
My Life - 1

This is the story of Willy, who became single overnight. For those looking for buckets full of semen in every episode, you may be disappointed.

Half Juli. It felt like the world was ending! I came home at a quarter to eleven in the evening. I had been in Brussels all day, with my school principal, for a presentation of the latest pedagogical tools, smart screens, beamers and much more. I found it odd that the shutters were still up. Hey, Cindy forgot to close them. I entered. Hey, the coat rack is empty except for some of my clothes. Hey, and her two handbags are gone. What was wrong? I run up the stairs to the bedroom. The bed was empty. I opened the closet. Empty ! In the other bedroom, that closet is also empty. Cindy ? Away ! Away ! Away !

I took out my cell phone, called her. No reaction. Me back in the car, to the bank. I couldn't get in after eleven o'clock. Back home. I turned on my PC, logged into my bank. Except for my personal account, everything balance zero! Zero! More than forty thousand euros, gone!

I collapsed. Cindy, the woman who had promised me eternal loyalty, had gone and praised me.

We were married for ten years. I was thirty-five, she was thirty-two. Both have a job in education. Cindy taught in an elementary school. I had studied computer science and ended up in evening classes for adults. Thanks to an inheritance from my parents, I had bought a piece of land before we got married. Five years ago we had built a beautiful house on it. By building on my own piece of land, the house was also completely my property, even in the event of a divorce. We had no children. It did not work.

I didn't sleep all night. Think. Think. Why ? Where to ? With whom ?

The doorbell rang at eight o'clock in the morning. I opened the door. Tonia, Cindy's sister.

- Here, her keys

Tony told. Cindy already had a boyfriend. She had gone to live with them in Ostend. She said I couldn't take it anymore. Yes, she arranged everything behind my back. This way she could teach in Middelkerke after the holidays. My world completely collapsed. Had I really not noticed anything? Oh yes, maybe. Why did she occasionally have to go to the sea with her colleague on Wednesday afternoons, supposedly on nature exploration, preparing for a class excursion.

I was alone ! Cindy was gone. My dream, it collapsed, completely.

We had sex together until the last day. Real. Cindy had kept her desire for the other one well hidden from me. I really thought I had the best woman I could find in Cindy. We had a happy life together, also an intense sex life.

I called Stefaan, my best friend from high school. No, never had sex with each other, never.. After college, Stefaan had gone to seminary. He was ordained a priest and a month later he blessed my marriage to Cindy. He was now a young pastor in a parish close to Kortrijk. We went out to dinner together twice a year. Always very pleasant evenings with reminiscent of many, many memories.

- Good morning, Father Stefaan here.

- Good morning Stefaan, Willy here.

- Willy! What good news man. Cindy pregnant?

- No not that I know of

I paused.

- Cindy is gone with another one, I said

- What ? Not true huh!

It became a serious telephone conversation that ended with an appointment, on Friday afternoon, together at the Chinese Garden.

I thought. What had happened? How long had Cindy known the other one? She had kept it a secret. Well, I also had my secret. During the school year I was home alone a lot : Cindy taught and so did I, but mostly evening classes.. During the day I was home alone a lot. I prepared lessons, sometimes went shopping.. Then it sometimes happened during the day that I really wanted to have sex. Yes, that happened sometimes. Then I undressed completely, looked at myself in the big mirror. Nice man ! Then I tied a shoelace around my ball sack, so that those seed tubers of mine bulged out nicely. Then I lay on my back on the bed. My one hand kneaded my balls, my other hand massaged my penis. It didn't take long. I sprayed my cum on my stomach. I lay there for a while, sometimes half an hour. Andsometimes I felt like a traitor to our love. Why did I do this? Who doesn't? According to various studies, masturbation is a completely normal occurrence within marriage. This does absolutely no harm and does not hinder the sex event with the partner. Some psychologists even state that personal masturbation can be an incentive to have sex with your wife or husband.

And now suddenly I knew that Cindy had been cheating on me with another man all along.. I swore.

I was single overnight. No children. Parents deceased. No siblings. Alone on the world. A nice big house, four bedrooms, large veranda, large garden. But only. I got lost. Suddenly I had to cook for myself, clean for myself, do the laundry myself. Being alone. Waking up in the morning and realizing, you are alone, all alone. What had I done wrong Cindy that she left me ? Nothing ? Just another one in her life? Via the internet I requested the numbers of the conversations that were made with our telephone in recent months. My eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. Every evening conversations of half an hour, sometimes even longer with a number in Ostend. Yes, I taught evening classes, wasn't home before ten o'clock at night. She had every opportunity to talk to that other man. I called the number. A male voice

- Good afternoon.

