
Shall We Fuck?

It's Wednesday evening around ten o'clock when I sit at the bar and take a small sip from my cocktail glass. The delicious white liquid caresses my throat, despite the treacherous strength. It is quiet in the hotel, few summer guests and only a few businessmen like me. Today was successful, I brought in a new customer and therefore spoil myself with an exclusive cocktail.

Out of the corner of my eye I see him coming. A well-groomed young man in a perfectly tailored suit. His black hair gleams in the light of the lamps above the bar. His look is confident, as is his gait. His beautiful brown shoes match perfectly with his belt and the strap of his watch. The combination of his clothes, the accessories and his whole styling seems perfect. However, there is something that I don't think is right. When I look at him again I see it. He is barely twenty years old and in my opinion much too young for such expensive clothes.

Almost all bar stools are free, yet he sits down next to me. I turn a little away from him but I can just catch the scent of a refined perfume, I suspect it is Aqua di Parma but I doubt it a bit. I drink the last bottom of my cocktail and then place the empty glass on the small black napkin. Then I hear a voice next to me waiter. A double Macallan and another White Lady for Mrs. I slowly turn towards him and cross my legs. I am impressed that he guessed my drink correctly in one glance. He observes me from head to toe and shows a small smile followed by an affirmative nod. I play along and observe him in the same gaudy way.

I can tell from his facial expression that he is pleased. Slowly I avert my gaze, through the mirror behind the bar I follow his movements. When the waiter puts the drinks on the bar a little later, I take the glass, turn it a quarter of a turn and say cheers. The young man takes his glass, holds it up and then puts it to his beautiful full lips. I do the same, drink a small sip and enjoy the divine moisture again. When I put my glass on the bar he leans towards me. Again I smell that wonderful perfume. He makes eye contact, his brown eyes sparkle, his mouth moves. A shock goes through my body as his words sink in. Somewhat taken aback, they echo in my head, he asked without batting an eyelid shall we fuck?.

My hand shakes as I put the glass to my lips again and take a small sip. I look over the rim of my glass at him. He has averted his gaze as if the answer doesn't bother him. I feel a strange warm glow go through my body as I repeat his words imaginatively. Shall we fuck? How dare he, how dare he ask me? Tension rushes through my body. His appearance, his movements, that look and then his words have unleashed something I don't know. His attention, brutality and appearance have made me curious. He knows it, he plays with it and I don't know how to react to it.

I ignore him for several minutes, sipping my drink and continuing to observe him through the mirror behind the bar. The bartender winks at me and understands what's going on. He holds up a pack of cigarettes and asks do you smoke?. I shake my head but hold out my hand anyway. A moment later I walk with the cigarette between my fingers to the edge of the terrace. The smoke tickles my lungs, after twenty years of not smoking the cigarette suddenly tastes great again. I curse inside, why am I doing this, why did I just lose control? Then I hear footsteps, he comes to stand next to me, drinks his whiskey and looks at me. With the cigarette to my lips I turn my head towards him. I blow up the smoke and ask why?.

His brown eyes, the warm look and his beautiful lips almost make me melt. My god he is handsome. Then I hear his voice, warm, short and concise because I can. My hand shakes again as I take a last drag, toss the cigarette to the floor and stub with the tip of my black pump. Now he looks over his glass at me, I see a smile, subtle, teasing and almost irresistible. My body reacts strangely, there is a strange heat buildup and a feeling of cramping in my lower abdomen. I feel just like a fucking teenager. He seems to read my mind flawlessly. The smile disappears, his lips move, it takes seconds for it to sink in to me room 311.

I watch him as he leaves the terrace and re-enters the bar. He raises a hand to the bartender and walks out of the bar without looking back. I go in, take a seat at the bar and stare ahead for a while without noticing anything. I drink the last sips of my White Lady and in my mind go back an hour in time and turn the film back for a moment. When I get up and want to give my room number, the bartender shakes his head and says it's already arranged. Of course, I should have known. Despite his youth and the special proposal, he shows himself to be a gentleman in everything.

