
Sanne Losses

Dearest Exciters,

Finally!!! Sorry for the long wait.

I therefore hope that you will fully enjoy this extra long final part.

-- Enjoy Part VI --

19 Unreachable

At high speed, the rubber screeched across the tarmac. Through the condensed window the horizon looked dull and gray. "Typical Belgian weather" I thought to myself. After six long days there was a sigh of relief to land back on home soil. Especially since there might be a memorable reunion with my beautiful Sanne.

The past few days couldn't go by fast enough. Fortunately, I had a moment every day to video chat with Sanne. Since there was still a considerable time difference and our conversations had to continue in the early morning, they were unfortunately short-lived. Still, it was enough to reassure me that everything seemed fine on the home front.

I loved to see her in the morning. Usually she wore an oversized shirt or a baggy sweater that was way too big. It came just below her buttocks, but when she sat down or bent over, you were treated to her shapely bottom. Her breasts then danced freely under her sweater. But her lovely unkempt blonde hair was the icing on the cake. Blood filled my manly organ at the sight of her fresh-out-of-bed look. Also comparable to the

just-got-fucked look

. That made being away from her for six days all the more difficult.

The only thing that bothered me was that she turned out to be unreachable on the last day. Her phone didn't even ring so and straight to voicemail. From this I deduce that her battery may have been flat and lost her charger for the umpteenth time. That girl could really be a slob. But yes, in the end she was only nineteen and everything was neatly done for her at home. It sounds a bit rude, but she was a spoiled brat.

After the irritating polonaise to get off the plane, there was the awkward staring contest at the baggage carousel. Ugh! The most hateful thing about flying. Fortunately, as I made my way to the arrivals hall, my worries slipped away.

At the back of the crowd I saw my little Sanne standing. With a firm stride and a broad smile, I walked ostentatiously towards her. But when I was almost with her, I noticed. I looked at her confused. She wore a mournful face, the eyes of which were besieged at the bottom with the gleam of excess tears. A tear rolled down her cheek. She quickly walked over to me and hid her sadness against my chest.

Sorry Eric!

she sobbed. I put my hand on her head and rubbed her blonde locks comfortingly. The realization of what was happening broke my heart.Where is Sanna?

I asked her.

19 Sarah

Sarah looked at me with red eyes. It was unbelievable how much she pulled the up on Sanne. Obviously not surprising for identical twins. But it is always a wonderful feeling to meet twins. As if Mother Nature had been lazy and simply copied and pasted the genetic material in the womb. Were it not for the fact that both girls had a distinct style of appearance, you wouldn't be able to tell them apart. I'm even sure their parents would have a hard time with that. Well, I'm sure they used to have some swapping tricks as a kid. Didn't learn a test or don't fancy gymnastics. I could come up with different scenarios where something like this could be useful, one a bit naughtier than the other. Anyway, the girl staring at me with red-eyed eyes wasn't my wife.

When I say that Sanne and Sarah each had their own style, you should certainly not take that with a grain of salt. Sanne and Sarah were polar opposites. Not only in their clothing style, but also in their behavior and character. Where Sanne was clearly a provocative and sexually conscious girl, Sarah is rather introverted and modest, a much calmer type. She has always taken her school seriously, as far as I know no boyfriends who caused drama with her.

Especially now that she was in her second year of biomedical sciences, she didn't want the distraction of an immature romance. She wore your typical student clothes, sneakers, jeans and a hoodie were usually the regular items in her wardrobe. Although on special occasions such as Christmas or Easter, she obviously dressed up. Usually in a modest dress with a ballerina underneath. She usually wore her blonde locks in a pony. And when she was at home she often didn't wear contact lenses and walked around with hipster glasses on her nose.

Sarah and Sanne's character clashed more than once. Where Sanne always gave her unvarnished opinion, Sarah defended herself with suggestive remarks about Sannes


. Something I was not really aware of at the time. But at the end of the day, Sanne and Sarah were twin sisters and they loved each other despite their differences. At least that's what I thought anyway. Sometimes I had the feeling that Sanne was jealous of her sister. Especially if we were engaged in fascinating scientific conversations. But I never noticed that Sarah expected anything more than friendship.

I accompanied Sarah to the wagon. After I loaded my suitcase and took a seat on the passenger side, there was an awkward silence. The only thing that broke the silence was Sarah's light sobbing. She was clearly having trouble calming down. I gently pulled her against me. As I stroked her head I said in a soft voice :

Calm down girl, try to relax and then tell me why you're here instead of your sister.

