
The Physio - The Sequel

Hello, thanks for all the responses. This is how the adventure with my physio continues. And as you probably expected, I've put this sequel in the group sex category.

It was the Wednesday after my treatment when the doorbell rang at 7 pm. Nok, my wife was still busy upstairs, so I went to the hallway to open the door. My wife came up the stairs and I opened the door.

Hi, good evening, I'm a little early. That's not too bad

asked Julia who was standing on the doorstep. I looked at her in surprise and was unable to say anything for a moment.

That's okay, heard from down the stairs. Then we'll just have a drink before I start massaging you.

My wife opened the room door and I stepped aside and let Julia pass. As I passed, I felt her hand rubbing my genitals. In return, she squeezed her nice buttocks as she passed me.

Both also tea

Nok asked from the kitchen. Both Julia and I answered in the affirmative.

Nok poured the tea and set the glasses on the dining table. Julia had already sat down and I also joined. Nok and Julia immediately started chatting. They had known each other for some time and Julia had also visited us a number of times, including 1 time with her husband. Curious as I was, I couldn't resist asking:

Do you come all the way here for a massage? Don't you also have other people in your practice who can massage?

Julia already had her answer ready.

Yes, but those are only Physios who pet.

When she did she rubbed her foot up my legs.

And you always say she's such a good massager, so I thought I'd give it a try.

Isn't it nice coming here? You also have to drive a long way and there is also a physio nearby

, Nok added another penny. However, my interest was not yet satisfied with the real reason for Julia's visit.

And what exactly are the complaints Julia? No complaints that the Physio can solve.

She smiled mischievously when she replied:

I don't know exactly, but after every workout I feel tension in my groin and I have pain in my glutes and the inside of my thigh. It's not an injury or anything, but my colleague can't fix it either. I think it should be massaged out and not stroked like us physios do.

She kept looking at me at this reaction. Slowly it dawned on me. After the nice massage I had from her I said I didn't want to go any further. And that if she wanted to be fucked by me, she had to seduce my wife first and then maybe she could get me too. And now she happened to have pains in her groin and buttocks, so that she had to be massaged naked. Something my wife doesn't usually do, except with me, but I had a hunch she'd make an exception for Julia. This was confirmed by Nok.

If I hadn't told you, darling Julia called with her complaints and asked if I had a place at short notice. She wants to be able to play sports again. Just like you.

Thank you the cuckoo

, I thought.

She's really not here because she's been in pain for a long time, otherwise I would have heard or noticed it during exercise. Horny Julia is only here for one reason. She wants to fuck me and she has to take a hurdle to do that. And that horde is you.

Yes, I can understand that. An injury is always a pain

. I didn't say what I thought, but when I looked at Julia I saw that she knew I had her plan.

We go upstairs and you can make sure that tea will be served in an hour.

I nodded and went to the living room when the ladies went upstairs.

I turned on the TV and tried to watch some TV, but my mind was elsewhere.

Would she then, what I had said as a kind of joke, but also a wish, try to get me into bed via Nok?

The thought of it made me horny again and I couldn't help but go upstairs and see or listen to what was going on upstairs. An erotic dream kept replaying in my mind when that thought was rudely disturbed. The door opened and Nok poked her head through the crack.

Just bring the tea upstairs because I'll be busy for a while

. And immediately she was gone. Quickly I hurried to the kitchen to make tea, which was so done with the cooker tap. I hurriedly put everything on a tray, not forgetting my own cup of course, and flew up. This was my chance to find out what was going on upstairs and if Julia really made it work. I opened the door with my elbow and walked into the room. My mouth almost fell open. Julia lay naked, but with a towel draped over her upper body while Nok massaged her buttocks.

Here's the tea

, I said and put the tray on the table.

Well that is very fast

, said Nok, amazed at the speed with which I was upstairs.

This is what happened with that new faucet these days

, I answered quickly and sat down in one of the chairs. Nok stopped massaging and Julia stood up as I watched. I saw her struggling to get up so that the towel would fall off her body. And of course she succeeded. Nok also looked up.

Mark has often seen me in the sauna after working out and you just now too

said Julia. Nok had also sat down. I saw that Julia wasn't sure whether to sit in the chair across from me or the chair across from Nok. To my regret she sat down opposite Nok, but soon my regret disappeared.

You are right Mark, she is really very good and has very strong hands. I think I'll have a few bruises on my upper back tomorrow.

Yes there were a few good knots in the muscles

, said Nok.

But those buttons are gone now. You should get yourself massaged more often. Now you help all your customers get rid of their aches and pains and you are left with it.

