
Swimming pond - 1

Hello, this is my first sex story ever, I've already started the sequel. Let us know what you think of the story, points for improvement are more than welcome. Anyway, I enjoyed writing it, so enjoy reading!

It was the first really warm summer day of the year and that on a Sunday! This only meant one thing: everyone, really everyone, went out. On the way to the local swimming pond, I saw older couples enjoying the nice weather on electric bicycles, cyclists in sweaty tight suits and countless families and groups of young people with probably the same final destination as me. It may be referred to as the 'swimming pond' by most people, but it is closer to a large lake than a pond. Every summer day the beaches of the pond are full of people, young and old. Most visitors choose the east side of the pond, as this is where the most beautiful and largest beach is present. However, my friends and I usually lie down on the north side of the puddle. There is a smaller sheltered beach that is not known to many people. Also on this summer day in June, the boys and I decided to chill on this beach.

I cycled with my best friend Tom towards the forest walking path, via which you ended up at the sheltered beach. When we arrived I already saw several bicycles, I recognized those bicycles belonging to Benjamin, Patrick and Maarten, but I also saw two bicycles that I did not recognize, two women's bicycles. I immediately said to Tom: 'God damn it, our place has been discovered', and I saw from Tom that he felt the same way. Tom is just like 19 years old, he has blond hair, a short beard and is about 1.85 tall. I, Pim, am 1.90 tall, have short curly black hair, am slightly muscular due to my rowing background and have no facial hair.

As we walk along the forest path towards the beach, I am still a bit disappointed that our place has been discovered by others, little did I know then, shall we say. Arriving at the beach, I see Benjamin and Patrick kicking a ball to each other, while Maarten, with a beer in his hand, tries to get the music box on. I yell at Maarten: isn't it a bit early for beer, to which he replies in surprise: it's never too early for beer!. Even though it was only 12:30 in the morning, I had to agree with him and I grabbed a beer for Tom and me, this will be a nice day I think to myself. As I open our beers, I see out of the corner of my eye that there are two women, or girls I should say, sitting on their towels right behind us. I decide not to pay too much attention to it.

We talk for an hour about anything and everything, which was also necessary. Our group of friends originated in high school, but in the meantime we are all studying. It doesn't happen too often anymore that we are all together, when we are, we always try to make a day of it, like today. Around one o'clock we had caught up and decided to go for a swim, since it had already become quite warm. Until then everyone had still worn their T-shirts and they all went off now. I saw that Maarten, since joining a student association, had put on a lot of weight. He even has a small belly, Maarten is the smallest of the group at 1.75 and also the only one with orange hair. Benjamin and Patrick are gym buddies and it shows, both have a tight six pack. Benjamin is the tallest of the group, on his 2 meter high head grows a bunch of black frizzy hair, this fits well with his dark skin color. Unlike Benjamin, Patrick is stark white and the same goes for his hair, I'm guessing Patrick is about the same height as Tom.

The temperature of the air may have already risen considerably, but not the water. The water is ice cold and I feel my cock shrink by 1 inch as soon as it hits the water. Tom comes up with the great idea to play Frisbee in the water, hoping to warm it up a bit that way. After just one minute I feel that it has an effect, because I feel the cold of the water definitely less. I notice that the two girls are observing us from a distance and I try to do the same. I guess they're about our age, though I can't see very well from this distance. While I'm half staring, I suddenly notice that the girls are standing up and moving towards us. Shit I think, they must have noticed I was watching. I quickly decide to turn my head away and focus on playing Frisbee again. I see the girls coming into the water from the corner of my eye. The tallest girl I can tell starts talking to us: Hey! We have nothing to entertain us with, is it okay if we join you?. Most of us let out some sounds of approval and I too mutter in agreement.

