
Slut Odette - 1

Hello readers,

My name is Odette and I am 27 years old. I work as an executive secretary at a large international company and everyone appreciates me and my work. That people appreciate me is not only evident from my salary, but also from the many flirting and advances.

I'm going to tell you my story, what I've been through lately. The story has several parts and is placed under Extreme, because quite a lot of intense things happened.

Enjoy reading,


It was 5 pm on Thursday afternoon and because our director was always free on Fridays, we always held a DoMiBo instead of a VrijMiBo. Usually I drank two glasses of wine before going home by public transport. This time it was a bit more, because it was very nice.

At half past six the drink came to an end and after I had cleaned up everything together with MT member Justin, so that we could get back to work normally the next day, we walked downstairs with our full laptop bags. It was raining heavily and it was a 10 minute walk to the bus stop, so Justin offered to drive me home. I agreed, but when we got to the bus stop, we saw the bus drive away. So that was almost half an hour of waiting in the pouring rain

We looked at each other and Justin said he would take me home. It was a long way from his house, but I was glad I came across warm and dry. I eagerly agreed.

In the car, questions from Justin made the conversation more and more intimate. He wanted to know how my friend Antoine and I got along and whether the sex was good. It was all things that were none of his business and I said so.

But in the end I gave a little smile and Justin said I've been looking more and more lethargic lately and it would be good to add some frivolity to life. Loosen the top button of my blouse or pull up the skirts a bit higher: things like that.

I took a sniff and said that he was turning himself on to me and later jerking off on the toilet. His lack of response and blushing face told me I wasn't much wrong.

I bounced the ball back once more and asked how his sex life was going and he mentioned that he had had a few girlfriends but he was too demanding for the long haul. That made me curious and after some insistence he told me that he was quite Dominant and that he wanted to control everything. Not only the sex, but also clothes, attitude, and so on.

I joked:

Fifty shades of gray for sure

. He shook his head and said in a quiet, almost mysterious tone:

Much more intimate. Closer, more emotional


I got a little more curious, but we were already at my house. I asked Justin to come in for another cup of coffee and he said he'd rather have another beer. Also good: his choice.

We settled into our corner sofa and I started to hear Justin out. He talked enthusiastically about how he was in a BDSM relationship. That he was always intimately involved in the well-being of his playing partner, but that it was very difficult to find a nice young woman to play with.

He looked at me very penetratingly, but I countered his advances with the remark that I will never fuck someone from work and I don't want a relationship with them. He joked that he could also fire me and when I glared at him, he emphasized that that comment was really a joke.

He showed pictures from his past on his phone and I saw beautiful people with blindfolds and wrist cuffs. I saw devices whose names I would later learn. But: I often also saw very clearly the passion and sometimes a beautiful way of fear in everyone's facial expressions, including Justin's.

He drew my attention to a story site and then got up to go home. I was very happy that he didn't try to push me to stay, because despite my intention not to start anything with a colleague, my pussy did her utmost to talk me over very quickly: I was soaking wet

When Justin was gone, I looked up the stories on my phone and after a quick shower I went to bed: waiting for my friend to come back from night shift and in the meantime I lay with one hand between my legs enjoying a number of stories. I was not attracted to all the stories and I noticed that those stories were less about respect and together. But, luckily I also read a few very good ones with lots of chapters.

Sopping my hand between my legs, I read for hours and I heard the front door open: Antoine came home.

He took a shower and when I heard the shower go out, I went to pee and washed my hands, because it was very horny.

He was very happy that he was home and that I was still awake and we snuggled together naked. It wasn't long before he was pressing his rapidly stiffening cock into my butt crack. I just managed to prevent him from disappearing in my ass because I wanted him in my dripping pussy!

Lying on our sides, Antoine started to fuck me from behind, but he did it in my ass crack! Because he pressed himself so hard against me, he didn't notice I was disappointed, but I thought I wouldn't say anything about this: it was yet another example of his disinterest in me. With quick movements I rubbed my pussy as he dumped his jizz into my buttock. Then he turned over and within ten seconds fell asleep, snoring. I was still very horny and rubbed off, but the experience and excitement had disappeared Disappointed, I also sank into dreamland, with a story from the site in my head.

Early the next morning I was making breakfast with my lower body washed and sleepy eyes. Antoine was still snoring. I thought about all the new things from yesterday and made the decision: Antoine was a nice guy, but I missed the connection between him and me. He was obsessed with his work, but not with me. I was becoming more and more of a fucker to him

On the train I pulled up my skirt and unbuttoned it. I shook my stern tail loose and I thickened my make-up a bit. I was getting ready for the prelude to a new life!

