
Sheryl And Her Two Male Lovers

There you are at 32 in the pub on a Saturday night, lurking for a date. After a relationship of 12 years, you are no longer aware of the latest trends in decorating and flirting. So I stood there awkwardly looking around enjoying the beautiful people. Young women in daring clothes and middle-aged women in nice outfits, flirting and smiling. And of course also the necessary men who darted around the women for attention.

After Helen's announcement that she was leaving me, I was devastated for weeks. I did not take good care of myself and neglected my work. Until one day I decided it couldn't go on like this. A good friend recommended a coach to me and with his help I got things back on track. My single household was running smoothly again, my work went satisfactorily and with a new sports subscription I was well organized again.

"Do you know what's wrong with it?" my coach asked after a while. I looked at him questioningly, of course.

\"... fuck away your fucking feeling for once\". I spluttered and looked at him to make sure he meant it.

"Yes, really!" he said. \"Not for a new relationship, but just a nice buttock. It will do you good. Mark my words.\"

I left with a strange feeling but the idea did not leave me. Somehow I wasn't having sex with someone else yet. But the more I thought about it the more I got into it. And so my weekend hunt for a nice girl started to let loose.

But it wasn't that easy. I had already approached a woman in the pub once, but she was not interested in me at all. And so I soon noticed that something was wrong with my approach. Shame, because I was actually starting to get horny after weeks of dry periods. As an ordinary boy with a sporty appearance, I was not particularly noticed. Some women did check me out, but when I approached them, the chemistry was quickly gone.

My coach couldn't help me. He had no idea about that, he said. But he did have a tip. Maybe I should check out the dating apps and swingers club websites. Well, that became my homework for the next week. After some googling, creating accounts and paying dues, I finally found something that might temporarily quiet my attention.

On one of the sites there was a call without a photo to which no one responded. \"Suppose looking for voyeurs to watch us tied up without participation while we have sex.\" I didn't like being tied up but I was getting pretty desperate and my dick was already stiff when I started my computer to access the websites. to search.

I nervously posted a comment on the website. I received an answer within a day and we soon agreed to meet on neutral ground. They wanted to see and speak to me before anything happened. They would also stay away if they didn't like my looks. I could then expect a message via the website.

On the agreed day and time I sat nervously at a table in the woods. It was a beautiful autumn day so it was not annoying to sit in the sun. Although I was pretty upset because no one else was sitting there.

Ten minutes had passed since the agreed time and I suspected it wouldn't work out. I looked at my watch one last time when I saw a couple walking towards me. The man in front and the woman cautiously behind. I estimated them in their late twenties. She a blond beauty with big breasts and he a tall athletic man with a calm appearance.

"Martin?" he asked. I felt my heart beat faster. I stood up and held out my hand.

"Hi," I said awkwardly. Carl introduced me to his wife Sheryl and the three of us sat down. We talked about small talk, about relationships and places to live, and finally we got to the point of sex.

"Why did you respond to our call?" Carl questioned. I felt caught off guard and realized I hadn't prepared for an interrogation.

"Uh, like I just said, I'm not in a relationship anymore and I've become quite horny by now." Shit, maybe I should have said something about getting turned on by peeping instead of being horny single.

Carl laughed but was far from finished asking questions. Whether I had no problem just watching, what my expectations were, what conditions I set for the appointment, whether I wouldn't rather participate, whether he didn't think it was strange to see another man in action. And some more of those questions. I answered them as honestly as possible with the idea that I didn't want to play a charade and make false promises or have different expectations. Sometimes with the idea that maybe I should have lied a little bit.

And then suddenly the question: "do you have any questions?". I must have looked stupid because both laughed relaxed.

\"Uh yeah, what about tying it up?\" I asked. Carl explained that they had a bad experience with a spy who suddenly wanted to get involved.

"And how shall I be bound then?" I wanted to know. With hands and feet on the chair and with a blindfold on. I got slightly short of breath.

"Listen, these are our terms. We've just decided that you're okay and if you agree to the terms, then we can move on." I suddenly felt terribly horny. I inadvertently looked at Sheryl's breasts and then quickly back at Carl.

\"Of course, sorry...\" I apologized. "Yes, it's the first time for me to do something like this and I'll soon be the most vulnerable one," I countered. My answer seemed to please him. He held out his hand and soon we agreed on a date, time and place. It would happen at their house. I couldn't wait!

That evening I drove to their house, showered and clean. I had a boner the whole way. I hadn't jerked off in all that time. First because I didn't need it and later because I felt so wonderfully horny when I put it off. I rang the doorbell nervously and Carl opened the door. He was wearing jeans and a polo and jovially gave me a hand and a pat on the back. Sheryl looked sexy in a cropped skirt and blouse. She gave me three kisses on my cheeks and led me to the living room, swaying my hips. She wore short heels.

