

After Paloma showed her over the phone the estate where they wanted to build their future paradise, Sanne only wanted one thing: to go to Spain as soon as possible and embrace her lover and their daughter to finalize the deal.

The estate was about 13 hectares in size, there were a few dilapidated sheds, but the most beautiful were the hills, the stream and of course a small lake. Carmen, their Spanish broker had already had it checked that construction could start, but only when all permits were in place. This could take a while in Spain, because the municipality was excruciatingly bureaucratic. The asking price of the piece of land was pittance by Dutch standards, just under 250,000 euros. Of course a house still had to be built and infrastructure had to be built and of course a beautifully landscaped garden, but money was no problem for Sanne and Paloma.

Sanne finalized the deal with Ilse and Kirsten from 99BC Amsterdam and authorized Frank, her accountant, to finalize the deal with Britney in Brussels. Then she had a moving company come and store all their things and transport them to Spain as soon as possible and then nothing stood in the way of her leaving for Spain. After an emotional farewell to her girls she left for Spain via Zaventem, where Paloma was already waiting for her, of course together with Harley-Elise, who hadn't hugged mom for a long time.

For the occasion, Sanne's mother-in-law-to-be had prepared a huge pan of paella and Paloma's siblings were also invited to dinner, along with their partners, if they already had one. Actually, only Javier and Juan, Paloma's youngest twin brothers, were still single, but they were also only 19 years old.

In addition to the twins, Paloma had two older sisters, Maria and Magdalena, both married to typical Spanish macho men. Paloma's parents were aware of Paloma's sexuality and had no problems with it, which was unusual for Spanish standards.

The 5 years with Paloma had done Sanne's Spanish vocabulary very well and so she could effortlessly participate in the conversations. Paloma's two sisters asked questions about their relationship while their husbands talked tough about their adventures in the village café and chatted about football with their father-in-law. The twins were very quiet and only listened intently. After dinner and the necessary sangria, Paloma and Sanne went to bed, the bed in Paloma's old room, where Paloma previously slept with Harley-Elise, but the little rascal was allowed to sleep in her Spanish grandpa and grandma's room for once , because Palomas mother granted them an intimate moment.

Because of the journey and the impressions of the evening and of course the sangria, it didn't become a long intimate moment and after some cuddling, kissing and caressing, both Sanne and Paloma fell asleep.


The next day, a visit to the estate was scheduled, followed by a meeting with Carmen at her office. Sanne was very impressed by the piece of land and saw sufficient possibilities for their future palace, where their privacy was guaranteed due to the enormous surface area. She immediately wanted to offer the asking price, but Carmen did not want to cooperate. No, they would make a lower offer, because the owners would still like to get rid of the land, according to Carmen. And she was right, Sanne and Paloma became owners of the land for 178 thousand euros. Through Carmen they hired an architect who made a design that meets all the ladies' requirements and with which they could apply for a building permit at the town hall.

And that's where the trouble started. As Carmen had predicted, the bureaucracy at City Hall was like thick treacle: excruciatingly slow. It took weeks before there was a final response and that response was that it had not yet been approved, because the permit application had not taken into account the connection to the utilities and sewage system. The entire application had to be submitted again, but then also with the application for the connections. That application had to be submitted to the electricity company and the water company, and the municipality then dealt with the sewage system. Each time there was something wrong with the application and Carmen had to go back to the women.

Sanne was completely done with it and pulled Paloma with her.

We're going to have a chat with the mayor ourselves

, she snorted. And a little later they stood at the counter at the town hall and asked for the mayor, because he was apparently the one who pulled the strings here, they had heard from Carmen. And that man who was so opposing them should also become the one who was going to consummate their marriage? That could still be fun.

After the nice lady at the counter had heard their story, she walked away to ask if the mayor would see them. That was the case, so Sanne and Paloma followed her to the room of the mayor, Pedro Massimo.

To Sannes surprise it turned out not to be a typical mayor at all, she had expected an older gentleman with a flabby gray head, but the mayor turned out to be a young guy, about her age, with a nice head, dark short hair and a stubble beard. He was wearing slacks, a loose white shirt and sandals.

Sanne explained the reason for their arrival and that, to put it mildly, they were not entirely happy with the way things were going. They were eager to start building their palace and as soon as they were done they wanted to prepare and get married. Pedro listened to them and was surprised when he realized that he had two lesbian women in front of him. He had no problem with this at all and he apologized to inquire about what exactly it was stuck on with the permits.


Sanne stammered,

I'm sweating like hell here, my panties are soaking wet from the heat. He doesn't even have air conditioning here.

Then you do him out dear

, said Paloma mischievously and Sanne looked at her in surprise for a moment, but she could not resist that sparkle in her eyes and she quickly took off her panties, fumbled them in her bag and sat down again just quickly enough, because Pedro came back in again .