When the train was almost at the last station, I finished another story. Below that was the writer's email address, and in all my haste to get out, I more or less accidentally sent him a short message, which just said:

I would like


I stopped thinking about it and walked to work, where the men's stares seemed more intense than usual. Justin was working at a different location and I was actually happy about that. Friday passed slowly and when I got home just before dinner, Antoine was playing on the couch.

That was the moment something snapped and I sank into a chair despondently, but he paid no attention to me. Only when the level was finished did he ask:

Don't I get a kiss from you anymore? And why don't you cook?

I thought for a while and said:

No, that time is over. We better end this relationship


For a moment he made an attempt to put the remote down, but he started a new game with the message that he would go back to his parents and find another woman who also worked night shifts.

He played one more game, went upstairs and got his clothes. Everything disappeared in his hefty car and half an hour later, after we barely exchanged a word, we said


against each other and drove off. Just like that, suddenly, I was single again.

I plopped down on the couch, despondent and relieved, ordered a pizza and looked at my phone again. I saw that I had an email from the author. Mark emailed:

I would also like

with a smiley behind it.

I sent a smiley back and explained how I came to email so short and I said that I would like to get in touch with him.

That was successful. Why do you want contact?I just discovered the word BDSM and I'm very attracted to it. And, because my boyfriend left tonight, I also feel lonely


It took a while, but after I devoured the pizza, I read his answer:

I've been in the BDSM world for a long time, but I'm not going to solve your loneliness tonight


I indicated that I understood that and we e-mailed back and forth. I explained that I wanted to experiment with BDSM, but I didn't know how to do it.

Mark suggested I do assignments to explore a bit. I thought that would be fun. I told about my life and habits, about my work and family. I was astonishingly open to him: I've never really been like that when dealing with strangers!

Mark was much more reserved but answered every question I asked.

My first assignment was that I had to lie naked in bed and fasten my feet at the foot of the bed. I had to spend the night in that position. I looked at the clock and saw that it was well past midnight. I confirmed the assignment to Mark and I wished him good night. No message came back.

My planning began. I took soft ropes from the storage room and brushed them a little so that the dust was no longer on them. I tied them to the legs of the bed and squeezed them through the comforter onto the mattress. I went to pee, brush my teeth and shower. Naked I paraded through my house. I locked everything properly, put down a pair of scissors to cut the ropes if necessary, provided a glass of water and my phone with charger and thought that I would have everything now.

I tied the ropes to my ankles which was surprisingly difficult not to do too tight and also my legs turned out to be longer than I expected so I had to reach far to cuff my ankles. It was like a yoga exercise!

Finally my feet caught and I fell backwards.

I normally always slept on my side, but that was out of the question now.

I pulled the duvet over me and felt the touch of the fabric all over my naked body. It got me really excited and I took out my phone. No messages.

I picked up another story and held the phone in an awkward position right above me, while I was working my pussy with my other hand. Slowly my excitement grew.

I had almost finished the story when I had a thunderous orgasm. Shaking my pelvis, I processed all the excitement and felt completely satisfied. I wiped my wet hand on my mattress and tilted my head to the side to go to sleep, but I couldn't. I kept tossing and turning.

Finally, shortly before five o'clock I fell asleep from exhaustion. At eight o'clock I was awakened by the vibration of my phone. I felt a lot of muscles that I normally didn't feel: this sleeping position had been very unusual for me.

I read a message from Mark. He wrote:

Good morning Odette, you must have slept little. Take a selfie of your bound body and send it to me


I complied with his order and took a picture of my body. It wasn't the first nude photo of me, but it was the first one I sent to a stranger. That felt very scary, but I did it without hesitation.

Soon a response came:

Assignment well executed. Did you think carefully last night if you want more assignments? If so, send me all your details: insta, phone number, address


I only had to think about it for a few seconds and I quickly sent my address details.

Then I loosened up and started massaging my skin.

Another message, but now via Whatsapp:

You may untie yourself and take a shower. Then you can clean your wet pussy properly

I had already broken free

You must listen to what I say. I didn't tell you to untie yourself. Punishment follows


Which punishment?

I asked timidly.

You let someone else slap your bottom five times. Then you take a picture of your buttocks and send it to me


I was shocked: how was I supposed to get that done again?

I couldn't think of anything and read his following app:

From now on you will only cum if I allow it. Understood?


