

Mark sighed as I settled down next to him on the sofa. He pressed the buttons on the remote control excessively hard, and boredly flipped through dozens of channels. I said nothing and crept closer to him, placing my hand on his thigh. My fingers played with the dark hairs and slid, tickling, to the edge of his shorts. I took a sip of my white wine and ran my eyes over my husband's body. Two sporty and not overly hairy legs, which only disappeared at the top into his shorts. He was slumped a little, his T-shirt resting on the slight slope of a modest tummy.

Again a deep sigh sounded, when passing the umpteenth talk show that only dealt with 1 subject.

Damn Corona!

Mark didn't say it, but I could read it from his face. The TV didn't interest me for a moment then, and my hand slid up his strong leg again. Gently my fingertips caressed his warm skin, all the way to the edge of his shorts again, which I pushed up a little. A warm glow rolled over me.

I still get quite aroused when I feel my husband's warm skin, when I sense his masculine scent. Despite almost 20 years of marriage, I can still get horny like a horny young girl at the sight, touch or smell of my man. My strong bear. I am now in my early forties, my husband is a few years older, and together we are proud parents of a teenager who has just turned seventeen. Despite this, I'm still head over heels in love with that grumpy bear sitting next to me. I kissed his shoulder as my hand slid down again, taking in his familiar body odor through my nose. A feeling of longing overcame me.

I looked comfortably at my husband, but saw that he didn't notice, too busy getting worked up about what was passing on the screen. Excitement in the bad sense then. I, on the other hand, became excited in a different sense, feeling his warm skin against the palm of my soft little hand slowly slid back up. I had turned a little, and was now sitting sideways next to him, my shoulder leaning against the sofa. My knees were drawn up against each other, and between my closed thighs it started to get really hot. The tips of my fingers touched the edge of Mark's shorts again, slipping deftly under the crackling dust. Teasingly slow, they moved further up his thigh, to where the hair increased and became woolier, where his groin turned on.

Most of all I would have grabbed my man and pressed against me, urging him to kiss me wildly as his strong hands slid over my willing body. Then we would have torn our few clothes from each other's bodies, and I would have lowered myself on his hard club...

But the storm on his face told me I'd better put those desires away. My sweet caresses would be of no avail. I pressed another kiss on his shoulder and dutifully slid next to him on the sofa, seeking comfort in my wine. My lips touched the glass, and I took a big sip, holding it playfully in my mouth for a while before swallowing it in two gushes. My eyes continued to look blurry at the large glass, the leg of which I now clasped with both hands. The wine lingered for a while, and I became lost in thought.

Despite my husband's bad mood, I was glad he was with me. It felt great to have him with me for a long time, especially during that somewhat strange period. He invariably gives me a sense of security, safety and security. Even then, during that unpleasant period of forced confinement.

How many evenings had I spent here alone on this sofa... They were innumerable. Every time hubby was abroad for work, I will be lonely in front of the TV. Of course I sometimes went out with friends, and of course I went out without him, but most of the evenings without a husband I was alone on the couch. But now, because of the whole situation with the virus, I had my man with me for weeks on end. His last trip had been not very long after New Year's, just a few weeks after, before the whole Corona era. It hadn't been a far journey: Denmark. And not that long, at least if you look at some of the other trips.

Still, I was happy as a child when he returned, and even happier now that he couldn't leave now. His next trip had already been planned, but of course it had been canceled, or at least postponed. Our son's birthday was also approaching at that time, he would be 17 years old, and now they could do something fun together. Well, at least spend a nice time together, because there is not much else to do during such a lockdown of course. My birthday came a little later, but of course I have a few more years on the clock than my son.

A little further away I dreamed of how nice the farewell had been on that previous trip to Denmark in early February. Or at least how nice the evening before his departure had been. Saying goodbye is never nice, but I'm not complaining about it in the way it was back then. A steamy lovemaking. With a wonderfully explosive ending. The next morning he was gone. That

last evening

I also lay comfortably close to my boy. Here, in this very place. Some cuddling and rubbing against each other. The lovely scene had escalated after a while into a real fling, and not much later we had hopped up the stairs like a young couple in love, straight into the bedroom. The passion had flared up, as in the early days. Not that I have anything to complain about after almost twenty years of marriage. But I have a high libido, my hunger is not easy to satisfy. And my man does his best, but I would like him to do that just a little bit more...

But unfortunately he wasn't planning that now and disappointed I slipped out of my daze. Still sitting in this spot, but where unfortunately no messing around was about to happen. Somewhat disappointed I looked at my glass of wine again, and quickly brought it to my mouth again. With two good gulps I emptied the glass, set it aside and got up.