Listen who says it. Miss masseuse. I always have to massage to keep your muscles flexible. You never go yourself.

But you can also massage well and nice, baby

, Nok replied.

Oh, so I can also contact him if you have a full agenda? , Julia asked.

Yes, you can always ask Mark, but then you know for sure that you will be dealt with harshly', Nok laughed when she took a sip of her tea. Julia leaned forward to get her tea and out of the corner of my eye I saw her spread her legs slightly and I caught a glimpse of her bald pussy. When she went back she kept her legs open and gave Nok such a beautiful sight. at least I would like the sight, but I didn't know if Nok agreed with me. There was a silence as we quietly emptied our glasses.

So we continue with massaging. So you can go back down or you'll just distract us

, Nok said with a wink at me. I couldn't place the wink and meekly, and disappointed, I got up and left the room after which the door closed again.

When I arrived downstairs I went to watch some TV again until the ladies were ready. As before, I was more preoccupied with my thoughts than my attention was focused on the television. It took more than 45 minutes before I heard a thump on the stairs and the ladies entered the room.

Shit, I forgot the tray, would you like to get it, then we can have a drink. I went upstairs and picked up the tray with the empty tea glasses. When I arrived downstairs I filled the glasses again and walked into the room where Julia and Nok were chatting about physiotherapy, massages, complaints and the like. After putting the glasses on the table, I sat down on the couch and listened to the conversation. The chatter went on a bit when Julia suddenly stood up.

I have to go, because I still have to finish part of the administration. Next time I'll chat a little longer. She got up and kissed me. A kiss on each cheek and one on my mouth. A little overwhelmed by the last kiss on my lips in front of my wife, I looked at Nok out of the corner of my eye. Another smile instead of an angry or surprised look. Nok also received the same treatment. A kiss on each cheek and one on her mouth.

I'll let you out for a while

Nok said, following Julia to the front door. I didn't know what to think. Julia behaved freely despite Nok's presence. Nor did I know about Nok. The wink, the smile at the kiss on my mouth. She was normally quite jealous. Had something happened or discussed between the two? I didn't know, but I hoped to find out soon.

Two days passed and I had a drink with colleagues after work on Friday, not too long and no alcohol for me as I was by car. I turned into the parking lot and saw Julia's car again.

Why is that car here

, I thought. Nok hadn't told me that Julia had immediately made another appointment to get rid of her so-called aches and pains. When I entered I heard laughter and chatter coming from the living room. I opened the door and stepped inside.

Oh there's my baby already

Nok got up and gave me a kiss.


. Julia also got up and the ritual repeated itself. A kiss on both cheeks and a full on my mouth. The wine glasses were on the table and almost empty.

So you can come by again once in a while

, I asked Julia.

Yes, I immediately made an appointment for today on Wednesday and Nok said that we could combine it immediately and that she would cook a nice meal. And of course I couldn't turn it down.

she said with a smile on her face.

Yes I knew that Julia loves good Thai food and the last time she ate with us was way too long ago. And since hubby is on a business trip, I thought today was a good day. Especially since she wanted a massage again.

Speaking of good food, when do we start?

, was my question.

Everything is ready, so we can join right away.

The food was delicious, as always when Nok cooked and we had a nice chat while eating. When we had finished eating I bonjoured the ladies to the living room so that I could clear the dining table, pack the dishwasher and make a cup of coffee. After fifteen minutes I was done and served the ladies a cup of coffee in the living room. The conversation that followed was about the holiday. Nok started telling us about our holiday two years ago when we went camping in the South of France. Due to traffic jams we did not reach our destination and we had to find a campsite to spend the night. When we finally found one, we quickly set up the tent and then immediately dived into the sleeping bag because we were exhausted by the long journey and the associated traffic jams. In the morning Nok had to go to the toilet and walked out of the tent and immediately walked back in with a red face. It turned out to be a nudist campsite where we ended up. I then told her to just take her clothes off and then walk to the toilet block. Julia started laughing when she heard the story.

Well I was used to enjoying it, so I was ashamed to walk around in my nude,

said Nok.

But afterwards it wasn't too bad and when we heard that everything on the route we had to pass was fixed again, we only stayed a few days. It was strange, but Mark was right, you got used to it quickly.

I looked at Julia and saw that it was taking in with interest.

But now it's time for massage. Do you come

, asked Nok as she stood up and looked at Julia. Just like Wednesday, the ladies disappeared upstairs. I decided to grab another cup of coffee, but when I got up Julia came back into the room.

Forgot my phone, it's still on the table.

: You don't need it during the massage

, I said surprised.

You should know,

she said with a mysterious look.

