
My Daughter Likes To Learn

I 'Jan' and my wife 'Sylvia' married early but we started having children late. We had 2 daughters and my youngest daughter was a very beautiful and spontaneous girl but she was a complete study nerd. She was only 17 and worked so hard at everything, when she started a task she got a laser like focus. She picked up the violin and had made it to level five within a year. She started taking Italian lessons and within six months was able to hold a conversation with our elderly Italian neighbor. She didn't care about popularity and only had one true best friend with whom she often did homework and school projects.

3 Sundays ago my wife was tidying up in the kitchen, my youngest daughter was already doing her homework in her bedroom. I poured myself a glass of milk and went to check on my daughters. When I entered her room, Julie was sitting in her desk chair typing on her laptop. She looked up: "Hi Dad!"

"Hi honey, what are you doing"

"I'm looking up how to give a good blowjob,"

I coughed my milk into my nose. ''Blowjob? Sorry, what?"

She laughed as I tried to swallow the fluid from my sinuses. "Haha sorry Dad, was that a bit too direct?"

I walked further into her room and tried to contain the pain, "Well no, just a little unexpected." I calmed myself and looked straight at her. "Sorry, but why are you reading about this? Why did this come up?"

“Well… it's just that I know that to be a good partner you have to be able to take care of that side of things, so I hope the internet could enlighten me on this. Does mommy still like to do it with you?"

Julie was always direct, but all of this came more than unexpectedly. I stammered out an answer. "Well, your mother is.. you know it takes a lot.. when people are married it's..." I dropped out. "No, she doesn't do that often anymore, she used to."

I could hear my wife cleaning up the kitchen, she is a beautiful woman and in my opinion still great in bed.. but yes it had been years since she gave me those wonderful and elaborate blowjobs that I have at least 20 years of may enjoy. Oh how I longed back to that time when I was almost addicted to her oral skills. The pain in my nose was gone, I took another sip of milk and looked aimlessly at the bookshelves behind my daughter.

"Why do you think mom stopped?"

"Oh Julie, the fun of that is over for her after being married for 32 years. We now enjoy very different things that come with love when you're a bit older and she's been doing it just to make me happy lately. To me she didn't have to keep up appearances so she just stopped, I didn't want to force the issue."

"Okay... weird, but you still want them?" My daughter asked as if it were a slice of pizza.

I laughed, "Most men do." Then I looked at her and the way she stared at me gave me a shiver. Surely it won't...

I saw her lips move. "Well uhh, if you want me to..."

"Sorry, what? You don't want to.. You can't do that Julie..''

She took a deep breath and looked at me in defeat. “I read some stuff in a magazine about oral sex a few weeks ago, then I talked about it with my friend Shanna. She also became very curious about it and discussed it with her parents. Unbeknownst to her, her parents turn out to be very sexually active and they were open to teaching her that. Now she gets to blow her father regularly and she keeps telling me what she's learned and how special it feels to be able to do it.'' I want to learn too and get good at it dad and since you like, you know, suck becoming a mommy and not handling that part of your sexual relationship…” She paused and looked me in the eye again… “I could do that for you…?”

"Julie, there are so many reasons not to. You should find a nice guy your own age I think and not... your dad." I found myself getting uncomfortable, I wanted this conversation to end.

"What the hell did you read in that magazine, Julie?"

“It was just a column from Mom's women's magazine, nothing special. There were various facts such as that most men enjoy a well-executed blowjob the most and also that sperm appears to be healthier than previously revealed, things like that. There were also brief different experiences of women who still enjoy doing this for their partner. That's why I really want to give it a try Dad, could you maybe ask Mom if I can take over that task from her so I can practice too?"

I remained calm, but my mind was racing. She told and asked all this with such ease, she even had a smile to go with it. My wife and I have always been quite open about our sexual relationship with our girls, and we often walked around naked at home when they were little. Not all day, but just when it was easy.

"I'm your father, Julie. And besides, I am 56 years old yes and you are only 17.''

I know you're older than me dad but I think you look good, I used to find your hairy body quite attractive and I've seen you naked many times since you were little! Do you want to go on for the rest of your life without getting a blow job?"