As soon as the elevator doors close behind me I look in the mirror and observe myself. Forty-five years has left its mark, many say I look younger. I myself see the little crow's feet, the imperfections of my skin and, in my opinion, many more shortcomings. The bell of the elevator drags me out of my daydream, I look above the door and see that we are on the second floor and get out. After two steps I clamp my bag tighter under my arm. A warm feeling swirls through my body, I turn around and get back into the elevator and press the button for the third floor.

My pumps sink into the carpet as I walk toward room 311. In the diffused light I look for the door with the correct number. I find him at the end of the hallway. In the small alcove I straighten my black dress one more time and fiddle with my long black hair. Then I knock carefully on the door three times and wait with a lump in my throat for the door to open. For a moment the thought flashes through my head that he has fooled me. Will he be there, did he give me the wrong room number, or did I mishear and make a mistake?

My heart skips a beat when the door opens. He stands in front of me, smiling but silent. He looks great again, now without a jacket but in a snow-white shirt on his beautiful trousers and barefoot in the deep-pile carpet. He smiles, nods at me and silently gestures for me to come in. When I walk past him I smell that wonderful perfume again. It excites me, it confuses me. I wonder what the hell am I doing, should I turn around and run? Should I go to my room and avoid this strange adventure?

The protesting voice in my head is suppressed as he comes up behind me and puts his hands on my hips. He turns me to the mirror so we can have eye contact. I feel his warmth and the bulge in his slacks pressing against my lower back. His hands slide up my waist to my breasts. A warm kiss lands on my neck, his warm lips gently sucking in as I shiver on my legs. His hands caress my breasts through the fabric of my dress. His kisses are warm and passionate. His hands feel wonderful, the brutality and this forbidden game turn me on. My mind wanders for a moment. Why am I doing this, why am I here and why am I risking a relationship of more than twenty years by reacting to this young man? In the past twenty years I cheated twice, twice too many I once decided I would never do it again. And now this, I look crazy.

His hands are skilled, as are his warm lips. He caresses me, he teases and pleases me. His hands have lowered the straps of my dress over my shoulders. His slender fingers slowly pull down the zipper in the middle of my back. I let him do his thing, observe him in the mirror, see myself raising my arms. The dress slowly slides from my hips to my ankles. I see his affirmative and approving look as he grabs my breasts and sees my pubic hair through the mirror. I felt his cock rebound as soon as he saw I wasn't wearing any panties. My heart is pounding in my throat, with tension, excitement and longing.

He turns me around and, still silently, takes my wrist and brings it to his belt. I don't need any further directions, I free his erection and look down at a delicious piece of meat that bounces back gratefully. My heart skips a beat from the beautifully clean-shaven colossus. At home I am used to a large size, but this beats everything. I've only seen such a huge erection in movies so far. My fingers feel the warm flesh and caress his little balls. When I look up at him I see his eyes roll. I bring a second hand under his balls and start gently jerking him off. His strong hand grabs my wrist moments later, forcing me to stop.

In one fluid movement, he turns me over and pushes me forward onto the bed. My hands sink into the soft comforter as I reflexively spread my legs and plant the high heels of my pumps deep into the deep pile carpet. Out of the corner of my eye I see the wrapper of a condom fall to the floor, then I feel the pressure of his head against my pussy lips. Excruciatingly slowly he squeezes his huge cock between my legs. The feeling is overwhelming and sends a wonderful feeling through my lower body. His belly thumps against my buttocks as he grips my hips tightly and begins to fuck me at an increasing pace.

The protesting voice in the back of my head has been silenced. It feels like I've let all norms and values ​​be celebrated. I enjoy that delicious pole that hunts inside me and gives me an incredible feeling. I feel it swell, bounce and ram deep into me and I enjoy it intensely. Suddenly he breaks off his hard thrusts and pulls back, when I look back I see him stripping off the condom. For a moment I think he's going to take me without, but when he settles down next to me on the bed and gestures for me to come next to him, I relax somewhat.

