
The Father Of Her Bff - 1

Liza was born just over 16 years ago. It all seemed to go perfectly. Until her father suddenly couldn't take it anymore. He left the young family, leaving Liza with her mother. Eventually they had to move to a flat 3 high behind. Lizas mother did her best to raise Liza in the best possible way and she succeeded.

Liza was a few years old when another single mother moved in with her daughter. The 2 daughters immediately became friends and grew up together. Liza grew up to be a beautiful girl with long brown hair, brown eyes and a beautiful slim body. Holly was a beautiful dark beauty with the real features of a black girl. Over the years they were inseparable. They went to the same elementary school and then the same class in high school. They were real best friends and sometimes became

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In their youth, the girls shared everything. They shared stories, sometimes a boyfriend, clothes and underwear, though Liza soon had a bigger bust size than Holly. When Liza lost her virginity, Holly was the first person she told and vice versa. The girls really shared everything except for 1 thing. Holly had never mentioned her father, and while Liza was sometimes curious, she left it at that.

One day Liza texted Holly to meet up but Holly said she didn't feel like it, Liza thought that was strange. Normally Holly would never cancel, so she kept asking and got no answer. Liza decided to tell the story herself. She ran to her neighbors and Holly's mother opened the door. Hi Liza. she said. I don't think Holly wants to see you.

Why not? Liza said. Did I do something wrong?

No of course not girl. You know what? Maybe you can cheer her up. Go to her room.

Liza went straight to her room and knocked. Get out! she heard Holly scream. Leave me alone!

Liza knocked again and opened the door. She saw Holly sitting on the bed crying. She immediately rushed over to her and gave her a big hug. Holly burst into tears, they sat like that for a while until Holly had sobbed. What is it? Liza asked.

I don't want to talk about it. Holly replied.

Why not? I want to help you. Liza said. Holly shook her head. Come on Holly, we share everything, so you can tell me this too. I'm not leaving until you tell me what's going on.

After some insistence, Holly decided to tell her anyway. Still half sobbing, she began. My father was released this week.

Released? Liza asked.

Yes, he was in prison. Why I don't even know. But it has to be something really bad, otherwise he won't be in prison for 10 years.

This was the first time she had heard Holly talk about her father, she had seen a picture of Holly with her father before, but that picture was years old. But why are you crying? You should be happy, you can finally see your father again.

I saw him this morning, too. Holly began. But he is such an asshole. He was unkind to me. I had really hoped for a nice reunion, but it was not as I had imagined. I never want to see him again!

Liza didn't know how to react. If her dad had upset Holly that much, she must have been a huge asshole. It made her angry that someone made her best friend so sad. But what could she do about it?

I'm going to the bathroom. Holly said. She got up and walked out of the room.

Liza decided to take the plunge. She grabbed Holly's phone from the bed and unlocked the screen, because of course she knew the code. As mentioned, the girls shared everything, so all her texts were old news to her. Except for 1 app from an unknown number, she opened the conversation. She read it through and it was clearly her father who she had texted. And after searching for a while, she found the address. Liza memorized the address and just before Holly returned she put the phone back on the bed. Are you okay again? she asked.

She nodded. I'm glad I could vent for a moment.

Good! Liza said.

After that, the friends joked again as usual. Her father was never mentioned again. Holly clearly looked relieved. And after a few hours Liza went home again.

At home she looked up where Holly's father lived. It was on the other side of town in the bad part. He probably couldn't afford anything else after years in prison. That night, all Liza thought about was how she would teach Holly's father a lesson. Because whoever touches Holly, touches her. It made it hard for her to sleep, but eventually fell into a deep sleep, dreaming about telling Holly's father the truth one day.

The next morning, Liza doubted whether she should do it. It frightened her, she had never heard anything about him, let alone seen him. Still, she decided to cycle there, she could still turn around.

The bike ride took more than half an hour before she arrived at the flat. The lawn in front of the flat was littered with rubbish, clothes, furniture, and even a TV that had apparently been thrown down several floors.

