
My Best Friend

The sun was already quite strong, and it didn't take long before we dried up again. My head was spinning a bit from the experiences of just now and the past few days. I mean; in a few days i had sex with my best friend for the first time, and just now my sister had pleasured me while my best friend did the same to my sister, and in a public swimming pool too!

The three of us were lined up on our backs, me in the middle. I looked to the left and there I saw Martine with her eyes closed and a small smile on her face enjoying the sun. The bathing suit really looked great on her.

When I turned my head to the right I looked straight into Monique's eyes. She gave me a wink and quietly leaned towards me. I also leaned towards her and she whispered in my ear

That was just so hot. You two are such beautiful girls. You didn't mind, did you?

I shook my head

No, but it does make me dizzy a bit

I whispered softly.

Sex with Martine for the first time, now with my own sister and Martine with you and you both turn me on. And then that

I almost said that we had intercepted her package with the Swell Guy and watched her do it later, but I just couldn't help myself.


whispered Monica.

That warm weather

I managed to get out, and I lay down on my back again.

I looked at Martine again, but she was still there. Perhaps she had fallen asleep. I turned on my side to her and slowly looked from head to toe. She had a funny nose. Beautiful breasts that poked perky upwards. Her nipples made an imprint in the top of the bathing suit. Now that she was stretched out like that, there was a crack between her stomach and the bottom of her bathing suit. Just not enough to really look in between, but exciting. Her beautiful slender legs lay slightly spread and dead straight, and her feet were just over the edge of the bath towel. She also had beautiful feet.

I gently ran a few fingers down her arm. Martine opened her eyes and looked at me.

did you sleep?

I asked Martine.

I was dreaming a bit I think

she said.

It's all just a dream

she continued in a whisper, turning onto her side as well. She leaned slightly towards me and whispered

Didn't you think it was strange, just with your own sister? And that I did it to your sister?

At that moment Monique got up.

Hey girls, don't whisper so secretly, or are you talking about me?

. I lay back on my back.

Martine asked if I didn't think it was strange just now, with my own sister and that she did it to you

. Monique sat cross-legged.


Monica asked.

Um, yes, quite of course. But at the same time I also found it very exciting and exciting

I replied.

And you?

Monique smiled and looked at both of us.

Yeah what did you think? Pretty crazy. You are my sweet little sister, and that's how I've always seen you. And Martine was always your beautiful exciting girlfriend, that's how I always saw you

she said, looking at Martine.

But when I realized that you had something together and that you were both walking around naked at our house, I suddenly became very excited too. I hope you don't mindMartine and I looked at each other.

Well, no, that happens, you can't help it

I replied with a little giggle. Martin nodded.

And I got excited about you too

said Martine afterwards to Monique.

Actually much earlier, if you ever walked around naked when I visited Marleen. I always thought it was cool that you just did that


I was still on my back, with Martine on her side on the left and Monique on the right, cross-legged. Monique moved slightly towards me and ran her fingers over my stomach. As I closed my eyes Martine followed suit and did the same but from the left side. I was caressed from 2 sides at the same time, and I felt some jitters in my stomach again.

My little sister is getting excited again

said Monique softly, while I felt 2 fingers gently go over my bikini top at the location of my now hardened nipples.

It's a good thing we've found a bit of a secluded spot

. With my eyes closed, I focused entirely on the feeling of the caressing fingers. I felt a finger circling my navel, poking it every now and then. I felt another finger go up my side and caress my armpit, fingers sliding down the outside of my leg, over my foot to slide back up the inside of my leg, along the edge of my panties and all at the same time. A finger stroked my face, and as the finger passed my lips I parted them slightly and felt the finger stick into my mouth and licked it.

Well, come on girls, we're here to swim

my sister suddenly said aloud, and the caressing fingers were suddenly gone. I opened my eyes and saw 2 blushing faces above me left and right.

Whoever gets to the water first

she continued, and they both jumped up quickly. I quickly got up too, and ran after them towards the water. It was a beautiful sight, the beautiful almost naked bodies of Martine and Monique running ahead of me. Monique's panties had been pushed between her buttocks, which she didn't even realize herself.

Martine and Monique jumped into the water again with a graceful arc, and I lowered myself into it a little more carefully. Cooling down a bit, that's what I needed.