I crawl up, caress his chest, rest my head on his chest and watch his cock slowly rise. My fingers caress his belly and slowly move to the trunk of his luscious cock. I massage his balls, first with one hand, then with two. His hand on my neck directs my head down. I lick his belly and descend to his beautiful erection and start licking him gently. My tongue moves up and down, I lick his cock head and suck myself on the huge colossus. A moment later I let him escape and move my lips to his shaved balls and take them in my mouth.

My fingers caress the little dam between his balls and anus. He springs up, grabs my hair and pushes my head further down as he raises one leg and makes room. My tongue moves along his anus. I hear him moan loudly as I apply pressure to the tight hole with the tip of my tongue. Tension rushes through my body. I have never done this with my husband and it is unknown territory for me. It feels great to have him in my power and make him extremely horny. I start to rim him harder and harder until he pushes me away.

His head is red, his cock sticks straight out as he puts on a condom and puts me on my stomach. I feel his hands unfastening the clasp of my bra and put my arm to the side so that I'm finally free of the thing. Dan comes up behind me, pulls me up by my hips and puts his cock against my pussy lips again. I feel him enter, resolutely and deeply. I lean on my forearms and feel my breasts shake wildly as he starts fucking me again. A wet trail runs down my inner thigh as he races his cock up and down my hot cunt faster and faster. I moan and groan loudly, my body shivering with tension and horniness.

Suddenly I feel that wonderfully liberating feeling of an orgasm. A warm torrent of water goes through my lower body. I scream, my hands cramping in the sheets beneath me. I feel him straighten up and squeeze his cock into me as deep as he can, then hold me in that position for a moment. The shivering of his body, his moans and the heat between my legs confirm a huge ejaculation. He sprayed the condom. Deep in my hot cave, which for years has only been indulged by my husband, he sprayed himself completely empty. I squeeze my ass back, I want to hold on to this feeling, I want to feel the heat of that huge pole for a very long time.

Minutes later, we roll onto our sides together. His cock escapes from my leaky cunt. I take off the condom, tie a knot and then snuggle up against him. We still haven't exchanged a word and only communicated through our bodies. He caresses my arm and then my sensitive nipples. His half flaccid cock rubs against my leg, I gently grab it and caress his head with my nail. The effect is unprecedented, the beautiful piece of meat springs up. I look at him and see that huge horny look in his beautiful brown eyes. I see him shake no and look at him questioningly. He presses and kisses my forehead and then pushes me onto my back.

His tongue digs into my navel, I feel his warm breath move slowly to my swollen labia. He has placed my hands on my breasts and I play with my nipples as I feel his tongue rub against my pussy lips. He sucks on my clit and chases a wonderful feeling through my body. His warm mouth spoils me in a delicious way. My head is spinning and I'm confused. Why can this young guy spoil me so wonderfully and why can't I do that at home with my husband? I stroke his hair, press his head down, I want to feel more. More tongue, deeper harder and I want him to make me ready.

When I put my hands in the back of my knees and pull up my legs I see him smiling, his tongue now rubs against my anus. Now he does what I did to him before. I grab his hard cock but can't reach it, he shakes his head pulls back and slides off the bed. When I look at him in surprise I see a determined look. He walks over to the small desk and picks up a silver object, then bends over, puts the thing to his nose and slowly sniffs a white powder from his phone. He looks at me, smiles and then does the same with his other nostril. He looks at me again and holds up the silver tube with his right hand.

A strange feeling swirls through my body, I am only partly aware of my recklessness and the unworldly behavior for me. I see his cock bounce as he wraps his left hand around it. I already long for him again and feel that I have to reward him and that I have to participate. I am already standing next to the bed and slowly approach his outstretched hand. While I clumsily let the white stuff disappear in my nose, he slumps backwards onto the bed. When I turn around he is on his back. His cock erect and his legs dangling over the side of the bed.

