
Slut Odette - 11

Martijn said cheerfully: "I thought you could use some help".

That was all he said and I let him in with a wave of my arm.

He ignored my nakedness and I blew my mind to pay attention to it. While Martijn picked up the double dildo from the floor, I closed the front door and walked to the kitchen like a caught child. Martijn rinsed the dong under the tap and gave both parts to me. I took them embarrassed and didn't dare look at him: I felt caught anyway

Martijn put his index finger under my chin and lifted my head slightly. I had to look at him. When I looked into his eyes, I saw compassion, but also a look I remembered from many of my teachers: disappointment.

Sighing, he said patiently:

You have not read the explanation for this exercise. That's why it doesn't work. You're not one of the lucky ones who don't have a vomiting reflex when something is stuck in the back of your throat, but you can practice that. Just read the instructions


He handed me the explanation and I read that I should use the thin center piece to accustom my uvula and the attachment of my tongue to the presence of an intruder. By gently playing with it, my muscles would get used to it, so that the reflexes would become less and less.

I looked guiltily at Martijn and started to tickle the back of my throat with one end of the thin silicone stick and I got one feeling of vomiting after another.

Martijn waited patiently and occasionally gave me some instructions. I didn't have to give up at all. I had to completely suppress that tendency: possibly take some more breaks.

After fifteen minutes I was completely done with it and wanted to stop, but that was not to the liking of Martijn. He told me to train this at least three times a day, for a total of one and a half hours a day. I looked at him in surprise and before I knew it I blurted out:

Yes, tasty! Do that yourself!

I put my hand right over my mouth and my head turned bright red. Martijn's eyes lit up and he pulled the thin part of the dong out of my hand. He slid the dildo together and wet the silicone rod with his saliva. When he was done he looked at me and without saying a word he slid the 12 inches down his throat in one fluid motion. When he had to pass his Adam's apple he applied a little more force, but within 10 seconds he had made the whole thing disappear: he even closed his lips. With a quiet movement he fished the thing out of his throat again and looked at me with somewhat watery eyes.

I was dumbfounded! I never expected him to be able to do this! He swallowed his copious saliva a few times and plucked out the middle piece, creating a kind of tube.Open your mouth and relax your throat

, he said in a compelling tone. I was terrified of what would happen and he grabbed my left hand with his hand and squeezed it really hard. With his other hand he lowered the dong into my mouth, as if I were about to eat a herring. Just before he was about to hit my uvula I cramped and he said:

Relax and remember that you can continue to breathe through the narrow opening. Just breathe


I inhaled and at the same time he put the hollow dong in my throat and pushed it deep inside effortlessly. I didn't vomit and was able to breathe a little. I was completely amazed!

Martin said:

I'm squeezing your hand because there's a nerve there that connects directly to the muscle that causes the vomiting. So I blocked it. In addition, by breathing in, you sucked in the dong itself. Now exhale your lungs and I'll get the thing out too


I did as he said and a few seconds later my throat was clear again. Martin further explained:

You can also do the trick with your hand yourself. Then you need to put your thumb in and make it into a tight fist. Now try it yourself and figure out how to breathe: inhale when it goes in and exhale when it goes out. When you control everything yourself, it's easier than when you get fucked hard in the mouth, so here too: practice makes perfect!

Trembling with nerves, I tried his tricks. The vomiting reflex was indeed gone, but I panicked because I blocked the air supply to my lungs. Martijn remained calm and always gave me tips and tricks. Finally I managed to shove the thing way down the back of my throat.

Martijn was satisfied and he cleaned everything neatly. My now rough throat had become quite sore from all those unknown actions and he massaged my neck. That felt very sweet!

I was really proud of myself and realized that having a trainer was very handy!

As if Martijn had guessed my thoughts, he handed me a glass of water, which I happily let roll down my throat. Meanwhile Martin said:

I certainly won't always be there, but for this first start-up phase it has proven useful

. He looked emphatically at the dildo that was on the table.

You are also going to learn to show your dedication. Your devotion to your Master. You do this by carrying out assignments that are given to you as well as possible. Almost all of them will be assignments to replace your earlier me with your slutty slave-girl identity. That is part of the choice you have made, but you will learn in the near future whether this choice was the right choice, or whether you were perhaps a bit too ambitious

He paused for a moment and I thought about his cliff hanger. In fact, I wanted to cry out that I wanted nothing more than what I had chosen, but the hidden warnings lingered in the air.

I took a deep breath and asked:

What is the first assignment?

Strike hard on your cheek with the flat of your hand

. I looked at him with startled eyes and echoed in my head:


Martijn waited patiently for the assignment to sink into my head and I looked at my right hand. I couldn't imagine why I had to slap myself. I looked desperately at Martijn and he said with a faint grin on his face:

Sometimes the purpose of an assignment is a mystery to you, but there is always at least one goal behind it. So: go ahead


I gave myself a gentle pat on my right cheek and I barely felt it.