She put her bicycle in the bicycle shed in front of the flat and locked it properly, after all she did not want to walk home. Liza walked over to the nameplates and searched for the house number she'd seen on Holly's phone. It was on the 4th floor, it had a meaningless name. She reached for the bell with her hand, but withdrew her hand anyway. What if he refused to let her in. She decided to wait for someone else to enter or leave the flat. It wasn't long before someone came out of the flat, she casually walked into the flat after the other person came out of the flat. She entered the elevator and pressed the button for the 4th floor. The door closed and only then looked around. It was filthy and it smelled of all kinds of nasty smells, she didn't want to know where those smells came from.

The elevator stopped on the 4th floor, she got out and walked across the gallery to the right house number. Liza stood at the door for a few seconds before she mustered up the courage to ring the doorbell. The bell sounded loud and sharp. Not much later the door was opened. There he was, Holly's father. She hadn't expected him to look like this. He was over 2 meters, had a shaved head, a thick muscular neck, a broad chest wrapped in a white shirt, upper arms as thick as her thighs full of tattoos, through the shirt she saw that his stomach was flat and muscular and underneath an old pair of sweatpants that made her see that his legs were super muscular.

Who are you? he said, half screaming.

I..II'm Liza. She stammered.

What do you need? If you want money I don't have it.

Liza collected herself. I'm a friend of Holly's and I'm mad at you?

And why are you angry with me then? He said laughing.

You made her sad. She said angrily.

Made her sad? I haven't seen my daughter in over 10 years and when I see her she dresses like a slut. He said. Just like you, with your tight jeans and tight top. Is that normal these days?

Liza didn't know what to say for a moment.

I don't want my daughter to dress like that. He continued. I spent 10 years with all men and I know how men think and talk about girls and women. And I can tell you, when things like that are said about your own child, it's not nice to hear.

Liza looked at his face she saw the pain he really felt and cooled down. Sorry for being that way to you. Holly is just my best friend and I don't want you to be sad

I don't want that either. he said. It all takes some getting used to for me too. Can we start again? I'd like to know more about Holly and her best friend. I'm Joe. He held out his hand.

She looked at his outstretched hand and took it. Her hand almost drowned in his huge hand. I'm Liza.

Hello Liza, nice to meet you, would you like to come in?

Liza agreed, Joe stepped aside and Liza passed. As she walked past Joe, she smelled his manly scent mingled with sweat. It was strange, but it gave her a tingling feeling in her stomach. Liza walked down the hallway to the living room. The living room was a mess. Empty beer cans, half-eaten microwave meals, moving boxes and other packaging were scattered everywhere. There were all kinds of weights in the back, now she knew why Joe was so muscular.

Sorry about the mess. I still have to organize it all, I just don't know where to start. He pushed some stuff off the couch and patted it to indicate that she should sit next to him. I was training when you rang the doorbell. He continued. That was all I cared about in prison.

Liza sat down next to him and smelled the smell of Joe again, it made her legs weak. She normally looked him up and down. Next to her, he was huge.

So Liza, tell me about Holly.

Liza started telling about Holly, she told everything and showed pictures on her phone. Joe listened and watched closely. Without realizing it, Liza moved closer and closer to Joe to smell his masculine scent. Sometimes she closed her eyes to better absorb the smell.

After an hour the conversation ended. Can I come over again? she asked.

Why? Joe asked.

I can tell you more about Holly if you want.

Joe smiled. That sounds like a lot of fun. I'm almost always home, so come by again.

They said goodbye, Liza was walking back down the gallery when she heard Joe calling behind her. I think it would be wise not to say anything to Holly for a while.

Lisa turned around. Yes, I think so too. See you soon! She decided to visit again soon.

And so it happened, a few days later she came by again. She had indeed said nothing to Holly about her meeting with her father, but it did eat at her, because they had no secrets at all. At night she dreamed about Joe, she couldn't help it. In her dreams she lay against his muscular body and smelled his masculine scent. It made me wake up wet and sweaty.