My body and mind react quickly and unprecedentedly to the white stuff. I feel a rush of energy go through my body, a euphoric feeling takes hold of me. I step purposefully towards him and bend low to take his cock in my mouth. Just as I suck my mouth around his head he pushes me aside. I don't argue and I'm curious what he's going to do. He twists me onto my stomach by my ankles, then gets on his knees between my legs and bends over. He pulls my buttocks apart and presses his warm tongue into my crack. The pressure of his tongue on my anus feels great, he licks me and every now and then slowly squeezes his tongue into my tight ass. Once, almost thirty years ago, I took my anal virginity, after that my ass was off limits. And now, with a man who is perhaps more than twenty years younger than me, I allow it again.

Suddenly his tongue is gone, I look around and see how he gets up and walks to the desk. I feel my heart beating like crazy, is it my desire for him, is it my horniness or is it because of the coke I've been snorting? I watch as he puts on a new condom and runs his hand up and down firmly around his cock a few more times. I shiver with desire, I want him, I want him to fuck me again, I want to feel his cock in my soaking wet cunt. Then I watch him wet his middle finger and then dab the remnants of the white powder off his phone. I smile, he takes another bite of the forbidden stuff, but it doesn't bother me. I don't care how much he takes, as long as it works. As long as he fucks me.

I turn onto my stomach again, pull my leg up defiantly and put my fingers between my labia. I feel my own juices, I'm sticky, hot and want to get fucked. My recklessness has gotten worse and worse. I look at him, beckon him and make a blow gesture as he approaches. The bed sags as he lays down next to me. His hand caresses my buttocks, I feel his warm breath followed by his soaking wet tongue. I move my hand to the side, feel his leg and look for his cock but miss. He pushes me away, with his left hand he spreads my buttocks, spits on them and then massages my anus with the finger of his right hand.

The grinding feeling sends a short shot of pain through my body. As he continues slowly, that strange feeling subsides and I relax a bit. I feel the pressure of his finger, he stretches my ass and slowly moves deeper and deeper into me. It feels nice, but my body and head are about to jump. I want him to fuck me in the cunt, I want to feel his cock inside me and I'm all energy. I crawl to my knees and feel him come between my legs. The condom slides past my pussy lips, his cock enters me again as the finger drills deeper into my anus. I'm going crazy from this delicious horny feeling, from that finger and from his huge erection deep in my hungry cunt.

When he slowly starts thrusting, my eyes are dizzy, my throat goes dry and for a moment I lose control of my body. He bends over, kisses my neck and then withdraws his cock. I moan for him to continue and feel his hands on my buttocks followed by a slowly increasing pressure on my anus. I hear him moan, sweat dripping from his body as he starts to fuck me in the ass with agonizing slowness. I didn't mean it that way, I wanted it in my cunt but can't resist it under these circumstances. My horniness has made me reckless and opened the door to a form of sex I've long abhorred.

I push the pain off his huge cock and surrender to that hungry feeling of lust. I feign resistance but enjoy every thrust and encourage him with my hungry moans and groans. When he picks up the pace, I lean forward and let my bosom and head sink deep into the duvet. I let him go, gasping for breath. My buttocks inadvertently shaking and bouncing every time in anticipation of the next deep stroke. My body tingles and feels bruised, we've been busy for minutes and yet I'm bubbling with energy.

Suddenly it's over, he pulls back and rolls to the side. I look at his erection, I see a creamed condom and a satisfied look on his face. I lean towards him, want to kiss him on the mouth but he fends me off. He drops the buttoned condom next to the bed, takes a bottle of water and gives me a drink. Then I feel his hand on my chest and he begins to caress me tenderly and lovingly. The hand slowly moves up to my neck and jawline and then to my lips. I suck on the tip of his finger and enjoy his other hand as he caresses my sensitive labia again.

He patiently plays the game and teases me with his mouth and tongue. Despite that wonderful feeling of being caressed and pampered, I slowly feel tired. Has the small line of coke worn out, have I only been able to enjoy it for forty minutes? My inexperience with the drug raises questions that seem to fade into the background. Weary with fatigue, I huddle against him and accept the consequences of our strenuous play. I enjoy his warmth and the comfortable feeling he gives me. With his half flaccid cock in my hand I slowly fall asleep.