If you get an app with the thumbs up, it's time to bring the tea upstairs. And it can be a bit warmer here because it's a bit chilly upstairs. She saw the thermostat and pressed a button a few times. She walked past me and I felt her hand on my crotch again. I poured myself a cup of coffee and walked back to the room, remembering Julia's comment.

What is that horny lady up to?

I thought as I took a sip of coffee. One thing was clear to me by now and that was that Julia was busy seducing Nok to share me with her. And I had little objection to that, but Nok was rather jealous and a bit prudish compared to Julia. She hadn't mentioned that she had spent most of the first day of the holiday in question in and in front of the tent, trying to hide as much as possible as she was naked. It had become a bit warmer in the room so I decided to quickly put on some sweatpants and a t-shirt instead of those thick jeans and sweater. My phone rang again downstairs and I hoped for a text from Julia, but it turned out to be a friend who didn't text but just called. We were on the line for fifteen minutes when I received the app I wanted. I hurriedly cut off the conversation with the announcement that I had a visitor and had to leave.

I quickly went to the kitchen to prepare tea and almost faster than last Wednesday I was upstairs again with the tray, only now I had not received an order from Nok to bring tea. The door wasn't closed and what I saw made my cock grow immediately. Nok was in her underwear between the legs of Julia who was lying on her back with her legs spread. Nok was massaging Julia's inner thighs. Not carefully but all the way. I saw that when she raised her hands she made no effort to avoid Julia's bald pussy and kept bumping into it. Nok didn't realize I was watching because she had her back to the door, but Julia did. She saw me standing there and gave me a wink and nodded at me. I thought this was the sign to come in, but I stood there for a while enjoying the spectacle. Nok was bent over so I had a nice view of that nice ass of hers and when she moved her hands back towards Julia's knees I saw Julia's bald pussy, which was now glistening with moisture. Julia's nipples stood up like hard buttons. On Wednesday she was still lying modestly with a towel around her upper body, but that was not the case now. I opened the door with my knee and entered.

Here's the tea

, I said and walked in with a grin on my face.

So it's hot in here

I remarked as I set down the tray.

Oh thank you dear. I'm glad you thought of that, I completely forgot to ask.

You're lucky to have such a gentleman as a man

said Julia. She rose slightly and supported herself on her elbows. Nok got up and moaned a little.

Well, I think you could use a massage too

said Julia.

If I hear it like that

. Nok replied:

Yes it was a very busy week, luckily I kept tomorrow off. But a massage to loosen the muscles will be welcome

Nick laughed. I now looked straight into Julia's pussy and Nok saw this.

But first a cup of tea. We'll see when you're ready.

You do that for your baby, don't you, or did she not deserve it?

asked Julia, standing up.

She has to finish her work first, she can't just stop halfway through a massage

, I said. In the meantime I had sat down and Julia and Nok both sat down in the chairs opposite my chair. So I had a nice view. Julia's moist pussy and Nok's sexy lace panties through which I could see her lips. I blinked my eyes for a moment, as if there was something in it, but the image remained. Nok's red lace panties had a dark spot.

Would she also have been excited about massaging Julia? I'd find out later I thought and listened to the ladies who started chatting again about the benefits for the body of a regular massage. Enjoying the tea and of course the view I slowly drank my tea. Just like last time, I was sent out of the room after tea.

Shouldn't I massage then

, I asked disappointed.

First finish the massage and then maybe. But maybe Julia would like to massage me too. Then I can give you some advice right away.

Disappointed, I slunk off and went back downstairs. Horny as I had become, I sat on the couch and tried to find excuses to go upstairs again, but they didn't come to me that quickly. The television came back on and I flipped around aimlessly. It was no longer concentrating at all. When I closed my eyes I saw Julia's glittering pussy again as well as the wet spot in Nok's panties on my retina. After half an hour of zapping, don't ask me what I was looking at, I suddenly heard my phone ringing again. I walked to the table where my phone was and saw that I had received an app from Julia and opened the app. A thumbs up? I had already brought tea so that was not the intention so I assumed that I was expected upstairs. I tried not to make a sound as the doors opened and closed and I dodged the steps of the stairs that creaked a little. Not knowing what I would find, my mind raced. The door was ajar again and I stopped. Through the crack I saw that Julia was now massaging Nok and that Nok was now also naked. Nok lay on her stomach while Julia massaged her back. When Julia saw that I was watching she switched places. When I arrived she was sitting next to Nok, but now she sat on top of Nok's buttocks with her bare ass and started massaging her back further. Nok lifted her head a little, probably surprised by Julia's action.

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