The taller girl introduces herself as Anna and the shorter girl as Fleur. While playing frisbee we find out that the girls live two villages away and that they always come here, because there is no one here who knows them. Anna turns out to be 20 and Fleur, like all of us, 19. Both girls are studying and Fleur even turns out to be at the same college as Tom and I. My bad thoughts that I had when I saw the two bicycles soon disappeared, because these girls turn out to be very nice. When we get out of the water, we decide to put our towels together. Anna and fleur have brought two bottles of white wine in a cool box, since we also have enough cooled beer and a bottle of tequila, we will not die of thirst for the time being. After talking for half an hour and consuming some snacks and drinks, Anna proposes to play some games. It's some kind of drinking game on her mobile.

The aim of the game soon becomes apparent to have to drink as much as possible. In the game questions are asked and assignments are given and the person to whom the question or assignment is addressed must drink or hand out sips. All questions and assignments are fairly innocent, Benjamin has to drink once because he has cheated on a test and Fleur can hand out gulps because she can push up 10 times. The fifth question, however, is addressed to everyone and it reads: Take three sips if you are a virgin. Bam! It will arrive, as far as I know I am still the only virgin in our midst. I take my three sips totally embarrassed, but to my surprise Fleur also takes three sips. Anna immediately shouts: Well, of course that has to change!, which does not really help my shame. In the rest of the game I am happy with the embarrassing questions, but I notice that everyone is getting quite tipsy.

Because the temperature has already risen considerably, we decide to go for a swim again. Until now, the girls had worn shorts and a shirt over their bikinis. These garments were now taken off and I did not mind at all. Not only is Anna the taller of the two, she also has the largest breasts and buttocks, appearing to be only slightly smaller than Tom. Her chest and buttocks are therefore perfectly in proportion to her height, Annas dark blond hair comes to a little over her shoulders. Anna is also slightly stockier than Fleur, but again because of her height, it actually suits her. Anna is at least 10 centimeters shorter than Anna, but her breasts and buttocks are also nicely proportioned. She has a tight tummy and a tight ass, which indicates that she does something about sports. Fleur's light blond hair curls a little and reaches about halfway down her breasts. I walk behind the girls and feel my dick that those beautiful asses do not leave me untouched, so I am glad that we go into the water, so that I am not embarrassed with a huge tent in my pants.

In the water we are all messing around a bit. The nice thing about this place is that it is located in an inlet of the lake and apart from a single boat, you do not realize that you are staying at a busy lake. I notice in the water that Fleur tries to contact me a lot and sometimes even gets a little touchy. At one point, Fleur is standing in the middle, during a game of lounging. When I have the ball, I decide to wait until Fleur is right in front of me. Just as I throw the ball to Maarten, Fleur jumps and falls over me, trying to get hold of the ball. This makes me lose my balance and we both fall into the water. When I try to get up, I feel Fleur's hand slide down my lower back and end up on my ass. Her hand rests there for a while until she squeezes my ass briefly. Ooh sorry, I was trying to find something to hold on to, she says innocently with a playful look on her face. As Fleur goes after the ball again, I think to myself that I think that Fleur is less innocent than she pretends to be.

When we sit and drink in the grass again, I get more and more the need to pee. I therefore tell the rest that I will dive into the bushes to pee. After having walked about 50 meters into the forest, I can no longer see the rest and I take my cock out of my pants at a nice big beech tree. It can be seen that I hadn't been to the toilet for a while, because my bladder was full. When my cock is just about to stop, I hear someone behind me say in a horny voice: So that sounded like a good jet. I'm completely blown away, because when I turn around, I see Fleur's lovely face. I had to pee too she says quickly but I suddenly heard something. Fleur's face went from confident to embarrassed in one second. Sorry, she says. Anna said I should look up a little more excitement and take a little more initiative, because I'm still a virgin and stuff. But this must have sounded really stupid. I have to laugh really hard this indeed sounded pretty stupid, I say, but I understand what Anna means, I never take the initiative myself. Did Anna also tell you to chase me into the bushes?, I ask laughing. No, I came up with that myself, as a kind of spontaneous initiative, she says. But what exactly was your goal if I may ask?, Well I thought you are also a virgin I just saw and I thought maybe something will happen if I run into the bushes after you, but that might have been a stupid idea , she says less and less confidently. Are you so desperate to have sex the first time then?, I ask. Well, not necessarily, but I'm just curious how it feels, aren't you?, she asks. Hahaha every boy has been since he was 13, I reply laughing. But don't you have to pee yet?, I ask her. Yes, quite necessary, actually, she says, with a slight stress in her eyes. You can go quickly behind this big tree here, I say, genuinely afraid that she will pee her pants otherwise. Good plan, will you wait here for me?, I nod in agreement.

