
My Hacking Brothers - 1

My parents are very wealthy, so I hardly ever see them. They are both top in the design of apps, both for mobile and PC and now they have a multi-million dollar company, for which they are usually in their branch in Silicon valley in the USA.

But first introduce yourself. Hi, nice, I'm Myra. I have two brothers, twins, Franky and Sammy. Three weeks a year my brothers and I are the same age, they have just turned seventeen, I will soon be eighteen. They are almost indistinguishable from each other, but I actually look a lot like them too. Somewhere in our family there are gypsy genes, all three of us look very southern, little brown skin, deep brown eyes, dark almost black hair.

That's where our similarity ends, because they love inventing apps just like our parents and I love doing nothing more than sports between studying for school.

Lightning strike

Hey guys I'm gone I scream upstairs and get an uninterested Hello twice as an answer. Well, brothers. I pack my post-sport clean bag and bring it to HealthyWorld. Today I will first go for a run and afterwards I will continue training there. It's nice to be able to run here, we live in a big house in the middle of the woods. And great is that the sports center is only a few hundred meters away from us, on the edge of the forest. Behind it begins the first district of our town.

I'm training for the half marathon and I'm pretty far along with my schedule, now I can run the entire distance in one piece but still need to improve my time. It's going well today, soon I get into a cadence and the fine fabrics start to take over in my body. While running I pay a lot of attention to my body and how I can make it function best to go as hard as possible. I'm quite tall for a girl, slim and luckily I have fairly small firm tits, which means that with a good sports bra they hardly bounce up and down when walking. Thanks to my long legs I can take quite big steps and every training I manage to improve my time a little further.

When I'm already more than halfway through and I'm well into it, I start to muse about my life without noticing it. I'm quite happy with it, we get a lot of space at home, especially since mom and dad are hardly ever there. We are rich, we lack nothing, our house is super big, we have all three large rooms and even each has its own bathroom, there is help with cleaning and cooking. And then also a garden with all the trimmings, with a large swimming pool as a kind of highlight with an attached building with a sauna and some fitness equipment.

But despite all that freedom and luxury, I've been missing something lately. My brothers are sweet and smart but live in their own bubble, I do have a few girlfriends but we are not very close and boys don't fascinate me that much yet. What I actually miss is hanging out with someone who has the same interest in sports, I would actually like to have a training buddy. In HealthyWorld I therefore pay close attention to how other people train, maybe there is someone I can connect with.

Tired and sweaty, I arrive at HealthyWorld, pick up my backpack, check in, quickly jump into the shower, put on clean sportswear and then start my round of equipment and weights. I've read a lot about muscle building but the scholars clearly disagree about what a good sequence is, first endurance sports and then strength training or vice versa. That's why I alternate it and today I do this after running. At a certain point I notice a boy who pretty much completes the same lap as me and takes it just as seriously. After a while I talk to him to make contact, ask him what he is training for, but he barely responds. Well, then not.

After some more equipment I'm ready and go to wellness, swim for another fifteen minutes and then it's the steam room and sauna's turn, good for my body to clean up the waste products of the training. Fortunately, everyone is naked here, nothing worse than swimming with wet cloths or lying in the sauna. I take a shower, apply some oil against the chlorine and dive into the water. Forward on the chest, back on the back, and so on. To my surprise, that stiff guy from just now also walks in and it's like I feel lightning strike. Only now I notice that he has a very nice face, fairly long blond curly hair, blue eyes, so to speak, not bad. And then his body, oh, not overly muscular, long, slim. And frontally in the middle his cock, so to speak. Very strange, everyone is naked here and actually I never pay attention to cocks because if you see a lot of them, they become normal things. But this

The boy clearly does not participate in the bald fashion, he has trimmed his body hair short, but just above his cock there is still some curly hair that makes it look like all the attention is drawn to it and really, that boy does not have to be dissatisfied . When he has showered, he also splashes in the pool and starts to swim laps. Oh yes, I was working on that too and I'm picking up my pace again. After going up and down a few times I notice that the boy has the same rhythm as me and at a certain moment we end up in a kind of competition unnoticed, back on the stomach, back on the back, alternating types of blows and always exciting again who taps first.

