
The Double Use Of Family

Dad, that corona crisis is really fucking annoying.

Eva, you know there's nothing we can do about it.

Yes, but then I can still think that this is just shit? I can't do anything like that!

Eva then angrily strode out of the living room. Her father's nonchalant attitude made her even angrier. Her mother was the only one who still had a life. She was just at work. Eva spent whole days at home, just like her father. The village where she lived wasn't great now either. There were no distractions nearby. Her phone therefore seemed to be her best friend.

Eva had only been seventeen for a few weeks. She looked younger than she was. This was mainly due to her height and slim body. The teenager was 5'6" tall and her curves were now not of extraordinary proportions. In the store she often had to doubt between an A or B cup. Her striking green eyes and her dark blond hair made her look more innocent than she actually was. By now Eva had discovered that sex was wonderful. The few boys she'd shared the proverbial sheets with had left her with an almost constant desire for steamy sex. The feeling of a nice cock in her pussy was perhaps the best she had experienced in years. In addition, her ass was no longer a virgin. Fortunately, neither her parents nor the people in the village knew about this side of her.

In bed she wandered through Instagram and then felt a dream come up again. That is not the desire for sex, but for a modeling career. Eva was disappointed that she didn't have the height for that. Despite her striking eyes and talent for good looks, she was invariably rejected by the modeling agencies to which she had sent her portfolio. Eva loved the camera's attention. She herself also took pictures of herself, but that was different. Those were often cliché photos in front of the mirror or other selfies in poses that the socials were full of. Eva wanted to be a real model, a top model.

When she had calmed down a bit, she went back downstairs. Sighing, she sat down on the couch.

What is it, girl? her father asked her.

Simply. Shit corona. And I can't be a model either.

The two are separate, aren't they?

Yes, haha, see Eva bits. Be funny. But, they are both frustrating.

And I can't do anything about both, can I?

No, it is.

At that moment the bell rang. Eva's father walked to the front door. That too. She heard her uncle. She must have come to have a beer with her father again. This was confirmed a few seconds later.

Is that little girl going to have a beer too? was the first thing Uncle Ron said when he saw her sitting there. You don't look happy.

No, does this make you happy?

Of a beer, yes. And from you too.

Thanks, Eva said, turning her head away. Uncle Ron was her dad's oldest brother. There was almost an entire generation in between. While her uncle had been the reason that her grandpa and grandma had had to marry at a young age, her father was an afterthought from the time when pregnancies were no longer considered at all. That's why there was no less than twenty-one years between them. Still, the two got on well, much to Eva's chagrin.

When Uncle Ron had taken a seat on the couch next to her and had received a can of beer from her father, Uncle Ron asked Evas father why the girl was so grumpy.

Well, corona demands a lot from her, he said lightly.

Corona? Am I safe here?

No, the whole situation. Eefje doesn't have corona. She just says she can't do anything. And yes, then she spends a lot of time on her phone and well, then that dream comes up again, doesn't it. Her father then took a big drink from his can.


Yes, about that modeling thing. Her father's tone already echoed his opinion about it.

But, with Uncle Ron placing his hand just above her knee. Then you just come and do a shoot with me.

Eva looked at him in surprise and a little arrogantly.

You do know that I have done a lot of photo shoots in my spare time, right?

No, said Eva, looking at her father. He nodded calmly, now realizing his eldest brother's hobby again.

I have done shoots for many girls with model aspiration for their portfolio.

Oh. But, am I too small?

Well, with images you can be creative with that. If you then have good results, people are more likely to convert. The thing is that there is nothing on the photo that can be used to refer to your height.

That sounds good,.. good? Eva said a little doubtfully. I'm thinking about it.

Is good. I can hear it then. He then released his hand from her knee. It's a pity there's no football now, isn't it? Uncle Ron turned back to Evas father.

Eva remained with the thoughts in her head while the men discussed some sports and other things that were not interesting to Eva. Was Uncle Ron a photographer then? In fact, she didn't like him much. She thought he was old and sometimes a little too touchy. She didn't need that hand on her thigh. She always insisted that he was just the way he was. Would he be a good photographer? She stood up with those questions in her mind.

Evaatje, if you want to come sometime, let me know. All the time now, her uncle said just before she left the room. Eva nodded a little distantly and continued walking. As she climbed the stairs, she heard her father and uncle immediately continuing the conversation they were engaged in.

