
Second Weekend At Meester T

Since Nienke didn't want it to stop a 2nd weekend. Can go either way so suggestions are always welcome.

Much time had passed since our grand adventure. We had seen each other a week later for a walk. Not as Dom and Sub, but as two equals looking back on a shared experience. You could have spoken candidly about the things you loved and things you disliked. Although you can't label this as exciting, it is necessary so that our bond can grow. Although the images of our adventure and my interim assignments could keep you busy, it was not the same. Once you've tasted the game, other things quickly seem like a bland decoction. An exciting assignment, no matter how fun, can't give the same feeling as our weekend. The feelings of pride and humiliation, pain and pleasure and above all the presence of the other. With me you were powerless and at my mercy. At home you ultimately had control, that eternal deadlock control, the incessant thinking. You yearned back to the days when you had no control, the times when you couldn't think. However, finding time had proved difficult. The last months of the year are also usually the busiest and autumn brought a sense of melancholy.

You were very surprised when I sent you an invitation to spend another weekend with me. You squeezed your arm and read my message again. You didn't dream it but it felt like it. Despite the dark autumn days you were filled with a warm feeling. Despite my busy schedule, I had made time for you. Not a little time, but even a full second weekend. You've been wanting this ever since you came home from our last weekend. You quickly confirm our appointment yourself without checking whether or not you are free. Don't let the opportunity to be who you are inside pass you by. You are only too happy to accept the conditions I set for this weekend. For a full week you had to bring yourself almost to a climax 2 times a day and then stop. You knew this was going to make you horny until our meeting and you knew this was what I wanted.

Unlike last time, I had not told you this time which clothes to arrive in and what to bring with you. By now you should have gotten a good idea of ​​what I wanted. I preferred you as a naughty class lady or a full-fledged slut. You wouldn't have dared to take your most boring clothes with you. In itself it didn't matter to me what you were wearing if you arrived at my place because I wasn't there myself. Although I had taken a weekend off, I still had obligations to finish on Friday. Of course you didn't know this when you pressed the doorbell. I expected you to be on time, so I used the smart doorbell to open the door for you. You step into the empty house in surprise and notice that all the lights come on for you as well. On the kitchen table you will find a message that can only be for you.

bye slut,

As you may have noticed, I'm not home. This does not mean that you can do whatever you want in my absence. I expect to be home around 7:30 PM. First you will hang your clothes in your closet and make sure that the entire playroom is dusted. Then you prepare yourself for a reception with a walking dinner. Don't you dare cover your undoubtedly wet cunt with a piece of cloth.

You dutifully do what I want from you and take your time for this. It's not your first time here so the house feels familiar. Unpacking your suitcase does not take very long, so you decide to make an extra effort to clean up the playroom. Although everything in itself is just, you can notice that it has been used for a while. Cleaning the room gives you the opportunity to take a good look around at what I can do with you here. All those possibilities and meanwhile memories fill your mind. It doesn't just stay with your thoughts, your cave is also filled with moisture. The feel of leather, ropes and chains. Oh how you have longed for this. Only a message on your smartphone makes you realize that you've been dreaming in this room for so long that you still have to get ready. Is it because of my absence or is it your desire to challenge me but you decide to take the plunge. You knew I wanted you to put on a sexy but classy dress. Since I had not specifically written this down, you decided to wear a black jumpsuit. The thought of provoking me makes you even more excited.

Once you see my car appearing in the driveway, your heart starts beating in your throat. Doubt strikes, wouldn't you have done better what I asked of you? Anyway, it was too late to retrace your steps. A few moments later I was standing there looking at you from head to toe with a stern look. A small sigh escapes my mouth after which I say: "turn around". Your little act of defiance was one that would cost me more time than I would have liked at this point. A little startled by my reaction, you dutifully turn around. Then you hear me walking towards you followed by my hand grabbing the zipper of the jumpsuit. My other hand quickly moves down your hip to your wet pussy. Nat as always, I thought to myself as I checked that you've respected the other terms and conditions. Lucky for you you did because otherwise I would have locked you in a crate for the rest of the evening. "Bend over" I say in a stern tone. The tone alone gives you goosebumps, you almost forgot how strict I can be. Dutifully you bend over and you feel how the jumpsuit slides almost completely off your body. I take a seat behind you on the left and you instinctively get ready to receive punishment. The expected slap on the buttocks does not materialize, what you feel is a cold round object that is inserted into your pussy. You are shocked but meanwhile know better than to resist. The first object is soon followed by a second. Once they touch each other they produce a subtle but unmistakable metallic vibration. "These are not going out without my permission" I say as I step into the living room. Keeping two balls in your pussy doesn't sound very difficult, you think to yourself. That thought quickly escapes you when you straighten yourself. The balls are heavy and slippery and your pussy is wet. It's going to take a lot of concentration not to let it slip out.

