately thought it was fishing or at least spam, and we knew about it without paying any further attention.

Until one night I was waiting for Jennifer to finish preparing dinner when suddenly the phone rang.

"Hello?" I said after picking up.

"Ah, am I speaking to Mr. Thorpe?"

"Yes, and who are you?" I asked because I didn't recognize the voice and I heard some voices in the background.

"I'm sorry to bother you at this hour, sir, but we've been trying to catch you earlier so you can claim your prize." He said the last part of his sentence with such excitement that I didn't know if it was real or not. Then the phone messages came back to my mind and I immediately suspected that these were scams.

"What price?" I said mockingly.

"Okay, my name is John and you entered a competition a year ago, in April, and I'm pleased to inform you that you won third prize. What do you think of that, Mr Thorpe?" John said with such enthusiasm that he seemed to drool into the handset.

"Wait a minute, John," I said, putting my hand over the microphone. "Jennifer! Jennifer," I yelled across the living room.

"What's?" said Jennifer, coming out of the kitchen with a ladle in one hand and a saucepan in the other.

"Did we compete in a competition around this one last year?"

"Um, I don't think so," she replied as I could see her brain working overtime. "No, I'm pretty sure not. How so?"

"I have an idiot on the phone here saying that we have won the third prize."

"Well, if so, I don't remember," she said and walked back to the kitchen.

"Well," I said, holding the receiver to my ear again, "we think you've got the wrong Mr. Thorpe..."

"Wait," Jennifers said as she stormed into the room. "We entered a competition last year, just before your birthday."

Suddenly the coin dropped. "Oh yes, you could. Let's see what he has to say," I said. "And what's that price, John?" I asked into the phone.

"The first prize, if you won it, was a holiday to the Maldives, with a thousand pounds of pocket money. Unfortunately your prize is not so luxurious, I'm afraid, Mr Thorpe, but you won a holiday in Torquay, in a five-star caravan provided of all mod cons and six hundred and fifty pounds in pocket money."

"And what should I do to claim it?" I asked, still very skeptical. Here it comes, I thought, the swindlers out to get what little money I have. I had been out of work for the last four months due to a car accident involving a car with no insurance on the driver, and I was practically broke. The debts piled up, so off we went.

"Mr. Thorpe, all I need from you is..." Okay, I thought, just say it, the amount of administration fees to be paid per person. "...is your address and zip code. I can then send you all the details of your holiday, that's all. Oh, we need to discuss when you can go, we only have a limited number of weeks available."

Well, to say I was stunned would be an understatement. Within five minutes we set the dates for a week's holiday in Torquay in June. The paperwork would be delivered by courier the next day.

I sat at the table with Jennifer that evening and was as happy as a child. "I don't know why you're smiling so proudly," Jennifer said happily. "If I remember correctly, Steven Thorpe, you would have thrown that match slip in the paper suit, like you used to with your ex. I was the one who put our phone number on it and sent it to you, not you."

"Yes, it is," I said sheepishly looking down, "but we were together, weren't we?" We kept our mouth shut while we ate. My girl makes a great casserole.

"You know, Jen, I've never won an award before."

"Me once. It was my first job after leaving school. I worked in the local supermarket, in the wine and spirits department. I won the first prize in the Christmas lottery." I saw her smile with pride. "But I've never won anything else, until now."

"Shit, we're going on vacation. We haven't vacationed out of town in almost twenty years."

"Hey, we've only been married for eighteen years, what are you talking about?"

"Yes, but we've been together for twenty-one years, haven't we, honey?"

"Yeah," laughed Jennifer, "you won me over when I was just seventeen," she says in a mock sulk.

"Don't whine like that," I said. "We're going on a vacation..."

The ride went perfectly until we arrived in Torquay itself. Then my navigator caused us to get lost. Jennifer is a great navigator as long as the road is straight and we don't have to take any turns. Instead of the four hours planned for it, we now needed five.

I know caravan holidays aren't always the best but when it's free you can't complain. We both needed a vacation, which we hadn't really had since our honeymoon. So you can imagine how excited we were.

When we arrived at our caravan we were quite impressed. We had driven past several other caravans along a long road, but ours was in a fairly secluded spot, among some undergrowth and trees and a hundred yards from the beach.

"Look, Steve, he's bigger than our house," Jennifer exclaimed enthusiastically.

"You're absolutely right, honey," I said as enthusiastically as my wife.