When we had swum for a while, the three of us went to hang in the water along the side.

I've gotten thirsty by now, shall we have a drink in the swim-up bar?

Monica asked.

I also want something by now

said Martine, and she looked at me. I thought for a moment.

I have a proposition

I said

The one who, when we go home later, doesn't dare to cycle back home without panties, pays for the drinks.

Martine and Monique looked at me in surprise.

Well, you dare to challenge!

said Monica. Martine looked at me in despair.

I don't think I dare to hear that

she said,

but, do you dare to do that yourself?

. I looked at them both mischievously.

Yes, I think so. Will you pay for my drink?

. Martine looked at Monique.

Ehh, yes, ehh. I would like to experience my little sister walking down the street in only a t-shirt

Monique said laughing.

So you don't dare yourself?

I asked Martine and Monique. They looked at each other.

I have a fairly short t-shirt with me, that is really not possible

said Monica.

And you?

she asked Martine. Martine looked ahead for a moment, thinking.

Meh. I don't know. At your house okay, but across the street Not this time I think, but maybe another time.

Well sister, then we will pay for your drink, but then you can only wear that t-shirt. Not even your slippers. Okay?

Four eyes looked at me questioningly.

Okay then

, I said, and we went out of the water. Monique and Martine ran to the lockers to get money, and I went to the swimmers bar.

Lady, what may it be?

asked the woman behind the swim-up bar.

If you have it, I'd like a milkshake

I said to the woman. They did.

But my sister and my girlfriend are also coming soon and they also want to order something. And they pay.

When Monique and Martine heard that I had ordered a milkshake, they wanted one themselves, and a little later the three of us were sucking on our straws in the deliciously cool milkshakes.

At the lockers I immediately looked at my phone. I had a message from mom. Soon Tess will also come home, and she will also sleep tonight.

Monique said.


I said. Tess is my mother's girlfriend. She regularly helps out in my mother's shop, which is also where they met, not long after she separated from my father.

I don't think I've ever seen that one

said Martine. While sucking on my straw I shook my head.

I don't believe that either, but she's really super cute! Tess is now 25 and therefore a lot younger than my mother, but I've told you that before.

The age difference between me and Tess was almost the same as that between Tess and my mother (who is now 36) at this point.Ennehh if she is at your house, she is, ehhh.


I added Martine.

Yes, Tess has never had a problem with that at all. She has even put the wheelie bin outside naked!

Martine looked at me in disbelief.


she asked.

I nodded

Yeah, really, I didn't know what I saw either. It was still early and we could already hear the garbage truck in the distance.

Ah shit, too late to put out the bin

I then said, and then Tess got up and said

Well, that's still easy

, and she walked out so naked. From the kitchen window I could see that she just put him naked on the edge of the street. I don't think anyone else has seen it, but I wouldn't dare to hear that


Well sister, you're going to cycle home almost naked too

said Monique over that with a wink.

With a t-shirt on, that is very different

I said to that.

We walked back to our bath towels. Because the sun had turned, they were now in the shade, which was nice because it had become very hot again. We were just lying when Monique said

Well, we'll go into the water one more time, and then we'll go home again. I'm curious how that goes

, with a big wink at Martine.

We swam for another 10 minutes and then we walked back to the changing cabins with our beach towels. Meanwhile, the thought that I would soon have to go about naked on the street by taking on the challenge that I had proposed myself, has not left me. Actually, I thought it was kinda creepy. Because the swimming pool in our own village does not have an outdoor swimming pool, we were now in the swimming pool in a village further on, which meant quite a bit of cycling.

We rinsed off in the showers and headed to the lockers. Monique took the bracelet with the key off her wrist, opened the locker and we each took out our backpacks and slippers. Monique saw on her phone that she had a message.

Owww, we're lucky

she said with a wink at Martine.

Tess wants to make toast later, and Mum asks if we can stop by the supermarket on the way back for some white bread, cheese and slices of ham. So even more value for money

and they both smiled at me. I laughed a little too, but I was getting nervous now.

We walked back to the large family changing room. There were no other people in the room, and I started helping untie Martine's bathing suit. While I was doing this, Monique stuffed my slippers into the bottom of her bag, as did my lingerie panties that she quickly fished out of my bag.

Well sister, you won't get it back until you get home.

she said to me.

The story continues in part 12.

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