After fifteen minutes I think it's been nice and I'm out. The boy swims on and sneaky I watch how he plows through the water, especially on his back it looks really good. And I can't help it, again my eye falls on his cock that when he swims on his back between his kicking legs is clearly visible and wobbles up and down from left to right. Hmm, but quickly into the sauna. There are two cabins and I take the one where no one is lying yet and stretch out on my towel on the top bench. This is so delicious, I stretch myself out, stretch my arms as far as possible above my head, lengthen my legs and feel how all muscles are stretched a bit. Too bad, after a few minutes the door opens, but when I see that it is the same boy again, my heart almost climbs out of my body.

What is it with me today! I'm not into boys yet, am I? Well with this one apparently, because when he lays down on a bench under me with his head the other way I have a clear view of his body, and I can't take my eyes off it. Just like me, he came in wet and because he still breathes quite fast, in the light of the sauna, the droplets on his body sparkle in the rhythm of his moving lungs, which makes his body look incredibly beautiful. His cock and balls are quite shriveled up by the water, but in the heat I soon see how his balls move in his pocket and look for space. And his cock also relaxes further and almost hypnotized I see how that device becomes a device again and takes a calm position on his stomach, the eye on me, um, or so it seems.

Myra, stop it!, I speak to myself, closing my eyes and concentrating on my own relaxation. To stretch my glutes, I pull my knees to my stomach one by one so that there is some tension. When I'm stretched out again I stretch my body one more time, then pull my legs up until they form a relaxed angle and put my feet flat on my towel. Wiggling my knees from left to right, I relax my lower back and with my eyes closed I enjoy the warmth, the contact with my body, but also the exciting presence of that guy below me. But this doesn't last long because soon I hear that the boy is getting up and when I peek through my eyelashes I see that he is looking at me extensively. I almost feel that he is also peeking between my legs and yes, everything can be seen there because I do shave there! I feel a glow go through my body, as if his eyes are some kind of laser beams that give off heat. And just as I'm about to sit down, he gets up and leaves. Damn, look at me, one such beautiful but stiff dude and I'm totally freaking out


I don't know if it's a coincidence, but in the following week I see that boy twice more and we seem to have almost the same training schedule. But no boo or bah and yet he follows me into the sauna every time and if possible lies under me. When I then try to start a conversation again in the sauna, it is again only yes or no and at a certain moment I think you will die. But it won't let me go and when I come home later that evening my brothers immediately notice. Hey, what's up Ant? ask Sammy. Stop calling me that, Myra is bad enough already! Oops, our little Ant is going short today responds Franky. We have something for that, don't we, Sam? Sammy: Is that right sister, don't look so grumpy, we've made an app for relaxation, would you like to try it out for us? We think you could use some relaxation, right?

Our parents think that all existing apps only have two dimensions, they give you information or you do something with it. But they are working hard on a new generation of apps that do something with you, that, as they say, enter into intelligent interaction and can give you a feeling. My father once explained it to me. That modern phones contain more and more data about you as a person and that they also keep it up to date. Only nothing happens to it, while a phone already knows when you are resting, down, and so on. You know Myra, my father said then, everyone googles everything all day long, makes online purchases, digitally reads the newspaper, discusses everything on the phone, writes messages or posts on social media, if you analyze everything it gives a complete picture of who you are and who you do on a daily basis. And then there are also all kinds of apps that collect everything about your health. In a next phase we use all that information by having it analyze the phone and then by connecting your phone to your circumstances and mood. It will start with apps that you turn on yourself to influence your mood, but later everything will become so smart that your phone can take over independently and help you live your life as pleasantly as possible.

It doesn't mean much to me, I actually think it's a bit far-fetched, but my brothers sometimes had heated conversations about this with mom and dad and eventually decided to develop such an app for fun.