After a few minutes she let out the last sob and with a crack in her voice she started to tell.

22 Sarahs account

I'm sorry Eric...

she began.

My father asked if I could stop by with you after class. He lent you his pruning shears last spring. Since I passed it almost every day, it was no problem for me to pop in for a while.

You were of course abroad and he wasn't sure whether Sanne would be home. So he gave me clear instructions. We have a spare key for your back door at our house. Papa had told me that the key to the garden house was in the drawer next to the cutlery.

My lessons were done earlier than expected. About three o'clock I drove into your street. When I arrived at your house I immediately noticed that your car was in front of the gate. Lucky I thought to myself because that meant Sarah would be home. I couldn't park my car in the driveway so I parked it across the street. I immediately walked around your house, straight into the backyard. I noticed that your terrace was pretty messy. On the table were several empty glasses and saw a bottle of champagne turned upside down in the ice bucket. A bikini bottom was also wet on the edge of the pool.

The large sash window was half open so I went in through there. My eye fell on the untidy kitchen. More than once I had ended up at college parties where the dishes had been soaking for several days and the food wrappers were scattered on the counter. This kitchen was certainly not inferior. Just like the kitchen, your living room looked like a mess. Sanne's underwear was on the floor, empty glasses and snacks on the coffee table again. What was that girl doing I thought? Then I noticed your dining room table and immediately a cold feeling came over me. On the table were opened take-out boxes, dirty glasses and plates. There was a smell as if it had been there for quite some time. It was clear that more than one person had sat at the table here. Would Sanne have had a party, I thought?

Suddenly I was startled by a loud scream. It seemed to come from above. I immediately sprinted up the stairs, but halfway through I stopped my rescue. It quickly became clear to me what kind of screams came from your bedroom. My curiosity got the best of me and I quietly crept up the stairs. It was clear what was going on in your room. My first thought was that you had returned from your trip earlier and were exuberantly celebrating your homecoming with Sanne

to celebrate

used to be.

The moment I turned to go back downstairs I heard Sanne shout loudly:

Fuck Dan! Keep fucking, keep fucking me

she continued under heavy panting

Aaah, yes, louder, louderrr!!

. A response came in the form of an unfamiliar male voice:

Whose pussy is this!

, there was only a gasp in response.

Whose pussy is this? Answer me slut!!!

This time there was a screaming answer.

From your Dan! This slutty pussy is all yoooouuuwwww!!!

I could hardly believe my ears. Was this my sister? Did Sanne have an affair? Had she really completely lost her mind and risked everything with Eric?

Curious, I crept closer to the bedroom. The door wasn't closed and I could see right in. From where I stood I could view the spectacle from two directions. On the one hand I had a view of the back of a very large muscular man standing along the edge of the bed. His large hands gripped my twin sister's shoulder tightly. Sanne's naked body seemed excruciatingly small compared to the enormous stature of this man. The way he was plowing into her looked anything but comfortable. With every hard thrust I saw her back arching deeper. The loud moan echoed through the room. They had a view of the large mirrored sliding door wardrobe that stood on the other side of the bed. With an almost animalistic expression, the man looked straight into the mirror. They both looked mesmerized at each other's reflection. Sanne, who could hardly take the hard blows of this mastodon, rooted her slender fingers deep in the untidy bottom sheet. On her hands and knees she was pushed forward more and more forcefully. She tossed her head up and down. The beads of sweat on her face, her gaping mouth, and the visibly sticky hair told me that this fuck had been going on for a while.

The man she called Dan looked much older than her. It could very well be our father. He had a sharp masculine jawline and a hairy face. He, too, was bathing in a sea of ​​sweat beads that covered his entire torso. Despite his age, the man looked like a Greek god. It was clear that this man maintained his body. Suddenly he stopped fucking my sister.

Fuck Dan, why are you stopping

gasped Sanne.

I'm about to cum slut. Where do you want my seed this time?

he answered. Sanne suddenly looked around, for a moment I was afraid she saw me, but from this angle that seemed unlikely.

I want a snack

she gasped in a sultry voice.

I saw Dan pull back and then drop onto the bed with one smooth movement. This clearly exposed his sex organ. My breath caught when I saw that monster pierce up. His cock not only looked slippery and wet, but was emorm. The thick veins running up his massive trunk indicated that this man had great potential. His hairy balls were proportionally proportionate, a thick sack hung below the erect organ, thick with man cum.

