
Mother Persuades Daughter

Shirley came home after a nice evening with friends. The sixteen-year-old teenager had been drinking at one of her friends' house. Officially they were not allowed to drink yet, but for a few wines, her friend's parents looked the other way. Her mother was not difficult about that either, but sometimes pointed out to her that it was actually not allowed.

Ah come on mom, as if you only started drinking from the age of eighteen!

, Shirley always blamed her mother. The two had a good relationship and it had never led to a fight, but Marlies knew all too well what could happen if she got drunk and wanted to protect her daughter from it.

In the past, she herself had sometimes made a drunken mistake and had gone to bed with two boys who were considerably older than her. She didn't regret it, certainly not. It hadn't been her first threesome, but she hadn't thought of a condom in her drunken stupor. Something she had given to her daughter nine months later. Shirley was wanted, that's for sure and for Marlies it had never been a question of whether she should give her up or worse, should she choose adoption. But because of this she was sometimes a bit too protective towards her daughter.

A man hadn't come into her life since then, at least not for sure. In recent years, Marlies sometimes had a fling, especially when her daughter was away. In recent months she also had a permanent man: Marco. He was everything she wanted in a man right now. A gentleman, but in bed he could also please her extensively and she regularly invited him to come over when Shirley was not at home or she went to him. Also tonight, only Marlies didn't expect Shirley to come home so early and lay unsuspecting in bed, with Marco fucking her between her legs.Oooo Marco Deeper! Deeper, I want to feel you all inside me!

, Marlies moaned loudly. Meanwhile, Shirley had heard the sound coming from upstairs. She recognized the sounds right away. She was no longer a virgin. Not that she had worn out as many boys as her mother had at that age, but she had gained experience with two boyfriends and had sex a few times. Tipsy from the wine, she curiously went upstairs, something she normally would never have dared to do. Once upstairs, she noticed that the door was ajar, which explained how she had heard her mother moan so loudly.

It was all quite exciting for Shirley, but the wine made her move one step closer to the door until she could see through the crack. Her eyes widened as she saw Marco go up and down, thrusting more and more into her mother. Between his legs she saw his cock slide into her mother's cunt.

Ooooo yes Marco! Louder! Louder!

, her mother moaned loudly before her eyes. However, Shirley mainly had eyes for Marco and did not look at her mother. Her boyfriends hadn't looked like this. They certainly weren't that big! Shirley was a bit surprised that it fit that way and her mother was still begging to be fucked harder.

Because Shirley was completely focused on Marco, she didn't see that her mother had opened her eyes in the meantime. Without realizing it, Shirley leaned forward slightly, pushing the door open a little further in her curiosity. The door creaked softly, but it made her mother look at the door and in the twilight she recognized her daughter immediately.


, Marlies shouted in shock and reflexively pushed Marco away, who quickly pulled the duvet over his naked body. Startled, Shirley stepped back and pulled the door shut. Her heart thumped in her throat. What was she supposed to do!?

For ten seconds, which seemed like ages, there was silence. Suddenly she heard her mother's voice.

Darling? Open the door.

Shirley hesitated and was tense, but carefully she finally opened the door. With her heart beating violently, she entered the room and stood a little reluctantly in front of the bed. Her mother, meanwhile, had also pulled the covers over her naked body and beckoned her closer.

Come sit down sweetheart and we'll talk about it.

Shirley felt uncomfortable, but sat down on the bed anyway. Her mother sat up straighter and said she shouldn't be ashamed to have been watching.

I've done that before too.

Shirley couldn't bear to think of how her mother had been peeping at her grandparents! Yet she had just been doing the same thing and spying on her mother with Marco It had certainly not left her cold, but she also knew that it would stop there. As handsome as Marco was, she was too young to be liked by him! Marco also remained anxiously silent, she didn't say a word. Only her mother was direct, Shirley didn't know what her mother had. She kept rattling!

Would you like it? To enjoy a real man? Together with me?

Shirley was shocked and looked at her mother with a red face. Did she really say that? Her mother ashes immediately, but to say something like that!? Still, no no passed her lips. Something held her back, and not because she felt compelled. Rather because a certain desire had come up anyway Only she didn't dare to surrender to this. Only her mother took care of that and tried to reassure her.