And now they have succeeded, according to them, a test version of a relaxation app. Ant, if you have that app on your phone and you activate it, it will give you a nice feeling after about ten minutes. And that's enough, after that the app remains active for another half hour, but your body has already picked up on it and retains that feeling much longer. Doing? Might help you tonight, Sammy grins. Oh, and then how do you put it on my phone? Is it already in the Applestore? I ask, actually more cynically than I intended. Well no, of course not yet, says Franky, we just made it as malware. We send the link to your phone via email, the file then squeezes itself into the motherboard and the message then deletes itself. And then? What exactly does it do? The guys get very excited and explain to me in detail that after installation my phone produces tones that are inaudible to humans, which in the right combination will evoke a deep sense of calm.

Okay guys, sounds a bit weird but come on. A little later I hear a ping, I open my phone and before I can really see what it is, the message disappears again. Franky and Sammy look at me tensely but I don't feel anything for the first time and a little disappointed I get up to make tea. Franky: Take it easy sister, it will really work. And then, while I walk back to the boys' room with my cup of tea, something starts in my body. But it doesn't feel relaxed, rather a kind of excitement, which starts in my stomach and spreads throughout my body. When I'm back with the boys and I see them sitting like this I can't ignore it anymore. I like my brothers, they have both grown up and become really nice guys. We also look alike, have the same dark look. They have their hair as long as I do, except they usually wear it in a ponytail and I let it hang loose, except when I train.

They are real pieces and for the first time in my life I feel the need for sex like a bolt from the blue and now. I crawl onto Sammy's lap and move my buttocks up and down on his lap. At the same time I unbutton his shirt and then stroke my full hand over his chest. Jeez Myra, have you lost your mind or something? he exclaims and throws me off. Well, then Franky. I turn him towards me in his desk chair, kneel between his legs and unbutton his pants. Franky is stunned at first, but he also pushes me away. Sam, did we do something wrong with that app? That girl has gone completely crazy, he responds. Well, I don't understand it myself, but the only thing I do know for sure is that I want to fuck.

Double up

It drives me crazy. The excitement has been rippling through my body all evening and I can't really think about anything but sex, something in my pussy. I turned off my cell phone to stop this but apparently I'm already too far gone, it doesn't seem to make a difference. Sammy and Franky are quite shocked by my reaction and don't understand it either, the intention was really that I would relax. Well, not so, it is true that I am no longer stressed by that boy, but there was a different kind of stress in return. It's going so violently in my body that I haven't been able to sleep for a while. I have to do something about it because it's not going to work out that way. I always sleep naked and caress myself over my upper body. My tits are familiar to me but now it feels like I'm touching them for the first time. As soon as I stroke my nipples they become super stiff and very sensitive. It feels like my breasts are contracting a little bit and raising up a bit more, getting bigger. I am quite satisfied with them, as I said they are not big but nice and firm and round and with my almost black nipples they are very exotic balls to see.

After touching and caressing myself like this for a while, I spread my legs and run a finger between my cunt lips until I touch my clit. It feels like an earthquake, an explosion, it completely overwhelms me and I come screaming. Wow, this is very weird, I've fingered myself before but had to put in a lot of effort. But this…? I'm slowly getting only one image and that is that I need a cock in me quickly. It seems like a kind of mental bewilderment, but it is no different, something has to be done. And they caused this so my brothers have to take care of that. I sneak into their room, where they still sleep together in an extra sized double bed. I know that they sleep naked just like me and from the foot end I surreptitiously creep up between their sleeping warm bare bodies. I lie on my back between them, push them both on their backs while sleeping and take a cock in each hand, the first one I've ever held in my life!

I don't know who is lying to the left or right of me, but I do feel a clear difference. The cock on the left is still a kind of soft sausage, but on the right it was already semi-hard and now that I touch it, it climbs rapidly to a full pole. I don't recognize myself at all anymore, I was never involved in sex and now I'm raping my brothers. Because that's how it is right? Well, I take comfort in the thought that they caused this. I clamber onto my brother with the stiff pole and once on him I see it's Sammy. He moans a bit in his sleep but luckily he doesn't wake up yet and to prevent that I don't lean too heavily on him. I slide down on his body with my legs on either side until I feel his cock between my cunt lips and then push on. And wow, for the first time in my life, a cock slides into me.

