
Picnic With Wet End

It's August and the sparrows are falling off the roof, it's so hot outside. Unfortunately it is the same inside. Yet I venture out onto the street, because yes, there are still groceries to be done. Now that in itself is not a punishment, because if it is still a bit bearable somewhere, it is the supermarket. Only having to go outside again afterwards is killing and sweat breaks out. But that's for later, now I enjoy the coolness when I grab my cart and walk through the gate.

As a real man, I stick to the list in my head and walk resolutely to the relevant shelves. Yes, I do notice the woman standing in front of the rack with packaged vegetables. The short jeans, the baggy shirt, the long blonde hair that falls loosely over her shoulder. All points that betray that she is a beautiful woman. It even makes me a bit shy and I don't dare look in her direction when I neatly grab a bag of Italian vegetables at a distance of one and a half meters from her and quickly walk on towards the meat for minced meat. I soon have everything I need, except a bottle of wine. I'm not a real wine connoisseur and at one point I find myself with two bottles in my hand. "I'd take the left one" takes me out of my mind-fighting. The "vegetable woman" is standing next to me and immediately there is recognition from both sides. "Lisa!" answered by "I thought it was you, Mike!

Next to me (at a suitable distance) is a beautiful woman, whom I know from before as a friend's girlfriend. Now I do know that they are no longer a set and that I may have indirectly played a role in that. During the birthday party in honor of her 17th birthday, something happened between the two of us. The atmosphere was good that evening and we always got along well. But it never went beyond flirting, until that one night. The beer in the fridge was almost gone and Lisa asked me to help get a new case from the garage. She herself wanted to take another bottle of liquor from the scaffolding, but she lost her balance. Luckily I didn't have the crate in my hands yet and I was able to catch her just in time. Lying in my arms, her body against me and our faces almost together. We looked deeply into each other's eyes, maybe for about 30 seconds. Finally, desire overpowered understanding and we began to kiss passionately. Done with the flirting, it was now time for passion. Passion that also had an effect on my young man, who started to grow. Something she must have clearly felt, also considering the rocking movement of her hips. It is that a friend of Lisa walked in, who brought us back to earth. I quickly grabbed the case of beer and held it in front of me. Lisa also tried to look as normal as possible, although I think that friend suspected something, but said nothing but: "There you are, Lisa. Come on, we have another surprise for you". I was unable to speak to her for the rest of the evening and left the party earlier than usual with mixed feelings. So I hadn't realized that she had broken up with her boyfriend that night. I was in doubt about the incident. It felt wrong what we had done, but also felt so right. But neither of us dared to take the days after the step to raise it. Not much later she emigrated and never saw her again. It always felt like an open chapter.

All those memories and thoughts flash through my head in a few seconds, as I put the right bottle back. How I would love to hold her in my arms again, but now it's the Covid-19 that throws a spanner in the works. Still, it feels like a kind of reunion and maybe even a second chance. As a shy teenager, I don't dare ask for her number directly, but luckily she suggests it herself. With her number in her pocket and a little chat, we continue through the store together. We only say goodbye when the heat overtakes us when we walk outside, but with the agreement to call each other quickly.

That's fast that same evening, after a simple pasta meal and my third glass of wine. I gather all my courage. I still feel nervous, as the phone rings three times before I hear her sweet and cheerful voice, which immediately reassures me. What follows is a conversation that lasts an hour and a half. Everything is reviewed. Her wanderings, because after the first emigration to Spain, more relocations followed (Central and South America) and how she finally ended up back in the old nest in Almere. Then my global excesses (a few holidays to Asia and America) are less exciting, but I do get the idea that Lisa is very interested in me.

The incident is also discussed. For her, that was confirmation that a LAT relationship wouldn't work and she didn't want to continue with her boyfriend. She certainly didn't regret it. She regretted that nothing had ever happened before. The fact that she was going to leave stopped her from contacting me those days after. Could this be the second chance, I think to myself. Dare I ask her on a date? I keep procrastinating the question, but towards the end I take the plunge anyway. Doubts turned out to be for nothing. "Yes, I think it would be really nice to meet up sometime." I get the answer. I decide to grab the cow by the horns immediately and the date, in 2 days, is soon set. The warm weather will continue for a while, but due to the corona virus, a restaurant doesn't seem like a good idea to us. I already have in mind what the interpretation will be, but I will keep it a secret from her. I know a quiet spot along the outer dike near Lelystad. Because of the curvature of the dike you are wonderfully sheltered there, despite the fact that you have a busy road on the other side. The only ones who come are sheep or a lost cyclist, like me, so I know about this. The perfect place for an undisturbed picnic.