"Not because of my daughter I think. Sorry Julie."Well, okay. If you're not interested... maybe I should go knock on Shanna's dad's door..."

Jaap always came across as a nice, good-natured man to me, but I knew from Julie that he was quite strict. He was also quite old like myself and he had a good job as a mediator, how could Shanna have persuaded her parents? I thought to myself.

''You know Shanna's father and besides, you can't just ask someone.'' I blurted out.

"Well. if that's how you feel about it." Julie looked back at her computer and started typing.

Without saying anything else I got up and went to the kitchen. Lyda was already done and on her way to bed. I stood in the dark, afraid to go back to the living room. I stood there for a while, listening to the hum of the fridge and my daughter typing on her computer.

When I got into bed my wife was almost asleep under the covers. I crawled behind her. I touched her shoulder. "Honey, are you awake? I heard a deep breath and her say "Yes honey" back.

"I'm in a dilemma." And so I started telling her what our weird daughter had in her head again.

“I don't know how to keep telling Julie this isn't a good idea. I don't want to disappoint her because she seems to have thought about this for a long time, she has read a few things in your magazines.''

My wife lay on her side with her sleeping mask on and was therefore not particularly impressed, she also knew what a thunderbolt Julie was.

"Oh Jan, don't think so hard. Let that girl go ahead, you know how obsessive she is when she wants something. I'll talk to her tomorrow, but I don't have to be there if she really wants to do this."

Damn, I thought as I rolled onto my back to go to sleep. It suddenly hit me like a vision. I lay back and my oldest daughter was on my lap. I took out my cock and started stroking her. I imagined her kissing my cock like Lyda used to do. I would never have dared to imagine this to myself, but I fell asleep satisfied.


I couldn't get the thought out of my head. On Monday I was back in my office, incognito searching the internet for prostitutes who offered the best blowjob in the province and I came very close. I picked up the phone and dialed a woman's number

Saskia". She had a great front and more importantly... nice full lips. But... I got sick and couldn't do it. I hung up immediately.

What the hell was I doing? Risking my job and my marriage by letting a cheap prostitute suck me off? Of course you'll get caught, I thought. I closed the windows and cursed.

On the ride home, all I could think about was getting my wife on her knees. I would explain the situation to her, it was important for our relationship. All the way home I had visions of how she would satisfy me but at the same time I was also thinking about my daughter. Had my wife talked to her? I worked myself into a deep daze.

When I got home I had a bitter disappointment. I forgot she was going away for a week this afternoon. It was Monday night and I wouldn't see her again until Sunday. I held her note in my hand as if it were a ransom note. I wanted to crush it, but it contained instructions on how to water her plants.

At that moment it was as if the devil himself controlled the events. I heard the door open. It was Julie, her mother wouldn't come home for days. Her little sister would be at school for at least another three hours and maybe longer than that.

"Hi Julie, would you like to come."

"Hey dad, wait a second." I heard Julie take off her boots, my heart skipped a beat but I felt there was only one road I could take.

She came in wearing an oversized pink cardigan, tight brown tights and her long hair pulled back in a ponytail. "Yeah?"

"Julie..." I hesitated a bit but in my mind that pretty face was already between my legs, but I kept myself calm. "Remember what we talked about yesterday?"

“If all is well, your mother talked to you today, what did you discuss?

She turned to me and nodded with an exaggerated smile.

“Mom said you were quite concerned about my question so I told her everything, including Shanna. Mom likes the fact that I'm already so interested in this. I can give you a blowjob from her but only if I will listen to you carefully and under strict conditions that we do not go beyond that. She also doesn't want me to tell this to my sister or others." She said enthusiastically.

I felt myself getting turned on and my cavernous bodies starting to fill with blood but I didn't want to show my daughter how horny I already was.Ok, if mom agrees, I don't have a problem with it either. Would you like to start after dinner?"

She carelessly dropped her bag on the floor and walked over to me and gave me a hug. "Yes, please, Dad! I'm so glad you let me do this. I promise I'll do my best for the first time!"

After dinner I asked her to clear the table so I could take a shower and get ready for her. "I'll call you when I'm done." I said as I walked upstairs.