He sat on the edge of his desk and explained that it was really a small formality. Sanne's name did not match the one on her passport. Harriet's name was still on her passport, even though she had given her maiden name on the permit application. But Pedro had been good enough, he said, to rectify this immediately and at the moment his officials were busy getting the permit in order and if they had a little patience, after they had had a drink with him with the permit to go out again.

Sanne and Paloma were delirious with joy and jumped into each other's arms and kissed each other passionately, they could finally start. The kiss did not leave Pedro cold, because in the corner of her eye Sanne saw that something was growing in his trousers. In Dutch she whispered to Paloma, who could now also understand and speak a little Dutch:

hey baby, we make the mayor horny.

Paloma squinted as well and indeed saw the mayor anxiously trying to cross his legs to hide his growing erection. She looked at Sanne knowingly and when Sanne nodded, Paloma turned around and grabbed Pedro's erection.

So mayor, what do you have here?

Pedro looked startled at Paloma and then at Sanne, but she reassured him by placing a finger over her pursed lips. Paloma unfastened Pedro's belt and opened his pants. Pedro got up from his desk and dropped his slacks on the floor. Paloma and Sanne pulled down his boxers and Pedro's cock bounced. Not exactly long or thick, but still a reasonable tool. Sanne and Paloma took turns licking his bare head, from which the pre-cum was already welling up. The acorn turned purple and began to throb with excitement. Paloma took it in her mouth first and immediately sucked it deep inside. She took it completely in her mouth without any problems, with Pedro's pubic hairs tickling her nose. Pedro soon indicated that his climax was coming and Paloma slowed this down by squeezing his balls briefly, but hard. She let his cock escape and Sanne took it from her. Sanne also had no problem sliding Pedro's cock all the way into her mouth and her suction ensured that Pedro was back to his peak within seconds. He indicated that he wanted to spray on the faces of the women, but Sanne did not want that. He had to come in her mouth and he did. A few good jets of thick cum flowed into her mouth. When the pulsing stopped Sanne let his cock escape from her mouth and she shared the mayor's cum with Paloma through a nice french kiss. They both swallowed it and Pedro had just enough time to put his cock away and put his pants back on before his secretary came in with the necessary papers for Sanne and Paloma.

His secretary looked at him and asked him:

are you okay Pedro? Your head is all red and you sweat it out.

Yes dear, I'm fine, I'm just a little warm

, Pedro replied.


Sanne and Paloma exclaimed simultaneously.


, Pedro replied,

my wife is also my secretary, it's just a small congregation here.

A little confused, Sanne and Paloma looked at each other and then Pedro and his wife. They accepted the papers anyway and left with the promise to invite the mayor and his wife when their house would be ready.Could she be onto something?

, Paloma asked Sanne when they were back in the car on their way to Paloma's parental home. Sanne didn't know, but she didn't really care. They had all the permits necessary for the construction of their palace and the layout of their estate. She called the architect who had made their designs and they would also let the construction go through him. There were a few reliable contractors that he always worked with and they would be able to start construction in the shortest possible time. They left the projects they were currently working on at first, because Sanne and Paloma paid more, so that was their greater interest. They had understood from Carmen that it more or less worked in Spain. As long as you had money, you got priority with the contractors and money was no problem for Sanne and Paloma.


The contractors and the architect didn't let any grass grow over it. The week after the papers were in order, the first building materials were delivered and the ground was prepared for construction. The architect was in charge of the day-to-day construction and Sanne and Paloma occasionally came to see how things were progressing. Meanwhile, Harley-Elise spent several mornings at the kindergarten to get used to so she could really start after the holidays. The little one thought it was fantastic and the other children also found her very interesting, because she was the only curly blond in a school with mainly tanned heads with dark and black hair. The whole village was now aware of Harley-Elise's two mothers and luckily they were also very open-minded here and Sanne and Paloma were welcomed with open arms in the community.

Sanne usually maintained contacts with Amsterdam and Brussels online or by telephone. Kirsten and Ilse had already transferred part of the takeover sum via Frank and the income from the club in Brussels was also pouring in considerably. Frank had been assigned to handle the financial settlements for Sanne and in return he received a VIP pass that gave him unlimited access to both clubs. This way he also didn't have to worry about his wife ever finding out from their account transactions that Frank was a member of 99BC. Not that it would be immediately clear that this was a club that mainly revolved around sex with trans people, but still, Frank would rather his wife not know about this.

The construction of their palace made good progress and the construction of the swimming pool, which they wanted so much, was also progressing. The garden was neatly decorated with palm trees and various sitting areas. A sauna could not be missed as well as a hot tub. And at the rear an orchard was planted with olive trees. And about half a year after the permits were issued, Sanne and Paloma were able to furnish their house. Harley-Elise now had swimming lessons, which was very important to Sanne, because the pool was not filled until her daughter had at least 1 diploma. And they were very much looking forward to finally being able to move into their own house, because in terms of sex they had suffered in recent months.