Marlies sat up straighter and did not stop the blankets as soon as they exposed her breasts. Shirley noticed immediately that her mother's nipples were very swollen. Although she really hadn't looked at her mother like that before, she couldn't take her eyes off her mother's breasts for a moment. They were still nice and round and didn't hang as much as Shirley had thought. She herself had a C-cup, because of her mother's good genes. Her mother's nipples looked all too familiar to her and spoke quite similarly to her own: small areolas with slightly tanned nipples. Marlies confronted her daughter that she was watching.

Do you like to see?

Immediately Shirley turned red again and felt even more caught, but again couldn't deny it. Her mother knew she had a bite and so she continued.

If you can drink like an adult, you certainly can, honey

, Marlies said to her daughter and stroked her cheek. Shirley saw how Marco looked at her and was surprised how Marco looked at her that way. Wasn't she too young for him? He was probably her mother's age, in her mid-thirties. Shirley had seen him fleetingly and thought he was handsome, but that a man his age looked at her like that? That surprised her a bit. Not only Shirley had noticed that Marco looked at her like that and Marlies started to laugh.haha can you see it? She also dares you with that top.

Not a word of that was a lie. Although Shirley was only sixteen, no one on the street would give her that. Previously eighteen and her choice of clothing certainly helped. Again she was wearing tight black lacquered skinny jeans with a navel top on top, with a good plunging neckline. Her breasts were therefore clearly visible. Not something you immediately expected at her age. It was also because of this that she often got attention from boys from the exam classes and the boys her age sometimes didn't dare to pick her up, thinking she was too good for them.

Partly because of this, Shirley had only had two boyfriends with whom she had sex. Both short-lived, but that was how she had gained her experience. She secretly felt her eyes slide back to the duvet where Marco lightly marked his erect cock in the covers. He must have been very excited and Shirley actually wanted to see his cock, but she didn't dare to admit her feelings Her mother realized this and crawled up and got on her knees. Naked, she crawled over to Shirley and sat down behind her. Shirley felt her mother's naked warm body pressing against her and at the same time her mother's erect nipples poking her back.

Did her mother enjoy this so much? Shirley really wondered and felt her mother's hands slide down her side.

Shall we show Marco a bit more sweetheart?

, her mother asked her and slid her hands up and pushed her daughter's breasts together in the top. Her breasts were now pushed forward considerably and with a bright red face Shirley saw how Marco had to swallow. His hands were under the covers and Shirley could see him stroking his cock under the covers.

Do you see that? I think he's turned on by your sweetheart.

Marco nodded in agreement.

Yes you have a lovely body Shirley. Talking to your mother

, said Marco and looked at Shirley excitedly.

Shirley swallowed again, but felt her mother's hands descend and grab her top. Without a word, Shirley allowed it all in and felt the fabric creep up until it was pulled over her breasts. Where her mother's breasts already drooped, Shirley's breasts stayed firmly in place and Marco immediately noticed.

You have nice firm breasts

, he said. Marlies took off her daughter's top and whispered to her daughter:

ask him if he wants to feel.

Shirley swallowed, but couldn't deny that she actually wanted this. Watching her mother have sex with him had turned her on, and her erect nipples showed it. It certainly wasn't from the cold!

Do you want to feel?

, finally came softly from her lips. The tension was to cut with Shirley and saw how Marco sat up and therefore the covers slid down on him as well. His cock was stiff and Shirley stared at it, not paying attention to his hands until suddenly they were on her breasts and she stared at him with her blue eyes wide open.

Hmm they are nice and sturdy and so big. You certainly have beautiful breasts like your mother

, Marco said to her and winked. Shirley blushed even more, but at the same time enjoyed his touch.

It was very different from her boyfriends. They had mainly kneaded roughly, but Marco was tender and caressed her breasts gently.

They are so nice to touch, do you also enjoy them?

, he asked her and forced her to speak like this.

Y-yes I like it

, said Shirley tensely.

Well done darling, don't be ashamed! Let Marco touch your breasts and enjoy!

She had almost forgotten her mother and she remembered all too well that she was between Marco and her mother. Still, Shirley was not particularly embarrassed by this. It felt familiar, because their bond had always been good. In a way, Shirley even liked her mother's presence and felt her fingers caressing her side while Marco played with her breasts.

Because Marco was leaning forward, she couldn't see his cock, but she tried to tilt her head slightly to the side, hoping to see his cock and her mother soon noticed.

Do you want to see his cock?

she asked her. For a moment Shirley turned red again, but this time she dared to speak out quickly.


