
My Best Friend -10

This is already part 10 of my story. For the structure of the story you should start with part 1, but each part separately might also be fun.

Martine immediately went into the bathroom and I went to my room. I raised the shutter a little to let some cooler air into my room, and doubled the comforter toward the foot of the bed. It was too hot to lie under a duvet anyway. I lay on my back on the bed, with my legs drawn up and wide apart so that some cool air was flowing over my slit.

Martine had left the bathroom door open because I could hear the clatter of the water while she was in the shower. When she finished drying off I heard she was going to brush her teeth, so I went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Martine was bent over in front of the sink and I leaned in behind her. While looking in the mirror I put my arms around her and started gently playing with her nipples, which immediately became hard. Martine started to wiggle her bottom a bit and I whispered softly in her ear

I'm just going to take a quick shower


After brushing my teeth I walked back to my room, where Martine had already laid down on my bed. I lay down on my side next to her, we looked at each other in love and kissed.

I'm pretty tired, shall we go to sleep?

said Martine.

If you want that.

I said.

She nodded

yes, otherwise I can't keep it up. These are such exciting days


I gave Martine another kiss, clicked the night light and off and we soon fell asleep.

The next morning I was awakened by Martine, who carefully tried to get out of bed over me.

I have to pee

she said, when she realized that I had also woken up. I sat up on the edge of my bed so that Martine could get out more easily, and she quickly walked down the hall to the toilet.

I also got up and walked to the living room. Monique was already slumped with her legs spread wide and her feet on the table on the couch so that I looked straight at her bald slit. She had already had breakfast, because her empty plate was still on the coffee table.

Sleep well, dear sister

she asked, looking mischievously at me.

I haven't heard you at all


We were tired, so we went straight to sleep

I said, and Martine came into the room now too.

Good morning Moon, did you sleep well?

Martine asked Monique.

Monica nodded.

You too I heard. I don't know if I could have slept with such a beauty next to me in bed

she said with a wink. Martine colored a bit and came to stand next to me in the kitchen, where I was also preparing a few sandwiches and tea for us. Then we also sat in the room, me on the couch next to Monique and Martine on the chair diagonally opposite us.

Do you already have plans for today?

asked Monique, while we were eating. Monique ran her hand down my side and placed it on my leg, quite close to my crotch. She never did that before, and it gave me a bit of a strange feeling in my stomach.

I don't know what we're going to do yet

I said, looking at Martine. She shrugged that she didn't know either.

Shall we go to the pool otherwise?

Monica asked. Martine and I looked at each other.

Mwah, good as far as I'm concerned, and you?

I asked Martine.

Ehm, yes, nice, but of course I don't have any swimsuit with me

said Martine.

Then we would first have to cycle past my house.


I said,

maybe you don't even have to, because I have another bathing suit here that doesn't look good on me and which might look good on you

while I grabbed my small breasts with my hands.Ah, well, well, then I'll try that on

said Martine.

I had already finished my sandwiches and went straight to my room to grab the bathing suit in question. When Monique saw me again with the bathing suit in question, she said

Oh yes, of course you still have that one, it's pretty nice!.

And I gave the bathing suit to Martine.

The bathing suit was actually largely open at the front. The crotch was quite narrow, and then widened upwards, after which a large opening started just below your navel that continued to just below your breasts. Above your breasts it became narrower again, after which it transitioned into a few straps that you tied at the neck with a bow.

At the back, it only covered your buttocks to about half its width. Above your hips, 2 straps ran to the sides, which you tie together at the front, just below your navel, with a bow.

Martine got up and after looking at how it worked she got into the bathing suit and pulled it up. Monique immediately got up to help Martine, and while Martine herself tied the straps on her stomach, Monique fastened the straps around her neck.

We watched Martine from a distance as she turned around a few times.

Looks good on you

I said.

Good? You look really beautiful!

Monique then said.


said Martine,

I, um, never wore anything like this to a pool. Isn't it a bit too much?


said Monica

I did wear smaller bikinis, though, in that same pool. And Marleen, by the way. By the way, she didn't even wear a top until last year, because she hardly had any breasts, and nothing was ever said about that. Come on, let's put ours on too

Monique said to me, taking my hand and pulling me into the hallway.

