
Secret love

The sun had reached its highest point and it seemed to Maaike that puddles of water were forming on the endless road. They had been walking for two hours now toward Butte, a silly little town on the road to Seattle, and still there was no sign of a motel or a diner. This morning Stan had made the ill-fated plan to hitchhike the last few miles to Seattle, because the money seemed to be disappearing from their pockets way too quickly. But America was not a random polder in the overcrowded Netherlands and so far they had not seen a single car.

For the umpteenth time during their trip through the north of the US, Maaike started to doubt Stan. He always had a big mouth and was always full of wild plans. For example, he wanted to get married in Las Vegas during the trip, only to come to the conclusion that this city was much further south than he had thought. She sighed and looked back again, hoping to see a car approaching. To her delight, a dot appeared in the distance and grew into a pickup truck.

Stan had also noticed the vehicle and put his thumb in the air. The truck, which looked neglected, came to a stop and Maaike smiled at a boy and a girl who were sitting in the back. The boy immediately stuck his tongue out and the girl started to cry. A tall, slender woman stepped out. She had long, slightly greasy hair with gray outgrowths and wore an unflattering levi's dungaree dungarees.


she said,

Do you guys need a ride?

The woman introduced herself as Diana and the children turned out to be called Priscilla and Billy. A little later they drove on the quiet road, while Maaike comforted the little girl.

Do you see that you will be a good mother,

Stan grinned. Mike sighed. She didn't want to be a mother at all, and now that she looked at Stan again, she didn't want to be a bride either.

The pickup stopped at a small wooden house that looked neglected. Diana led them inside, after which they took place behind a large kitchen table that was set up in the dilapidated kitchen.

It's a good thing I came by

said Diana,

there's practically no traffic here, you probably made a wrong turn, Butte is more over there.

She pointed to the east and Maaike immediately understood that Stan couldn't read a map any more than admit that he was wrong.

We want to go to the Butte bus station,

Stan said,

for the Greyhound to Seattle.

You can't get that anymore

said Diana firmly,

stay the night and I'll take you to Butte tomorrow.

That evening they ate a simple meal that Diana had cooked on a huge old-fashioned stove and talked about their backgrounds. It turned out she was a widow. Her husband had been killed in Afghanistan for several years and since then she lived alone with the children. Stan talked all the time about their upcoming wedding and that Maaike was practically pregnant already. It started to annoy her so much that she kicked him under the table. It caused some glee in Billy and Priscilla and led to a break in Stan's flow of words.

Maaike helped put the kids to bed and took a kiss from Priscilla. Back in the room, Diana made a serious face and said that space in the house was limited. I have another spare room, but one of you will have to sleep on the couch. In an effort to get back in the good graces, Stan hastily said that he would sacrifice himself.Ah, you are a true gentleman, Stan,

said Diana and got up to make coffee. Maaike saw that she was looking closely at her from the stove and felt a bit embarrassed. She wondered if there was something wrong with her clothes and carefully inspected her jeans and t-shirt.

After coffee Diana made a bed on the couch and took Maaike to the guest room. It was a small cubicle with just enough room for a bed and a closet. She undressed completely and washed herself at the sink. She could already hear Stan snoring in the living room. A moment later she dove naked under the covers.

A noise startled Maaike awake. She turned to see the door of her room open and Diana enter. She was wearing only a pair of faded pink panties, and her large, pointy breasts swayed as she stepped toward her. Maaike wanted to say something, but Diana knelt next to her and put her finger to her lips.

Shh, the kids are sleeping next door,

she whispered,

and your boyfriend is also close.

Maaike felt Diana's lips on hers. It was a long sensual kiss, which startled her a little. She had seen the woman's looks, but this went a step further. She felt Diana's tongue enter and meet hers. The woman enclosed Maaike's face with her hands and pulled her closer to her. Maaike felt her breathing quicken as Diana began to knead her bare chest. She now kissed Diana's lips and twisted her tongue into the woman's mouth. A jolt of pleasure went through Maaike's body as Diana bit her nipples and ran her tongue over her areola. It seemed as if she had ended up in another world, only Stan's familiar snores seemed to be present. She now caressed Diana's breasts and ran her nails over the upturned nipples. Again Diana pulled her head closer and they kissed. With her eyes closed, Maaike underwent the caresses of the American. Until now she had never been loved so much.

Diana pushed Maaike onto her back and placed her slender hand on her slit. Her pubic hair was already wet and she ran her finger over her vulva. When the finger started fingering the clit, Maaike made soft panting sounds. Diana brought her face to Maaike's cunt and started licking her. A blissful feeling of horniness went through her lower body. She was panting harder and harder and she didn't care if Stan woke up. Diana turned her on her stomach and started licking her pussy between her buttocks. She also stroked Maaike's poop hole and stuck her finger in it.

Oh honey, youve got such a cute little asshole.

The tongue that began to explore her back hole almost drove Maaik insane. She started to moan louder, especially when Diana fingered both her anus and pussy with her thumb and fingers. Maaike felt like her ass was the center of the universe and everything seemed to glow there. Diana licked her two pleasure holes imperturbably and Maaike almost fought not to come and lose this feeling of excitement.

She turned back and took the slender woman in her arms. Again they kissed each other extensively and Maaike stroked the American's breasts. Diana crawled forward and sat on top of Maaike's mouth. She penetrated her bed partner's labia with her tongue and licked her soaking wet cunt extensively. She sucked at the labia and tapped the hardened clit. Diana started to shake and Maaike felt her face get wet. She kneaded the woman's breasts with her hands and played with her nipples.

Diana kept rubbing her cunt on Maaike's face and Maaike sucked harder and harder on the swollen pussy lips and the brutally raised clit. She was now fingering her hostess's cunt, completely oblivious to her increasing breathing.

It wasn't long before Diana lay down next to Maaike again. They hugged and their lips melted. Maaike rubbed Diana's thigh with her cunt and a moment later she pushed her own hairy pussy against the woman's bald pussy. Both women gasped and moaned and Maaike was surprised that none of the children or for God's sake, Stan, came to look in the small room.

She intensified the pressure on Diana's lips and played with her clit. The woman began to jerk and she gave a long scream as she came. Maaike now also felt her cunt muscles tense and a wonderful orgasm overwhelmed her. She sank back onto the bed and felt Diana stroking her stomach. She kissed the woman's face and wondered if this sexual foray was a sign. When she was back in the Netherlands, she would put Stan aside with his wild dreams and look for a female partner.How did you know I was a lesbian?

she asked Diana when the woman caressed her gently.

I did not know that,

answered Diana,

I hoped so, especially since I don't think things are going well between you and Stan.

And you,

I asked,

you are a mother and a widow..

I was always a lesbian

smiled Diana,

but in this godforsaken hole, you can't harbor homosexual feelings. So I got married and hoped for the best. Now I drive to Seattle every month while my mom is babysitting and sleep with Jody or Louis, who are still married but can forget about their husbands for a while.

Hidden love, so,

I said and stroked her hair.

And you?

When I get back to Holland, I'll kick Stan out and find a girlfriend.

Holland sounds like a great country..

We both laughed and looked at the window, where a sliver of sun was gently gleaming.

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