I turn around and catch a glimpse of her tight ass as she walks to the back of the tree. Since I'm already pretty tipsy myself, I don't really notice that the same applies to Fleur. I hear Fleur pulling down her bikini bottoms and a stream of puddles landing on the forest floor. Subconsciously something starts to grow below and my cock starts to push against my swimming trunks. I swear quietly and I try to hide my erection as best I can. This soon turns out to be hopeless, because as soon as Fleur comes out from behind the tree again, she almost immediately looks down and sees the bulge in my swimming trunks. Could I see him sometime?, she manages to blurt out, half stuttering and blushing. Once again I am stunned, this beautiful girl now asks if she can see my dick. Do you really want that?, I ask in surprise. Yes, if you want it too, she says shyly. Slowly I lower my swimming trunks slightly and pull my half flaccid cock out of my swimming trunks. Do you tug on it often? she asks, scrutinizing my freshly shaved cock from top to bottom. Yes, quite regularly I answer laughing. You can touch him, I suddenly say. Without saying anything she takes a step forward and grabs my cock. Gently she pushes back my foreskin, exposing my big purple head. With every puff she takes, my cock shoots up a bit. As she does this, a little pre-cum comes out of my pee hole, which ensures that my entire head is wetted. She starts to pull a little faster and every so often a drop of pre-cum escapes from my pee hole. Now that she is jerking me off harder, her hand sometimes strokes my bare head, so that some pre-cum also ends up on Fleur's hand.

My cock is already starting to get to the war strength of 18 centimeters and her hand is getting harder and harder to unlock my already thickened cock. It does get bigger quickly, says Fleur enthusiastically. That means you're doing well, I say, half panting. I look into Fleurs blue eyes and descend with my eyes to her lips, I make a movement with my head towards her face. When our lips touch, I close my eyes. Our lips press sensually against each other for 5 seconds, until we both open our mouths little by little and our tongues enter each other. I taste her tongue, her saliva and the more our tongues become intertwined, the more horny I seem to taste in her mouth. After this minute-long French kiss, our lips slide apart, a thread of saliva briefly connects our lips. All this time Fleur was still gently tugging on my rock hard cock, which was wedged between our bodies during tongues. You know what's even better when you lick down there, I whisper hopefully in her ear. And to my surprise, she stops pulling and starts bending over. As she goes down, she leaves a trail of kisses all over my body. She starts in my neck and slides painfully slowly down to my chest. She gives a kiss between my nipples, after which she takes both nipples in her mouth. She continues along my belly until she finally reaches my cock and pulls my swimsuit down to my ankles.

She kisses the front of the trunk and licks her way up. Just before her tongue reaches my purple, now smooth and swollen head, she stops. She pulls her head back for a moment, then kisses my throbbing head. Her lips rest on my head and quietly her mouth opens and closes over my head. I can't suppress a moan as her entire mouth encloses my head. Again she pulls her head back for a moment, leaving two strands of saliva on my head, then moves her mouth to my head again. She swallows my head again, but this time continues. When she's halfway up the trunk of my cock, she can't go any further. I feel my head rub against her palate before she spits my cock back out, boiling. However, she does not intend to stop, because she immediately puts her mouth back on my head. She keeps putting my cock in her mouth and starts to pick up the pace. I can feel how she works my dick a little further and I don't think I've ever felt anything so divine. I look down as Fleur greedily swallows my cock again and again, a wisp of saliva dripping from her mouth over her chin.

