
Overtime with Karolien

Accountancy seems to many to be a boring profession, but I do it with passion and pleasure. I like to trim the "fat" out of company accounting, leaving a healthy, streamlined company.

Despite my 50+, I work in a young dynamic team. Age does not play a role for us, knowledge and work ethic are decisive. Karolien is the head of our department.

She is also about 50, short in stature, with short blond hair that she combs to the side in a blaze. There's always a twinkle of fun in her dark eyes. The crow's feet around it reinforce her sympathetic impression. Although "une femme petite", she is a woman through and through. Usually dressed sporty, she wears a beige tight-fitting skirt that reaches the knee that day. As a result, only her tanned slender lower legs are visible, but that is more than offset by the back where the fabric of the skirt stretches tightly around her small round buttocks. She also wears a light pink blouse with a stylish taupe jacket over it. They are colors that go very well with her short blond hair and auburn eyes.

I don't have much contact with Karolien, she occasionally visits our workspace to discuss things with Sven, our team leader. But now she's suddenly at my desk. "Hi Frank, are you okay?" I look into her kind eyes and nod yes. She comes straight to the point: "Are you willing to work a little longer tonight?". Before I can answer she continues : "Tomorrow I have a presentation for a new client, but the calculation of the balance KPIs are not quite ready yet. Only a specialist like you can do that this evening!" she flatters me with a broad smile. I look questioningly at the team leader, but she quickly responds: "I have already discussed it with Sven, he agrees that you are the best choice." That mixture of well-understood self-interest, combined with an enthusiastic resoluteness, but also with "motivational behaviour", these are the characteristics of a good manager. And that is Caroline for sure!

"Okay, that's settled," she says without waiting for my answer, "thanks in any case and see you later at 6 o'clock in my office..." While she turns around she says: "Don't forget your laptop!", and she's gone, clattering down the hall in her high heels.

At 6 o'clock sharp I knock on the door of her office. "Yes, Freek, come in!". It is a spacious office, with large windows overlooking the town square where our company is located. On the left is her spacious desk, in the middle a smaller, but wide writing desk, and on the right 2 small but comfortable leather seats around a low round table. Her jacket hangs on the coat rack.

"Everything you need is there," she points to the writing desk with her pen, "you do the

KPIs, I do the simulations." She obviously doesn't want to lose any time, so I settle in at the desk. I take a look at all the pieces, and estimate about three hours of work. I get to work right away. We work all the time in silence, only occasionally interrupted by short commands that Karolien always gives me with friendly coercion: "Would you like to get some coffee?" .. I promptly carry it out so that she can continue working.

Thanks to my expertise in our business software, I am ready three quarters of an hour earlier than expected. I type the last digits into the computer and am pleased to see that all checkmarks are green. Karolien, on the other hand, is still busy at work. Things aren't going well, apparently, as she blows off her screen and looks at the papers on her desk, shaking her head in disbelief. "Can I help ?" "I don't understand," she says, a little defeated, "in this simulation they have a net profit margin of 17% but still a negative balance!" I'm checking the parameters, but they seem fine. So the problem is with the basic numbers. We carefully go through them one by one. After fifteen minutes the problem was found. "Since when are depreciations part of the assets?" I address Karolien, half joking, half serious. "If I were still a teacher of accounting," I refer to my previous career, "you would get a big fail". Karolien actually turns red, corrects her absolute beginner's mistake and with a sigh of relief comes to the conclusion that the simulation now produces the expected result.

She continues to work for a while, and then closes her laptop with a big sigh. "This was it !" She looks up and gives me a sweet smile. "Thanks for your help." Then she playfully adds : "I hope you don't punish me too harshly for my mistake just now!" "No," I reply immediately, "just tidy up my desk!". Karolien looks surprised, she hadn't expected this. But she takes it sportingly, and says with a broad smile: "Yes, I deserved that..."

She goes to the wide desk and neatly stacks the papers. It just happened. "Well," I say, "you can polish my glasses too." I hand her my reading glasses. She takes a paper tissue from a pouch, ventilates the glasses and wipes them clean. "Anything else, sir?" she asks jokingly, handing me back the glasses. "Well, why don't you dust off the desk right away?" "Yes, sir," she coos. She seems to enjoy the new situation of carrying out assignments instead of handing them out. She bends over to the desk and wipes up the little dust with the handkerchief. She also dusts the chair. "Sit down, please, sir, is there anything else I can do for you?" she says humbly. "Well, apart from making coffee, washing the windows, vacuuming the carpet and scrubbing the seats, no, I don't think so ma'am" I tease her as I sit down. "Or at least: write twenty times: depreciation is a liability, not an asset!"