I got in the shower and soaked my whole body with a bar of soap. I have quite a bit of body hair, especially on my chest and stomach I'm thick with black, short curls. My daughter had just told me she found it attractive so I decided to shave just my balls and cock with a razor and then a small piece of my pubic area so that there was no hair against the base of the shaft.

I dried myself off, put on my underpants and warm gray bathrobe.

"Julie, come on!" I called invitingly towards the stairwell. I'm coming!'. I almost immediately heard the TV turn off downstairs, after which she quickly came upstairs. "Well then, she finished clearing the table very quickly, is she really looking forward to it?" I thought.

She didn't even hesitate and approached me invitingly. I took her hand and led her to my bedroom. I locked the door behind us, just in case, and drew the curtains. I turned to my daughter.

We looked at each other and she chuckled. "What now?" she asked.

She walked over to me, lifted herself onto her toes and kissed me on the cheek. "Well. tell me what to do dad." she said softly.

I could tell from her voice how determined she was and I slowly went into father mode. "The first thing you need to do is make it easy and comfortable for yourself. Just sit on the edge of the bed for now and I can stand right in front of you." I suggested. Once I stood in front of her and looked at Mr. I put a hand on her shoulder, the fact that I knew that Joop also did this for his daughter reassured me and I looked at you in her dark eyes.

She undid the big button on my robe that now hung open at my sides. She stroked my hairy big belly seductively and then her hands went towards my strong upper body and she felt around my muscles. "Dad, it feels really good to be able to do this." She pressed the side of her head against my hairy belly and wrapped her arms around my waist, she seemed to want to hug me that way. I grabbed a pillow and threw it on the floor in front of me asked her to get on her knees for me and she slowly slid her ass off the edge of the bed.

She smiled and looked up to give me a playful look, she had settled comfortably with her knees on the pillow and was half between my open bathrobe. Her eyes dropped to the big swollen sausage in my underpants that was at eye level in front of her. I could tell she was a little excited and felt my way over the contours of my erection over my stretchy, gray, old-gentlemen's boxer shorts. My hardening cock stretched deep into the right leg of my underpants and her first touches felt electric.

"Your penis already feels so hard dad, you're looking forward to it too, aren't you?"

"Careful." I said as she pulled the top band of my underpants from over my penis, which was harder than expected.

My pole was out and that release felt amazing, I couldn't remember ever being more turned on than now. My cock isn't slightly curved like most men's and when I'm erect it stretches straight out for at least 8 inches as horizontal as a stick. Because of my strict Christian parents, I was circumcised as a baby and my whopper of an acorn is always nice and tight naked. I knew I had to restrain myself a bit and luckily Julie also patiently took her time.

She stared at the thick vein running across the top of my cock to the head and reached out to touch it. My daughter felt my pole with one finger and let it bounce up and down. "My God," she muttered, running her little fingers down the sides now and then grabbed him.

''Uh dad, your cock is quite big and also very thick.. especially the top, it looks like a big strawberry. I've never seen it like this before, I don't think it fits in my mouth..'' Julie said annoyed while I got out of my underpants.

Don't worry, you don't have to take it all in your mouth. That is not the intention tonight. Besides, mom never managed to do that either, so forget that."

I kicked off my underpants with one foot, so that her eyes fell on my dangling, bald bag, which she then held gently and weighed with her small hand.

As she did she swung my cock right in front of her face. I prodded forward a little every now and then and I felt the warmth and softness of her lips and chin against my big head. She smiled up at me when I did. "Your dick smells like weird porridge, you smell like... men I think." I loved how my daughter was so fascinated with my steely cock and reminded myself to be patient for her first time.

My balls felt bloated and full all day and I could see that I was already leaving some moisture on her upper lip.

She noticed immediately, of course. "Huh!? It's getting slippery. That's sperm, right? Do I still have to put it in my mouth dad?"

“No Julie, most of this is pre-cum. If a man is very excited you will see it appear. It tastes almost the same as my cum but it is indeed much slippery. You just have to taste it because if you think it's dirty you should stop, because there will be more to come.'' I tried to say as seriously as possible.

