
New Year's Drink Gets Out Of Hand - 1

Broke, Liza lay on the bed next to her boyfriend. Liza had been awake for more than half an hour but did not dare to get up yet, she expected a severe headache as soon as she got up. She really needed to pee, but she didn't want to get out of the warm bed just yet. When she couldn't hold it in anymore, she got out of bed naked and went to the toilet. Fortunately, the hangover was not too bad. She had a little headache but she could live with that and if she ate something like that she would probably feel better.

After she finished peeing, she put on a bathrobe to quickly drink a few glasses of water and eat something. She had made some sandwiches, plopped down on the couch and ate her sandwiches while looking at last night's photos.

The new year was ushered in spectacularly together with a lot of friends. It was fun and there was a lot of eating and of course a lot of drinking. The party was over around 4pm. She and her boyfriend cycled back to their apartment. And as soon as she felt her pillow she fell asleep.

The rest of the day promised to be a quiet day. She had hoped her boyfriend was too broke to go to his work's New Year's reception to which she had not been invited. The drink was only for employees and Liza was quite angry about that a few weeks ago when she heard about the drink.

When Liza finished her breakfast, she jumped into the shower to wash off the smell of sweat, alcohol and smoke. And after she got out of the shower and dried off, she felt like nothing special happened yesterday. She wondered if her boyfriend would feel the same way. Unfortunately, this turned out to be the case for Liza.

A few hours after Liza was already out of bed and had already done a few laundry and cleaned up the house a bit, her boyfriend came out of the bedroom. He looked surprisingly well and rested. Although Liza was happy for him that he wasn't so broke, she was disappointed because that meant he was getting ready for his work New Year's drink and would leave her alone.

After a short visit to the toilet, he plopped down on the couch next to her. So, how much are you? Job, her boyfriend, asked her.

Actually good. And you?

Very well. He replied.

Are you still going to the drinks? Liza asked him.

Yes, I think I'll go. He said to Liza. He saw how disappointed she was that he went anyway. Sorry honey, I'm also sorry you can't come.

And now you leave me home alone on New Year's Day? She said angrily.

I have to. Everyone is coming and it would be crazy if I don't come. He replied. But you can also go to that drink you mentioned?

Then I have to go alone. I hardly know anyone there yet. Liza replied. She had only been working at a different location from work for a few weeks and still felt like a stranger once in a while.

Then this is a good opportunity to get to know your new colleagues, isn't it? Job said.

Yes, I think so. I'll think about it. Liza said.

Good. I have to get ready now. I'll be picked up in an hour. He kissed her and went to the bathroom.

Job was ready after 45 minutes and baked himself a good breakfast with eggs and bacon. Just when he had finished he received a call, his colleague was at the door. Liza indicated that she would clean up the things. Job gave Liza a kiss and left for a nice New Year's drink, leaving Liza alone.

Liza cleaned up the mess Job had made and sat down on the couch, self-pitying. She was actually looking forward to a party, but she was angry with Job for leaving her alone. They could also have gone to her work drinks together, he was welcome there. As so often, she felt that she was second only to his work.

It started to get dark again. Liza had been hanging out on the couch all day and doing some zapping, but there was nothing on TV. Suddenly her phone rang, she didn't know the number. Hello, this is Liza. she said as she picked up the phone.

Hey it's Jake. She heard someone say. She didn't know Jake at all. You know your colleague. She heard the voice say again.

Now she recognized the voice. Oh hey sorry I'm a little broke. she lied. I couldn't place your vote for a moment.

It doesn't matter. Jake said. But are you still coming to the drink?

I don't know, I. Liza couldn't finish her sentence.

Ajoh, just come. Isn't it fun?

Liza had to think for a moment. Jake was the colleague who showed her around on the first day. Although she had a boyfriend, she felt a clear tension between them at the end of her first day. Um Yes is good. I had to change my clothes and then I'll be right there.

Great Liza, see you soon! Jake said and hung up.

With a knot in her stomach from the tension, she searched her closet for a nice dress that she could wear. She had already worn her favorite dress last night and was still hanging to dry. So she chose a tight, black, shimmering dress that ended a few inches below her buttocks and with a little bit of cleavage. Underneath she wore a black thong with matching bra and to top it off black patent shoes with heels of a few centimeters. Liza looked at herself in the mirror for a moment. She had put her long brown hair in a ponytail and her dress showed off her figure. Her slender legs were clearly visible under her dress, her full buttocks were clearly accentuated and her full breasts were clearly visible above her flat stomach. She hoped it wasn't too challenging for her new employer

After putting on a little make-up, she left their apartment and walked to the bus stop at the end of the street. When she got in, she texted Job that she was going to the drink after all. He replied with a thumbs up. An irritating habit of his, she thought.