"Beer?" asked Carl. I nodded and Sheryl went to the kitchen to get a drink while Carl pointed to the armchair as he settled into the three-seater. Sheryl returned with a tray and bent down to set the drink down. I looked enchantedly at her blouse while Carl watched me.

"Do you like what you see?" he asked urgently. I was shocked and stammered an apology.

"Never mind, that's why you're here. To make us horny." Carl smiled, instructing me. I must have blushed because both had to laugh at my clumsy behavior.

"You know Maarten, I already think you're a great guy!" said Carl. \"You fully meet our expectations\". I was reassured.

Sheryl sat down against Carl, who put an arm around her. His hand rested on her shoulder.

"Did you find it difficult?" Sheryl asked. My gaze went over her body. Her white blouse was slightly translucent and I suspected I saw a red lace bra underneath. Her curves were visible through the opening. My dick made a little jump and unconsciously I shifted my position. Sheryl smiled.

I gave them a condensed version of my trip and missed turn. Carl fiddled with Sheryl's blouse. His fingers slid under the fabric and now caressed her shoulder. My suspicion was confirmed when I saw a red strap on her bra.

\"You live nicely here\" I gave the conversation a different turn. Carl spoke endlessly about the neighborhood and its location. His hand was still under Sheryl's blouse. She had placed her hand on his knee and stroked the inside of his leg. Carl casually sat down with his legs wide apart. Damn, I got pretty bonkers from their bullshit.

\"Honey, didn't you have some goodies in the kitchen?\" Carl asked. Sheryl got up and returned a moment later with a bowl of carrots and cucumber slices. She leaned over to set it down with me following her from behind. Her skirt was high and her legs seemed wonderfully long. She spread her feet a little and took the time to arrange some cucumbers and carrots. I could see the edge of her red panties and felt my cock begging for attention. It was a good thing I was tied up because I would indeed like to fuck this blonde beauty until early in the morning.

Carl smiled with satisfaction as red-bottomed Sheryl sat down next to him. This time Carl put his hand not around her but on her knee. Sheryl cooperated a bit and Carl stroked the inside of her leg. Sheryl closed her eyes and spread her legs a little more. I bent over and took a cucumber, meanwhile peeking between my hostess's legs.

\"Tell me how you would describe Sheryl to a stranger...\" Carl snapped at me. I thought and gave an erotic description of Sheryl. I saw how her breathing became heavier under the description. Carl seemed to get excited too and slid his hand between her legs. Sheryl willingly opened her lap, revealing her panties. Horny she put one foot on the edge of the table and gave a full view of her underpants. I could see a damp spot.

"... and if I'm going by my imagination Sheryl is completely shaved around her pussy and she's always horny and would love to be fucked extensively by you twice a day." I concluded my description. Carl now slid his hand over the panties, which made Sheryl moan softly. His middle finger slid between her cunt lips and made a slit in the fabric.

"That sounds hot," said Carl. "And describe how you would spoil her if given the chance..." he said slowly. The atmosphere quickly became hornier and hornier. I now saw a big lump in Carl's pants.

"I'd take her in my arms, kiss her and squeeze her so she could feel my hard cock against her moist pussy. Then I'd run my hands down her back to slide up her skirt and then touch her bare buttocks. with both hands I'd rub her against my dick while I give her little kisses on her mouth, her neck and ear, then I'd slowly get down on my knees and kiss the curves of her breasts, taking her skirt to the pulling down...\".

Carl moved his middle finger where Sheryl's clit should be. She squirmed under his touch and gasped for air. She dropped her knee to the side, exposing her lower body completely in front of me. I fell silent for a moment.

\"Yes? \" Carl encouraged me, visibly aroused by my explicit description.

"Then I'd get down on my knees and sniff the smell of her panties, kiss her wet spot, then slowly pull her panties off her buttocks. Then, when it lingers around her knees, I'll kiss her above her wet lips." and go down very slowly, kiss her wet pussy lips and put the tip of my tongue in her slit, then when she steps out of her panties with a moan I gently push her back on the couch, slide my pants down and then rub my shaved head cock to pussy lips until she opens her lap and lets me in.\"

Carl tugged at the fabric of Sheryl's panties and slowly pushed it aside.

"Look, it is indeed bare and wet..." he said. Sheryl moved her lower body impatiently against Carl's hand. Carl showed me extensively her bald pussy. I felt my balls writhing in my pocket.

