
The Lady In The Supermarket - 1

Disclaimer: There is no sex in this section yet. That will follow in later parts, because of the gradual build-up. The story is loosely based on true events between me and a woman I had an affair with for a while.

Like many people, I am a creature of habit. One of my regular habits is that I always go shopping on Friday evening for the weekend, and for the first half of the following week. I always go to the same supermarket. I find that easy, because I can easily find everything there, unless of course the manager comes up with the idea to change the interior, which unfortunately happens every now and then.

Anyway, it was Friday night again, so I went shopping. I took a shopping cart and got to work. First past the fresh vegetables, where I scored zucchini, a cauliflower, tomatoes and a bunch of bananas. Then I continued on my way, until my attention was drawn to a woman in front of me in the aisle. She was standing by the fridge, her back to me, and the first thing I noticed was her big round ass, tucked into a pair of super-tight black skinny jeans. She wore black pumps under her long legs, with fairly high heels, and a black leather jacket, and had very long straight black hair.

Well, that looks exciting, I thought, and curious as I was, I wanted to take a look from the front to see if she was also looking at that, because that can of course be disappointing. I caught up with her and stood right next to her, supposedly also interested in the products in the refrigerator. I looked sideways, into her face. No, she didn't mind at all. She looked like a Hindustani, because that's what I thought when I saw her from behind, and they are generally pretty pretty women. She had a beautiful dark complexion, large coal-black eyes in a pretty face, and full, red-painted lips. She immediately noticed that I was looking at her, and showed a nice smile. Oh, hello! she said kindly.

Hello I said back. My curiosity was satisfied at that moment, nice woman, but I came here for the groceries, so I continued my way in the supermarket. A moment later I met her again in the next aisle, with the chips and nuts. We came from the opposite direction, and as we passed she smiled at me again, and lowered her eyes. And when we met for the third time, she was standing in line at the checkout. She stood in line next to me, and we made eye contact again.

It wasn't all that special, so far, because this will happen to everyone at some point. But the next week I went shopping again at the same time, and I had barely made it to the supermarket when she was there again. She walked right in front of me with her shopping cart. This time she had on an even tighter pair of white pants that clung to her big butt and white pumps underneath. I accelerated with my shopping cart, passed her and looked at her.

Hey, hello I said cheerfully. She looked up surprised that she was being addressed. Oh, hi! she said. I saw that she recognized me. Doing some shopping too? I asked. What a stupid question really, but oh well, what else to say in such a situation. Yes, it has to be done, eh she laughed.

Well, the gnomes aren't working, are they was my next cliche answer. No, unfortunately. she answered. With that the conversation was over, I continued shopping. Moments later, I met her again as I turned around to another aisle. She was a bit clumsy with her shopping cart, so I had to step aside for her.

Go ahead, lady I said, making room so she could pass easily. Oh, thank you,” she said, coquettishly tripping on. Here for the first time I got a little bit of the feeling that I was getting in touch with her.

The following week it was already the third time that we met. She was gathering her things again, this time wearing a knee-high black skirt and black suede heeled boots. She wasn't wrong about that either.

"Hi, hi," I said to her. Surprised, she looked up. ´´Well, are you there already? she laughed.

Yes, I replied. Well, it seems like you can set the clock on it.

Well, yes! she replied. We stood awkwardly facing each other for a moment, waiting to see who would say something first. Everything okay? she asked, squinting at me with her big, almost black eyes. Yes, I replied. Nice to see you again. I think I blushed a little when I said that. With you too?

Sure she replied. Well next time treat eh? Actually, that's three times right?

Yes I said. Well until next time, same time, same place?

Yes she replied, and we continued through the supermarket. I had no idea if she meant what she said, but it warmed me a little. We met again at the checkout. She was in another line, which was much faster than mine, so she finished earlier. When she left the supermarket, she passed my row with her cart. She looked to the side and gave me a wave. Bye bye! she cried happily. I waved back a little embarrassed.

