
On lodgings at Jinthe


The icy scream filled the bathroom area and was followed by a reverberating silence for a few seconds. In a blur I looked at the shower curtain, from which thick white blobs of semen were dripping. It sounded like in the distance, but it had to be close, a door opened. What's the matter, Jinthe, did you fall? I heard Marie say in a panic. I only saw Jinthe's finger pointing in my direction from behind the curtain. Another moment of silence ensued as I noticed how a shadow seemed to approach from behind the curtain. Only at that moment did I seem to come to my senses in a flash. I quickly tried to tuck my half flaccid penis back behind my zipper. At the same moment the curtain behind which I was hiding was pulled aside with a firm jerk. From the bath I noticed how Jinthe stared at me as if petrified, while her arms now covered her beautiful cup.

Stefan, what are you doing here?! suddenly sounded loud from right next to me. Jinthe's mother, Marie, looked furious. Her head was bright red and her eyes seemed to flash as she stared at me in bewilderment. Without another word, her hands suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled me from behind the curtain. Just then I felt how on my crotch, my cock seemed smaller than ever. And my boxers slapped over my cock so effortlessly. With one last look at Jinthe, who was sitting with her hand in front of her mouth, the zipper of my pants pulled up. My legs naturally followed the pace at which the neighbor pulled me out of the bathroom. But just before the door closed by itself, Jinthe's gaze crossed me for a moment. Did she just smile and wink? I blinked for a moment. It seemed to confuse and bring me to my senses at the same time. Close to my right ear, I could hear Marie's nervous, irregular breathing, still holding my arm tightly.

Of course it had to happen someday, I thought, while I shrugged my shoulders briefly unseen. Earlier this week I had watched her daughter through the keyhole from the hallway. After which I fantasized, in my guest room, with her in the lead role. A bathroom with two doors is very inviting and of course very easy to enter unseen. Also yesterday, that had been an unexpected, exciting and successful adventure. Only tonight I couldn't hold back and jerked off on the spot with sheer excitement. Whatever would follow, I would not, for myself, regret it for a moment!

With a thud, Marie pushed me into a chair in the kitchen. In my head was still the last look of Jinthe and I looked at her with a grin. In no way did she match my blissful aura. Most of the time she was quite sweet and friendly, but more often she seemed nervous. In fact, she was nothing like her daughter, who often radiated calmness, understanding, and love for me, I thought. Stefan! Marie suddenly shouted loudly. Did you hear what I just said? suddenly sounded loudly through the room and I blinked for a moment. Said? I blurted out confused. I really... never... expected this from you! she emphasized in a loud voice. I felt a moment of confusion bubble up inside myself as I looked at her questioningly. You just stand there naked, naked... Marie began her sentence in a trembling voice. I wasn't naked, my penis just itched a little. Sometimes I have to caress him, so that the feeling goes away. I shrugged. Marie's head was shaking and for a moment I thought it was going to explode. That's not right! It is not the intention that everyone can see your penis just like that! Marie ranted, who seemed to go wild with indignation after my explanation. I didn't show him either. You guys watched yourself. I said in a much calmer tone, although I felt quite a boil inside too.

At that moment, the door of the room opened a little. Jinthe stood in the doorway with a small towel around her head and a large bath towel wrapped around her body. The bathroom is free, but erm ma there are thick white drops in the shower curtain. she said. With her head tilted slightly, she looked at her mother. She let out a deep sigh and turned her head to the floor. A short smile from Jinthe to me followed. Her eyes seemed to sparkle and another wink followed. I'm in my room... she said and slowly closed the door again. Right next to me, Marie sighed, standing up and looking out the window for a moment. Without saying anything myself, I looked at her, waiting for her to say something.

Good, Stefan. I want you to clean the shower curtain again. You got it dirty, so you clean it too! she said. She shook her index finger as only a stern older woman could. Just when I nodded she already continued Then I want you to apologize to Jinthe. She must be, like myself, very shocked by this whole situation. This is exactly why I don't want her to bring her boyfriends home. She's only 19 and needs protection, especially from guys like you at 21. I'm sure you understand that. Marie said without really looking at me. I felt a frown on my forehead as I tried to place what she had just said. Oh, of course you don't understand that. Marie now mumbled more under her breath. But you do understand that as a mother, I have to protect my daughter? she said. I immediately nodded. No more than normal, I thought to myself.