She arrived at work half an hour later. There were a few colleagues smoking outside, half of whom they didn't know. Still, she wished everyone a happy new year, even though some looked at her strangely. Whether it was because they didn't know her or because she was wearing a tight dress she couldn't tell. Once inside, she saw Jake standing there. Jake was in his mid-20s, a few years older than Liza, and good-looking. He was 2 heads taller than Liza and 2 times as wide as her. He wore jeans with a white blouse over it, which made his dark skin stand out even more. His hair was cropped short, revealing his thick neck. When he saw her he immediately went to her and gave her 3 kisses on her cheek and wished her a happy new year. You look beautiful. He said. Better than all the other women here.

Liza looked around and saw that she was indeed doing something


used to be. Thanks. She said, a flush of shame on her cheeks.

Jake beckoned to someone behind him. This is Eric, he works in administration.

Eric shook Liza's hand and they wished each other well. Eric, like Jake, was dark, tall, and broad. He had long rasta hair down to his back.

Where is Piet? she asked. I also want to say hello to him.

The big boss is back there. Jake said. You go to him and I will get you a drink.

Liza nodded and walked back to the man who had hired her a few weeks ago. On the way back she ran into some colleagues and had a chat with them. Again, she saw and felt the gaze of some of her colleagues and their partners. When she had wished Piet and his wife a happy new year, she came back to Jake and Eric. Jake already had a glass of champagne in his hand and handed it to her when she came back to it. Liza toasted with the 2 colleagues and drank the champagne in 1 gulp. Eric was kind enough to grab another one for her.

Liza found Jake and Eric pleasant conversation partners. They were genuinely interested in Liza. She wanted to know what her private situation was and what she thought of the work. Liza answered the questions that were thrown at her honestly. She felt the look of the 2 colleagues on her cleavage and her breasts, but she knew what men were like and didn't mind.

Meanwhile, snacks arrived and that was a good thing, because Liza was already starting to feel the champagne. Jake and Eric kept getting her a new glass of champagne as soon as she finished her glass. Liza didn't want to make a fool of herself, so she decided to switch to some water or soda. She didn't want to be known as the employee who was immediately drunk on her first drink.

The New Year's drink came to an end after 2 hours and Liza actually didn't feel like going home at all. The tables and chairs were cleared away, the old snacks were thrown away and the empty bottles and glasses were put on the counter. Ready to be cleaned up the next day. Together with all her colleagues, she took her coat and walked outside where she saw Jake and Eric talking. Would you like to have a drink at my place? Jake asked.

I don't know. Maybe my boyfriend is already home and waiting for me. Liza replied.

Have you heard from him yet? Eric asked.

Liza took out her phone. She hadn't heard from Job yet. He will probably have a lot of fun. I don't know. My bus is leaving soon.

Do you have to work tomorrow? Jake asked.

No, I'm still free tomorrow. She replied.

Us too. Let's settle this. Jake said. You come with us and as soon as your friend texts you we will arrange a taxi for you. How does that sound?

I think this is possible. Liza said.

Good. Jake said. I live 10 minutes walk from here, so we'll be there in no time.

Together with Jake and Eric they walked to Jake's house. The cold air and the walking made Liza sober again. While walking, Jake and Eric joked with each other and it was clear that they had known each other for years. Liza thought it was funny to hear her 2 colleagues talk like that.

Once at Jake's apartment, the warmth felt wonderful. She hung her coat on the coat rack and walked into the living room. It was nicely furnished with a double sofa, a triple sofa and another lounge chair around a round coffee table. A large TV hung on the wall. On the other side of the living room was a dining table with 6 chairs. Jake gave Liza a short tour of his apartment and when they came back Eric was already waiting with 3 glasses of bubbly. They toasted the new year again and sat down on the benches.

Eric sat on the two-person box and Liza sat on the other couch with Jake. Again the men fired questions at Liza, especially about her boyfriend. What did she think of him? What kind of work did he do? Was she happy?

She answered the questions honestly. Normally she would have been more reserved with her answers, but the drink made her blurt out everything she wanted to. She herself was shocked by her honest answers to 2 colleagues, one of whom she had only known for a few hours.

Jake turned on his sound system and R&B music came out of the speakers. He got up, took Liza's hand and pulled her up. He pulled her into the space between the TV and coffee table and began to dance. A little hesitant, Liza joined in, but once she got the rhythm she joined. Eric also came up behind her and danced with them. She noticed how loose Eric and Jake were at the hips.