A little after noon and got back on the bike for a half hour ride. She had put on tight jeans and a tight shirt, she didn't know exactly why these clothes, she probably wanted him to see her.

She arrived at the flat, locked her bike securely and this time dared to press the bell downstairs.

Hello, who's there? came over the speaker.


Oh..uh, yes come on up. came out of the speaker again. The sliding door opened and Liza took the elevator to the 4th floor again. Joe was already waiting in the doorway with a big smile on his face. Welcome back. Liza came over and looked at his clothes. He was back in an old white tank top wet with sweat that showed his big pecs and a pair of gym shorts that clearly left nothing to the imagination. Unnoticed, she licked her lips. Once at the door, Joe stepped aside and let Liza pass. Again she smelled his strong masculine scent mingled with sweat. She was shaking on her legs. Liza walked into the living room and to her surprise the living room already looked tidier than on her last visit.

Now that I get visitors now and then, it has to look neat, of course. She heard behind her.

She turned, Joe was a few feet from her, he towered over her, she looked straight at his muscular stomach and pecs. She looked up straight into his dark face, could smell his scent again, swallowed, found it hard to control herself, blushed. She quickly put a smile on her face. You did well. She said, stepping back.

Would you like a drink? He asked to break the silence.

Yes please, put some water. She replied.

Come on, take a seat on the couch I can't wait to see what else you have to say about Holly. Joe walked into the kitchen as Liza sat down on the couch.

A little later he came back with 2 large glasses of water. His shirt had already dried a bit, but his muscles were still clearly visible. He put the 2 glasses on the table and sat down next to her. Another silence. She smelled his scent again.

Do you train a lot? Liza asked quickly to break the awkward silence.

Yes, every day for a few hours. I did a lot of sports in prison and I want to keep it up. And do you exercise a lot?

No actually never, except at school with gym. She said.

Really? You look in good shape. Sorry, I shouldn't have said that.

Liza smiled and blushed. Thank you. She looked at his upper arms. Can I feel?

What? My upper arms? Sure go ahead. Joe said a little surprised.

With her right hand she felt his upper left arm. First she went over his tattooed skin and then grabbed his upper arm. Even tensed she felt how strong he was. Tighten it up. she said. Joe did as she asked. His biceps swelled and became as hard as steel. Liza tried to squeeze it, but she barely managed.


Joe had to smile. Yes, that's what happens when you have nothing else to do. But I don't recommend it to anyone. So don't get anything into your head, the criminal path is not for everyone.

I will remember. she said. She ran her hand up the rest of his arm. She felt his broad shoulder, then moved her hand to his muscular chest. She pressed against his chest muscles through the damp shirt. Can you tighten them alternately.

Yes, of course. Immediately he tightened them back and forth. Liza had to smile.

Do you like that? Joe asked.

Liza nodded. Sorry, I always like to see that. And now I know how it feels too.

Joe had to laugh. You are a funny girl.

She rested her hand on his chest for a moment, Joe flexed his pecs again and watched her reaction. Slowly her hand slid down to his abs. His shirt stuck to his skin even more here. His abs were hard, like a washboard. Her hand fell even further down towards his sports shorts. Joe didn't know what was happening for a moment, and Liza didn't either. It went automatically. Before Liza realized what she was doing, Joe quickly grabbed her hand. Ho ho ho , what are you doing?

I..I..I don't know. I'm sorry, it went without saying.

Do you even know what you're doing? Joe asked. I'm a lot older. I am the father of your best friend.

I know. Liza said. But I dreamed about this.

What did you dream? Joe asked.

Well, you and me. she said.

Do you know what you are saying? I'm not the typical boyfriend you've had. He said.

I know that and that's why I dream about it. I can't help it. Liza said.

I still don't think you understand. Joe said.

What then? she asked.

First of all, I am a former criminal. Second, it's wrong. And third, I have something that scares most women. Joe looked hard at her.

I understand the first 2, but what do you mean by the last one? She asked him.