We will keep in touch via the app for the next two days. We reminisce about the past. I recently scanned my old photos and it turns out she's in there quite often too. I share it with her and in response she also sends me some photos of her through time. Of course she has changed. More mature, her feminine forms are more pronounced, but that makes her more beautiful and attractive. I feel a good click and I'm looking forward to our date more and more. I also really want to unpack and prepare different snacks. A bottle of bubbles should also not be missing and everything is in a basket in the trunk, together with a large rug, while I drive to her house around 6 o'clock.

Tense I stand in front of the door and press the doorbell. What I don't know is that on the other side is an equally tense woman. She has also been looking forward to this date for two days. Her preparation is also arranged down to the last detail and prepared for everything. Not that she immediately expects it to lead to sex, but she did remove all unwanted hair with a razor blade in the shower. Only a small strip on her venus mound remains. It gives her a feminine feeling and boosts her confidence. She had quickly chosen the dress she is wearing. A beach dress by Lascana, green, fitted around her waist just below her breasts, lace at the back and falling loosely to her knees. Only her lingerie had been a point. She just got rid of her favorite set 2 weeks ago. In the end it was really worn out. It would have fit perfectly under this dress. But luckily she was able to quickly buy another set from the local Hunkemöller. A black triangle bralette type Marina, where the back with a lace strip runs down the middle and the closure at the front. A matching thong makes it complete.

I feel like a teenager on a first date, ringing the doorbell at the parental home. Fortunately it is not a strict father, but just Lisa who opens the door. Well, just, once again I am amazed at her appearance. What a pretty woman. Hair in a ponytail, her feet in slippers, so I can admire the nail polish in the same color as her dress. Quite a bold color, but it just looks perfect on her. Everything seems to be coordinated and I just don't know how to release anything for a while. With ′′ Shall we then ′′ she breaks tension and together we walk to my car. As befitting a gentleman, I open the passenger door for her and let her in. I quickly walk around the car and we drive onto the outer ring not much later.

She is very curious about what's on the agenda, but I'm not letting go yet. Only that we go to a quiet place with a nice view. In the meantime I enjoy her presence. Unnoticed, I try to spy on her with short glances. The dress has a decent length and now reaches halfway down her thighs, even though it has crept up a bit when sitting in the car. The top is slightly fitted just below her breasts and the belt that runs between them accentuates these round spheres even more.

When I pull into the parking lot, she looks at me a little disappointed. It is quite busy and the beach that borders it is also full of people. I drive as far as I can to the end where there are no more cars and reassure her that I know a special place where we can enjoy our date in peace. "And there is enough goodies in the back of the car for an extensive picnic" I add. Now she also knows what we are going to do and immediately she is cheerful again.

With the large basket in my right hand, I grab her right hand with my left and together we walk even further away from the crowds. It is a bit of a walk, but on the way we are already treated to the beautiful view. The IJsselmeer is calm and only in the distance we see a few sailing boats. When we get to the spot in question, she compliments me on the choice. "Wait until you see what else I brought," I tell her. First a large rug that I unfold on the grass. Maybe a bit too big for just two people, but I want to give her space, because of course I don't know what her expectations are. And of course there must also be enough space for the food. The assortment consists of cherry tomatoes, cheese cubes, slices of chorizo ​​sausage, grapes, but also homemade wraps with salmon-herb cheese and quiche. For the sweet chew cream puffs and again some homemade brownies. Obviously way too much to eat it all. I also get the comment "Are you one of those feeders who tries to fatten me up or something", while she settles down next to all those goodies and already takes a tomato in her mouth.

I want to apologize that this is certainly not my intention, but I can see from her smile that she doesn't really mean it. Good thing, too. With a big smile she also answers the last thing I take out of the basket. A nice chilled bottle of champagne and two glasses, which I give to her so that I can uncork the bottle. I may not be a real wine connoisseur, but I do know what good champagne is and that you shouldn't waste it by popping the cork across the lake. With care I hold the bottle and turn the bottom while holding the cork. With a small hiss, the cork is released and the sparkling liquid is poured into the glasses.

I take a seat on the other side of the rug, so that the food is halfway between us. Lisa hands me a glass and then we toast. "Yes, what shall we toast to?" I ask her. "To unexpected but fun events in life, like this picnic," she replies. "With a beautiful woman like you," I add. A playful smile betrays that she appreciates this comment. It is also the beginning of flirtation from both sides, interspersed with nice conversations and anecdotes about our lives. I don't know if it's because of the champagne, but I get a wonderful warm feeling inside. It feels so good and my hope that there might be something more between us is getting bigger and bigger.