I am going to take a quick shower. If you still...

But I broke off my sentence before the end, when I saw that my words didn't get through, so I shouldn't hope that he would appear to me after all.

At the top of the corridor I passed Kai's room. Judging by the sound, he was playing. What a boring men I have here at home, I chuckled, one gruff in front of TV, the other hopefully less gruff in front of his computer screen. Arriving in the bathroom, I quickly threw off my nightgown and stepped into the walk-in shower. There I turned on the tap, and waiting for the hot water I sighed. Instead of a nice lovemaking it would just be the shower head.

I stepped under the water and closed my eyes. Just enjoy the dripping water on my head. Just clear my mind. For several minutes I enjoyed the soothing drip on my head and shoulders. I finally felt zen, despite an unsatisfying desire still bubbling deep inside me. I took a deep breath in and exhaled gently. Then I professionally and extensively soaped myself, my body with shower soap, my hair with shampoo. After which the water rinsed my body again.

Suddenly I heard noise... The door opened...

Then right? Had my grumpy bear taken the hint after all? Had he quietly, without letting it be noticed, caught my silent hint, and would he still tack to spoil his horny wife?

I quickly and impatiently began rinsing the shampoo out of my hair. Jitters soon filled my stomach again. I felt like a kid getting his first summer ice cream. Moments later, I turned as I rubbed the drops of water from my eyes.

In a fraction of a second we stood face to face, half a meter separating us.

My heart skipped a beat. My mouth fell open in shock.


My mouth remained open, but no sound came out. I couldn't say anything more for a while. This was the last thing I expected...

I froze and felt my heart pounding in my throat. Unknowingly I watched my son's naked, somewhat thin body. His young penis, which stood proudly erect, started walking with all the attention. Kai also remained motionless and literally and figuratively frozen in front of me. His head turned all red. I think he expected something different. Of course he expects to find his mother here, but in his naughty dreams she had a completely different reaction than this one. I swallowed hard and looked into his eyes. That very moment felt like eternity, and could have gone on for so long, until I realized it would be too dangerous.

I picked myself up and looked at him firmly.

Kai... Damn, what are you doing here?

Son was still speechless. How embarrassed he looked down, you could see that he had already regretted his plan to drop in here as a surprise.

Darling, your father is downstairs, this is not possible!But as I uttered these words, a huge itch seized me. I realized it immediately, felt weird and guilty, but knew that such situations, permeated with tension, invariably aroused me. Still, I managed to maintain control, and asked my son to leave. I just hoped he would walk out of the shower soon. This situation couldn't last too long, because I still felt the warm glow between my legs. Motionless, however, Kai remained standing in front of me. His gaze lifted a little, but he didn't dare look me in the eye yet.

My gaze fell down again, however, and my eyes once again wandered to that hard bar in front of me. Mesmerized, I looked at the beautiful, circumcised penis: not too big, not too small, also nicely average in thickness, and adorned at the top with a beautiful head of an acorn. I looked at the young piece of meat with delight, while my tongue spontaneously slid past my lips.

Without knowing I had already unconsciously given in to the animal desire in me. I just couldn't take it anymore. Excitement had been racing through my body all evening. There was no holding back. Without fully realizing it, or perhaps even wanting to realize it, I was, as it were, drawn back to my son.

For a moment I managed to free myself from the irresistible attraction between mother and son and turned away. With a trembling hand I turned off the shower faucet. I swallowed. My throat felt dry. The adrenaline rushed through my body. I waited another beat, then turned to my son again, and with a little heart begged him to leave the bathroom again.

Kai suddenly stood one step closer to me. His big eyes looked at me sweetly. This was the last chance to pull myself together, to get out of my way, and not to get us into trouble. But the sweet warm look of my little boy, which radiated a combination of innocence and desire, made me completely soft. I smiled at him and took a small step forward, bridging the last bit of distance between our glowing bodies. In a fluid movement my fingers, meanwhile, wrapped themselves around his soft but still erect penis.

Oh this can't Kai, this can't... What if your father...

, I muttered for a while, but it was fighting against the finish line.

The last words had not yet left my mouth when my lips wandered around his neck, panting. Kissing and licking I brought them to his ear. My hand now encircled his warm throbbing rod. My second hand also came in and started kneading the big balls underneath. My face floated close to my son's, and I smelled the sweet scent of his youth. Then I came to his ear and whispered to him:

Just as soon as sweetie.The tip of my tongue licked his skin one last time, and I took a step back. We looked at each other for a while, after which I let his warm erection slip out of my hands and turned around.