\"Uhuh...\" I managed to say.

"Come on, let's go upstairs." said Carl. "Honey, you go ahead and Maarten and I will come when you're ready. Just give me a shout." Not much later we went upstairs and with limp legs I entered the room that Carl pointed out to me. Candles were burning and it was wonderfully warm. The attic room was spacious. In the corner was a wide, low wooden chair with a beach towel over it. Carl ordered me to undress behind the folding screen and sit on the chair. I was a bit perplexed because I simply hadn't thought about being naked. I didn't dare to argue and did as I was asked. Sheryl was under the covers and Carl was still dressed.

Completely naked, I indicated from behind the screen that I was ready. Carl told me to sit in the chair. My cock had slackened from the tension and I sat uncomfortably in the chair. Carl told me to put my hands on the rails and spread my legs a bit. With cloths he offered me to tie my wrists and ankles to the chair. I was amazed that he even put cloths around my knees and tied them to the chair. Finally, he put a blindfold over my eyes. When I was shocked he said that it would be removed in a moment. Their game required some privacy before they were ready for him to watch. Too horny to protest I was tied up and blindfolded waiting to see what was to come.

I heard clothes coming off that I assumed were Carl. And then it went quiet. Relaxing sounds of erotic lounge music sounded out of nowhere. I pricked up my ears and tried to catch some of their playing. Rustling of sheets and soft whispers. Kisses, soft and tender. Moans from Sheryl. And then suddenly a voice close by.

\"Smell...\" Carl said. I sniffed and smelled the sickly smell of a horny woman. My heart skipped a beat. My dick grew instantly too.

"Look honey, your pussy turns him on," Carl said. Absolutely! My dick grew to full size. I felt soft dust pass over my face and now I smelled strongly the smell of her pussy. Her panties!

"Do you want me to leave these shorts here?" Carl asked sweetly.

"Yes..." I said hoarsely.

"What yes?" said Carl bossily.

"Yes, please, please," I almost begged. I was ashamed of my eagerness. Carl laughed and placed the panties on my head, the fabric over my nose and mouth. I sniffed the air like a horny dog ​​and felt a shiver of horniness go through my body.

"Nice huh?" Carl said laughing as his voice moved away from me. Soon I heard smacking noises coming from the bed and now I heard Carl moan. That also turned me on. The panties fell off my face onto my dick. The light touch was a horny caress and I moaned softly.

"Do you like that?" Carl asked, panting.

\"Yes...\" I moaned. I fantasized how the panties had first been worn by Sheryl and were now full of her sex juices on my lap. My cock remained hard as ever. My lips went dry with excitement. I licked them off.

"Are you so excited?" Carl asked, apparently watching me closely.

"Yes, my mouth is dry with excitement," I said truthfully. Suddenly I heard screeching noises. I assumed Sheryl Carl was giving head. There was a moment of silence and suddenly I felt a pair of fingers on my lips and I tasted the salty taste of pussy juice. Sheryl giggled as I licked my lips.

\"Mmmm...\" I blurted out. My heart pounded. This was quite different from passive peeping!

The taste in my mouth was divine. Different from Helen's but still so familiar. Sloppy noises again, followed by a soft hum. A vibrator! The hum was not even but distorted every now and then. I imagined Sheryl moving the vibrator in and out of her wet pussy. I felt my head coming through my horny foreskin. The feeling alone made me sigh with longing.

\"Look Sheryl, Maarten is turned on by the sound of your vibrator...\" Carl moaned. The slobbering stopped for a moment and a satisfied chuckle from Sheryl followed. For minutes I enjoyed the exciting sounds and now and then I dared to moan softly myself. Sheryl's moaning intensified. The sloshing stopped for a moment and after a little rustling the humming stopped. Carl's voice was close now.

"Do you still have those dry lips?" he said, panting. I nodded.

"What are you saying?" he said.

"Yes, I still have dry lips," I said clearly.

"Would you like me to moisten your lips a bit?" Carl asked.

"Oh yes, please..." I moaned. A moment later, the tip of the smooth vibrator slid across my lips. I gasped at the thing eagerly. Carl laughed at my attempts to get the thing between my lips. I followed his movements with my tongue out of my mouth. The artificial cock swabbed my face and lips. I eagerly licked the horn off.

\"Oh Maarten, you are so much more than we could have hoped for\" Sheryl said hornily now up close. The device was placed against my lips and I let him in to lick. Sucking, I licked off the warm rod. I blew the full flavored dildo with devotion. In my mind I saw how Sheryl had soaked it extra in her pussy especially for me to smear the horny on it.

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