
Personal Assistant - 1

Ellen took one more look at the screen, the ad she'd seen before today, and began to write a response.

The site on which the ad appeared left no doubt that as P.A. would not only work with him on a business basis, she just doubted why it was so explicitly stated that she had to be good with dogs.

She pressed the send button after a short hesitation, the idea of ​​sex for money was not foreign to her, she may be twenty-five and only had two boyfriends, during her studies she had had a part-time job, she had worked as an escort .

She got into her part-time job a bit by chance, it was not something she had thought up before, but more something that had come her way, one of the girls in the student house in which she had a room already did this and asked her, she had I didn't get it right away, but I did think about it.

She had never really regretted her decision, yes sometimes she had to lie because she couldn't tell the truth but in general her clients had been fun and exciting and luckily she had never experienced really bad things, strange wishes all the more, at least at least at one point she was no longer surprised by almost any request, although she did not comply with all wishes.

Most of the men she had as customers did their best to let her enjoy and yes that income hey. earn in a few hours for which she had to work on a terrace for a whole month.

She herself had never had a proposal to


to do with a dog but she knew several girls who had received this proposal, she knew one of them had accepted it, she had called it a violent but very exciting experience and she had done it several times later with the same dog.

What she had said about it stimulated her imagination but also raised questions and now.that ad, she suspected that if she read between the lines that she would also like the dog in that position

Despite her doubts she also found it very exciting to respond to this advertisement she could always say no after all, her reflections were interrupted by the sound of her phone and she saw that she already had an answer and with a trembling finger she opened it email.

Just a few hours later she confidently stuck her arm out the window of her car and pressed the bell and seconds later the gate swung open and she drove on to the house at the end of the driveway. She took a quick look in the rear-view mirror, her lipstick was still perfect and she felt the tickle in her stomach, a tickle she had felt every time she went to a new client, she had prepared herself just like that, she wore a nice set under her black dress, which stood out against her pale skin and showed off both her modest breasts and her medium-length red hair, and she stepped out.

She closed the door and out of the corner of her eye saw the double front door of the house open and saw the man, his short hair was almost gray as was his close-cropped beard, from the advertisement she knew he was fifty-five, next to him sits a large, sturdy built short-haired brown dog, she couldn't identify the breed, but that wasn't really interesting either. She took another look and then swayed her hips up the few steps to the front door and shakes his hand and introduces herself. As she follows him through the house it rushes into her head, the dog is big, muscular and as she climbed the steps she has glanced at what is under his belly, she knows his sex is hidden therein but the hiding place looks already impressive and now that she follows them, his balls are too, she feels a mixture of fear, doubt but also curiosity and excitement as they enter a room that overlooks the garden behind the house, furnished with some cupboards, a sitting area and a desk clearly his office.

He was clear in what he wanted and what he offered, she would be his secretary and during his travels also his companion in the broadest sense of the word, she would be by his side in business meetings, other meetings, parties but also in the bedroom. She had to swallow when he said he didn't use condoms but that he


would be to his wife and her, it was her responsibility not to get pregnant or suffer the consequences of it while he submitted to her his health declarations that he had collected over the last few months. The salary was no surprise to her, he had already emailed her, the further conditions were favorable, she would live in a house on the estate, she set one condition herself, just like in her escort time, she wanted to be paid in advance, but he shook his head his head

salary is always paid afterwards, but if that is a problem you will receive a cash premium before you start

his voice boomed and she nodded that she could live with that.

In your ad you specifically asked for someone who can handle dogs

she nodded briefly at the dog lying at his feet

surely that refers to him?

and she saw him nod

I suppose you couldn't be more specific about what you mean by that?

and he nodded again and she hesitated a moment

surely it's about his lusts?

and again he nodded

I have let you know what I have done for work, but I have no experience with this, but I do know that it is possible and that it happens

and she remained silent

it is certainly possible and he has experience

he barked

but it's been a while since he..and he gets restless and unmanageable if he doesn't for too long.


how often must he indulge his lusts?

her voice was soft but she also felt excited, the thought of something so forbidden but also…,

preferably twice a month, preferably more often

he barked and they both remained silent.

If you want we can view your property if you want?

and she nodded, they walked together through the garden although a park would be a better word, neighbors didn't seem to be there and after a few minutes they stood in front of an older small house

the former home of one of the groundskeepers

it looked cozy, shutters at the small windows and also inside it was nicely decorated, not modern but appropriate to the house but equipped with many modern conveniences.I've seen you look at Brutus several times

and he pointed to the dog

is he the reason for your doubt?

and she nodded

does that idea bother you?

she shook her head

more the strange, the unknown

she almost whispered

I have no idea if I'm going to like this

she continued

and then what do we do?

and she looked at him after glancing at Brutus for a moment.