"As you wish," she says, taking a piece of paper and a pen from the desk. She looks around for a moment to see where she can sit, because she apparently doesn't feel like going to her own desk. I jokingly slap my hands on my knees, inviting her like a toddler to sit on my lap.

To my great surprise she agrees!!! Laughing, she nestles her beautiful ass on my thighs, bends over to the desk with her back to me and begins to diligently write down the imposed penalty lines...

I'm totally confused! Of course the weight of her body is a very nice feeling, but it remains my hierarchical superior! And why did she do this? Without thinking, a continuation of the innocent role play of punished students? Or did she mean something else by it???

I try to get the thoughts out of my head, keeping as still as possible so as not to let the lump in my pants grow conspicuously… I glance over at the lines she's writing on the paper. She has round girly writing, and - how cute - she numbers every line. She's on line 12.

The playful bird in me doesn't last long though, and on a whim I put my hands over her eyes. Startled, she lets out a cry, followed by laughter. "So ma'am, let's see if you can finish your sentence!" With a grunt, Karolien continues to write, but her beautiful round writing changes into childish scribbles.

After her for a while I take my hands away from her eyes, and we look together at the ludicrous curls and lines that are supposed to represent written lines. "Well that doesn't seem like anything!" I say half admonishing again. "Then I'll do it again, but you can't bother me anymore!" With a serious face, she turns her back to me with a firm jerk to pen the last lines.

And then I do something I never thought possible, but I can't resist: I put my hands on her shoulders...

She stiffens, no, she falls silent... Her hands stop writing and she raises her head in surprise, but just not too abruptly to seem shocked...

Now is the time, I realize, we both realize... This IS transgressive behavior on my part. Several scenarios play out in my imagination at the same time. She gets up screaming, accuses me of sexual assault and fires me with immediate effect... Or she gets up from my lap laughing, and dismisses everything as a game that has gotten out of hand that now has to stop... or...

To my great joy (and relief too), she arches her back invitingly towards me, and bends her head again, exposing her neck more... Not waiting a second, I start gently massaging her shoulders... Out of her lungs escapes a long sigh. She relaxes completely, taking a deep breath in and out.

I knead her shoulders around the collarbone with my fingers, my thumbs rub the shoulder blades. I try to vary the massage by changing places slightly, I also change the speed and pressure sometimes gradually, sometimes suddenly. Every now and then I caress her little neck, and run my fingers through her short hair, and see how she gets goosebumps.

I also try to get my fingers behind the collar of her blouse to caress her bare skin, but the blouse is too tight around her neck. Karolien senses what I want to do and undoes the top buttons.

I slide the blouse over her shoulders and continue the massage. Her skin is soft and smooth, and a faint but floral-sweet aroma wafts into my nostrils like a barely noticeable breeze. My fingers circle her shoulders, front and back, and occasionally I drive my nail deep into her flesh on the upper arm, or at the base of the neck, or between her shoulder blisters.

Under the blouse she wears a flesh-colored top with fine shoulder straps. Until now I've left them in place, but now my fingers catch on them and gently pull them over the shoulders. Karolien lets out another small sigh, and tilts her head a little, so that she shows me the entire right side of her neck. I feel the urge to cover it with kisses, but restrain myself. Instead, I run my fingers up and down on it, sometimes even playing with the earlobe.

Then I change tactics. I no longer caress her from above, but pull the blouse and lingerie top loose from her skirt at the back. I put my hands under the pieces of fabric, and can now reach her entire back. I let my hands do their job: they caress, they massage, they tickle gently, they take a firm grip on Karolien's middle, who occasionally moans from the massage.

Finally, I don't want to and can't put it off any longer. After sliding my fingers along her ribs, my greedy fingers now move to what I feel is the most beautiful and sexiest female parts. In utter ecstasy my fingers enclose Karolien's delicious prams, which swing like ripe apples because of her bent forward position... They are small, size B, but oh so soft yet firm... Gently I knead her tits, and run my fingers over the nipples. Every now and then I take it between my thumb and forefinger to squeeze it, sometimes softly, sometimes a little harder, and then explore the curves again or let the light weight of them rest in my hands... I'm curious to see how they look see, and what color her nipples are.