Paloma's mother had already seen from the glances between her youngest daughter and her soon-to-be daughter-in-law that the two craved a passionate night and offered to babysit Harley-Elise for the weekend when they first spent the night in their new home. The little girl really liked having grandma and grandpa to herself that weekend and Sanne and Paloma were also very happy with the offer.

That Saturday, Sanne and Paloma were occupied with furnishing their house. They had bought most of the furniture new and it was delivered and put in place by the company. In addition, they had stored a few pieces of furniture with sentimental value and, of course, their boxes of personal items. These were picked up and delivered by Paloma's brothers-in-law in a large bus and put in place by Sanne and Paloma.

Three large boxes with the text


they put it in the bedroom, they both knew what was in it and also that they would be happy to unpack it tonight. What Sanne didn't know yet is that Paloma had ordered some extra attributes via a website that she also wanted to use tonight. She wasn't really sure if Sanne liked being tied up, because that hadn't been discussed before, but she would find out tonight.

Paloma unpacked the boxes containing a variety of dildos, vibrators, whips and of course Harriet. When building their palace, Sanne and Paloma had a cupboard built in their bedroom that could be revealed by means of a sliding wall, but which was not visible when it was closed. They could have the wall slide open by entering a code on their telephone. The cabinet was lined inside with a red velvet fabric and fitted with black shelves. Paloma displayed the attributes on these shelves with Harriet in the middle as an eye-catcher. She first kept the new toys in her bedside table.

When they were done at the end of the afternoon, they decided to take a shower first to rinse off the sweat. They had made reservations around 8 p.m. in a restaurant in the village where the mayor's cousin was the cook, so there wasn't much time to spoil each other in the shower, according to Paloma. This much to the disappointment of Sanne, who did not know about Paloma's other plans. They helped each other shave the intimate areas and Sanne couldn't resist slipping a finger between Paloma's lips and putting her lips on her clit. Despite the fact that Paloma was definitely looking forward to it and it felt so good, she cut Sanne off, saying that they should now get ready for dinner.

A little disillusioned, Sanne sat down at the table in the restaurant a little later. She really had no idea why Paloma rejected her, and uncertainty took hold of her. Paloma talked endlessly about how happy she was that their little palace was finally finished and that they were going to live there. Soon they would get married and then their happiness would be complete. Sanne only half listened and because of the uncertainty she almost couldn't get a bite down her throat. Paloma noticed this to Sanne and she decided to skip dessert and return to their Casa del Amor.

On the drive back home, Sanne was quiet and Paloma was still chatting away. Sanne didn't understand it, before dinner Paloma had been distant, in the shower she had rejected Sanne and now she was again the Paloma she had become so fond of. Emotions ran through her body and when they stood at the gate of their estate, Paloma's tone became serious:

San, my dear, I have another surprise in store for you. To keep it a surprise, I'm going to blindfold you now and get you headphones

and she took from the glove compartment a black silk scarf and a pair of headphones.

Sanne willingly let Paloma blindfold her and when she got the headphones on she completely lost her orientation. She felt the movements of the car as they drove across their estate toward the home. When Paloma stopped the car, Sanne waited for Paloma to escort her out of the car and they walked up the steps to their front door. The uncertainty she'd felt earlier that evening was now replaced by excitement and anticipation of what was to come, but she still had no idea what Paloma was up to with her.

Paloma led Sanne through the portal, through the living room to the stairs and then to their bedroom. She left Sanne standing at the foot of the bed with her back to the bed. She briefly moved the headphones and told Sanne to be patient before covering her ears again. Paloma kicked off her pumps and unzipped her dress before quickly dropping it to the floor. she also took off her red lingerie and naked as she was she took the new toys from the bedside table. They were leather cuffs, lined with red velvet. She fastened the two for wrists to the posts at the headboard and placed the handcuffs on the bed herself. She fastened the two for the ankles on either side of the footboard. On a hook in the middle above the bed, which she had placed by the handyman while Sanne and herself were out for dinner, she attached an extendable black rod with a motor in the middle and attached it to the ends of the rod. two ropes that were connected to the ankle cuffs. A small remote control enabled her to operate the motor, which she placed on the bedside table.

Now she took the headphones off Sanne's head, but she left the blindfold on.

From this moment you can listen again dear

, she whispered to Sanne and with her mouth and tongue she traced from her earlobe to her neck,

but more importantly, you start to focus on your feeling.

