
My Evening With Tess

This story took place about 20 years ago.

A good acquaintance of mine was married for 12½ years. And to celebrate with his family, acquaintances and friends, he had rented a room. Me and my wife were also invited. My wife didn't want to go. That caused a fight. Arguing again. Finally, I closed the door behind me and decided to go alone. To this day I still don't know why she didn't want to come. Anyway!

The room looked cozy. A long bar. Tables and chairs and even a dance floor. An amateur band did their best. After the usual greetings and, of course, congratulations to the couple, I chose a seat at the bar. From there I had a good overview. I took a glass of wine and looked around. And then I saw her. I didn't know her. I saw her for the first time. A young woman in her early 20s.

She was wearing a dress that was tight on her body and exposed a lot of skin. She had long dark brown hair. She wasn't really pretty, but she radiated sex to me. I felt my body respond. What a wonderful woman. I asked the bartender if he knew who she was. He didn't know either, but did say that she had come in with that man there and he pointed to a man with a beard . Her boyfriend, maybe her husband, I thought immediately. What a pity!

Still, I kept an eye on her. She attracted me physically. She paraded through the room, her hips swaying and her shoulders back. Everywhere she stopped for a moment and everywhere people, especially the men, spoke to her.

That girl knows she's attractive and fishes everywhere for compliments, I thought. Look at them glow.

And then she came to the bar. She looked at me. I looked back, smiled briefly and gave her a nod. Then I turned my attention to the band. I sensed everything that she hadn't expected. I'm not unattractive to women myself, I know that. Out of the corner of my eye I saw that she stopped and looked at me almost surprised. Like: What? Not a nice word? I was almost certain she didn't like it. She turned and walked away. My heart was pounding in my throat, because yes, she was really attractive, so sexy. I continued to watch her and I noticed that she now regularly looked in my direction. Would she feel rejected? That is actually not possible. It's more like, there's a guy in the room who's not interested in me. In me, of all places, the sexiest woman in the room.

It must have lasted about 10 minutes and then she came back to the bar. She joined me and ordered a mix. She had to wait a moment and looked sideways at me. I looked back and smiled, but said nothing.

And at the same time I understood. She challenged me. She wanted me to respond, as all those men in the room had done. But I said nothing.


she started unexpectedly,

I'm Tess, I've never seen you before!

Her voice sounded sultry. Everything about that girl breathed sex. It translated into an incipient erection.

Me you neither,

I replied,

my name is John


she repeated.

Yes, John. An English name but I am really a Dutchman.

With a broad grin I added:

Friends call me Johnnie.


she parroted,

Can I call you Johnny?

A trick, so transparent, you really have to be an amateur to fall for it.

If we're friends, that's okay!

She had no idea how to react to that, but luckily the bartender saved her. He put 2 glasses in front of her.

Tess took them, but stood still for a moment. She said:

One is for my friend, you understand?But I didn't fall for this either. I just nodded. She hesitated a moment, then turned and walked away.

She walked over to the bearded man and handed him a glass. No doubt she was being told again how beautiful and attractive she is. Because that's what she wants to hear!

And damn she is! Beautiful, sexy, attractive. How I would like to share my bed with her!

She started walking across the room again, but kept her eye on me. Me, Johnnie, probably the only guy who didn't say anything about her looks. And she could hardly stomach that.

The dance floor opened at 10am. It took a while for people to move. The band only played quiet songs, probably at the couple's request. Some couples actually danced, but there were plenty who just shuffled around. Tess and her friend also walked to the dance floor. I looked at them openly. And as they shuffled around, she looked over his shoulder in my direction. To assure her I was aware of that, I raised my glass in her direction as a cheer. She must have seen it, but I don't know how she reacted to it. The distance was too great for that.

The singer of the band got an idea.


he said,

when I give the signal, you separate and choose another partner to dance with. And don't sit down! Stay on the dance floor.

He sang on for another moment and then said:

Changer! That means change partners!

Tess immediately let go of her boyfriend and looked in my direction. Slowly she came towards me. Surely it won't be true! My heart rate sped up, my erection grew! Would it really?

She really came to me. With a smile she grabbed my hand and pulled me along. She said nothing. She took me to the back of the dance floor. It was a bit dark there. Her boyfriend had also chosen a woman.

I put my hands on her hips. Tess held my shoulders. We looked at each other and waited for the music. Another slow song. How would we dance? A fox trot? Or the simple English Waltz? None of them! Tess just wanted to shuffle. We had barely started when she came up against me. Her arms around my neck. For a moment I felt uncomfortable. She must feel my boner now. However, she said nothing about it. On the contrary, as the dance progressed she pressed herself closer and closer to me. She smelled wonderful. The sweet scent of her perfume hit my nose. I became more and more aware of her body. I felt her breasts against my chest and once in a while she sensually moved her lower body against my erection. I looked for her boyfriend, but couldn't see him. Tess knew that. She said:

Do not worry. He's having fun.

Just like you?

I responded alertly.

Yes, and you too!

Changer! Another partner!

exclaimed the band's lead singer.


Tess replied, sounding very decided.

During the 2nd dance she asked me some questions. Whether I had a girlfriend or a wife, what I did and things like that. I told her honestly that I have a wife, but she didn't want to come.

Then she said:

And now she's waiting for you at home.

No, I do not think so. We parted in a row. Maybe she's already asleep or she's not even home. Who's to say. How so?

