
Pussy hairdresser - 1

Embarrassed, I, Simone, lay on the bed fumbling with my razor blade to get my cunt bald and smooth. Every time I thought I had removed all the hairs, I came across another one. The edges of my labia in particular were a difficult area to reach.

And then I hadn't even gotten to my butt crack.

I had already asked my husband to assist me a few times, but he didn't want to do that, under the guise that he thought it was scary.

My husband was all about the easy stuff anyway. He always welcomed a complete blow-job with a satisfied moan, but eating it out with extensive fingering, he wasn't into that.

He thought pipes were part of it. But don't eat pussy. Fingering reluctantly, but no more than one or two fingers.

In addition, he had nothing to compensate in the form of, for example, a wonderful well-endowed cock. No, he hadn't been at the front of the line handing out the cocks, so he had gotten off badly.

Groaning, I rolled off the bed and sat naked at my computer and surfed the internet for a while looking for a solution.

After half an hour I found a man who presented himself as

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and possibly more.

Enthusiastically, I read through his ad several times and also saw the rave reviews at the bottom of his ad.

Before I knew it I sent him a message asking him to take care of my cunt and see if more was needed.

I looked tense at my screen and also had to laugh at my impulsive action.

In the evening I was sitting on the couch next to my sleeping husband when I heard the sound of an incoming message.

It was mine

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! My heart skipped a few beats and I quickly glanced at my husband who was still asleep before opening the message.

Good evening Simone,

Thank you for your message this afternoon.

I always enjoy getting to work on a new cunt.

Do you have time tomorrow afternoon at 2:00 PM?



Trembling, I looked at the message and hesitated for a moment. Tomorrow afternoon! That was very short notice.

But yeah, I couldn't think of that either.

I swallowed bravely a few times and when I had gathered all my courage, I sent him a message that I could do it. He then sent his address which was not even that far from us.

Excited I shut down the computer and went to bed where it was hard for me to fall asleep from horniness.

The next day my husband had already left when I woke up and he wouldn't be home for another two days. I got up whistling and got ready for my visit to my

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Freshly washed and in a great mood I got into my car and drove whistling to the address given. It was less than half an hour's drive, so I was well on time.

It was a sweet little detached house on the edge of a forest. I parked my car a little way out and went looking for the front door. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a cheerful-looking red-haired man walking towards me with an outstretched hand. Hi Simone, welcome.

I was a little startled by his unexpected and handsome appearance and felt myself blushing.

Jan, de

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, laughed and walked ahead of me to his house. Come along, and I will pour you a drink first.

With a feeling between doubt and desire I followed Jan and enjoyed my view. Jan was a beautiful muscular man with a delicious buttocks that already made me drool.

I ended up in a small cozy kitchen and stood a bit unsure at the door.

Jan fiddled around the sink and then turned and put two cups of steaming tea on the table and then looked at me long and intensively with his clear blue eyes.

Come on and sit down Simone, try to relax.

I bravely took a seat at the table and looked mesmerized at the beautiful man opposite me. When Jan also exposed all his teeth by smiling broadly at me and let his hand slide over mine, I suddenly felt myself getting wet.

Dear beauty. I won't do anything you don't want, I just want you to enjoy.

Grinning I drank my cup of tea without taking my eyes off Jan for a moment.

Finally Jan got up and silently walked over to me, took my hand and took me to a room with a big bed in the middle and a gynecologist's chair by the window.

Jan turned to me and stood close to me. You may undress completely and put your clothes in this basket. Then you can take a seat in the window seat.

I had to swallow for a while, but eventually took everything off and cleaned it up neatly. Naked I walked to the seat by the window and examined it extensively. Should I sit naked with my legs wide in front of the window!?

Nice chair, isn't it? Rest assured dear, I can assure you that you have never sat in such a wonderful chair. I deliberately placed the chair near the window, because I work most comfortably in daylight. You don't have to be afraid of snoopers, because hardly anyone comes here.

I closed my eyes when I felt Jan's hands go over my body and let me lean against him. Come, let me put you in the chair and guide you on your journey to the ultimate pleasure.

Jan carefully helped me into the chair where I leaned back uneasily and moaned while enjoying his skillful warm hands. Gosh, his hands alone made me horny. It seemed as if I had been dry for years and craved every move of this man who was allowed to do whatever he wanted with me in the meantime. I wouldn't protest anything as long as he kept pushing me. Carefully I opened my eyes and looked again into the most beautiful smiling blue eyes I've ever seen and smiled kindly at him. Jeez, what magical hands you have. I didn't know that a simple touch could be so wonderful.

Jan laughed and calmly grabbed my ankle and placed it on one of the supports, after which he carefully buckled it. I was shocked for a moment, but when I looked into his beautiful blue eyes again, I was converted and let him go. What could happen to me? I came for a shaved cunt and anything else Jan could give me was more than welcome at this point. I was literally and figuratively ready for him. Ready for anything he wanted to do to me.

I watched with interest the action of Jan who was busy washing and soaping my cunt and buttock. Then he gently tugged on my cunt lips and gently ran a razor over them. Oh how delicious this was.

Jan was very careful and made sure that no spot was missed. In between he rinsed the, now bald, spots, with his hands occasionally disappearing between my labia and buttock seam. The care with which he did this took my breath away and I couldn't help but gasp more and more.