I feel that I won't be able to keep this up for very long and I grab Fleur by the back of her head and set the pace. She's clearly starting to enjoy it and it seems like her goal is to get my cock in as far as possible. In the meantime I'm moaning out loud and she's also started to pant. I'm about to come, I manage to moan with difficulty. This only seems to motivate her more as her head moves willingly with the pace of my hand. I really can't take it anymore and for the last time I push her head towards my cock. I moan as I shoot my cum deep into Fleur's throat. Ray after beam I spray into her mouth, I have never had such a violent orgasm. I can see her trying to swallow it all, but she just can't. My cock slides out of her mouth and the last blob of cum lands on her chin. She swallows the last globs and lets out a satisfied aaaa, after which she proudly shows that she has swallowed (almost) everything. She also wipes the last blob off her chin with her finger and puts the entire finger in her mouth to lick it off. When she sees that a little bit of cum is still dripping out of my cockhead, she grabs my cock again and sucks my cockhead for 2 seconds, to make sure everything is out.

She comes up quietly and we get involved in a deep French kiss, I even seem to taste a bit of my own cum. While tongueing I squeeze her tight ass with both hands. When our lips part, I say, "Now it's your turn." I grab one of her tits through the bikini fabric, my hand just can't quite encompass her breast. I squeeze my hand gently and she can't hold back a moan. With my other hand I gently slide under the fabric at her other breast. I now knead her firm tits with both hands and Fleur starts to breathe louder and louder. She clearly wants more, because behind her back she starts to unbutton her bikini top. As soon as she unbuttons her burgundy bra falls to the forest floor. I now have a view of her naked breasts for the first time and I am not disappointed. Her white breasts stand proudly forward and have an almost perfect curve, judging by her hard nipples, she has already become quite horny. I bend my head towards her right breast and kiss the top of her tit. Then I take her nipple in my mouth and start sucking it with pleasure, massaging both her tits with my hands. As I start sucking harder on her nipples, the volume of her moans increases.

I decide it's time to work my way down and I apply the same tactics she did to me. On the way to her pussy I leave a trail of kisses, I stop when I'm close to her panties. I put my lips on her panties, roughly where her pussy is. Through the red fabric I see and feel that she is already getting quite damp. Yearning for what's underneath, I slide down her bikini bottoms in one jerk. The view of her pussy is delightful and I seem to smell it hot. She's clean-shaven and her thin, glistening pussy lips are pressed tightly together. I put my mouth against her lips and penetrate her pussy with my tongue, my taste buds taste her horny. My hands move to her ass and kneading her buttocks I push my tongue further inside her. Moaning, Fleur grabs my hair and pushes my face even further towards her. So I lick her whole pussy for a while, until I decide to use my fingers as well. I continue to lick the top of her lips, but meanwhile insert my middle finger. It soon turns out that there is room for another finger, so I squeeze my index finger in as well. Meanwhile, I move my fingers deeper and faster, still licking the top of her lips. Her moans get louder and more intense, prompting me to push my fingers even deeper into her. I can tell by the way she digs her nails into my scalp and starts to moan faster that it won't be long before she reaches orgasm. If I plunge my fingers deep inside one more time, I'll prove I'm not wrong. I put my tongue on her clitoris as she jerks all over her body. She comes moaning and trembling and I'm afraid that her legs will collapse.

I have never come so good, she says after panting. I get up and we end up in a deep French kiss. Suddenly I remember that we have been in the woods for at least fifteen minutes and that they must already miss us on the beach. I would prefer to fuck Fleur here on the spot, because I've already become quite horny again. However, I think it would be wiser to return to the beach. I propose to Fleur to return before they miss us too much. Fleur agrees slightly disappointed and we put on our scarce clothing again. As we walk back to the beach, I wonder what else this day would bring.

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