Lisa hasn't had such a good time in ages. Mike's charming remarks stroke her ego. He knows exactly how to treat her. The food tastes delicious and the champagne can also be appreciated. Although it does go to her head reasonably well after the second glass. She also realizes that Mike is secretly looking at her, especially her bosom. This is indeed covered by her dress, but still shows the start of her breasts. She secretly thinks this is cute and also gives him a good look when she bends over to grab another delicious profiterole. When she sits up again, she catches Mike too.

I turn a little red. While she was bent over like that, I really had a fanatical view. What a beautiful body she has, I think to myself. I feel caught and am afraid she will get mad now. However, she does not show anything and takes a tempting bite of the choux. Or is this my imagination again and my fantasy is running wild. Quickly I also take a puff to shift the attention, but then commit a big mistake. The choux pops and whipped cream shoots to the side. Before I can do anything about it myself, Lisa scrapes it off my cheek with her finger and then sticks it in her own mouth. Ok, this is clearly not imagination. The way she licks her finger is just pure eroticism, flirting 2.0.

We now decide to take turns feeding each other a piece of food. For this we move a little closer to each other to be able to reach it better. However, it does not go completely smoothly and not everything ends up directly in the mouth, but what we neatly collect before it can stain our clothing. Every gentle touch increases the tension between us. We've moved a little closer together. I feel her legs touching mine. Mine is slightly hairy, but hers are wonderfully smooth and her skin feels super soft. Our mouths are now just a few inches apart, as they were 15 years ago. Again there is that moment when we only dare to look at each other. Unsure how to proceed. 30 seconds, maybe 1 minute. Intoxicated by her perfume, I seem petrified and we are like two living statues.

But then the decision is made, Covid-19 seems to no longer exist. She bridges the last few centimeters and presses her lips to mine. What follows is a careful kiss at first, but quickly turns into a passionate kiss. Where we were disturbed last time, now there is no one to stop us. She breaks the kiss for a moment. I can see an unmistakable desire in her eyes as she pushes me over backwards and steps somewhat clumsily over the remaining food to sit on top of my waist. She immediately starts kissing me again. I don't know how to give myself an attitude. Of course I return her kiss and welcome her tongue pushing against my lips. But my arms lie helplessly beside me. Her hands restrain my head and she slides her lower body down a bit, so that she leans more on my crotch. My young gentleman may be a few years older and more experienced, but this already has the necessary effect. Especially if she starts to rub against it a bit.

She must feel this clearly and reminds us both of that time. We look deep into each other's eyes again. "Oh Mike, it's that we were disturbed then, because otherwise I wouldn't have vouched for myself. My testosterone level was so high, I wouldn't stop until I had your delicious cock. So get your chest wet, because Now no one can stop me!" She increases the pressure a bit more and I can just feel her heat through our clothes against my cock which has already grown quite a bit.

We start kissing again. Our tongues slide past each other and I now dare to move my arms too. I put my hands on her buttocks, which feel firm. She had always been a sporty girl and apparently kept it up. First I knead them through the fabric of her dress, then I also slide them under it. Her skin feels wonderfully soft. The further I go, the warmer it feels. Until the tips of my fingers run along the edge of her slip, which is clearly a thong and must be lace.

Unfortunately I can't continue on my journey of discovery, because she's sitting up a bit more upright. She rubs right over my hard cock with her lace-covered lips. We both moan from the pleasure we give each other. Like a true Houdini, she quickly and skillfully unbuttons my shirt. Satisfied, she looks at the little bit of hair growing on the center of my chest. She rubs it with her fingers before she starts playing with my nipples. These are also sensitive in men, at least with me.

Because access to her buttocks is blocked, I slide my hands under her dress again, but this time at the front. Through her groin and her lower abdomen, I go higher and higher. Fortunately, the fabric of the fitted dress is quite stretchy, so that I can reach the base of her breasts. With a breast in each hand, I knead her, but just can't reach her nipples. Fortunately, she notices this and is more than happy to help me. Just as easily she gets rid of her dress and I can admire her even more. The set she is wearing is really fantastic. The black contrasts nicely with her light skin. The lace is slightly see through, so her nipples are visible. But especially how the bra perfectly wraps her breasts makes me groan in approval.

Gratefully I take the opportunity and now, like Lisa, play her nipples, which I feel hard between my fingers. She enjoys this so much that she arches her back with soft moans and gives me even better access. Then I feel the closure that comes with this bra at the front. Fortunately, I already have a little more experience with this, so that it pops open with a simple finger movement. Immediately I put my hands back on her now naked breasts and continue with my massaging treatment.