So then you also understand that you cannot stay here and I will call your parents right away. Until today I never experienced any problem with you. But I was quite mistaken about you, as it turns out. I think it would be better if you could go home tonight. Marie said. I felt my eyes open uncontrollably. But they are only gone for three days, they were supposed to go for a whole week, right? I asked surprised. They should come home! You are a danger to my daughter! said Marie Because I dirty the shower curtain and you look at my penis? I asked in surprise and felt a slight panic in my voice. That's a good example yes! And now do what I asked you to do. I will not tolerate any more contradiction! Marie continued in a stern, cracking voice.

I walked down the hall, stamping my feet on the floor. I didn't understand anything at all. Surely it would be that stupid autism of mine that kept me from understanding. But she didn't explain it well. She only made it harder, not just for me, but for herself. As fast as I could I grabbed the shower head and let the water warm up for a while. The white wisps that had shot out of my penis had almost dried. With a washcloth and some warm water, it took a total of five seconds to wipe them off again. I crouched down and sprayed the warm water towards the shower drain. Then I wrung the washcloth. Only when I wanted to get up did I notice that my pants had become soaking wet. Even the bottom of my shirt was dripping.

What are you all doing? Suddenly a fresh, cheerful voice sounded from behind me. Slightly startled, I turned my head. Jinthe stood in the doorway. She wore a short summer skirt with sandals on her bare feet. Oh, I erm Your mom asked me to tidy up. I blurted out. A short giggle from Jinthes jug immediately followed. That's not very easy! she said. Only at that moment did I notice how the shower hose was twisted around me between my legs. The water was now spraying right over my shirt and I could feel my underwear getting soaked. Wait, let me help you. Jinthe said, who suddenly stood behind me and turned off the tap. She looked at me with a wide grin. You look like a drowned cat, Stefan! she said with a giggle. A cat? I asked aloud in surprise. At the same time I noticed how Jinthe shook her head with a chuckle.

Hey, I should have come to your room now to excuse myself. I said, untangling the shower hose along and between my legs. You're soaking wet Stefan, you can't come into my room like that. Take those clothes off and I'll get you a towel. That way you can then put on new clothes from your suitcase. said Jinthe, who took a woolly towel from the closet. Oh yes, that's a good idea! I said nodding. Although it seemed logical in hindsight, I probably never came up with this myself, because of all the confusion. Why did you have to apologize? Jinthe asked, still looking at me sweetly. As I dropped my pants and fluttered my shirt off, I thought about that. To be honest, it's not entirely clear to me either. I said thoughtfully. Your mother said I shouldn't have dirty the shower curtain. Jinthe grinned briefly. You have already made up for that. It looks like new again! she said cheerfully.

With great effort I pressed down my tight wet boxers. Couldn't it also be that you had to apologize for spying on me while I was naked in the bath? I heard Jinthe ask from a distance. Stepping out of my boxers, I pondered her words. When I stood up again, I noticed how she looked at my body for a moment. You can also spy on me now, right? I asked in surprise. So should I also apologize now? asked Jinthe, winking with a smile. Immediately and briefly I spluttered it out. That would be a bit strange, wouldn't it? I said with a grin and continued It must have been the last time anyway. Your mother is going to call my parents and tonight I have to go home. What is she going to do?! Jinthe asked, raising her voice and before I could answer, she stamped out of the bathroom. I quickly dried myself off and wanted to go after her. But just in time I realized it might be a better idea to put some pants on first. As I did, I pricked up my ears to hear what the two were saying in the kitchen.

Marie's voice sounded very upset. I heard things like ...don't know if we can trust him. and No sex in my house! Jinthe's voice sounded like I had never heard it before, very petulant and defiant. You can't put him at the door. and He doesn't understand! As soon as I could, I put on sweatpants and a shirt. When I walked back into the hallway, their voices were a lot quieter. Honey, you know I have to go to work. I have my cell phone with me and you can always reach me! said Marie's voice. That won't be necessary, I can handle that boy. There's no harm in it. Jinthe said reassuringly in turn. At that moment I stuck my head around the corner. Marie stood with her bag over her arm and key in hand, ready to leave. She immediately looked me in the eye. You are going to behave, did you hear me? she suddenly said in a pretty loud voice. Ma, are you going to stop now?! Jinthe asked before I could nod. Marie sighed and kissed her daughter on the cheek, then walked out the back door without looking back.