Everything to your liking ma'am? I'm almost done, just apply a soothing oil and you're ready to use again. Unless you have more wishes of course.

I swallowed a few times while Jan carefully patted my bottom dry and then grabbed a bottle of massage oil. With a great sense of show he poured a quantity on his hands and warmed it up before gently and concentratedly massaging my cunt and buttocks. More and more often his fingers got lost inside. More and more fingers and ever deeper. How much can you have Simone? How far can and may I go? Tell me.

Jan looked at me intently while his fingers drove me crazy. Damn, even if this were my limit, I could never admit it to this man. Groaning, I let myself go and almost screamed for him to go on, that I wanted everything. The whole package.

Well done Simone, that's what I was hoping for when you got out of your car with that nice body of yours. You will have your way, I will give you the whole package and even more.

Jan kept looking at me as I felt his fingers moving more and more clearly in my cunt. For a moment he took his fingers out and ran a watery gel substance over his fingers and hand.

Now it's going to be fun Simone. We are going to stretch you a bit so that you become more accessible for further activities. Keep looking at me Simone so I can look into your horny eyes while I stretch your delicious cunt.

I didn't know what I felt exactly, a slight panic or pleasure. But before I thought about it I felt my cunt getting filled up and tried to relax as much as possible. His fingers began to twist and moved further and further into my cunt followed by his fist. He kept twisting and turning until his fist was all the way up my cunt! Gosh, I wanted this for so long and I had asked my husband about it for so long, in vain! I moved my pelvis back and forth and kept looking at Jan, panting. Great Simone. You are doing great, you have a talent for it.

Enjoying Jan pounded his fist into my, by now, soaking wet cunt back and forth and I got out of breath. It took minutes for it to slow down a bit and finally stop. He slowly removed his fist from my cunt and looked at me questioningly. Was it good Simone? Was it what you expected or do you want more?

Panting, I looked at Jan and nodded desperately. Oh how horny I was. I didn't even know what his plans were, but I didn't care as long as he didn't stop.

Goodbye Simone. That gives me great pleasure. Keep looking at me and let go, there's no going back now.

Jan stood up for a moment and took off his t-shirt so that I could admire his beautiful torso. Damn what a beautiful body Jan had, it looked like a God come to life. Again he slid a watery gel substance over his hand, but this time he did not forget to apply the substance to his other hand and both wrists as well. Slowly he slid four fingers into my cunt. Then I felt more fingers slide in. Professionally, he interlocked his fingers and gently began to twist and push again. This time it took me more effort to catch it all and I also started to moan painfully. Let go Simone. You need your strength to go through this, but I guarantee you will enjoy it in the end. Look at me at Simone. I warned you, there is no turning back. I'm going to give you what your husband has denied you all these years and more. I'll make a real woman out of you Simone. A real woman.

Suppressing my pain, I looked at Jan, while he slowly but surely pushed his fists inward. Grinning, he watched as his hands moved slowly in and out of my cunt. This is starting to look like Simone. Your lips are already getting nice and red and swollen and your creamy cunt juices keep flowing. But I'm going to make you hornier now, watch out.

Slowly Jan took his hands out of my cunt, leaving a great feeling of emptiness that I wanted to be filled right away and I also yelled at him not to stop. Excited, he hit me hard on my already sensitive cunt a few times. You like this, don't you. You really like this. I knew it, I knew you have willing flesh. Oh dear Simone, how we will have fun and how I will enjoy you. I looked at Jan who, sweaty and horny, continued to beat my cunt until it was numb with pain and I, panting, asked him for a little break. I'll take a break soon Simone, now I'll continue what I started. He walked leisurely out of the room and came back talking with an unknown man. Simone, this is my father. Today he is going to make a film and photos of my work. Don't be afraid, nothing will happen without you enjoying it.

I looked in surprise at the slightly older, but still very handsome, edition of Jan who walked towards me with an outstretched hand. Hello Simone, I am Wouter and I have the honor to admire and capture Jans work today. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

I watched helplessly as Wouter, whistling, set up his tripod and the rest of his gear while Jan, meanwhile, smeared his hands again under watery gel substance.

When he turned around and a red lock of hair fell into his face, I felt the horns coursing through my veins again. Damn, this man was magical.

Without a warning and without any caution, Jan pushed his hands into my cunt at a rapid pace and pumped hard until I screamed and writhing in pain and pleasure.

Jan started laughing and kept pumping until I felt an enormous pressure and started to scream hysterically. Next to me I heard Wouter shout loudly Now to his son, after which Jan pulled his hands out in one movement, immediately followed by a huge fountain of cunt horny that surprised me myself. Shaking and crying softly, I lay on the chair, still with my legs spread wide and bound.

Satisfied, Wouter walked around me and filmed me from all sides, but especially my open cunt where the horny still flowed out. He even gave Jan instructions to open my cunt so that it came into view even better. Finally he put his camera aside and looked at me with satisfaction. My compliments Simone. I probably got everything in one go the way I wanted it. Rest now while I have a cup of coffee with my son. See you soon.

Congenially, father and son walked out of the room, leaving me naked, bound, and exhausted.

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