Maybe I better show you. He stood up and lowered his gym shorts. What Liza saw was something she had never seen before. She looked at it open-mouthed. His cock hung between his muscular thighs. It was already big and thick and it wasn't even hard yet. Huge balls hung underneath. I don't know what to say right now. She said.

I've heard that before. Joe said. So what do you think?

I don't know. Can I touch him? she asked.

If you do that there is no going back, you know that, right? Joe said.

Liza nodded and at the same time she reached for his cock with her hand. She ran her fingers along his skin and then grabbed his cock. His cock barely fit in her hand. Gently she pulled back his foreskin. A large, fat black acorn emerged. Joe watched as she moved his foreskin up and down. His cock grew in her hand. Slowly but surely he stiffened and reared. Liza looked mesmerized. She pulled his foreskin up and down faster. Joe couldn't suppress a moan. Moments later, his cock was at war strength. His cock stood erect. The veins ran all over his cock and clearly visible. Liza looked up and looked Joe right in the face. And what do you think of my little friend? he said.

Lisa smiled. Little friend? My forearm is even smaller.

Joe looked at her. Measure it.

Liza bent her elbow and placed it in his groin. She compared her forearm to his dick. His head reached the palm of her hand, but was much thicker than her forearm. Jesus! she said aloud.

I've heard that before, too. Joe said as he looked down and compared her forearm to his dick. Now you have to finish it too, right?

Liza moved her head closer. First she licked his head. A delicious jolt of pleasure ran through his body. Then she licked again and again and again. She began to circle his head with her tongue and gently inserted her tongue into his open pee hole. Then she ran her tongue all over his cock. Joe growled softly. She pulled her head back and examined his shiny cock, gleaming with her saliva.

She opened her mouth and tried to take his head in her mouth. With difficulty she got his black head in her mouth. Her lips closed on his head and gently sucked on it. She opened her jaws as wide as she could and slid as much of his cock into her mouth as she could. Unlike the few boyfriends she'd had, his cock was nowhere near in it. She closed her lips as far as possible around his cock. She slowly pulled her head back until only the tip of his head was in her mouth, and she sucked on it teasingly.

She moved her head back and forth. She sucked hard and then gently. Meanwhile she looked up, right in Joes face. He was clearly enjoying himself. He gently placed a hand on the back of her head and steered her head back and forth faster. She continued to suck and make smacking noises. Joe put pressure on the back of her head. He pushed his cock as deep as he could, but it was too tight. He was okay with that, for now.

Liza continued to suck and was still amazed by the size of his cock. She looked up, saw Joe's face twist and heard him growl with pleasure. He tensed his cock, his balls boiled and couldn't hold it any longer. It had been over 10 years since he had felt a mouth on his cock. Liza felt his cock contract in her mouth, his cock pulsating in her mouth. She tasted the first drops of pre-cum on her tongue. Joe grunted and moaned and to Liza's surprise a huge load of cum came out of her mouth. It was like an explosion of cum in her mouth. He kept cumming and her mouth was overflowing. She tried to swallow as much as possible, a small amount of semen dripped from the corners of her mouth.

Joe let out a hard growl and one last jet of cum shot out of his cock. Liza pulled her head back. A long string of cum mixed with saliva hung between her mouth and his cock. The thread came loose at his cock and landed on her shirt. She swallowed the last drops in her mouth and then looked up with teary eyes. Joe stroked her head. You did well. he said.

Thank you. She Liza.

Joe grabbed the waistband of his pants and pulled up his pants. He turned his gaze to the clock on the wall. I think it's time for you to go.

Liza got up and tried to straighten her shirt, but it didn't really work. Yes you are right.

He looked at her in silence for a moment. I see you want more. Then make sure you're here again tomorrow, same time.

That should work. She said.

Good. He walked her to the front door and opened it. Liza walked past him through the doorway, inhaling his manly air once more. And remember, don't tell Holly.

I won't say anything to Holly.

Good, I'll see you tomorrow. Joe said

See you tomorrow. Liza turned and Joe watched her until she got into the elevator.

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