But Tess didn't answer. We shuffled a little further. It was a nice feeling Tess in my arms. She kept pressing against me. Her arms around my neck, her warm breath in the hollow of my shoulders. I smelled her hair. And I couldn't resist stroking her back every now and then. However, I remained cautious. Turned so people couldn't see my hands, I put them on her ass and pushed her closer to me. I became aware of her warm breath, which I think was a little faster now. We turned on each other and we both knew it. We stood still for a 3rd dance, but it couldn't be any longer. It would stand out. When we let go of each other, her cheeks were colored.

Before walking away she said:

I'll wait for you later. At 1 o 'clock.

And she gave me an address.

Literally a shock went through me. I had never experienced this. A woman who invited me so directly. God, what sense she must have.I'm here,

I answered impulsively.

At the bar I took another drink and was well aware of her stares. Sometimes I answered it. But it also got me thinking. Does she live there or does it belong to someone else? Did she live alone? And her boyfriend, what about that? Maybe it's not such a smart thing to do after all. But I did say I was coming and, jesus, what a hot girl!

I left at 1:30 am. She watched me. I just nodded, hoping she understood. I drove to the address. It turned out to be a flat. 4 floors. She had given the number 312. So third floor number 12. In the car I waited at a safe distance from the entrance. Flat 312 was dark. I must admit that my heart was beating in my throat. I was tense, but not sexually. What could I expect?

It was a quarter to 1 when a car stopped at the entrance. Tess got out. The car drove off. Her friend? Presumably. She entered the building and a moment later I saw her walking across the 3rd gallery. She stopped in front of a door. Opened it himself and went in. She turned on the light and I watched her draw the curtains. It was dark again. What now?

A few minutes before 1 am I left the car and walked slowly to the entrance, looking up at her flat. Suddenly the door opened. Tess came out. She looked down. I raised my hand. She greeted back. Tess was really expecting me!

I walked into the lobby of the apartment and pressed the 312 bell. Immediately there was a buzz. The inner door was unlocked. I opened them and walked up the stairs. So 3rd Floor! The tension increased. Tess was waiting for me. And yes, she was alone. That couldn't be any other way, could it? When I arrived at her flat, the door was slightly open. I took a deep breath and stepped inside. Prepared for anything! But the hall was empty. A door was open. I carefully walked towards it. It was the living room. She leaned against the table. No longer in her sexy dress, but in a kimono. I stepped into the living room and closed the door behind me. And there I stood.

Sit down!

She nodded her head toward the couch.

I walked over and sat down in the middle of the 3-seater sofa and waited.

Tess walked over to the wall unit opposite the sofa. She turned on her music system with the remote control. A CD started playing. Tess adjusted the volume. It was slow, sultry music.

Then she turned to me. She began to move along to the slow rhythm. As she looked at me, she stroked her body. She unbuttoned her kimono, which fell open. She was only wearing lingerie. Slowly the kimono slid off her shoulders. Tess surprised me with a real striptease. My cock immediately grew and stood hard in my pants. She stroked her body in her lingerie. Her hips rotated sensually. God, what a girl.

Not for a moment did I think about home. Actually, I didn't think about anything. I was utterly captivated by this seductive young woman.Take off your shirt!

Her words came unexpectedly. I quickly took off my shirt.

Tess unhooked her bra. Her breasts were full and firm. She rubbed her nipples suggestively. Her hips kept turning. She turned around and took off her panties. That's how they do it in the sex clips, it crossed my mind. Always from behind.

Then she turned back to me. She stood in front of me in full nakedness. God, what a woman! She was shaved. Wonderfully bald. She rubbed her body a little longer and then came over to me.

That I can experience this. Hard to contain. This kind of thing only happened in video clips, right? No! No! This is real. I leaned against the back of the couch and watched her approach.

With swaying hips, Tess slowly walked over to me.

She knelt down in front of me and pushed my legs apart. She undid my pants. I gladly cooperated when she took them off, along with my panties. My dick was hard against my stomach. She grabbed it and moved her hand up and down in a controlled manner as she looked at me. With her other hand she took my bag and played with my balls. Then she moved towards me. And gently licked my head. There was no speaking. Then she took my cock in her mouth.

The sultry music had not stopped. I barely heard it though because I was focused on her mouth where my cock kept going in and out. It was so tasty. There was a huge chance that I came spontaneously. Fortunately, Tess realized that too. She didn't blow me for too long. Then she got up. Her eyes sparkled. She also enjoyed it. She turned and walked away from me. She opened the door next to the wall unit after first turning up the volume of the music. She gave a short laugh and beckoned me with a nod. I got up and followed her.

The room was her bedroom. Tess lay on the bed. I walked over to the bed. She opened her legs invitingly. I knelt between her legs. Her swollen pussy was wet and swollen in front of me. She moaned when she felt my tongue. I had to control myself not to put my cock in her immediately. She wanted to be eaten and she was eaten. Her body moved along. She enjoyed it and I no less. Suddenly she pulled me in.

I want you,

she just said.

I stuck my cock in her and slowly I started to fuck her. Tess adjusted her rhythm. We waved up and down. She moaned and groaned. Sweat beaded on her skin. Her face and neck flushed. We fucked while the music surrounded us. The intervals were filled with our moans and gasps. I felt my seed rising and suddenly realized that it had gone quiet. The track ended. And just in those seconds of silence before the new track started, I pulled back. And with the next song coming in I sprayed my cum all over her belly.

I didn't stay long. My wife was waiting at home, I guessed. She'll ask why I've been gone so long.

After that I met Tess more often at a party or party. Then she looked at me knowingly, but it never came to sex again. She's still with the same boyfriend and I...I'm still with my wife.

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