I intensely enjoy the feeling it evokes, one of those meat sticks that pushes my walls apart, slowly fills me and touches all kinds of weird tasty spots inside me. Carefully I push myself further over him until there is some kind of resistance and I can't go any further. Shit, my membrane, didn't think about it, if only I had removed that first with a dildo or something. I have read that such a membrane has to be broken with some force. Too bad because now Sammy will probably wake up but it has to happen anyway, I don't want to go back now. I almost slide myself off Sammy's cock and then forcefully push myself down over the sturdy pole again, impale myself on it as it were and it works, with a stabbing pain I ram right through my membrane. In one movement I push myself until I feel I have it all inside me and then hold still for a while, hoping my little brother will sleep through. But it's already too late, Sammys eyes are wide open and although still quite sleepy he is very clear and whispers: what the fuck are you doing? At the same time he tries to push me away but I cling tightly to him, his cock deep inside me and my arms wrapped around his neck, like a monkey that doesn't want to be separated from its mother.

First time with Sammy

Sorry Sammy, but this has to be done I whisper in his ear. You drove me crazy with that app and I would go crazy if I didn't get something inside me. That honor is therefore yours. Sammy has to process it for a while, then: Really Myra, this is not possible, we are brother and sister! It makes me giggle: Really dude? I hadn't heard yet. But seriously, what's wrong with it? We are not only brother and sister but also boy and girl. And if you look at it that way, it is possible.

Deep silence, then Sammy whispers, Do you know I'm still a virgin? I give him a little kiss and then say No, I'm sorry I just took that from you. But I was also a virgin, so now we crossed over nicely I giggle after it.

In response, Sammy jiggles his pelvis and pulls his cock out of me, only to ram it deep into me right after. Okay Ant, if you want it that way you will have it. And then he pulls his legs up between mine, spreading me even further and then starts pumping up and down in me hard. It still hurts a bit but I enjoy the feeling it evokes in my pussy, the friction along my walls is crazy good. Ohw Miertje, this is really nice to do. I'm pretty mad at you, but then again I wouldn't have missed this. And diligently Sammy pounds into me again, each time so hard that his balls chatter against my buttocks and our bellies make sucking noises when they touch.

But then I want the initiative back. I scramble up until I'm on my knees on either side of Sammys hips, his cock still inside me, then begin to hump vigorously. It's strange that I've never done anything like this and now immediately know how to do it, a primal reflex of course. And an additional advantage is that it's a fun workout, I have to do it more often Sammy stares at me almost breathlessly and says ohw Myra, that's horny to see, you really do have nice tits. And your tight tummy and then he caresses me lovingly, my thighs, my thighs, my stomach, my tits, my arms and hands with which I rest on his chest.

Meanwhile I diligently bounce on and then I feel how another orgasm builds up in my stomach, it tingles and feels like all kinds of streams are being shot through my pussy. And before I realize it's there, the explosion, the flash of light and I fall forward on Sammy's chest, crushing my tits against him. Sammy responds by pounding into me violently and moans that he's coming too. Can the Ant, in you? he whispers in my ear and I nod, I'm on the pill. Moaning, Sammy shoots his cum into me, I feel how it gets deep inside me and finds its way in but also around Sammys cock and out again. It ensures that my orgasm lasts extra long, how nice this feels. My pain from losing my virginity is gone.


Of course it was inevitable, Franky is now also awake. He has turned on his side and looks at us with total amazement in his eyes. What is this now? he asks. And while I'm still lying on top of him with his cock in me, Sammy tells him what happened. Holy shit says Franky, and you do that without me? Am I still a virgin? Asos! And angrily he turns around. Seriously, I never expected this reaction. A moment ago I wanted to make love to him on his chair, but he rejected me. And now this? But um, yes, actually I can still have a little brother, because my stomach keeps tickling. I gently slide off Sammy, give him a hug and lay back on my back between the boys. I rub my pussy dry with a tissue that Franky kindly hands me and then crawl close to Franky who is lying with his back to me. I put my arm over his side and tickle his stomach: umm, Franky, your turn. In response I hear some grumbling. I wait a while, but when he continues to buck, I say well boy, don't you? and move down between the boys to leave.