In her room she lay down on the bed. It didn't take her long to search her phone for samples of her uncle's work to pop up. Would he have a studio at home? She understood what he meant. By using a studio, there was nothing that could lead to her short height. The images appealed to her. Via Modellenplein she saw that her uncle also received good reactions. She quickly looked at some more examples of his work. Apparently he didn't shy away from stimulating work either. She saw a girl posing in only shorts with her hands covering her breasts. The look in her eyes would describe Eva as horny rather than sensual. Through other sites she also saw some examples of even more racy photos in the name of her uncle. Without realizing it, her free hand stroked the insides of her thighs.

After gazing at her uncle's work for quite a while, and with more and more intimate caressing herself, her hand ending up on her panties, she stood up. In the mirror she saw the blush on her cheeks. Not only had her uncle produced interesting work that she could use for a portfolio, he also captured images that excited her. Eva walked up and down her small room a few times. Many questions ran through her mind after googling her uncle, but the question that most prominently piqued her mind was when he would have time. After mustering up the courage to go downstairs and put that question to her uncle, she hurried to the bathroom to wash her hands. This time it was not because of the measures for the current crisis. Her intimate scent could have been on her fingers. Just when she did this in the bathroom, she thought it was quiet downstairs. Perhaps her father was getting another beer for his brother and himself.

Eva walked down the stairs and into the living room. She looked around and saw only her father.

Is he gone already?

Yeah, he had to do something or something.

Oh, okay.


Well, said Eva as she sat down on the arm of the side of the couch closest to her dad. Uncle Ron did mention a photo shoot.

Yes. I hadn't thought of that at all. He's been doing that for a long time, but I haven't heard him talk about it lately. So didn't mind.

Maybe I should pay him a visit then.

Do you want that?

Maybe. If it can help?

That's true. But,.. Her father didn't finish his sentence.

Eva looked at him questioningly.

I always feel like you don't like him.

True. Bit. But yeah. Now it's different.

Shall I go then?

Eva was momentarily surprised at her father's proposal, but she didn't think it was a bad move. Yes. I think that's nice.

In the evening the confirmation came: Eva could come and do a shoot at Uncle Ron's. To say that she found that exciting was an understatement. That was both because of the bond she had with him and because of the images she had seen online. She had asked her father if she should wear anything special. Her father had received the answer that she just had to look nice. Two days later it would be time.

Where her father didn't say a word about it, Eva was busy with it all the time in her head. She bounced inside. All the time she had to think about what she was going to wear. Before going to sleep she looked for something in her clothes. She had a wide choice of clothes, but she didn't really know what was appropriate. Would she just go for jeans with a white shirt or a dress? And what should she wear underneath? Or was it best for her to wear nothing under the light fabric? Eva put off the choice and went to bed.

After some twisting, she couldn't resist googling her uncle and his work again. Soon she was just looking at racy photos he had taken. Eva would like that too. The results were both exciting and beautiful in terms of setting. Again her free hand fell down. Because this teen was naked under the sheets, her hand quickly slipped between her legs. She put her knees up a little and her feet a little apart. Even before she was aware of it, her ring and middle fingers were half in her pretty wet pussy. Fingering subtly, she looked at more pictures. However, it wasn't the ladies that turned her on, but the fact that she was already posing there. Could she herself get such horny effects in front of the lens?

Eva put her phone down next to her. She closed her eyes and brought her other hand to her small breasts. Her nipples were already wonderfully sensitive. Thinking about her own photo shoot, she felt herself more and more intensely. Her fingers went deeper and her hand squeezed her nipples harder. That hand then moved down quickly. Calmly he began to massage her clitoris. At this she started dipping even harder in her pussy. She turned wildly on her stomach. Eva started to ride her fingers lasciviously, while her hand continued to massage. This was intensely horny. In her fantasy she posed more and more provocatively for her uncle. She even imagined that she was naked in front of him and took buttery horny poses, barely covering her private parts. That thought was too much for her. Shaking her hips, she came on her fingers. Her whole body went into this orgasm. Eva experienced it with closed eyes. Blissfully she fell asleep afterwards.

Two days after the first start for the photo shoot, it was already time. Through her father, Eva had asked her uncle a few times what she should take with her. The answer to that had always been: Something nice. Eva couldn't do much with that. The only other tip Uncle Ron had given was to think about putting together her portfolio. Before that, Eva had gone online to look at some portfolios on modeling agency sites. She didn't have the avant-garde under the clothes, so she thought it best to provide a simple set that would really be about her looks. The jeans with the white shirt therefore became the final choice. She didn't put this on yet to prevent it from getting dirty. Eva carefully put that set in her backpack. She herself was dressed in a green tight dress. The temperature of this beautiful spring day gave every opportunity to do so. The tight dress was also easy to change.