I wake up to a strange sound and look around me, somewhat surprised. My eyes are dizzy for a moment, then I recognize the hotel room. I see my dress and bra hanging neatly on the chair. My pumps are next to the chair and my purse is on the desk, just like my watch and jewelry. I'm in shock, for a moment I thought everything was gone but luckily my stuff is still there. I get up and walk through the neatly tidy hotel room. I see my phone, it is off and the battery appears to be completely empty. Under the phone is my business card with written on it I mail you. When I pick up my watch I see that it is already half past eleven. I swear and realize I missed my appointment with a client.

I walk across the room in shock, realizing that I've made an unbelievable mess. I fucking cheated with a young dude who could be my son. I've barely spoken a word to him, don't know his name and have had me fucked over and over again. I took drugs and then lost my way even further. I realize I have to leave, I have to go to my room, I have to check out and see if I can still do some damage control. In my bra I find six fifty euro bills and a small bag of white powder. My hands are shaking with fright, frustrated and angry I throw it in my bag. That idiot paid me like I'm a whore and even gives me drugs.

When I go down a floor via the emergency stairwell and look for my room, I feel a harrowing pain between my legs with every step. My pussy and ass hurt and I have muscle pain all over my body. My mouth is dry, I don't look good with my disheveled haircut and run-through make-up. Once in the room I look in my bag for the phone charger. I can't find him and then remember he's still in the car. I swear again, take off my dress and take a long hot shower.

My hair doesn't want to style, I tremble too much to apply my make-up tightly and I have an incredible appetite for coffee. I missed breakfast, just like my appointment with the customer. Fortunately, checking out goes smoothly, I drive hurriedly to a gas station while my phone slowly comes to life again. Missed eight calls, almost twenty apps and a dozen emails. I buy coffee and cigarettes. Once back in the car I smoked two cigarettes in a row. And I haven't smoked in years.

I call my client as soon as possible, apologize and know how to make a new appointment. Then I call my boss with the excuse that I lay awake for a large part of the night and finally woke up with a splitting headache. Not a word lied but it doesn't feel good. Then I call Bert, my husband. I get his voicemail and use the same excuse as with my boss, headache, didn't sleep, et cetera. Finally, I text my daughter Elise and answer her barrage of questions from last night. Again that excuse, again the half truth and that very bad feeling it produces.

I light another cigarette and stare into space as I sip my coffee. My daughter responds right back haha ​​yes mom, you must have been in bed with a strange man. A shock goes through my body, why does she ask this, why? I just answer with a question mark. Elise immediately replies just kidding mom followed by three smileys making fun of me. When I put the phone away I realize that I might be able to get away with this if I'm careful. They haven't figured anything out yet. I have to go home, take another shower and find myself again.

We are now three weeks further, everything is fine at home and at work too. All sympathy from the people around me. They showed understanding, an acute migraine attack is also annoying, just like the enormous energy dip you get from it. Fortunately, the marks on my body were limited. I skillfully kept Bert at a distance by giving him a blowjob when he least expected it. I really didn't want his cock in my cunt for the first few days and I was able to stretch it for almost two weeks. The first time he fucked me again confused me. It evoked images and feelings in me that I was ashamed of. Shame for the betrayal, the drugs and the fact that I secretly enjoyed it.

An hour ago I received an email, the promised email as he wrote on my business card. I stand next to the garden house and, with trembling hands, put a cigarette to my lips and inhale deeply. With my left thumb I click on the link in the email for the second time and watch the first minutes of a half-hour sex film again. He filmed everything and it was then professionally edited. I'm in full view, his head is expertly blurred out, but all other images and actions are in sharp focus. I see my own horny look, my naked body, my mouth eager for his huge erection. I am shocked, what if my husband, my family and friends see this?

The images speak for themselves. A well-groomed woman with long black hair willingly allows herself to be fucked and used by a young man. His huge cock, his actions and her eagerness speak volumes. I inhale again and curse inwardly. I look like a whore, I've acted like a whore and I've been used.. and only because he asked shall we fuck.

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