She lets me go, trusting that I know what to do. Something she knows very well herself. I feel her fumbling her hands between us. Sliding back slightly, she gives herself just enough room to unbutton my trousers. She slides into my pants with her right hand. Along my hard cock, which is still trapped in my boxer shorts. Fortunately, she straightens him a bit, pulling up the elastic band of my shorts. You can feel and see my heartbeat beating under my boxer shorts. Then she slides her hand a little further into my pants and makes a cup around my bag. Like she's weighing how much seed I have in stock.

Enough apparently, because in a few quick actions, she strips both me and herself of all clothing. Then she crawls back on me, grabs my cock and straightens it. "No further foreplay, I want to feel you inside me now" and with a deep sigh, she lowers herself on top of me. She feels wonderfully tight, but above all wonderfully wet. She stays like that for a while, only with small hip movements she stimulates our nerves. Her breasts hang a little, but still look youthfully firm. And have an irresistible attraction to first my hands and later also my mouth. It does put some strain on my abs, but that's only minor. I suck, lick and gently bite the hard buttons. Her hips go back and forth more and more to give her sensitive button a satisfying feeling.

The sliding transitions into a more up and down motion. She pushes off with her hands on my chest and then lowers herself again. I try to follow her rhythm by pushing my hip up every time she goes down. This is how her breasts dance every time I plunge deep into her, which looks very hot. The tension continues to build and we are completely absorbed in this interplay of pent-up desire. Yet I know that I need more to actually come. And I also know how I can and want to help her exactly over the edge. I grab her by the hips and flip her over in 1 times. Now I'm the one on top. For a moment my cock shoots out of her, making a sopping sound. This sound repeats as I push myself back into her.

With long strokes I start to thrust a little harder into her. Wrapping her legs around me, she tries to set the pace. At first I allow that, until I put the inside of my elbow in the back of her knee and hold her legs up a bit. I now come a little deeper into her and immediately continue. I pick up the pace. Her body shakes to my fuck rhythm. With her lungs searching for oxygen, she moans louder and louder. I know we're on the right track and her peak isn't far off, but mine certainly isn't either. There's no way back. I let her know I'm coming and she just encourages me even more. Without reducing the intensity of my punches, I explode. I feel my cum squirt out of my head.

Lisa doesn't have it anymore. It's been way too long since she's been so wonderfully spoiled by a man. A dildo or vibrator really can't compete with this. Her muscles tense for climax. With her mouth and eyes wide open, she experiences her orgasm, still feeling the throbbing of Mike's cock deep inside her. Everything is ultra sensitive and thankfully Mike slows down. This ensures that her orgasm continues without it hurting. Feeling Mike's cock slowly shrink, she presses her mouth against Mike's lips several times to show how much she enjoyed it. And if that wasn't clear enough, the amount of moisture seeping out of her confirms it.

Panting and enjoying the afterglow of sex, we lie next to each other. The date went even better than expected and planned. What I didn't plan, however, are the dark clouds hanging over us. And those fat drops that fall on our naked bodies. Rain that quickly intensifies and completely wets us. Under thunder, we quickly pack our things. Lisa puts on her dress and I put on my shorts and shirt. No time for underwear, no time even for buttoning up my shirt. All remaining stuff and clothing disappear in the basket and hiding under the rug we flee towards the car.

Arriving at the car, the rug appears to have offered little protection. Our clothes are soaked through and stick to our bodies. I have to admit how terribly sexy Lisa looks. Once in the car we look at each other and laugh at the same time. The whole situation is also quite funny. We sit there like two drowned cats (actually cat and hangover). My shirt is almost transparent and with Lisa you can clearly see the round shapes of her breasts with nipples almost pressing through. Our heated bodies have now cooled down, despite the intense sex of less than 5 minutes ago. Fortunately, there is no awkward silence while I drive the car back to Almere. Once again confirmation that we are all right. I'll drop her off at her house. The rain has now stopped and the clouds have made way for a watery sun. I follow her to the front door, where she puts the keys in the lock. With the door ajar, she turns. We look deep into each other's eyes and what follows is one last long kiss. I say last, but I mean only for that day. Yes, we say goodbye and I drive, perhaps a little disappointed that I wasn't invited for a drink or a follow-up, to my house alone. But that evening we speak again on the phone and another date is planned.

That next date is now also about 4 months ago. Since that time a lot has changed. We are (finally) a couple and live together. What the difficult choice for 2 wines can not lead to...

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