Just after noon, Eva walked with her father from the yard towards Uncle Ron's house. Ron lived on the edge of the village about a five minute walk away. Within the small community that was quite a stretch, but in reality it was only two blocks away. Eva's father didn't say much on the way. Eva noticed everything that he now did this purely because of his brother and not because he was now into the whole modeling thing. The only thing he noticed on the way was that it was very quiet on the street and that there were hardly any birds to be seen.

When he arrived at Uncle Ron, he quickly opened it.

Good afternoon both, he said jovially.

Hi, Eva said a little timidly.

"Hallowkes," Eva's father said to his brother.

Would you like something to drink or do you want to get started right away?

Uuhm. Eva looked around for a moment. Maybe start right away?

I would like a quick drink. It was quite a journey, Ronnie, her father said.

Without responding, Uncle Ron hurried to the kitchen, rummaged around, and returned with a can of beer for his younger brother. He himself had not taken anything.

Don't you? he was asked.

No. Focus on the shoot first.

Oh, is that right? Well cheers then.

Uncle Ron nodded to Evas father and then beckoned her along. Eva followed him, followed by her father who took a long drink from the can. He followed a little disinterestedly. Uncle Ron led the way to the attic. There were two rooms that Eva had never seen. Uncle Ron opened the right one. That turned out to be a real studio. The elements for the light and the canvases were therefore permanently present there. There was a small fenced-off area in the corner that clearly served to allow the model to change. Eva narrowed her eyes. Her greenish binoculars sparkled as she captured every detail of this photo studio.

Do you want to be photographed in that dress or do you have something else with you? Her uncle nodded at her.

Yes, a shirt and jeans, said Eva.

Okay, Uncle Ron responded. Put that on then.

Can I change back there?

You can, said her uncle. He looked at her a little surprised. Can also be heard here.

I'll change back there. Then she walked with her backpack to the improvised changing room. The erotic tension that Eva noticed in herself the night before when thinking about this shoot, was now completely gone.

As she pulled her dress over her head, she heard Uncle Ron talking to her father.

Is she nervous?

No idea. I think she's looking forward to it.

Beautiful. But, if she's nervous, I'll help her. That will be fine.

How could he help her? Eva wondered as she hung her dress over the chair that was standing there. She quickly put on her jeans and shirt, after which she put her white sneakers back on her feet. She took a deep breath for a moment. This was the time. She stepped back to the two men.

Ha, Eva. Are you ready?

Is it okay if I quickly grab a drink?


Is good. You know where it is.

Put yourself in front of the screen and look at the camera, Uncle Ron told Eva.

She stood there. Her father walked out of the attic room at that moment. Eva saw her uncle look a little doubtful.

What is it?

Not fully thought about your clothes?

Eva was shocked. Yes, then what?

That bra really can't go under a white shirt. You will see that through it.

Oh really? And now?

Just turn it off. You can with this shirt.

Are you sure?

Uncle Ron said nothing, but his expression on his face let Eva know that he was the one who understood, not her. She went back to the dressing room, pulled her shirt over her head and put her hands to the clasp of her bra. A moment of doubt gave way to understanding. Her underwear was appropriate for spring, not a shoot. Eva hadn't thought about that. The Hema model with the cheerful print went out and was placed on the chair. She quickly put her shirt back on. Eve walked back. She stood where she had just been. Her uncle looked more pleased now.

Can I have a minute?

Eve didn't know what to expect. She gave him a small nod. He had already shown that he was the one who understood this. Eva had decided she would listen carefully. Uncle Ron stepped up to her. He brushed a little on the side of her shirt. Then he ran a quick run through her dark blond hair. Then she felt his hands move quickly along her breasts. A hand tucked her shirt into her pants in the front. With that, his hand slid in a bit. Eva was especially surprised at what happened. Her nipples immediately responded to the slight touch and hardened. Then her uncle stepped back to the camera. He focused it. Just as he took the first photos and was giving Eva some pose-related directions, her father resurfaced. He glanced at his daughter. For the first time in this whole situation she saw a small smile on his face. Would he really be proud? Uncle Ron kept giving directions, which Eva followed neatly.

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