With the key they gave me at the reception, I walked up the stairs to the front door, opened it and stepped inside. Jennifer walked past me and looked at all the rooms. "Jesus dear, we have two bedrooms and a private bathroom. The kitchen is a bit on the small side, but it has an oven, a hob and even a microwave. We have a shower, a very nice bathroom, by the way. And look at the living room, it's huge, we can even see the sea!"

I followed Jennifer into the living room just as she plopped down on the couch under a panoramic back window. "You can indeed see the sea," I said as I sat down next to her.

"This is just luxury, Steven," Jennifer said and sighed with happiness. "This place is beautiful, so beautiful and luxurious."

"Yes, it sure is," I agreed. "Very nice, very nice indeed!"

We looked around the caravan in silence. We had never had anything like this before and the whole idea of ​​a holiday was special to us anyway. Now that we were here in Torquay, in a caravan for a whole week, it just seemed totally unreal.

"I think I'll try the shower," Jennifer said out of the blue.

I watched her as she watched the waves crashing onto the beach through the window. "Okay, honey," I said. "I think I'll pop over to the shop next to reception and see if I can buy a bottle of wine and some other goodies."

"What do I do with the food?"

"We go out for dinner, find a local pub and score a nice steak!"

"That sounds good, we haven't had dinner together in years."

"That's true, we certainly aren't. We can now eat out every night with the money we've won."

"What time is it?" she asked.

"A quarter to five," I said, looking at my watch.

"Then I'd better hurry."

"Of course! Dress up sexy for me? After all, we're on vacation, so let's enjoy it too."

"I'll see..."

In the shop they had everything to make your stay in your caravan pleasant, including a large selection of wines and spirits. Jennifer's favorite wine is a Merlot, so I immediately bought three bottles. They weren't cheap, but we were on vacation. I bought myself eight bottles of good beer and something to snack on.

The moment I came out of the store, I saw that it was getting dark. I looked at the sky and saw dark clouds coming out of the sea. It looked like we were about to get a big downpour. That was a pity, but it certainly couldn't ruin our adventure.

It had taken me a total of half an hour to go there and back to the store. Now that it was getting so dark I saw how light was shining from our caravan. When I walked around the car I saw a man with a cap standing between the trees behind our caravan. Hello, I thought, what's happening there and walked to the end of the caravan.

There was a light in the bedroom and the curtains were not drawn. I could see Jennifer with a towel wrapped around her standing in front of the bedroom mirror, putting on her make-up.

I heard some rustling in the bushes and turned around. The man peered through the bushes at the window where Jennifer stood. Dirty bastard, I thought, he's spying on my wife! He could see straight into the caravan from his position, the light was on and my wife stood there alone with a towel on.

Jennifer ran her brush through her hair a few times and then removed the towel. She obviously didn't know she could be watched from the trees. Her breasts swayed as she moved, turning to show the man her front, including her dark tuft of pubic hair. She still had the brush in her hand and ran it through her hair again, completely exposing herself to the man.

We weren't getting any younger, but seeing her like this made me feel quite proud that she was my wife. Jennifer still has a good figure even after two pregnancies. I smiled inwardly as I admired the view and if I knew her well she was completely oblivious to the show she was putting on me and the man in the bushes.

Then I noticed that the man was moving. Only after a few seconds did I realize that the man was quite old. I could see him standing in the vegetation, but because it was getting dark and he was wearing a cap, it was difficult to make out him properly at first.

Then I saw his arm movements and suddenly realized that the old man was jerking off. At first I couldn't see it very well, but when the wind blew away a branch, I saw it standing in all its glory.

The man moved his head and then his face also came into view. He was indeed quite old, perhaps even his early seventies, and he clearly enjoyed the same sight I was treated to. The dirty old bastard was jerking off to the picture of my wife! I saw his pants hanging down to his ankles and with his cock in his hand, I looked at my wife's big breasts and crotch. As it got darker I couldn't see much.

Then the rain came and within a minute or two the thunderstorm broke overhead. The old man quickly pulled up his trousers and retreated into the woods.

I could not believe it. What the hell did he think he was doing? We had only been here an hour or two and this old man had been spying on my wife and jerking off. He was gone now, but I was about to go after him.

However, the rain made me run to the door of the caravan. Once on the road I realized I had a boner. I had no idea why I had gotten an erection. What the hell was wrong with me? I should be furious and not walking around with a huge boner.