Kai came up behind me, and I felt his breath on my neck. Without hesitation, he wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder. I sighed and realized that I had given up once again. Without him even having to make an effort, I would have been seduced. I had better slide along now, I thought, and quickly rid my son and myself of our unquenchable urge to orgasm. Then I probably had the perseverance to chase him out in the shower, and preferably before a grumpy husband would catch his rutting son and adulterous wife...

Kai's arms tightened their grip now, pushing me close against him. His steely rod planted itself against my buttocks and seemed to want to squeeze between them, which of course would never succeed in this position. A few times he let his bursting cock ride up my buttocks, and then suddenly he stopped and licked my earlobe. It gave me goosebumps and the hairs on my arms would have stood up immediately were it not for the fact that the warm water still clung to my skin. Kai noticed the shudder that ran through me, and now sucked my sensitive little cock between his lips. I shivered and trembled.

Where I just tried to arouse my husband, it was now his son who took advantage of my excitement. My brain was spinning, causing my body to react incorrectly. I should have sent my son away. This went way too far. This was so incredibly risky. I should have handled my son firmly, put him in his place if necessary, but instead he was now riding against me, and I heard myself moaning softly. It all felt so incredibly exciting and delicious. My husband had had his chance. I was horny, and I needed something. And my son was more than happy to give it to me. Then try saying 'no'... I felt completely blurred, and at the same time more and more willing. My whole body craved for more. Like a snake I wriggled against my son's virile body. His steely cock pressed between us.

Kai loosened the grip around my waist and put his hands firmly around my full breasts. In an instant my nipples stiffened completely. Meanwhile, he did not stop pampering my earlobes, and also my neck and neck were licked and kissed smackingly. My head lay back, my mouth gaping open. I gasped and growled, and soon went completely mad. All time and awareness ebbed away, all I could think about was the swollen club poking against my buttocks. I reached back and pushed Kai's spindly ass forward, afraid to lose contact with his swollen pistil. Kai's hands, meanwhile, slid wildly over my body, grabbing brutally at everything they could.

Suddenly he let go of me. He stopped kissing and caressing me. His hands slid down my tits, down to my broad hips. Then he took a step back, gently pulling my hips back with him, so that I automatically leaned forward a bit. As I looked over my shoulder, he knelt behind me. Eagerly he pushed my buttocks apart and beheld my most intimate treasures.


A cry left my mouth, short and shrill. I suddenly stood on the tips of my toes. I even seemed to jump up when I felt the tip of my son's tongue touch my most sensitive spot. I quickly bit my lip to keep from screaming. I leaned forward a little further and placed my hands against the wall. Voluptuously I pushed my wobbly ass back against the face of my licking rascal. He clung to my round ass jaws for a moment, ran his tongue through my butt crack several times, and then came back behind me.

With one foot, Kai pushed mine in turn, making me tactlessly and wordlessly tell me to spread my legs a little. I meekly did as he desired. My dear son had taken my words well,

Quickly then

, because let no grass grow over it. Before my legs were spread and my feet were in place, his hand brutally grabbed my cunt from behind. A finger pushed itself between my labia without hesitation, moistening itself with my sweet nectar. He repeated this maneuver a few more times before placing his fingertip against my anus and massaging it gently. For a moment he stroked them sweetly, but then he increased the pressure, and his slender finger slowly penetrated my bottom.

When Kai noticed I was gasping in approval, he slid his finger even deeper into my anus and fingered me there, nice and slow. His other hand curled around my thigh and placed itself on my vagina. And a little later he started to stimulate me there too.

How I enjoyed this. My back arched, and I felt as if I was standing on flannel legs. Excited, my ass gently wiggled back and forth. I felt like in a trance. I seemed to have completely forgotten that my husband was sitting downstairs on the sofa, and that mother and son had squeezed themselves into an extremely dangerous situation here. My little sweetie did this so damn well. I was completely absorbed in his arts, and trembled with lust and pleasure.

Soon that pleasure brought me to a climax. Being spoiled in such a wonderful way, I can't stand that for long. My son had caught my ultimate spots, and was busy getting me ready. I couldn't help it but I started moaning. It was hard to keep myself still, but as best I could I tried to control myself and muffle the sound of my moans against my arm. My hips wobbled and wagged. My orgasm was getting very close now, and just as I was about to come, Kai suddenly stopped stimulating me. In a flash, his hand came off my clitoris and planted it catishly around my chest, squeezing it hard.

An electric shock went through me, while my burgeoning orgasm still ebbed away. I turned my head sideways, and wanted to beg Kai to continue.