Fortunately, it won't be long before I know the answer. Of her own accord, Karolien undoes the bottom buttons of her blouse and I'm more than happy to help take that and the top off completely. In her naked upper body, eyes closed, Karolien falls backwards and leans her back against my chest, her hands loosely gripping the seat of the chair as additional support. I can look at her beautiful body, while my hands continue the caresses. Her breasts are indeed small, but nicely round and firm. Even in this backward position they are still nice and upright. Could it be silicone? My fingers feel the fleshy heaps, but everything seems pure nature. The nipples are also small, but tapered, beautiful pink-brown in color. I would like to put them in my mouth, preferably both at the same time, but I don't want to disturb Karolien's easygoing attitude, so it remains with caressing, gently squeezing and kneading...

As if to give me a signal, Karolien makes a small almost imperceptible movement with her legs. I won't go into it right away, but let my hands touch her entire upper body for a moment: her neck, shoulders, arms, sides and ribs, her smooth tummy and of course her perky dots that I love to play with.

Then I run my hands down her thighs. I take the hem of her tight skirt and slide it up. She lifts her pelvis slightly so that I can pull the garment up to her waist. I admire her graceful loins. She wears flesh-colored panties, trimmed with an elegant collar. I'd love to tear the panties apart, but I resist the urge, put my hands between her smooth legs, which spread willingly.

I want to warm her up slowly and carefully, so I let my fingers caress the satiny inner side of her thighs, sometimes up, sometimes down... I get a little closer to her panties each time, but my fingers invariably turn around, or hover over to indulge her breasts and nipples. Also, I like to push her legs open a bit more when I slide down her thighs.

After a while Karolien seems ready, because every time my fingers wind up her inner thigh, but just not touching her pussy, she makes small movements with the pelvis as if to still have carnal contact...

I bring my hand up again to caress, and my intention is "as if by chance" to caress the front of the panties, in order to arouse her pussy along the way... But to my happy surprise that is no longer necessary. When I finally feel the panties, they are thoroughly wet, as if they had been in the sea for hours...

I pull the front part aside. My god, what a big cunt she has! My whole hand barely covers the dark brown purple pussy lips... My fingers almost accidentally slide into her cleft, she is that wet and horny. I realize that when I want to fuck them, my cock expects more back pressure to perform at its best, so I have to lick that whole thing dry first!

So I push her off my lap. She stands up, and my hands in her hips, I turn her half a turn, facing each other head-on. Her skirt falls back into place, but Karolien unzips the garment and carelessly throws it on the floor next to the blouse, a movement that makes her pretty apples bounce up and down.

She's standing in front of me in only her panties and high heels, anxiously awaiting what's about to happen. I grab the panties and yank them down. First her one foot, then the other, frees herself from a heel shoe, and steps out of the panties. I squeeze the soaking wet thing into a wad, bring it to my nose and sniff it with deep strokes. How delicious is that, the salty aroma of a sex-hungry, huge slit! I quickly put the panties in my pocket, she lost it, it's my trophy now!

I stand up from the chair (the lump in my front pants hinders me a little, it is so big and hard) and tower over her. She looks up at me with big horny eyes. I place one hand under her bottom, the other around her waist, lift her slightly and place her back flat on the desk. The desk is wide enough for her to lie comfortably. I sit back in the office chair and roll closer. I lift her legs and rest them on one shoulder.

I'm now right in front of her huge cunt, which is gleaming with moisture. A small tuft of red-blonde pubic hair barely hides the whimsical deep purple-brown outer labia. Carefully I bring my lips closer, her horny scent enters my nostrils. I can't take it anymore, and lick her slit open with my tongue. Karolien breathes a deep sigh of pleasure. I start licking her down, first with very short, soft licks, then move on to push my tongue as deep as possible into her vagina, alternating with long strokes all over the vulva, then again with short hard likes with tongue pointed around and on her clitoris. I try to put as much variation in my tongue, lip and jaw movements as possible. I look up, and see two pointed hemispheres rising up and down, with the irregular pace she enjoys.

Still licking her I start to knead the nice tits. Karolien moans, and puts her hands on top of mine to assist them. She enjoys it to the fullest, head turned sideways, eyes closed. Every now and then she jerks her pelvis, as if to get my tongue deeper into her. She also sometimes runs her fingers through my hair, guiding my head to her pleasure spot. For a while I lie licking her, fingering, squeezing her...

But then I surrender to the overpowering feeling of fucking her total loss. I get up, loosen my tie and take off my shirt and undershirt in one jerk. Moments later I unzipped my pants and pulled down along with my boxer shorts. My cock is huge, thick and stiff. Trembling, he stands ready for service.

