
Seniors With Benefits

Seniors with benefits.

This story was written following the Friends with Benefits series (see profile). To know the people you can read the series, but that is not necessarily necessary. The story below is based on experiences from the past year. Names of persons and places have been fictitious to avoid recognition. This story has been published with the permission of all persons involved.

Part 1, Introduction.

Corona time had made a switch in being together with our friends; not least that it was forbidden to travel to, for example, our dear friends in Auvillier-les Forgens in France. In the Netherlands, we, Frank and Loes, kept in touch sporadically with Ester and Lex and with Dineke and Marc, but the contact faded.

My dear Loes took early retirement last winter and now volunteered 3 days a week for a local charity organization. There she had met Floor. Floor was a spontaneous 60s with the heart in the right place. The first time Loes and Floor met, there was that click that click that it was right. In the evening I immediately had to hear from Loes that the charity organization had really nice people working there and that she would like to have more contact with them. I thought it was all right and if Loes thought it necessary, she should just invite Floor for an evening with a good glass of wine. The latter was not long in coming. Already after 2 weeks, Loes announced that she had invited Floor and immediately also her husband. I actually liked that. Corona time had already put a damper on social contacts and I enjoyed making new friendships again. On a Friday evening (this spring 2022) Floor and Hans were standing in front of the door with a bottle of wine in hand. Of course Loes already knew Floor, but Floor and Hans were completely new to me: I was therefore pleasantly surprised that the first acquaintance with Floor started with the well-known three-clapper on the cheeks and that Hans's hand was a hand with friendship. The energy was right away. Floor was a nice woman; warm, spontaneous, empathetic and physical. At least she wasn't afraid to touch people and/or be touched. Hans had been retired for 2 years and enjoyed his freedom. Hans was a bit of a Burgundian with a few kilos too many, but somehow it suited him, it really belonged to him. That evening was an evening of recognition and the later the evening became, the more openness arose. It was Loes who told us that we had been naturist for years and always went to naturist campsites. Floor and Hans responded very enthusiastically to this and said that they had been to a naturist beach a number of times in the past and that they really liked it. Anyway, the evening went on and of course the topic of sexuality was discussed. It all went a bit giggly with some alcohol behind the teeth, but the bottom line was that Floor and Hans hugged each other a lot, but that there was no real sex for a long time. Yet that was a thing between them because it was clear that they were looking for a new way within their experience and togetherness.

That is why I listened with great interest as Loes told them about our friends Erna and Henk in Auvillier-les Forgens, who had a Naturist farm where intimacy was not a forbidden area, but that respect for each other was rule 1. Well, that evening Loes sowed the seed The evening ended nicely with a warm embrace between the men and the women with the mutual intention of doing something together in the naturist field.

And so it happened by the summer that the women took the lead and had concocted that it might be nice to spend a week with the 4 of us on Erna and Henk's farm. Loes told it spontaneously one evening over a glass of wine, where it was clear that it was not a question but had actually already been decided by the women. I was also told that Loes had already sent an email to Erna and Henk asking when the four of us could come.

The holiday of 2022 was therefore already filled

And so it happened that on Friday, August 5, the 4 of us went in the car towards Auvillier-les Forgens: the men in the front and the women in the back. With Dutch music and the occasional French Chansons, the mood was good and we all got a lot of sense. Sitting behind the wheel and looking through the rearview mirror at the ladies, I saw that Loes and Floor got along very well and interacted quite physically. Also, because of the heat, both were only wearing a thin summer dress. It was noticed that both Loes and Floor were not wearing a bra, this combination gave me a very warm feeling in the lower abdomen. And Hans also did well to see the ladies like this

At the end of the afternoon, around 5 o'clock, we arrived in Auvillier-les Forgens and Erna and Henk were waiting for us. What a nice and warm welcome that was and Floor and Hans immediately felt at home on Erna and Henk's farm. First, the practical matters of the sleeping areas and the use of the stable space and showers were arranged. A special surprise was the swimming pool in the garden that Erna and Henk had built last year: it had become real and paradise.

It was agreed that we would first freshen up and then drink a glass of wine at the edge of the pool in dress code nude, after all, it was also a naturist farm.

Loes, Henk, Erna and I were already sitting at the pool when Floor and Hans arrived. For the first time I saw both of them naked and believe me: all people are beautiful! That's really the beauty of naturism; naked is beautiful to see. There are no ugly people, only beautiful people. It may sound cliché, but on a naturist campsite or site you see that everyone is equal and that was also the case here. We noticed that Floor and Hans felt very comfortable and were easy to contact. After that first glass of wine it was of course time for a first refreshing swim. In no time we were all in the water and I finally found the space to hold Erna and Henk again. How I had missed their physicality, those wonderful bodies, those breasts of Erna, those buttocks of Henk.. Loes also came along and at some point Loes was so intimately involved with Henk that I didn't have to have any imagination about the physical sensations of both. And where Floor and Hans first kept to themselves, Hans swam to Erna at a certain point to make further contact. Floor looked at it all a bit and thought it was best that Hans swam to Erna. The moment for me to draw my attention to Floor and swim towards her.

Floor is a beautiful woman with long and dark hair, a wonderful smile and otherwise normal build. Floor is someone who clearly has her limits, but also allows you to explore and push those boundaries. Later she said; oh, I look at the moment how it feels and then I say yes or no. That was also the case at that time.

We got to talking about this and that in the pool and in the meantime the situation invited physical contact. Where I was still hesitant at that moment, Floor took the initiative and pressed herself against me. I felt her breasts press against me and her lower body pressed gently against my lower body. How wonderful it was to be able to experience each other so casually. Not that I got excited right away, but there was a certain erotic tension that was very pleasant. Even though we are all at a certain age, the eroticism, the tension, the game. maybe at this age you deal with it a little easier. And so I let my hand slide calmly over her buttocks while I couldn't resist pressing her firmly against me. A tiny smile betrayed the enjoyment of her sensation. Not the time to continue, but the openness and the exploration of each other had taken place.

We stayed in the pool for about half an hour and afterwards a kind of exploration took place between the 3 couples about where the boundaries were and where they weren't. Floor and Hans approached the week open-minded.

We ended that evening with a good glass of wine on the terrace. We were tired, tired of the journey and tired of all the new impressions. We were therefore in our bed reasonably on time with a special week ahead!

To be continued!

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