Liza was completely absorbed in the dancing and music. Her colleagues moved closer and closer to her. Liza felt very warm. Suddenly the doorbell rang. Eric walked to the door and 3 dark men burst in screaming. They were all almost the same size as Jake and Eric. They had bottles of liquor in their hands and when they saw Liza they almost dropped them.

Oh yeah forgot. I had a few more mates coming over tonight. Jake said apologetically. Do you mind?

Liza was a bit shocked by so many strange men in the living room at once, but she collected herself anyway. No, it's your house. But maybe it would be wise for me to go home.

1 of the men who just stormed in overheard the conversation between Jake and Liza. No, stay anyway. That's nice, isn't it.

Jake looked at Liza. It's your choice. I'll call a taxi if you want.

Just like before, Liza didn't feel like going home at all and she hadn't heard from Job yet. Maybe I can stay a while longer. She said.

Nice. Jake replied.

The 3 men who just stormed in cheered because she had stayed. Then they walked over to her. First was Yuri. He was the smallest but apparently with the biggest mouth. It was very visible that he regularly went to the gym. Then came Remy. He looked a lot like Eric, but she couldn't tell if he was a brother or cousin. Last came Donny, clearly the biggest and heaviest of them all. Everything was big about him. Big hands, broad arms, big head, broad chest and a big belly. All 3 were dressed in an easy-fitting tracksuit.

They sat down on the benches and beckoned Liza to sit between them. Liza took place between Donny and Eric. She felt a little uncomfortable among all these men. Jake and his friends were busy talking about things and she felt a little left out. The drink flowed freely and Liza took occasional sips of her bubbles. She was about to say she wanted to go when all eyes turned to her. Just like 2 times before, she was asked everything again. Every time Liza almost finished her glass, it was refilled and soon the alcohol rose to her head. She loosened up with the men on the couch and laughed out loud at the jokes they made about each other. Soon she felt at ease again.

After a few drinks, Liza had to pee anyway. When she came back into the living room, the music had turned up a bit. Jake and Joeri got up and went behind and in front of Liza. They started the twists with their hips, so Liza had to join in. Liza was completely absorbed in the music and dancing again. Jake was in front of her and Joeri was behind. Suddenly she felt someone pull the strap of her dress down over her shoulder. She quickly pulled it back, but then the other was already pulled down by Joeri. She glared at him as she straightened her dress again. He smiled back but left the straps of her dress alone.

Jake and Joeri came closer and closer to her until she was stuck between the 2 men. She felt the warmth of their bodies against hers and smelled the booze smell from their mouths. So how many drinks should we give you before you get down on your knees in front of us? She heard Joeri say.

This comment shocked Liza a bit. First she looked over her shoulder at Joeri who smiled broadly at her and then at Jake who just shrugged.

I don't think you can even handle me. Liza answered defiantly.

Oh, do you think so? Joeri said as he pulled the straps of her dress down over her shoulders with both hands. Her dress fell slowly but stayed in place because of her full breasts and the zipper on her back. Suddenly she felt a coolness on her back as the dress was unzipped at the back. Her dress now sank all the way down and finally fell to the floor. She felt a moment of terror inside her. The men now all looked at her half naked body. Her breasts, buttocks and pubic area were only covered by a black bra and matching thong.

Donny whistled on his teeth. That looks good. He said and the others agreed by complimenting her and nodding their heads.

You can still leave. Jake said. But if you stay you will have the night of your life.

Liza was in doubt. She knew it was wrong, but it also made her body quiver with tension. She felt her pussy getting wetter at the thought of these 5 men having sex with her. It was a fantasy of hers to have sex with several men, she had never said this to anyone and certainly not to Job. She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths to slow her heart rate and ease the tension. Then she made her decision. Let's see if what they say about black men is true.

Even before she had finished speaking she felt her bra unhook and a second later her thong was ripped off her ass. She herself got out of her dress and kicked it at her bra and torn thong. She slid her hands over the crotches of Jake and Joeri. She already felt a small bulge in both pants. Immediately she felt 2 different hands grab her breasts and gently pull her nipples until they became hard. Job was the only one who had touched her breasts in recent years. He always loved her full, round breasts with her big nipples on them. He couldn't keep his hands off it during sex. And now 2 men were on it, 1 of which she had known for a few weeks and the other maybe just 2 hours.

Soon the other men gathered around her and touched her naked body. Every inch was meant by hands. Her back, ass, stomach, breasts and then her pussy as she spread her legs all got attention. Fingers slid along her wet lips, massaged her clit and fingers slid into her fuck hole. Her pussy had become soaking wet and the fingers that came out of her pussy were offered so that she could taste her own juice.

