
My Uncle Bert - 1

The following story is a fantasy of my Uncle Bert, who would like to seduce me as his cousin. That temptation will follow, but I will talk to him like we emailed each other.

I'm saving up for a new iPhone, but that's going to take a while. My part-time job as a delivery person does pay off, but when I go out, the money also flies out. Tonight we have a family dinner at your Uncle Bert. It's cozy as always, enough beer and wine that I secretly like some sweets. But it also evokes some mixed feelings in me. Until my older cousin Sam recently moved into rooms to study, I visited you quite often. So I stayed regularly. And well, you know how it is, teenagers and hormones. After playing on the Playstation we mainly talked about girls and sex in the evening. Which girls are hot, which are easy, which according to the stories let themselves be fingered in the cinema. Such a night often ended in secretly jerking myself off while we pretended to be asleep. Because well, we both didn't have real success with the girls. Certainly not in the ecclesiastical region where we live where most people, and therefore also the girls, are Reformed or Reformed. At some point, something changed. We had seen an adventure film on DVD that was set in the Middle East. With stunning women, dressed in see-through skirts and tops, those belly dance clothes, who wanted to do it all with the prince who was the hero. Tough, adventurous, funny and it did something to both of us.

During our chat in the dark in his bedroom, Sam indicated that it must be very cool to be like that prince. Beautiful women who will do anything to get your attention instead of the prudish girls at our school who go to church every Sunday. Being able to choose such a beautiful dark-haired princess with olive soft skin in translucent clothes. I really don't remember who it was, but one of us suggested we could pretend. That one of us was the prince and the other was the oriental princess. That we could switch, but that I would be a princess the first time. I remember very well how excited and nervous I was then. It just started talking, just like in the movie. He talks a little tough to impress, me a little giggly in the bed next door. But soon we were quite excited and decided to move on. I took off my underpants under the duvet, and so did Sam. He got into bed with me. First next to me but soon he crawled on top of me like the prince. "Open your legs a little princess" he said. "Then it looks just like real, and I'll take better care of you". I spread my legs and he lay on top of me. I can still feel it. How incredibly hot and hard his cock was when he pressed it against my belly, slid it down and then touched my hard cock with his. My god, that was hot and delicious and exciting and scary and sneaky and wrong and horny. I thought my head would explode from all those impressions. Neither of us had any experience, but of course we saw pictures and movies online, so we kind of made some fucking moves. Slide his cock over mine, I push my hips up a little to feel him good. What I can remember best besides the turmoil and huge impressions in my head is the smell. Soon the whole room smelled of cock, and of sex. We both didn't come, I think it was too exciting for that, but man was that horny. The next morning I was very embarrassed and suddenly had questions. Was I bi? I still fell for girls, really turned on Benthe who is a class below with her blonde hair and small ass, but this had been insanely delicious. I think Sam had the same thing and didn't talk about it either.

But when we came back to stay with you two weeks later, well, it happened again. This time I was the prince and he was the princess. We had elaborated in our verbal foreplay about the exciting clothes the princess was wearing. How you could see her bra through the sheer top, how her tiny tits visibly moved when she breathed, how her beautiful legs moved when she walked in heels that the girls at school never wore, of course. This time I was on top, making out with my cock against his. I saw how hot his face was, felt how my head had a fever. Again we didn't finish (I doubled that at home the next night) and we stopped after what seemed like hours but was maybe only 5 minutes. Afterwards we both went back to our own beds. Sam then gently asked if I would like to wear a pair of pretty girl panties the next time I was the princess. That, he said, would still make it. I thought that was a very exciting thought.

Of course I didn't dare to buy one. Imagine if someone from the village saw that, the shame would be too great. That's why I had to look at home, in my mother's closet when she was shopping. That was an experience Women here always wear tights when they go to church (sometimes twice on Sunday). Because bare legs are not neat enough and a skirt is better than trousers. I don't know if that's why, but I've loved tights since I was a kid. Women's legs in tights always drive me crazy. For example, I regularly sat in church with a boner ;-). So there were quite a few tights in my mother's drawer. Thick woolen, but also thin nylon tights. I held them, felt how soft they were, smelled the combination of nylon and fabric softener. Then my hands went through the panties. Nothing exciting like online, but exciting enough to make my sixteen-year-old cock run wild. I chose one that was a little further back. Black panties made of shiny cotton, with a transparent lace crotch.

I put it on before I came to your house Uncle Bert, and it's hard to explain, but how exciting that was. Like everyone could see what I was doing. I think I spent most of the night with a rock hard bulge in my pants. When Sam and I played our game again in the dark bedroom, I longed to be a good princess. I showed him what I had put on, my hard cock clearly visible in the lace crotch. It also touched me when he said I looked great like that. So I decided not to take the panties off completely, but only a little down to just below my balls. That's how I still wore it. That night it was different. Again we were horny, but even worse than before. The dry fucking became more intense, we pushed our cocks together harder, we both panted more. Me with my legs spread, black panties just below my cock and ass, his cock rubbing against mine. At some point it stopped rubbing like that, but it was a little more sliding. In hindsight I know what it was, pre-cum from both of us leaking out of our dickheads and causing both of us to get wet. This was the night I came with someone else for the first time. I heard Sam moan,

Ooooh baby, you're so pretty! My princess, what a nice fuck you are

. Without thinking I answer automatically

Mmmmm my love please fuck me but don't get me pregnant

. At that moment I felt his cock begin to throb and mine go to a very hard orgasm. My goodness, oh my god. He came too, and I ended up with big clumps of cum on my stomach, cum from me and him mixed up. Sticky, smelling like horny, sex. After that we did that a few more times, but it never really came to fucking, and shortly after that he went to college and fell in love with a girl from his association. That was it, unfortunately, and I never dared to do this with anyone else. I went full after Benthe, that nice girl one grade below, and the unbelievable happened. After a while we even started dating. Anyway, the church has a big impact here in the region and she comes from a strict family. She is, as it should be, a neat girl. So kissing, feeling a little and nothing more. After all, she has to be married as a virgin On Saturday evening she has to be home before 12 o'clock. That means we leave the dance hall at 11:30 to make love outside like the other couples, and if I'm really lucky I get a quick handjob behind the bike shed, which often stops before I come.

"Nick, don't you think that's a good idea?" I wake up from my memory. uh, what?

"Well, what your uncle just suggested. Now that Aunt Maria has found that new job, they could really use some help around the house. And you're still looking for extra work to save up for that new phone?" Fuck. Being a kind of cleaning lady is not really the job of my dreams, but I can certainly use the money. And when you tell me it's going to be worth $15 an hour, it gets interesting. Although it must be strange to spend time in the house where I had my most intense sexual experience yet. I don't have school on Monday, so we decide that I will come for the first time when Aunt Maria is at work. As I leave you ask if I have any experience with sucking. I say no, and color when the adults laugh. Phew, it must be the alcohol.

That Monday I will be at your door at 10.00 am. To be continued...

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