, I app. In the meantime I thought that this was going fast and I felt a slight panic coming on. I ran my finger through my pussy. It was soaking wet. I felt caught and took a shower.

When I came out of the shower, I only put on my underpants: I wanted to enjoy the ultimate feeling of freedom.

I walked downstairs and there was Antoine. He looked surprised at my scanty clothing and said:

I didn't know you were such a slut

I thought for a moment that he might have seen the ropes in the bed, but I think I threw the duvet over it. I obviously shrugged my shoulders and said:

Can I know that myself? What are you doing here?

Antoine was a little taken aback and said:

I've come to return the key. I'm moving in with my parents for a while and if you stay here now, I'll take the big car with me


I had also come up with such a solution and took the key. Then he looked at me defiantly and said:

If you had dressed a bit more often like you do now, I'm sure I would have given you more attention


I felt a rage come on, but thought quickly and said:

How so? Would you have spanked me then?

He chuckled and said:

Yes, but if you want, you can do that now too!

This opportunity I did not miss and without saying anything, I stooped before him and said:

Then hit!

Antoine was completely surprised, but gave me a little tap. I agitated him a bit and soon he hit harder. At ten I stepped forward and wordlessly pointed to the front door. Grinning, he said:

I hope you keep feeling it for a while!



I ran to my bedroom, grabbed my phone, pulled down my underpants and took a picture of my red buttocks. As fast as I could with my trembling fingers, I sent the photo via Whatsapp to Mark.

You did that quickly. Beautiful red too: just the way I like it

I glow with pride.

How many strokes were they?


It remained silent. For several minutes I waited for an answer. Then suddenly the phone rings. I see the letters Master Mark in the picture.

I swipe to record and say:


I told you to listen anyway You were supposed to get five tricks, but you took ten. That deserves punishment


My elated heart, hearing his soft, calm, confidence-inspiring voice, sank deep.

Yes but

No, no yes but. You listen to my commands and if you don't understand them, you ask for more information


Yes sir

, I say hesitantly.

But what punishment will I get? I do want you to give me that punishment, though

. I said the last sentence in a very pathetic tone.

are you going to tell me what i should do?

His voice was still calm and soft, but the threat was palpable.

I remained silent, because I had no idea how to react.All right, tonight exactly at 8 o'clock. I'll text you the address


Immediately he disconnected and I remembered that tonight I had my first BDSM date! My heart jumped again and it was clear: Mark was in my head. Already: very deep.

I read his address and I quickly calculated it would be about a 45 minute drive.

I looked on Whatsapp and saw that he was online. A message appeared:

Make sure you finish your shopping before 2 o'clock this afternoon, because then you will have a visit


And, he was offline again.

How did he know I had to go shopping? He was even deeper in my head than I thought! He would tell me later that he expected it because I work five days a week, so I would probably do the shopping on the weekends. By reasoning simple and logical, he was a few steps ahead of me...

I put on my clothes, made a list and grabbed my phone to go to the supermarket. I had a short message:

No bra: show others how horny you are


I sighed and deftly took off my bra and skittled it onto the dining room table. With my large C cup happily bouncing under my shirt, I felt as good as naked. It was rather chilly, but to do my best for Mark, I left my jacket open so that a good observer could see that I had no bra on, as my nipples were poking through the thin fabric.

Again a little later:

Take a selfie of you at the meats

. I hadn't even gotten out of the car yet and, annoyed, I threw the jacket on the passenger seat, put the shopping list in my back pocket and rushed inside with a cart. I felt enormously watched by all customers. It was quite chilly outside and I stood out anyway because I didn't have a jacket on. As a result, others saw very clearly that I was not wearing a bra. It was noticeably colder with the meats and my nipples stiffen up a bit more.

I took a selfie, sending my face for the first time. I also made sure my nipples were clearly visible.

A middle-aged woman walked by and said admiringly:

You have nice breasts

. Then she walked right on.

I have never liked my breasts. They are uneven, hang way too much and are incredibly sensitive. Especially my nipples I always feel very quickly. Also now: the sanding against the smooth fabric made for a sopping pussy.

Still, I kindly thanked the woman and she winked. She also said:

Enjoy it girl


I was definitely planning to and looking at the screen every time I quickly did my shopping. I obviously finished earlier than usual, but that makes sense when all you have to do is fetch for yourself.

When I got home I ate the ready-made meal salad; reading stories and pining for a message from Mark. Exactly at 2:00 pm the doorbell rang. Dressed in the same clothes as in the supermarket, I opened the door.

Would it be Himself?

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