Sanne felt the heat of Paloma's naked body as Paloma put her hands around Sanne and opened the zipper of Sanne's dress. The dress fell to the floor and Paloma unfastened her bra and let it slip off Sanne's arms as well. Then she pulled down a trace of her breasts and through her navel she kissed Sanne's bald mound through the fabric of her panties. She hooked her fingers behind the fabric and pulled down the panties, from which Sanne impatiently kicked them out, along with her own pumps.And now you sit down baby

, Paloma whispered to Sanne. Sanne sat down on the bed and allowed Paloma to guide her to the center of the spacious bed. Paloma kissed Sanne all over while she took the leather wristband on the right side of the bed and slid it around Sanne's hand. Then it was the left side's turn and Sanne willingly allowed it, while she still had no idea what Paloma had put on her hands. It felt soft and comfortable and as Paloma straddled her and Sanne felt the heat of her lover's pussy or her own skin and also the wetness that Paloma was already producing. This made her even hornier than she already was. Paloma leaned over and kissed Sanne on her lips, which she automatically parted and then tried to push her tongue between Paloma's lips. Paloma slid her hands over Sanne's arms towards the handcuffs. She grabbed the leather flaps and pulled both cuffs tight around Sanne's wrists with a hard tug.

Sanne was startled by the sudden tightness in her wrists and the impossibility of moving her arms freely. Paloma turned around now and placed her pussy above Sanne's mouth. Sanne, who couldn't see but could smell, pushed her head up and stuck out her tongue to taste Paloma's juices. Paloma enjoyed Sanne's tongue and buried her own head between Sanne's legs. Sanne pulled her legs up and spread them wide to give Paloma more room. This was exactly what Paloma wanted and it gave her the opportunity to put the ankle cuffs on Sanne's ankles and pull them tight at the same time. Sanne was startled by the impossibility of moving and she realized that she was at the mercy of Paloma, which was both a terrifying and a horny thought at the same time.

Paloma took out her phone, opened the app that unlocked their toy cabinet, and punched in the code. A click told Sanne that the cupboard opened. Paloma took out a harness and put it on, then took out a vibrator and two dildos, one normal and one larger. She then grabbed Harriet and attached it to the harness. Sanne could only listen and in her mind she had already guessed what Paloma was up to and this thought made her hornier than she had been in ages.

Paloma crawled onto the bed and started kissing Sanne's body, she didn't miss a spot and at the same time made sure that Harriet, who was dangling between her legs, didn't touch Sanne. She nibbled on Sanne's nipples, which had always remained a bit more sensitive after the pregnancy and a shock wave went down through Sanne and she felt herself getting even wetter than she already was. Paloma licked Sanne's nipples and with her right hand she slid over Sanne's mound of venus, sliding her middle finger between her labia. Sanne groaned and wanted to put her legs together to hold Paloma's hand around that place, but the ankle cuffs prevented this. Paloma sensed how much Sanne longed for her climax and, she intended, she would get it several more times this evening.

Paloma drew a wet trail from the left to the right breast of Sanne with her tongue in order to go down in a straight line, hang around her navel and then to the hottest point of Sanne's body.

Sanne was so hot and wet there that Paloma decided to use the medium-sized dildo right away. She wet it with her mouth and slid it into Sanne's without further ado. Sanne moaned and began to squirm with the dild under Palomas fucking movements. The horns ran out of her pussy all over her starlet and this was exactly what Paloma wanted, because that's where she would insert the small dildo. She spread the horn over Sanne's star and stretched it out a bit with her finger. She left the larger dildo in her lover's pussy while she wet the smaller one with her saliva. Carefully she placed the dild in front of the star and with some pressure she pushed it in fairly easily.

Sanne now lay there with both her holes filled, handcuffed so that she could not move and at the mercy of her friend's lust. Paloma held the dildos in place with her left hand while she turned on the vibrator with her free hand and placed it on Sanne's clit. This was too much for Sanne and under loud moans she came and kept coming. For Paloma this was the prelude to the finale and she took off the vibrator, took the small dildo from Sanne's ass and then the big one from her pussy, after which she inserted it into Sanne's open ass. She smeared Harriet with the juice that flowed abundantly from her friend and put this super dildo in position. Carefully she pushed him into Sanne's pulsating pussy and with short thrusts she brought him further and further inside. Sanne couldn't remember how she had it and then Paloma started to fuck her with powerful thrusts. Because the base of the dildo pushed against Paloma's clit, she too was stimulated and she was able to come. Sanne kept coming and fell into a daze.

When Paloma came for the second time, Sanne was completely taken aback. She took Harriet out of her friend and also removed the dildo from her ass. Satisfied, Paloma looked at Sanne and released her from her bonds. The blindfold was removed and Paloma took off her harness. She cleaned all the used toys neatly in the bathroom, before putting them away in the special cupboard. In the meantime Sanne was lying on the bed in a fetal position and had fallen into a deep sleep, exhausted. Paloma snuggled into her and quickly fell asleep too.


The next morning they woke up in each other's arms, happier than ever. Soon they would get married, where they were now on their own estate in their Casa del Amor.

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