Once I have put my work equipment in place, we leave for the reception. During the ride you mainly listen to what you can expect from the evening. The reception takes place in a nearby castle and is given by a charitable organization to thank its biggest donors. I was chosen along with some other colleagues to represent the company I work for. So for me it is a great opportunity to make further connections in the business world. So I expect an impeccable attitude and exemplary behavior from you. So a real test if I can be seen with you in public. The last part of our road takes us over a moderately maintained cobblestone road. Unlike usual, this time you feel every bump very intensely. It seems as if each cobblestone causes the balls to collide with a unique sensation as a result. I don't even have to look at you to know what this is doing to you. Every move you make today will have consequences and for every mistake you make I will punish you. You realize all too well that this is the game we are playing tonight and that you have already made 1 mistake.

The great hall of the castle is already filled with a pleasant amount of people. We are greeted by the chairwoman of the charity who thanks us for being here. Judging by the number of stray glasses and empty plates, the reception has been busy for a while. That also explains for you why I was so hasty and didn't punish you immediately. An attentive waiter provides you with a glass of champagne and goes to get me a fresh martini from the bar. We make our way through the crowd and end up at my company's table. Every step you take the balls move and with every move you get more excited. After a short thank you speech from the hostess, the first courses of dinner soon follow. Despite the constant battle your pussy is fighting against gravity, you are not knocked out of your head. However, that will follow once you catch a glimpse of the chef taking on the catering. It's the same chef we met before on our last restaurant visit. He invites us for a quick look behind the scenes now that the service is coming to an end.

After a short tour of the kitchen we end up in the pantry. Once we're in here I close the door behind us and you soon notice how the atmosphere changes. "I thought that slut was going to be easy to get to," said the chief. "She decided to play tricks on my instructions, but it will work," I answered him. As the full situation begins to sink in, you can already feel the jumpsuit opening. "I hope the slut has room for dessert," laughs the cook as he unbuttons his pants. A few moments later, your jumpsuit only covers your ankles and you're face to face with a thick erect cock. I take a tight grip on your neck and bring your mouth to the chief. You already know better than to resist at this point and willingly take the cock in your mouth. The chef soon grabs your breasts and starts playing rough with your nipples. Meanwhile you feel my hand going through your soaking wet pussy, how willing your pussy is after not being allowed to cum for a week. If you had obeyed I would have put these to good use but you wanted to challenge me.

The rough play with your nipples quickly becomes a pain but with a mouth full you can't make a sound. In the meantime I lubricate the wet of your pussy over your star. By the time you feel the pressure on your nipples disappear, you will feel another pressure on your star. Slowly but surely you feel my cock sliding into your pussy. You can also let go of the initiative of the blowjob now that the cook puts his hands firmly behind your head. Alternately you get a punch in your ass and throat to deal with. As if that wasn't enough, the balls moved through your pussy like it was a delight. You were at the mercy of two men and this was what the slut in you really wanted.

The pace kept increasing and between searching for breath and concentrating on the balls you had forgotten all sense of here and now. Your world has been reduced to the rhythmic movement of 2 penises. You will never know how long it took. You had already lost all sense of time and space. The drool ran out of your mouth in wisps and your horns ran off your legs. You had become a toy, a fuck object. The chef started breathing heavily and the tightness of your ass was too much for me too. What you felt next was a warm throbbing sensation in your ass. Seconds later your mouth was also filled with a mushy salty paste. You drop to your knees and the chef grabs your face and lifts your head up. He smiles when he sees how full your mouth is. You don't get much time to recover and you don't get permission to swallow. No, we have to go back to the event because they're going to serve dessert. Although you were actually just given this by the chef himself.

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