By now I was very much looking forward to the next time I go shopping. Admittedly, I had no idea what she thought of me. Maybe she just said something. I also wasn't sure if I could interpret her reactions as flirtation. But she had managed to conquer a place in my mind. Several times a day I pictured that heaving big ass in front of me, those full red lips

The week lasted quite long for my feeling, but finally it was Friday evening again. I went back to the supermarket, grabbed a shopping cart and started working on my shopping list. In the meantime I looked around to see if I saw her anywhere, but to my disappointment she was nowhere to be seen. Wasn't she showing up? But at a certain point I was with the cheese products. I grabbed a piece of brie, a piece of old cheese and a bag of grated cheese for over the spaghetti, and was just about to continue when a hard object hit my lower legs with a blow. Disturbed I looked up, who was so clumsy with his shopping cart?

To my surprise it was her.

Hi, it's me!. She burst out laughing at my irritated reaction. Don't get angry! she said laughing. I saw that this time she had wrapped her ass in one of those shiny black latex leggings, which left nothing of her shape to guess. She wore a white shirt with a print on it, and of course black pumps again, with high heels. She wasn't just looking at me, by the way. Out of the corner of my eye I saw another man, who almost ran over something with his shopping cart, when he turned to admire her bottom.

Oh hi I smiled back now. I'm thinking, where are you!

Well, here I am. That's the fourth time now, isn't it?

Yes, I said, Fourth time. That's going to be a treat, isn't it?

We paused again, and looked at each other, not knowing what to say. Could I take the initiative? Yes, that was generally expected of a man.

Would you like to have a cup of coffee with me? I finally dared to ask. I'll treat you, of course.

She put her index finger to her cheek, cocked her head, and looked up, as if deep in thought.

Um, yes, actually, she said. My heart skipped a beat. I had a bite! As long as I am not obliged to do anything of course.

No dude I said. Just a cup of coffee, a chat and back home.

Cosy she replied Shall we meet at the exit?

Yes, that's good.

We both continued our shopping round, paid. I brought stuff to my car, after which I put the cart back in its place. She was already there waiting for me.

So, done I said. Shall we sit there for a while? I pointed to the grand café across the street, where there were also tables and chairs to eat something. We chose a table and sat down.

Well, what do you want to drink? I asked. I'm treating.

A cappuccino she said. And do you want something extra? An apple slice or something I asked. No! she cried. I have to watch out, I'm already too fat! To be honest, I didn't think that was too bad. She had a big butt and full thighs, but her upper body was quite slim. So I ordered two cappuccinos and sat down opposite her.

I will introduce myself I said. My name is Richard.

Amisha she said. Amisha? I replied Nice name though. Is that Hindustani?

Yes, well seen, I am Hindustani. But just born in the Netherlands. My parents are from Suriname.

And are you still traditional? I asked Are you going to the temple.

No, we are completely Dutch, you know she laughed. Yes, we still do the festival of lights, and a few more parties. But we're in on Christmas just as much.

I took a sip of my cappuccino. She smiled at me, waiting for the next question I wanted to ask.

And I said. Are you married, do you have children?

Married, two daughters, 12 and 15 years old

And who is your husband?

His name is Kumar. He's a lot older than me, he's almost 60. But he's got a really good job,' she said proudly. He is a senior manager at ING. I knew that status was important in Hindu culture.

But what do you do for work, Amisha I asked,

I am a pharmacist's assistant. But tell me about yourself, what about you. Are you also married?

No, unfortunately I said. I am still single. I work at a chemical company, in the laboratory.

We talked for a while, also about the neighborhood where we lived, about holidays and the like, but at a certain point the conversation returned to her husband.

He has such a busy job, dude she sighed. He usually works 60 hours a week, and often has to go abroad. And when he has time off, he often goes to meetings for a Hindu association. As a result, he is hardly at home

Jeez I said Well, if you had someone like you sitting on the couch at home, I'd make sure I was home more often.

It was out before I knew it. Oops, what did I say again? But she laughed at my comment. Yes, he has heard that before, but it doesn't help!.

She was silent for a moment and looked at me with her coal black eyes. It made me a little shy.

Say she finally said what do you really want from me?

Nothing I said. Well, one thing. Your phone number.

She smiled. You can. She gave me her number, and I immediately saved it to my device. I called her to see if it was correct, her phone rang, then she also had my number right away.

I'm going to text you I said.

Yeah great, we will. She said Well, I have to go, see you next time, have a nice weekend!

We left the deli and went our way. I looked back and saw her walk away, rocking her big, black latex-clad ass.

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