She is upset? I asked and looked at Jinthe in surprise. That's the least you can say. Jinthe said without turning to me. A short silence followed, as I heard only her breathing. She took a deep breath and looked at me for a moment. You know, she means well, but she exaggerates and in your case she really missed the mark! Jinthe said. What ball? I asked, thinking I must have missed that bit. Never mind... Jinthe said, shaking her head. Oh yeah, I'm sure I don't understand... I said and turned around as I walked to my spare room. There I fell on the bed. How hard it was to be here. Everyone was acting so strange and why, I thought.

A minute or so later, I noticed the door being pushed open. Although I could have expected it, I was still surprised by Jinthe's appearance. Hey, are you mad at me? she asked me in her sweetest voice. Wondering if I felt anger, I gave a brief shrug. Sometimes life is more complicated than it seems at first glance. Jinthe said softly. Maybe you should try to explain? I asked, trying to lower my voice. This is not something I would tell just anyone... she said as she sat down on my bed right next to me. She pulled her knees together and looked at me thoughtfully. Have you ever wondered why I have a mother but never had a father? she asked in a whisper. Although I had never been used to anything else, I nodded. I had once asked myself that question, but there had never been a clear answer for me. When mom was my age, something terrible happened to her. Jinthe said. What was that then? I immediately asked and noticed how her body shook slightly. She was, like me, overprotected by her parents. That may be well-intentioned, but not always fun for a teenager, said Jinthe.

I nodded for a moment, more to indicate that I had heard her than that I understood her. Go straight home after school, no parties or going out with friends. They used to come to play after school. I was also allowed to take dance lessons until the groups were mixed. I didn't want to stop, she did. I have often been very angry with her for this. Possibly subconsciously, I felt my brow furrow. Why? Girls your age and boys your age don't they happen to be friends more often? I awkwardly wondered aloud.

Good that you understand that. It was the question I asked myself and she never wanted to answer until a few weeks ago. She said she ran away from home around my age. There were some older guys around at the time. They were sweet, maybe a little too sweet. My mother had no idea what could happen and was blindly carried away. Jinthe said. What did they do then? I asked curiously. Sex... said Jinthe, looking very hard into my eyes. Several times I blinked hard and tried to stare at her in surprise. Never before had I heard Jinthe utter that word. 8 months and a chat later, she told her mother that she felt pains. Not much later she would give birth. Of course, that had never been her intention. She had played with several boys that evening and she had no idea who my father was. For a moment my mouth fell open by itself. Although I tried very hard to post all this, it seemed too much. I was surprised to see a tear roll down her cheek.

Are you crying? I asked softly. Her lower lip twitched, but she said nothing more. Another moment of silence came as I thought about everything she had said. I am sorry for your mother and you too! I said. Suddenly Jinthe sat up and wrapped her hands around my shoulders. She hugged me tight and before I knew it I felt her lips press against my cheek. Mom is completely wrong. Boys can be sincere and sweet to girls they like, right? she suddenly asked me. I couldn't help but nod. And girls can also be nice to boys, without any ulterior motives! Just sincere friendship! Jinthe said, now wiping away her tears with both hands. I immediately got up and took a handkerchief from my suitcase and handed it to her. She was smiling now, which I immediately associated with gratitude. I think you understand more and better than my own mother! she said while sniffing a few times. People are always so complicated. If they took the trouble to explain, I might understand better. I said with a frown. Not all people! If you have any questions, you can always ask me. You know that, don't you? asked Jinthe and immediately I nodded. Although I had known her since childhood, I couldn't remember her ever making fun of me. She was one of the few to do so.

Did you like the view? Jinthe suddenly asked. My body jerked for a moment, as if I'd forgotten she was still sitting next to me on the bed. I looked at her with questioning eyes. I mean, when you were spying on me... he immediately clarified. A spontaneous smile came to my lips. I think you didn't like it that much, that icy scream was pretty clear. I said quickly. Ow ow boy, now don't turn the tables. I screamed because you moaned so loud! said Jinthe, tapping my chest with her index finger. I don't remember that much... I said truthfully. Shortly I heard Jinthe giggle. Was it the first time you saw a girl naked? she asked with a smile that reached almost to her ears. Immediately I shook my head. No my mother... I started my sentence, but it was immediately interrupted by Jinthe. No I don't mean that, I mean a girl, your age or my age. Not your own family.

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