I had expected that and I hit harder, closing my eyes and turning my head away. I felt a tear well up in my eye. It wasn't even because of the pain, but mostly because of the humiliation I felt.

I looked at Martijn and he explained:

What you feel now is the essence of your submission to your Master. It is virtually impossible to hit yourself hard. That is a self-protection mechanism of your body. You don't have to think about that. That's why you turned your head and squeezed your eyes shut


He had barely spoken and I felt a flaming pain on my cheek. Martijn hit me really hard. Tears welled up from my eyes and Martijn nodded satisfied.

Because you didn't prepare yourself for the blow, your head didn't turn away and you didn't close your eyes. Starting today, you're going to slap yourself on every cheek. In front of the mirror, with your hair up or in a ponytail. You keep your eyes open and you keep looking at yourself. If you can, and it will take a long time, you start begging yourself to get a slap on the ear and then you present yourself so that you can take the punch more easily.

You do it cheerfully and without saying “ouch” or anything, because if you do it right, it hurts indeed and your Master already knows that; so you don't have to say that

.How many blows should I give myself?

Martin shrugged and said:

That will vary daily. Every night your training program for the next day is printed out for you. You will have to think less and less: that is done for you.

And, that's a good thing, because you will have a hard enough time completing all the assignments properly. Your brain has learned a number of things throughout your life and you are going to reprogram some of them. You will also have to control a lot of innate things, such as closing your eyes at certain times. The road you want to take is a very difficult one, but I, along with Mark and the others, have great confidence that you can do this


I felt rather uncanny after these ominous words, but I tried to hold on to the confidence they had in me.

Now you

, Martijn pointed to my cheek and without thinking I slapped my hot cheek. It really hurt, but I decided just in time to just moan.

Martijn nodded approvingly and said that things were going in the right direction this way. I glowed with pride and sat up a little straighter. After that I slapped my cheeks a few more times and I soon noticed that I started to think about the blows I gave myself and that I turned away and also hit much less hard.

He patted my shoulder reassuringly and pulled out a couple of dildos of various lengths. He showed me how to put it on a mirror or window pane.

I had to sit on my knees in front of a mirror and he made a cross with a marker at the level of my mouth and planted a dildo on it. Mark told me that I should be able to take each dildo so deep that my nose was flattened on the mirror.

I thought it was going to be a huge job, because there were really a few very long and also thick specimens.

He stuck the last dildo on the window facing the street. I had to stand on tiptoe to reach it and my nipples touched the cold window. I shivered a little, but gave the dildo a little blow.

Martijn pointed down and said:

If I were you, next time you'll turn off the lamp, otherwise the whole neighborhood will be able to admire your beautiful body


I was shocked and thought that this would be a special job every day

In the shower Martijn mounted a couple of plugs with the remark that I had to practice so long that I had to be able to pull them off the wall with my butt muscles. It came with a short, pointy plug about the size of a coke bottle!

The tour of my own house ended in the small guest room, where everything had been taken away and taken to the attic. In front of the window, which was closed with a curtain, was an immensely large TV screen: even bigger than the one in my bedroom. Next to it was all kinds of equipment: computer, DVD, game console, etc. There were also a number of fitness machines crammed into it.

Martin explained:

This is your training room. All devices have a view of the TV. Your training schedule is very short, so that's why you're going to do as many things as possible at the same time


I looked at him a little misunderstood and asked:

For example, what kind of things?

Martin said:

Simple example. Running in stiletto heels with a plug in your ass, a chain on your nipples and watching an SM movie in the meantime


I asked:

Is that an assignment?

Martin shook his head and said:

This is then the warm up, because your body has to become much stronger and much more flexible. The former you can do yourself with the equipment here, but to really get more flexible, we've found a Russian gymnast to help you every weekend


I shuddered for a moment, because I had seen videos of such practices But, on the other hand, I noticed that my cunt was leaking from all prospects

Can I test?

I asked in a small voice. Martijn looked at me expressionlessly and without saying anything he turned around. He came back with a few things. He handed me a rather small plug and said:

Wet it and put it in your ass

. I licked it off, dipped it in my cunt and shoved it in my ass. I got goosebumps from the unnatural, but wonderful feeling.

I had never really played with my ass until a few weeks ago, but I started to like it more and more!

It wasn't long before I woke up from my daze, because Martijn put a clover clamp on each nipple. I saw that the mouth was rather rough and thought that the clamps would hold much better that way. They really hurt a lot and I moaned a little and closed my eyes to let the painful feeling flow through my body more easily.

Martijn immediately slapped my ear and said in a pedantic tone:

Keep your eyes open, slut!I opened them wide and Martijn started to mess with my cunt. He placed the same chain-linked clamp on each of my labia majora. I felt a dull ache, but not unbearable.