, came quickly from her lips.

Just sit down then Marco, then she can look and feel you.

Shirley almost forgot that the situation was too bizarre for words. Being tipsy and excited, she took a moment to think about how bizarre the whole situation was. Instead, she looked all too closely at Marco and his erect cock, which lay straight up along his stomach after he sat down.Come a little closer sweetie

, Marlies invited her mother and sat down next to Marco. After some hesitation, Shirley sat down on the other side of Marco and watched her mother grab Marco's cock and tug on it without hesitation. Shirley heard a slight sopping sound from all the moisture and saw how his head was gleaming from it all. Shirley saw Marco looking at her mother and started kissing her, until Marlies pushed him away and turned his head to Shirley. Shirley looked straight into Marco's eyes and felt the desire to be kissed. Fortunately, Marco sensed this and while her mother jerked him off, he started kissing her.

Soft and tender at first, but soon Shirley felt how he really began to kiss her. The excitement she already had made her start kissing him back and soon she was kissing him intensely, while her mother made him hornier by jerking him off.

Enjoy it in good! Enjoy each other

, she spoke to them encouragingly. Shirley started to like it more and more and she became more and more curious about Marco's cock. Suddenly she suddenly felt her mother's hand on her hand. She was shocked, but didn't break the connection with Marco's lips. After a short break she kissed him again and felt how her mother led her hand towards Marco's crotch.

Soon she came to his cock and closed her fingers tensely around his cock. She felt him shake slightly at the touch of her hand. She then felt her mother's hand come to rest on her own hand and her mother began to make jerking movements, so that she now jerked off Marco! Her head was bright red, but she continued to kiss Marco, who now also began to tongue her gently in his excitement. Slowly Shirley felt the grip of her mother's hand loosen, but as soon as she pulled her hand away, she continued to jerk Marco off. She didn't stop and Marco moaned softly as he kissed.

Hmm, you're doing well

The two kissed for a moment after this and Shirley's tension eased a bit, although she certainly hadn't completely surrendered to the situation! After doing this for another minute, Marco stopped kissing her and gently pulled his head away. Shirley, however, continued to jerk him off gently and now saw how her mother sat spread-legged next to Marco and caressed her own clit.


, Shirley cried a little embarrassed to see all this.

Haha honey don't do that! I know all too well that it makes you horny too!

It was quite confrontational to see and hear her mother talk like that. But lied? No, she certainly didn't with what she said.

What do you think? Shall we move on?

, Marlies asked Shirley.

Umm what do you mean? Yes?

, said Shirley doubtfully. She wanted all too much, but what did her mother want? What was she thinking?

Well Marco can't just use that tongue in your mouth sweetheart hihi. Marco knows all too well what to do with his mouth. Have you ever been licked good by your boyfriends?

Shirley turned red and began to stammer.

Um well no

, she said embarrassingly.

So should we change that or not?

Marco nodded.

That sounds like a good thing to do. You do not know what you are missing!Shirley thought it was all very exciting, but she certainly wanted to.

Do you mind if Marco helps you undress?

her mother asked her. Shirley looked at Marco, but shook her head. He came closer. She was still wearing only her pants, but she already felt quite naked in her mother's bed. Marco's hands found the button of her pants and untied it. He pulled the pants over her hips, revealing the red thong she was wearing. Shirley breathed heavily and felt the pants slide down her legs as she watched Marco dangle his cock between his legs. She couldn't take her eyes off it

Finally, Shirley lay on the bed in only her thong. Marco grabbed her thong on her back and pulled it down last. A lovely shaved slit appeared and Shirley felt all too well watched by four eyes. All three were naked now, and though Shirley was much younger, they were all equal now. Shirley was just glad she didn't have to do anything for a while. She was almost paralyzed by the tension, but at the same time she really wanted Marco to start She had regularly heard from her friends how their good licking turned into an orgasm, she had never been allowed to experience that pleasure. She secretly wanted to experience that too and Marco knew how to interest her at the moment

It was quiet in the bedroom. Her mother, and also Marco, kept their mouths shut and the tension was too high for Shirley. She saw Marco sitting between her legs as he slowly bent forward. Not to her pussy, but first he kissed her belly. Sporty as Shirley was, there wasn't an ounce of fat on her and she felt Marco's mouth go up and breathed heavily from the tension. Gently, Marco put his lips to her breasts for the first time and Shirley felt a shiver go through her body.

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