She was pushed down and she ended up on her knees between the 5 men. One by one they took off their pants. Jake and Eric were a bit slower because they had other easy-fitting gym shorts. When all the cocks were exposed, Liza knew it was true what they say about black men. They weren't all hard yet, but now Job's cock was already dwarfed. So couldn't wait to feel and touch them. First she grabbed Jake and Eric's cocks. Gently she pulled back the foreskin. Jake had a thick pink head and Erik's head was black. Slowly she jerked off both men in sync and felt their cock grow in her hand. Then she paid attention to Joeri and Remy. Both had a thick black head that became visible when she started jerking them off. While she was busy with Yuri and Remy, Jake grabbed her head and shoved his cock into her mouth. Greedily she sucked on his cock even though it barely fit in her mouth. She heard the men moaning around her, clearly enjoying her.

After having 4 cocks in her hands and mouth it was time for the last one. She turned to Donny. Under his fat belly hung something she had never seen before. Everything about him was really big. She grabbed his semi-erect cock and weighed it in her hand. The thing was heavy and when she touched it it reacted instantly. Slowly she pulled it off and grew to a gigantic size and thickness with thick veins on it.

Moments later she was surrounded by 5 big, hard, black cocks. Delighted she looked at the cocks and at the men. They saw a look of pleasure in her eyes. Liza was loose and ready to be used by these 5 black men.

Liza grabbed 2 cocks and took 1 in her mouth. At the same time she sucked and jerked off the cocks. Meanwhile, the men felt her body. Liza got hornier and hornier as she tasted and felt more of the cocks. Full of devotion she gave pleasure to the men. She couldn't get enough of the cocks that surrounded her. She became light-headed from sucking.

I think this slut wants more. She heard someone say.

The dining table was swept empty after which 2 strong hands grabbed Liza and put her on her back on the table. The men surrounded her again. She willingly grabbed 2 cocks, another got up by her head and put his cock on her face making his cock come into her mouth and another spread her legs and stood between them. Liza glanced up to see Jake standing between her legs. Teasingly he moved his erect cock between her wet lips, massaging her clit with his plunge and then pushed his thick black cock inside her. Liza felt his black cock stretching her insides. She had never felt anything like this before.

Slowly Jake pulled his cock out of her pussy. His black cock glistened with her juice and then he pushed his cock back inside her. Liza moaned with a fat cock in her mouth as she jerked off 2 cocks. Jake thrust into her harder and harder, his balls ricocheting against her buttocks. He thoroughly enjoys her willing pussy. Oh jesus, this is delicious! he moaned.

The next one already showed up to sink his cock deep into Lizas pussy. Eric now wanted to be next. The moment Jakes cock left her pussy he pushed his cock back inside her. Also when he pulled his cock back saw it wet from her moisture. The other men around her had also switched places. Liza now had Donny's huge cock in her hand. Eric thrust her pussy hard and Liza moaned even louder than before.

The men alternated. Liza had now tasted and held all the cocks. Only Donny's cock hadn't been in her pussy yet. From the moment she saw his cock she was afraid of its size. It would never fit, she thought. It was Donny's turn and stood between her legs. He spread her legs even more and he saw her wet lips. With his thick head he slid along her lips to make his head wet. He put his cock against her hole and gently pushed his head inside. Liza gritted her teeth, glad she didn't have a cock in her mouth this time. The other men watched as Liza was about to get fucked by Donny's big cock. If she could handle this, you could handle anything.

Slowly his cock slid deeper into her. She had already been stretched first by Jake and then by the rest, but this was a different story. She felt how she opened wider inside. Her lips were tight around his thick cock. Luckily for her and Donny, she was soaking wet. He slid as deep into her as possible and then back again. Slowly he thrust into her to get her used to it. Each thrust grew harder and fiercer. Lizas Body trembled with every thrust. The other men had gathered around her again and she willingly took the cocks as she got used to Donny's size. Donny spread her legs wider by grabbing her ankles and his thrusts got even harder. His big belly moved along with the rhythm and his balls swung back and forth. Suddenly Liza's legs started to shake, she didn't even know what hit her. She came screaming on Donny's cock. She squeezed hard the cocks she held in her hand and her pussy contracted hard around his cock. Her whole body trembled and she closed her eyes in pleasure. She didn't know she could cum so intensely. A moment later she opened her eyes and looked at the 5 men standing around her. We're not done yet, are we? she asked.

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