Sanne slid off the bed and sat down between his muscular legs. Again I couldn't get over how great the contrast was in size between the two of them. Her tiny hands around his organ only made it look bigger. She could barely wrap her entire hand around the thick base of his cock. I saw her first lick the sweaty scrotum, one by one she took his big balls in her mouth and sucked them for a while. That my sister showed such submissive behavior could not be accepted. She licked up his trunk and kissed his shiny head. No doubt she definitely had to taste her own. At least it didn't seem to bother her. Meanwhile, she tried her best to jerk his cock hard. She closed her lips around his head and slowly lowered her mouth over the top of his cock.

With difficulty she opened her jaws as wide as possible. She seemed to succeed quite well until Dan suddenly grabbed her head. His large hands clamped in her blond locks. Firmly and without hesitation, he slid her head further over his cock. Sanne had to retch when it was clear that his organ was halfway up her throat. He pulled Sanne back up, she spluttered while a lot of saliva dripped from her mouth. Then he pulled her over his cock again. I witnessed how this dominant man used my sister's mouth and throat to work herself to climax.

The room was filled with the smacking sound of saliva and no doubt pre-cum from his cock. Dan picked up the pace and her fingers dug deep into the flesh of his muscular thighs. Sanne clearly had a lot of trouble breathing. Her head turned red and she seemed to resist his rough handling. With a loud moan he suddenly stopped and with his thick fuck lat rooted deep in her throat he held her head tight. I saw the lower part of his pole beat rhythmically. Apparently he was cumming. Sanne had trouble swallowing everything. What didn't pump directly into her throat, dripped white lines down the corners of her mouth over his cock. Finally he let go of her and she crawled past him, exhausted. To my surprise, she rested her head on his muscular lower abdomen and began submissively licking his cock clean.

Again I was startled when a door slammed shut. Someone yelled from the living room

We are back! Are you coming?

I looked at the stairs, then back at the door. Shit, I was stuck. As quickly as I could, I ducked for the nearest door. Fuck, now I was stuck on the toilet. But pray no one had to go to the bathroom.

23 Coup de grace

I'm sorry... I'm so sorry Eric

sobbed Sarah. I looked at her in disbelief. Perhaps the heaviness of her account had not yet penetrated me, but here I was. The one who was supposed to be completely shattered, yet it was I who caught someone's tears here.

Shut up Sarah, you don't have to say sorry, you're not to blame for this.

Rather, I felt guilty that I was too weak and let this happen.

But Eric...

Sarah sobs further,

that's not all.

Again I let her come to her senses before she could continue with her story.

So I hid in the toilet and heard Sanne shout that she needed a moment to freshen up. My first instinct was to get out of the house as quickly as possible. Without thinking too much I went straight to the back door. Fortunately it was not closed, and like a thief in the night I left the house. As if I was being chased I sprinted to my car.

Once in the car, I was overcome with great sadness. I could barely hold back my tears. With a trembling hand on the steering wheel, I let my head fall against the steering wheel, sobbing.

My sadness gives way to anger. The longer I was in the car the more sure I was that I had to do something. Sanne had to learn a lesson and suffer the consequences of her infidelity. Always ridiculing me as the little kid of the family, the stiff rake. I knew well what I had to do. I quickly grabbed my smartphone, pulled my hoodie hood over my head and crept back towards the house. Once back I took my smartphone in hand. After a bit of good aiming, I started a video recording and dimmed my screen completely. The lights inside were on and the yard was plunged into darkness. This way no one could see me, even if I was just a few feet away from the window.

With trembling hands, Sarah took out her smartphone. After some navigating she handed me the phone. My heart raced like a madman. Reluctantly, I turned my gaze to the clear screen and pressed the play button.

Both picture and sound were of excellent quality. Nowadays everyone has a real movie studio in their pocket. I saw the camera move towards the large windows. Sarah had recorded everything vertically. Nowadays with all those tik-tok things that is popular. Slowly the camera focused on the glass and then right through it. I felt a lump in my throat at the following images. This was anything but a tik-tok video.

Dan lay on our coffee table. My Sanne sat on top of him. Her hands rested on my broad chest. In front of her was a man I didn't immediately recognize. With his hands firmly on her head, he worked his cock in and out of Sannes mouth. Eagerly I saw Sanne suck the hard cock. The man was well provided for, but certainly not like Dan. Behind Sanne was a dark man, he seemed to be of African descent, but to be honest I wouldn't know. Only I saw that his cock was as dark as fondant chocolate. But what surprised me more was where he held his cock.

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