I grab Karolien's legs and spread them a little more. Karolien raises her head, props herself up on her elbows and looks expectantly at my impressive member with wide eyes. I wait no longer, place the head at the entrance of her big slit, and with a hard thrust I am immediately deep inside her. Karolien throws her head back with her eyes closed. "Ooohhh my god..."

I'm pounding away, don't hold back. In daily life she is my boss, but here and now I take her! My hands grip her loins tightly and my pelvis moves furiously back and forth, burying my club deep inside her with each thrust. And she seems to enjoy it!

However, I quickly realize that this way I will not come in time, so I decide to take it easy. I drop the pace and intensity, and now fuck her with long, even strokes. I make sure she feels every inch I put in her vagina to the tips of her toes. Sometimes I even stop for a moment, to surprise her with a big punch.

But that too would lead to an orgasm too quickly. Too bad I don't have a vibrator with me, as I always do when I visit my mistress. But necessity makes virtue. I make a few more solid fucking movements, but with my rod still deep inside her, I stop. I now use my hands to caress her. My left hand works at her breasts, while my other fingers wiggle between our pubes to find her pleasure spot. I have to step back a bit to make room... I rub her mound of Venus up and down, gently and gently at first, then quickly and violently again.

I don't let it last long, I start fucking her again, let her feel my warm stiff cock! Then I stop again, and start fingering her again. But this time I take her hand and place it on my hand.

Karolien has understood and sends my hand and fingers to the place she wants. I let her enjoy that way for a while, but then I suddenly take my hand away again, and stamp my member full and deep into her. Karolien now brings her hands to her breasts and starts to knead them. That makes me super horny, and finally I bend over her and put a delicious tit in my mouth. My warm wet tongue wraps around the nipple tip and I suck on it hard, I want milk from it!

Getting up, I continue the sex fun. I thump a few times with the loins, then let my fingers perpetuate the tremors. I take her hand again to guide me, which Karolien obediently does.

When I withdraw my hand to thrust her again, she leaves her hand there. I'm a little surprised, but realize how much Karolien wants to cum. I start fucking her again, my hard purple soldier sliding in and out of the moist fleshy slit as her fingers work her clitoris in an irregular but never-ending rhythm. I can now set my own pace, sometimes hard and fierce, sometimes long and slow, while I can touch and caress her everywhere, her buttocks, her face, her erect tits... Fucking her is wonderful!

Suddenly Karolien starts moaning.. I take her tight in the hips and thump hard again, back and forth, in and out... Her tits bounce violently up and down with every thrust, while she feverishly fingers her clitoris.. And then her pelvis makes thrusting movements. "Yeah...yes..yes" I hear her moan hoarsely and softly, and at that moment I feel it rising in my balls. her beautiful big horny slit!

Satisfied, I bend over her, leaning on my hands. I look with pleasure at the little woman lying completely naked under me, what a beautiful specimen! She looks up and smiles with pleasure... "How nice," she says... But then she suddenly becomes serious, realizing how far we have crossed the border. "What now? How will this continue? This should never have happened!"

"Calm down Karolien," I say soothingly, "yes, you are my boss, and yes, I work for you, but we are not robots, are we". Meanwhile I got up and calmly put on my clothes. Caroline does the same. "We're human," I continue, "and we just had a human moment... Is that so bad? Besides, I didn't do it reluctantly... Did you?" Karolien looks at me, thinks, and then shakes her head. "No," she says softly, "quite the contrary, but what.." "And nothing else," I interrupt her. "Tomorrow we go back to work, professional as we are. This was a private moment, and it will remain private, has nothing to do with our professional relationship.."

Karolien is leaning against her desk, deep in thought... Then she looks up, and her face brightens. "Okay," she says relieved, "that's what I think too!" We say goodbye with a polite hand and this is how this wonderfully bizarre evening ends.

The following days there is no trace of Karolien... It seems as if she is avoiding a meeting. But the following days she frequently visits our workspace "to consult with Sven". But I can see how she secretly watches how I react. Well, as a professional accountant : cool and calculated, no problem at all.

After a few weeks, the situation seems to have completely normalized, and I think I'm out of the danger zone.

Until I get an email from Sven: "Karolien has to go to a conference in London in 2 weeks. She asks a specialist to come along, and she had thought of you. Can that be done for you? Mind you, it's a whole week- end!"

I smile as I read the email, and answer in the affirmative. But now I'm not going unprepared. I already bring a blindfold, a set of handcuffs, a soft leather flogger and of course the biggest, thickest and longest dildo/vibrator I can find!

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