- Can I speak to Cindy?

- No.


On Friday to the Chinese Garden. Stefaan was already waiting for me. The way he was dressed, except for the cross on his chest, you could never think he was a priest. He was a priest, and what kind! What an alternative, yes. But pastor through and through, for everyone, both young and old. His church was packed every Sunday. Where in other parishes the priest led the way in front of a less than half-full church, at Sefaan week after week all seats were occupied, and people even stood up. He had both the youth and the elderly. Truly unique. And he was still my best friend. Oh, no, I didn't tell him I indulged myself once in a while, no, no, that was my secret, just for me.

It was an interesting afternoon. A serious conversation. About Cindy, about our college years. Until suddenly Stefaan confessed that he was a nudist.

- What ? You nudist?

Stefaan told how, as a young pastor at the parish, he was invited to a family where they had a sauna. As a curious man, as Stefaan is, he let himself be persuaded to try the sauna experience. So, together with the father and mother to the sauna house in the garden.

- And ? I asked.

- Blessed, Willy, Blessed, plain blissful.

- Were you also naked? Completely with nothing on?

- Naturally. That's how it should be. In the sauna you sit on a towel, but you are completely naked.

- You've been a nudist ever since?

- Yes. As much as I can. It is a way of life, an attitude to life. I now go to a family sauna every week and to a naturist campsite for two or three weeks every year.

- Still no gay sauna,

- Potterd, say no! A family sauna, Villa Aqua in Ostend, men, women, the elderly, children, whole families together.

Stefan looked at me.

- Would you like to come along?

- And walking there with my ass naked?

- And then ? You get used to it quickly. There are more less beautiful than beautiful people.

- Do you still visit that family at your parish?

- Once in a while. Then, of course, in the sauna.

- With the children there,

- Naturally. A sauna session is a social event.

- How old are they?

- They still go to school. Watch out, nothing happens! Sauna is not sex, say no.

I loved to hear Stefan curse. And he could punch one right through it, really!

He told about the sauna and about the naturist campsite at the foot of Mont Ventoux. It is wonderful to walk in the costume that God gave you at birth. In the end Stefaan was able to persuade me to go to the sauna the following Wednesday. It definitely appealed to me, especially being naked.

On Saturday I went to buy two large bath towels, a bathrobe and slippers. And a sports bag to store everything in. Voilà, ready to take on the adventure. On Monday, the school principal called me. Whether I was interested in giving a VBA course. There was demand. I knew VBA pretty well, so that VBA course shouldn't be a problem. Immediately I knew how to fill in the rest of the holiday : making a course.

I went looking on the internet for information about saunas. There it is clear: in the sauna you are completely naked, just like Stefaan said. You sit on your towel. I found a lot of advertisements about private saunas. And the photos that came with it? In those photos everyone has a towel around their body. Also gay saunas. Hmmm

Wednesday morning. I woke up with a firm erection. The result of days of celibacy. I showered and jerked off, just like in my adolescence. Wasn't this a betrayal on Cindy? Yes ? No ? Now she was in bed with another. Now she was being touched by another man, spoiled, kissed, fucked. I just stood here jerking off and spraying my cum against the glass of the shower cubicle. I didn't really enjoy. No, it was just a response to the internal tension in my body. Just like in my teenage years. When I fantasized at night and jerked off almost every day. When I let Werner and Jean-Pierre masturbate me. No, there was no love involved then, not at all. It was the experience of animal pleasure. Until I was twenty I masturbated almost every day. Nobody knew. I longed for it, that heavenly feeling, the complete surrender to your body, a feeling that drowns out the mind.

I thought about it. That afternoon with Stefaan to the sauna. Seeing other people naked, women, men, old, young. How would that go? . Would I get an erection? Stefaan had said you don't see any erections there. Yes, I had seen him naked once, at a camp with the scouts in the Ardennes, when we were washing ourselves in the Semois. We were sixteen or seventeen? No, we hadn't done anything. I did have sex with Werner and Jean-Pierre, two boys next door. Until I was nineteen. Never again later.

I left at two o'clock. My sports bag with bathrobe, slippers and towels in the car. Nice weather, me in shorts. Pick up Stephen. Together to Ostend. Stefaan gave some tips for the sauna. I was nervous.

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