She stared at it for a moment and with a mischievous look in her eyes she then slowly passed her tongue through the open pee hole of my head a few times and began to suck the cut a little with the tips of her lips. Everything was new to her of course and she was clearly trying to do something, this touch made my cock immediately prance out from between her soft lips causing my head to hit the bottom of her nose leaving a small wisp from her nose to her lip.

"Wow dad, your big dick is now really super hard and you also taste very good, it's a bit bitter and salty at the same time..

She said groping and smacking her lips.

"I'm glad you like it darling, now try putting your mouth over it."

They puckered their lips weirdly forward and without using their hands took my thick head part in her mouth and tried to suck it a little. That felt good for a long time, but because of her pursed lips it felt a bit strange because I felt her teeth scraping a bit every now and then. I confronted her about this because I wanted to continue my task as a teacher.

"Baby, baby, wait a minute," I said.

"Am I doing it wrong?" She said with her mouth full.

Julie, wait a minute.

I stepped back and my big purple cock head left her longing, pursed lips.

''Try not to purse your lips but just leave your mouth open relaxed, then the big head will fit in your mouth and you can also move your tongue when you have it in your mouth. Moreover, you are less inclined to use your teeth."

Without letting her answer, I stepped forward and deliberately flexed my cock so that my head swelled against her lips.

"Open your mouth and stick out your tongue." She opened her mouth and rolled her tongue out. I put my glowing crown on her warm tongue and moved it until my top disappeared into her mouth. She closed her lips and began to blissfully nip at my head as I felt her tongue play under my oak rim.

"Ahh yes, lovely sweetheart, this feels a lot better already. Now stop biting and just keep your lips tight around it and start sucking it.'' I told her now without taking my cock out of her mouth.

Excited, I jerked my lower body forward and slowly began to repeat this movement, with a little more force and each time a little deeper as she held her mouth tightly around my thick trunk. She let me have control, she playfully ran her hands over my hairy legs and she also occasionally put her hands on my ever-tightening ass where she squeezed it. I sometimes heard her moan along in response to the stammering I produced.

Julie tilted her head back a little so that we had eye contact for a moment, she looked up at me expectantly with her glassy eyes as she continued to blow me lustily. I stroked her head, grabbed her tail and locked her head around my cock, which I tightened even more between her lips, which made her stammer a bit.

"Shut up now." I thought to myself, I let go of her head and put my hands on my sides so that I was more stable.

I slowly started humping in her mouth again. "Urrmmm". she started again.

My throbbing cock between her sucking red cheeks just felt heavenly and I got a little annoyed when she suddenly stopped.

''Are you okay daddy? I can feel your cock tightening, are you about to come?"

"No not yet, just keep going." Julie got to grips with this process better and better and I complimented her whenever I could. She started sucking a little harder when only my head was in her mouth and relaxed her mouth when I applied some pressure and my cock was at least half in her mouth. I didn't want to make her gag, so every time I felt the tip against her throat I slowly pulled it back.

She was still comfortable with her knees on the pillow but after a while I had to stop fucking her mouth and pulled back. She missed that I was about to come and when she noticed that a lot of pre-cum was seeping out of my hole she immediately started slurping it off.

"Oh, my dear, take care. You're doing great and I'd love to let you continue like this for longer but I feel I'm about to cum, if you continue now I'm going to squirt and then your whole mouth will be covered in a bit... Do you want that already?' ' I asked cautiously.

"Uhmm.. yes dad, that's good. You can cum in my mouth and spray, what should I do?"

I needed this answer for myself to make sure she was ready for my squirting cock in her mouth, because just now I thought she might not like that yet.

The cum that had been waiting all day to be released was almost rising from my balls, but I resisted my lust and let my orgasm subside in a controlled manner. I instructed her to stop anyway so I could prepare her a little better. By now I was so excited that my discomfort was completely gone and unwillingly I became more and more demanding and I wanted to come as good as possible.

Just stop Julie and listen to me, you can blow me again in a minute, but when I start to squirt it's important that you don't stop sucking until I'm fully cummed and I ask you to stop, okay?''

"Ok dad I won't stop, can you warn me when it comes?"

"I'll warn you sweetie and whether you're going to swallow it is up to you. Otherwise just try it, you can also keep it all in your mouth and then spit it out if you don't like it. I don't mind, it's your first time after all.