Then Martijn turned on the TV and automatically an older movie started playing. He said:

Put on the shoes and get on the treadmill. The treadmill will stop when the movie is over. Today we only do the warmup, because it's the first time for you


He stood casually hanging against the door frame and I put on the high-heeled pumps. They were a perfect fit, but the heel was seriously high I got on the treadmill and Martijn said all I had to do was press the green button. The red button did not work: it would be operated remotely. I looked at the camera and saw a blinking light.

I took a few deep breaths and pressed the green button. Slowly it started to turn and I started to walk. Fortunately I had some experience with heels, but on a rubber treadmill that feels very strange.

The chain on my cunt felt terribly irritating: it swung against my thighs every time, so the clamps bit further and further into my flesh.

As the tape picked up speed, I had to trot, which caused my tits to bounce, resulting in all the painful jerks in my nipples. I went into a short gallop, almost losing my plug.

I heard the front door slam shut and Martijn had left. I panicked, but I glanced at the camera for a moment. It blinked merrily and I had to walk faster again.

I looked at the screen because that was my only distraction. I saw the title: Slaves in love. That appealed to me as I walked through. My thoughts were soon absorbed by the film, which captivated me from the very first moment. The strict master, the lovesick slave girl. The tenderness with which He hurt her struck me. I soon forgot about the plug, clamps and chains. I didn't forget the shoes, because my feet hurt terribly. The clamps and plug added to my overall excitement.

The image faded and I took a breath. I was actually bummed that the movie was over, because the story wasn't finished yet. Then I saw: end of part 1. Part 2 and while walking I immersed myself in the erotic slave girl story on the screen. I actually didn't even notice the changes in speed.

end of part 2. Final part. I guessed it was 15 to 20 minute stretches. During the transition from part 2 to part 3 I did a body check. My butt felt fine, just a few cramps here and there. My labia were sore, but otherwise I had no idea why everyone seemed to have such a problem with those clamps.

My nipples were a different story: they seemed about to explode Part 3 started and after that slave girl got some wax, the wax was whipped off her body It was so intense, so erotic and lovely. I melted inside as the tire went to trot less and less and mostly just spun slowly. I wished I was that slave, and I squeezed the treadmill handles harder and harder. Without realizing it, a thread of drool was running down and the insides of my legs were soaking wet with my cum.

When the last bit of candle wax had been whipped from her body, the slave girl eagerly lunged for the Master's cock. With her hands behind her back she devoured the cock and within a few minutes he squirted his horn into the throat of the slave girl, who devoured it with pleasure, smacking. Then she crawled into his arms and the image faded as they cuddled.

Wow! That was beautiful! How I wish I had been that slave girl! Unnoticed, the tire had started to spin faster and faster again and while I felt pain in many places of my body, I was determined to keep going. I wanted to be perfectly prepared for such a session with Mark: my Master. I panted like a roaring horse as the chains swayed uncontrollably. There was no giving up!

I forgot the time and suddenly noticed that the tape was spinning slowly. When the band stopped, I dropped to my hands and knees, so I couldn't feel the pinching shoes as much.

I gasped for a few minutes and the room grew brighter: the screen turned bright white: it hurt my eyes. When the white faded, I looked at it again and slowly Mark's head came. He spoke through the digital connection:

I am very proud of you Odette. You have done well beyond expectations. Take off your shoes and place them next to the band


Mesmerized by his presence and words, I peeled off the shoes and neatly lined up the sweaty shoes next to the belt.

Untie the chain from your pussy

. Carefully, so as not to hurt myself further, I fumbled to loosen the clamps. It took me a while to realize how they worked and I pulled them off my skin. That was painful, but I kept my eyes open. When Mark saw I had the clamps loose, he said:

Squeeze and roll the flesh off your labia


I grabbed the strange feeling place of my labia. There had been a cruel clamp on it for about an hour and I followed Mark's order. I quickly let out a drawn-out Aaaaaaaaah! but continued to massage and pain my labia.

After a minute I heard Mark say:

Now it's your nipples' turn. You also have to knead this one between your thumb and forefinger

. I looked at him with teary eyes and nodded.

I saw him make a little kiss and I excitedly released both clamps at the same time and I let the tormentors fall to the floor. My nipples were on fire! The pain was horrific!

Mark commanded:

Roll your nipples. You may scream


His words didn't really sink in and I grabbed both flattened nipples. I took a deep breath and I rolled them hard so they would round again.

I closed my eyes and all I saw before my eyes were stars and lightning bolts. The horrific pain of before was nothing compared to what I was experiencing now.

Continue rolling!

Mark commanded, and with my last bit of willpower I moved my hands, which I'd curled protectively around my breasts, and rolled my nipples again. I cried and howled, but with tears rolling down my cheeks, I obeyed Mark.

Slower and less and less tight my fingers went over my nipples: my energy was gone. I wanted to, but it didn't work anymore. I lowered myself onto the belt and dozed off.

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