When I walked into the caravan I wasn't sure if I should tell Jennifer or not.

"Are you OK?" she asked, looking at me in bewilderment.

"Yes, how so?" I replied. Was it that clear?

"You have a funny look on your face," she said.

"Um, yes, I'm fine," I said, smiling weakly. "I just desperately need to go to the bathroom, that's all. I brought us something to drink," I added, handing the shopping bag to Jennifer hoping she wouldn't see my boner and I did like I had to run to the toilet.

Sitting on the toilet lid, I again wondered if I should tell Jennifer that she had been spied on or not. If I told her she would want to know what I did about it and she certainly wouldn't appreciate the fact that I just stood and watched. I decided to keep it to myself for now.

Jennifer was almost dressed by now, so I quickly got in the shower and then dressed to have a nice dinner together.

We found a nice pub not far from the park, got a table and ordered our meal. "It's nice here, isn't it?" asked Jennifer as we waited for our entrees. She looked at the black beams on the ceiling and the huge fireplace. Nearly all the places where it was so decorated in our neighborhood have disappeared. Now we had those modern tents that have no character or atmosphere and where the service sucks. Here, in the countryside... well, not quite. We were not in a city then, but certainly in a big place. We were served by a young girl and the service she provided was very good. She even smiled at us!

After a few glasses of wine, we were both in a relaxed mood and enjoying each other's company. We had a nice meal, served at a brisk pace. Around nine o'clock we exchanged our table for the bar and managed to get a few bar stools, after which we had a few more drinks.

"I think I'd better not drink any more, Steve," Jennifer said. "You know how I react to alcohol."

"Yeah, I'm sure," I replied laughing, "but hey, we're on vacation. We don't have to get up early tomorrow and can do whatever and whenever we want."

"I know, but I don't want to make myself sick."

"I won't let you get that far. Do you remember Bill's son's wedding? That day you let yourself go completely?"

"That's exactly what I mean. I promised myself I would never let it get to that point again, and it hasn't happened again. Jimmy's wedding was nine years ago and I haven't let myself go like that since."

"Yes, honey, you're right."

"You haven't talked about Bill in a while, don't you talk to him anymore?"

"No, not since Doreen got cancer."

"Yeah, you told me. I didn't know Doreen very well, I didn't see her that often. She never actually came with Bill."

I felt a gust of wind as the door of the pub opened, apparently the weather had gotten even worse. We both looked back and saw two men enter. I recognized one of them right away because he was still wearing the same clothes as earlier that day. It was the old man who had been spying on my wife.

Once inside, the old man took off his cap. He had gray hair and appeared to be bald on top. I estimated him to be around seventy and had a big beer belly that I hadn't noticed before. His face was full of wrinkles, dimples, welts and pimples. He certainly didn't have a pretty face.

What would Jennifer think of him, I wondered, but she looked away and sipped her wine. I watched the man to see how he would react to my wife. I watched him stare at her for a while, probably remembering how she looked without clothes.

"I really like this place, it's so cozy in here," Jennifer said.

"Shall we have another one?" I suggested when I saw her glass was empty.

"Okay, but that's really my last!" We looked at each other and I saw that look in her eyes that told me she was getting a little playful. That's what alcohol does to her.

The old man came up right next to me and his friend ordered a few drinks. I saw how they talked to each other, whereupon the old man's friend fixed his eyes on Jennifer and looked her up and down.

I have no idea how heavy Jennifer is, but she is five feet six inches tall. She's not as slim as she used to be, but although she's a bit fuller now, she still has lovely curves. Jennifer is no longer a blade, but she is certainly not fat.

With the two men standing so close to us, Jennifer and I fell silent. "But what did you do today, Alf?" I heard the old man's friend ask.

"Not much," Alf said after swallowing his beer. "Had a little walk along the beach this afternoon, that's all."

"You've been peeping again, haven't you?"

Alf took a long gulp of beer and swallowed it. "And there was quite a bit to see today, mate," he said softly

"I don't think so," said Alf's friend. "You really are a perverted little fellow, you old goat!"

"She was absolutely beautiful, Phil, I mean it," Alf said, emphasizing that he really meant it, "She's all class!"

At that point I turned and pretended to look at the clock that hung right behind them and saw Alf pointing over his shoulder at Jennifer. So Phil pointing out that it was my wife he had been spying on that afternoon.

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