The bed was right in front of me, I turned around and let myself sit on the edge of the bed in the still warm place where Julie just sat and I spread my legs. My arms rested behind my back on the bed to keep myself upright and with my foot I moved the pillow between my legs again. "Come and sit between my legs, standing up is always a bit uncomfortable."

"Okay what you want Dad, my knees have also become a bit tired." She came to sit on her ass with raised legs as close as possible to the bed.

"Come on, suck it sweetie." I said diligently. I grabbed my cock and forced it through her greedy lips into her mouth, after which she started moving her head amateurishly over my cock again.

She hadn't even been doing this for 5 minutes when I felt my orgasm approaching again.

"Am I doing it right, Dad. You're almost here, aren't you?"

"Ooh yes honey you're doing great, but now you really shouldn't stop, ahh, I'm going to spray girl. Hold it all the way back and mostly just suck on my head so there's enough room between your cheeks. Put your other hand on my balls, but do it gently."

Miraculously, she knew exactly what I meant and began to suck my crown firmly and rhythmically. She murmured and made constant slurping noises through her vacuum-drawing mouth.

"Ooh, ooh! Oh yes baby, don't stop, just keep going I'm going to squirt, keep sucking!" "Ohhh yes !"

"Hmmm, mmm, uhhmm" she moaned incessantly and her eyes narrowed slightly as I came in her mouth and she felt the jets of cum spit against her palate and palate. I should have told her I was probably going to squirt a lot but I wanted to keep it as a surprise. She must have liked it because she bravely kept the first large discharges down and managed to swallow them right away.

She continued bravely and even made short sucking movements while my cock continued to squirt between her lips. My cock pulsated violently between sucking cheeks when suddenly she accidentally retracted her mouth to swallow better. Another small jet squirted up close against her lips, after which she quickly stuffed my head between her lips again.

"Good, go on I'm still coming." She let out a cocky moan and her pretty face continued to slurp at my cup.

When she no longer felt my cock swinging she looked at me and I signaled her to stop. She lowered herself onto her ass while smacking some of my cum.

''Hmmm! Oh my god dad, wow!''. She was clearly completely frozen by it all. That was delicious, it tasted better than I expected. Did you like it too, did I do it right dad?"

I laughed. "Honey you did a very good job, you gave me a great blowjob and you even made me squirt in your mouth. You should do that more often..."

"You're welcome dad, it was still quite difficult because you sprayed quite a lot, it almost didn't stop haha. Do you always spray that much?"

"Yeah I felt that too honey, but you managed to keep it all inside. I always spray quite a lot, but I had so much to think about today because of your suggestion so I was very full."Is that what happens when you don't get your needs taken care of?" she got up smiling, her makeup was a little smudged, but she looked great.

"Julie, when you asked me last night if we could... do this, a thought popped into my mind that I couldn't get out. I've been thinking about it all day and this is what you get. I took a deep breath breathed and looked out the window. I saw that my garden needed to be mowed and the hedges needed to be trimmed. It was a beautiful evening and I could still do that tonight. The reality of my situation began to sink in.

“Dad, I want you to know I don't think of this as sex. I'm just your daughter taking care of you and learning valuable skills from you. If you want to get a blowjob, will you let me know? Then I'll do that so I can practice. I won't go any further than that so don't ask.. I just want to blow you whenever you want because you need the release and I need the experience. I mean look at this," she pointed to a few blobs of cum splatter on her shirt and on the hardwood floor in front of her, "I should be able to do better."

"You know, honey," I said, thinking that this was at the same time the best thing that ever happened to me and the worst decision I could ever make, "You can do better by yourself and I'll teach you, as long as you keep practicing regularly. Let's go freshen up.

She smiled: "Thank you dad, you are a good teacher." She walked out of the room, I plopped back on the bed and enjoyed it for a while.

I thought about the upcoming weeks and what had just come my way. I can finally enjoy great blowjobs again, from my own way too enthusiastic and studious daughter. doing. Maybe they've been talking about this for a while and this was just a plan, after all, Julie is like two hands on one stomach with her mother, so this could be right too..

I intend to keep writing stories about how this continues.


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