Franky reacts like he's been stung by a wasp, flips himself over, pulls me back up, flips me onto my back and scrambles between my legs in one movement. I see that his rod is no longer that soft sausage, but has already changed into a kind of stainless steel bat. Franky wrenches my legs apart, lays on top of me and then tries to drive his cock into me. But yes, if you've never done that before, it's not easy, you have to know how to find the entrance. I spread my legs as far as possible, reach between our bodies, take Franky's cock in my hand and place his head in front of the gate to my fuck tube. Franky strikes and in one go he is completely inside me and then pounds himself hard a few times. And he comes right away. With his face hidden deep in my hair, he moans damn it while still diligently filling me with his cum.

I think he is ashamed and sorry, I can't resist: a little too hasty little brother? But then: It's okay, just keep quiet inside me and feel what I'm doing. I've never had it but I have often trained my pelvic floor muscles, because that is good for all kinds of strength exercises. And now I can use those same muscles to tighten and relax my pussy and massage Frankys rod to keep it hard. at least i hope it works like this and soon i feel his rod getting bigger again, i can do it! I massage him diligently inside me and at a certain moment Franky raises himself on his arms, looks at me, gives me a sweet kiss and says softly thank you sister, that feels really good! To then gently kiss me to move up and down. He is now clearly holding back more and that is also nicer for me.

The cum from my two brothers has made my tunnel very smooth and it feels divine as Franky slides up and down inside me. Although he keeps a slow pace, Franky always pushes himself into me to the limit and I feel how his balls touch my buttocks. Then he goes almost completely out of me again, I feel that he only leaves the tip of his head in me. And then slides all the way back into me. Ohw Miertje, how nice this is. We should have done this much sooner. Sammy who is lying next to us has a chuckle and says: hey Frank, it's your sister. So what? Franky responds, she's fucking nice. And that has been living under the same roof all this time! Well well, the differences between my brothers are clear, one who thinks it's not possible and one who wanted to do this before.

Brothers, I hear everything, I'm not some fucking object I respond to the conversation. Should you say, you started Franky mumbles but then he returns to his main task, which is to fuck me well. And he does! Because he immediately lost his seed, he now has all the time to fuck me through and through and it means that a fireworks show is built up in my body in peace. I already feel the first jitters in my stomach and not long after that the decorative fireworks come into action, amazing what is happening in my body. I spread my legs as far as possible so that Franky enters me even deeper than deep and he happily picks up on that, he picks up his pace and rams into me again and again, our bodies chatter again and again and I feel his stomach against the mine.

Finally Franky puts in some kind of final sprint and he fucks me like I'm not there anymore, he rams on and takes what he wants to take. Leaning on his arms, he looks at me intently, I see how beads of sweat form on his forehead and how all his neck and chest muscles tense from the hard work. What a rutting man, whow. And then he comes inside me and that gives my orgasm an extra boost. I feel how his seed squirts into me and, just like before with Sammy, finds its way into my body. Franky meanwhile just keeps on pounding, until the last moment he lives me out. But then he falls on top of me, gasping, moaning. Then turns his face towards me and whispers very sweetly again that was unearthly nice Ant, thanks! I kiss him back and then decide that it has been nice, I struggle out from under Franky, scramble out of bed to go shower.


In the shower I get a brainwave. My brothers have to hack the phone of that boy from Healthyworld and put their app in it. I want him, as a workout buddy and as a fuck buddy. Yes, start working on it tomorrow. I rinse myself well, dry myself and dive back into my own bed. My body feels wonderful, it still rages inside me from all the new experiences, but luckily I fall asleep quickly

I'd love to read your comment! Love, Zazie

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