The man looked at her

you are the first to get right what I meant and you are really curious about it

they looked at each other

I want to make you a proposal

he continued

if you want I'll pay you for the experience with Brutus, then you decide if you want the job

she listened intently and felt her excitement build, the amount he mentioned was more than she had ever earned as an escort and yes he was right, she was curious


her voice sounded more confident

now if you want and then a few days to think about the job

she nodded

well now, it's no use waiting


Ellen looked at Brutus in admiration as they walked back to the house, now she knew he would soon become her lover, his scrotum was prominent in sight and impressive as was his muscular body, she wondered what he would be like, how


she heard next to her and she shook her head

no no doubt

and she looked at him

I admired him, I know, he didn't know yet what's going to happen like this

and she smiled

but feel some nerves though

and she giggled a bit

has he often had a wife.?

He looked at her


and she nods

you are the third to him, the first for a year, the second only once


Ellen looked at him questioningly

she didn't really want to but found the money tempting enough to do it anyway, but she didn't like it anyway

and he held the door open for her

Brutus is strong and wild during mating, not every woman can handle that


As she unfastened the clasp of her dress with a trembling finger she realized she was excited, she wasn't damp but rather soaking wet and she reviewed the tips he had given her as her black dress slid down and around her ankles ended and she got out, he sat in one of the seats of the seat and held Brutus by his collar, she kicked off her shoes, her bra and panties soon followed and decided to keep her belt and stockings on even though she realized that certainly the stockings could die.

Just let him go

her voice almost cracked with excitement and sitting on the wooden floor she saw Brutus coming towards her, from this point of view he seemed much bigger and stronger she thought.

Ellen watched the man as Brutus sniffed around her, she sat on the floor leaned back slightly and leaned back on her hands, holding her legs together for a moment, shivering, his nose was cold, his breathing warm on her exposed skin . She let him go and waited patiently though her excitement still increased, a very strange lover but she longed for him like she never had before and when he began to sniff her crotch she immediately spread her legs, moaned and her eyes narrowed as she felt his warm rough tongue on her femininity, although her attention was on Brutus she couldn't miss his look, he was enjoying the show and she also saw that she wasn't the only one who was excited, his pants clearly showed a bulge and under Brutus' belly she saw a red shiny point, he wanted her and without any hesitation she turned around, looked for support on her knees and elbows and immediately felt the cold nose against her buttock.

She saw him standing between her legs, the red tip of his cock aimed at her from this point of view now seemed less impressive than from the side but she knew. most of it was still hidden and unlike a man, his only swelled during the mating and he pounced on her.

His weight on her back, his strong front paws around her waist and his soft fur on her skin, she shivered, searching he thrust searching for his target, her soaking slit and she felt his strength now too, she wondered what was to come but longed for him and felt something warm and slippery hit her, just wrong it flashed through her mind, clearly not his first time.

Her mouth formed a soundless cry as Brutus took her, the leap forward that his body made, the front legs that gripped her tighter, but especially the thin warm cock that penetrated her like a flash of lightning surprised her, she didn't have time to get used to it , a man would usually take it easy, not Brutus, she was taken forcefully at a fast pace, she felt her firm buttocks vibrate, her modest firm breasts shook under the violence, she felt his saliva on her back, his hot breath in her neck and with each thrust she felt him grow bigger, thicker and longer, that he penetrated deeper into her, she twisted her face when he touched her womb for the first time.

Her breathing was heavy and rushed, he was more driven and stronger than she expected, she felt his fingernails scratch her thighs but her attention was drawn to something else, again and again she felt her pussy lips stretch, the bun shot through her head and she pushed her buttocks back again and again, towards him until his thrusts changed, the bun stayed in her, they were really connected now and she had no choice now either, she was his and she would get his cum in her whether she wanted to or not.

The thrusts were now short and fierce and inside her she felt how it was still growing, the bun grew bigger and bigger, she felt filled, his cock pushed against her uterus, the thrusts there no longer felt painful and then she felt the heathe pumped his load into her, she was his bitch now, that thought and the bun pressing her g-spot was enough, she arched her back, pushed her buttocks back just like her head and let out a primal scream.

After panting, she looked up, Brutus was still on her back, he was panting too, she felt full, she felt the pressure, her orgasm had forced his cock even deeper into her and she still felt him sending small waves of cum into her. her pumped and she looked sideways, his boss looked satisfied at her and Brutus


he barked and she nodded

in a moment he will slide off your back but for now you are still connected

and she nods

how long?

her voice is hoarse and soft

usually ten minutes to fifteen minutes, occasionally longer

and he pauses for a moment

he has enough experience to determine when it is possible but if you think it is too early..grab his hind leg

and she nods.

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