Monique walked into her room and I continued to my room. When I took my bikini out of my drawer, Monique also walked into my room with her bikini in her hand.

I do understand that you fell in love with Martine. What a beautiful and sweet girl she has become

she whispered to me. I felt it make me blush, and together we walked back to the room, where Martine had sat down again.

At the same time, Monique and I put on our bikinis. Actually they were both the same, only Monique's was a bit bigger and hers was all black, and mine was bright yellow with black straps. The fabric triangles of both the bottoms and the tops were on the small side, but according to the rules of the swimming pool everything was covered.Well, shall we just go right then?

Monica asked. That was fine, so the three of us went to fill a backpack with bath sheets to lie on, towel, lingerie for the way back, hairbrush and things like that. For the road we both put on the long shirt that we also wore yesterday.

When Martine and I had packed our things and walked back into the hallway, Monique was already waiting for us. Monique had put on a plain short t-shirt, so you could see her bikini bottoms.

The three of us walked outside, got our bikes and while talking we cycled to the swimming pool. Once there we put our bikes in the bike rack and walked inside to the cash register. After we bought a ticket we walked to the changing cabins.

At the beginning of the changing cubicles is a larger changing room for families and the like. We walked in there, took off our slippers and t-shirts and put them in our backpacks.

It really can

Martine asked softly again.

I wouldn't know why not

I replied, and Monique said after that

and you're even prettier without that bathing suit, so don't worry

, whereupon she opened the door on the other side with a wink and we walked to the lockers to put our backpacks.

We then walked with our beach towels to the showers to rinse off and walked into the pool. It was still early and not very busy, so we could find a nice spot outside where we could lie down.

After we put down our beach towels we walked to the water. It was still early, and few other people were still swimming. Monique has always been more of a swimmer than I am, so she jumped into the water with a graceful arc. Martine jumped after it with the same graceful arc, and I lowered myself into the water.

When we had been swimming for a while and the three of us were hanging in the water along the side, I suddenly felt a hand slide into my swimming trunks at the front. I felt one of the fingers slide between my cleft and the tip of that finger slide over my clitoris. Then I also slipped my hand into the bottom of Martine's bathing suit, who looked at me in shock. Only then did I see that Martine was holding on to the edge of the pool with both hands. I could still feel the finger sliding down my clitoris, so it must be my sister's finger!

Playing her finger with my clitoris actually felt quite nice, and I did the same with Martine. Just like Monique did with me, I made circles around Martine's clitoris with my fingertip. Martine spread her legs slightly underwater, and I felt her clitoris expand. Then I spread my legs a little myself, and now I felt my sister slide her finger further down between my slit, until she could slide her finger inside me.

That's nice

Martine whispered very softly in my ear. I nodded and whispered back very softly

do you dare to do this to Monique?

Martine looked at me with questioning eyes. I nodded and whispered

go ahead


Martine lowered one arm under the water. Monique had meanwhile moved on, and I felt how she had let a 2nd finger slide inside me. At that moment Martine apparently slipped her hand into Monique's pants, because Monique suddenly stopped for a moment and made a surprised face.

Just like Monique had done with me, I now also let my finger slide further down Martine's slit and I whispered softly to her


. Judging by the look on Monique's face, she was enjoying it too, and I felt her fingers massaging me inside, while her palm moved gently against my clitoris.

It all felt so good and so relaxing that I soon felt an orgasm coming on. I had never had that before; an orgasm in front of and at the hands of my own sister! Slowly I felt the orgasm coming on and while I did my best to make sure other bathers didn't notice it, at the climax all my muscles tensed and I forcefully pressed my fingers into Martine's tight hole. Then her muscles contracted shockingly and forcefully around my fingers, and Martine also had an orgasm in the water of the pool. Monique followed immediately afterwards. It was strange, but I found it terribly arousing to see (and feel) my own sister come next to me, although she also did her best not to show it.

Slowly I let my hand slip out of Martine's panties again, and I felt that Monique also slipped her hand out of her panties again. We all looked at each other knowingly and with a color.

I, uhhh, get out of the water for a second

said Martine. I nodded

Me, too

I said, and Monique said she had to get out too. The three of us walked back to our beach towels where we stretched out to dry ourselves in the sun.

The story continues in Part 11.

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