Oooh baby, I was b...Kai ordered me to shut up and immediately pushed a finger between my lips. I was shocked but instinctively sucked the finger further into my mouth. Only then did I realize where it came from. I tasted the taste of my own ass. A jolt of pure lust shot through me, and a deep growl left my throat as, despite the bitter taste, I greedily licked it all off. I was now incredibly horny, from the finger in my mouth, but so much more from the decisiveness of Kai's action. The dominance that came from it. I took his hand and pushed the finger a little farther into my mouth. My tongue twisted around it. Like an obedient slut, I licked my son's finger, which had been in my own ass less than 5 seconds earlier.

Kai let go of my chest and pressed his hand against my curly pubic mound again. Again he searched and found my clitoris, the swollen pleasure button now hypersensitive, which he immediately began to stimulate. Soon I was again on the tip of my toes enjoying myself. Kai's fingertip deftly worked my clit, and just as I was starting to miss that other finger, I felt it slide between my buttocks again. With a deep, still muffled, sigh, I welcomed it back into my ass. Promptly Kai pushed through, and pushed his finger deep into my anus.

I was still bent slightly forward against the wall, legs spread. Kai's finger jabbed back and forth in my ass. My head now hung down, and I gasped as I watched my breasts dangle slightly under the fingering rhythm. A steely cock jabbed diagonally against my buttocks. My whole body started to shake again, and I quickly went to a climax a second time. My head began to spin, and my back arched a little by itself. And just as my body was taking its final sprint towards a booming orgasm, I couldn't hold it anymore, and spun wildly, both my son's fingers popping out of place...

I grabbed my son's head and pulled it towards me. I kissed him wildly. My tongue traced a wet trail across his face. I was out of breath and gasped at him:

You gotta fuck me now, baby, come...

Kai grabbed me brusquely by the buttocks and pushed me back into place against the wall. This time I naturally bent slightly forward, my legs again in a slightly spread position, hands against the wall. At the same time, Kai came up behind me, and with an animalistic roughness he planted his hard club against my vagina. Cock in hand, he slid his head up and down my soaking wet slit. I pushed my ass back when I felt him pushing against the opening of my vagina. I could hardly stand it anymore. I wanted to feel his powerful pestle inside me. But again he would slide his cock head through my slippery slit. Again and again he teasingly pushed a little bit into me, only to slide through my wet box again. After about four or five times, who knows, I really couldn't hold it any longer, and the next time the head of his penis entered me, I abruptly pushed my pelvis back.

My pussy lips split apart and without any resistance my son's swollen cock slid into my soaking wet cunt, or so it felt.

And now fuck darling...

, I whispered grunting.

Kai's hands came to rest on my big round hips, which he grabbed tightly. His fingers pressed greedily into my creamy skin, as if he never wanted to let go of me. His spindly ass started to move, and with long strokes he pushed his powerful cock in and out of me, each time completely disappearing into my sopping cavern. His abdomen thumped against my round ass, and soon my little sweetheart was raging inside me at a hellish pace.

Kai also began to moan softly, and together we panted and fucked ourselves to a crackling climax. Little by little my pussy sucked all the way around the powerfully pumping cock. His climax also announced itself, the well-deserved release after a hellish effort. I just hoped he would come to that release soon. His effort felt blissful, and I would let him go on for hours, but his growls got louder and louder, and a floor down there was still that big grumpy bear. Panting and whispering, I encouraged my young bull once more. The sweet words did their job, because his hands clenched my hips a little harder, a little more forcefully his swollen cock rammed in and out of Mama's yearning cave.

I felt lightheaded, it was like I was in a trance, like I was being fucked in slow motion. Delightfully, my ass caught the wild thrusts. My luscious tits jerked eagerly back and forth to the same rhythm. Punch after punch. Each time one step closer to an orgasm. I willingly let myself be carried along to this rhythm of love, and slowly floating on the cloud of a long-awaited orgasm my eyes rolled away. My head straightened, mouth wide open. My body shook and slowly a great wave of pleasure rolled over me.

I caught my orgasm with trembling legs. Just then I felt my son clinging to me convulsively, and shivering violently and jerking, he sprayed large jets of warm cum into me. Still surfing the waves of my first climax, a shudder runs through me, and a second orgasm overtakes me.

Still clenched around me, Kai slid exhausted over my still wet back. My pussy pushes out his still semi-rigid penis, after which the first dose of liquid white flakes already flowed from my tingling pussy. I leaned against the wall for a moment, catching my breath from this explosive lovemaking, but then I straightened up and turned the shower back on.Quickly freshen up and then go dear!

, I reminded Kai.

I quickly dried off and put on my bathrobe. While Kai was showering I sneaked out of the bathroom. About five seconds later I plopped down on the matrimonial bed. A mixture of regret and satisfaction filled me. The movie of the whole thing just now, which has already lasted ten minutes, played itself out in front of me again. Then I fell asleep.

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