
Mistress Miraja

I was 18 years old and most people thought I had it all figured out. I was a good student, had good looks and grew up in a nice house of wealthy parents. Yet I also had my problems and my insecurities. Everything went so smoothly that I needed some resistance, some challenge and someone I could make proud.

In the back of the garden I stubbed out my cigarette against the tree. Don't leave ashes behind, because my parents didn't know I smoked. I didn't smoke often either, but only when I was nervous. Then I went back inside where my laptop was still open. I had doubts about the photo on instagram. I looked nice on it, but maybe it showed too much of my cleavage? I decided to crop the photo and put a filter over it anyway.

Finally I dared to post the picture.

Soon the first reaction came from my friend Linde:

Beautiful photo, you really exude confidence!


It made me happy for a moment, but then I started to have doubts. Did Linde just say this to be nice or did she mean it?

Soon after, another response came. This time from someone I didn't know.

Miraja was her name.

I don't see any confidence at all. I see the uncertainty in your eyes. You are tense and you doubt. Send me a DM and I can help you, because you don't have to be insecure


I read the message like 10 times. It touched me because I knew she was right. It wasn't hurtful like some of the comments that every woman on the internet thought was too skinny or too fat.

Linde quickly responded.

Miraja, what are you talking about, bitch?!


Nice of Linde to stick up for me, but it wasn't necessary. I didn't respond and looked at Miraja's profile picture. She was pretty. I guessed her early 30s and despite her friendly demeanor her eyes were stern. Like she was looking right through me.

I went to bed early but couldn't sleep. I kept seeing those stern, determined eyes. Like she was all over me.

I ran my fingers between my legs. I was a little wet, but I didn't finger because I was horny. I fingered to relax. Oh yes, that felt good. I closed my eyes in pleasure. Suddenly the eyes of that unknown Miraja popped up again. Like she was watching me do this. I stopped abruptly. I didn't want to finger anymore.

Angry, because I wanted to sleep, I grabbed my laptop.

I'm not insecure at all! You know nothing about me!

I sent angrily in a personal message. I lost my frustration and was able to sleep for a while.

The next morning I saw that I had a response:

Do not lie. I know your kind. Insecure, when you don't have to. Stretched. I'm guessing you even smoke because of the nerves. Am I right?


She was more than right, but I wouldn't admit it.

For the last time: I'm not insecure!


I was about to get dressed for school when another comment came in:

Are you confident enough to go to school without panties?


She was challenging me.


I sent back.

I pulled down my jeans and took off my panties. Why did I do this?

Couldn't I just say I hadn't worn any panties? No, I couldn't lie to her. That would only confirm my insecurity.

My pants went back on. I felt the metal particles against my skin. the rough fabric along my pussy.

It didn't really feel good. Why did I do this? I didn't have to prove anything to her. I thought that in the evening my pussy would be thin, but luckily it wasn't too bad. I was glad my jeans could come off. I had a message from Miraja:

So, did you wear your panties again today?


No, I was slipless

I proudly sent back.

And how did that feel?


I answered honestly that it was strange and not always comfortable.

You should try it with a skirt tomorrow. That doesn't rub


I wanted to protest, but I couldn't. Instead, I remained silent.Or are you not sure enough for that?

she insisted. She was teasing me, but I didn't give in.


I sent back.

A skirt above your knees of course, but you probably already understood that?


I swallowed. Of course I understood that.

The next morning I automatically put on a thong with my skirt over it. Oh no, that wasn't the deal. The appointment with whom?

I slid my thong under the skirt. When I got on the bike I immediately noticed how nice and airy this was. Still, I found it very exciting, couldn't anyone see between my legs?

All the tension turned me on quite a bit, but I did get very nervous when I arrived at school. I lit a cigarette directly in the bicycle shed.

What a bad habit to smoke before school.

During the lessons I was so tense. How could some women find this hot? I was busy all day if my skirt didn't creep up.

Raquel, are you paying attention?

asked the teacher sternly.

Yes sir

. I quickly turned the page in my book to where the rest of the class was. Angrily, I pretended to read and take notes. It seemed to take forever.

Only then did I notice that my skirt was rolled up and you could see that I was not wearing any panties. I turned bright red. Did anyone see it?

I was embarrassed, but glad Miraja didn't have to see me like that.

The rest of the class didn't notice. Not even the teacher. Maybe it wasn't as bad as I thought. I never wanted this again.

Once home after a day that seemed like an eternity, I plopped down on my bed. I pushed up my skirt and started fingering myself. I had to unload after such a horrible day. Oh yeah. I moaned with pleasure as I quickly came.

Only then did I check my social media again.

Did you finger yourself?

asked Miraja sternly. Did she know?


I sent back.

From now on you will first ask permission for this

she said. What the fuck!

What do you think of tomorrow a dress without panties and without a bra?


Jesus, what do you want from me?!!

I sent back angrily.

Leave me alone!


I leave you alone. You can always message me again if you need me again


Why would I need her?

That night I became restless. Who was that Miraja? Why was she interfering with me?

I wanted to finger myself again, but I just couldn't. She told me to ask permission. That's what I was thinking.

The next day I put on nice panties again. Boring panties and boring jeans over them. Like I wanted to make a statement against that Miraja. Still, it didn't feel right. I felt dull, disobedient and even cowardly.

The feeling did not go away. Even a week later I didn't dare to finger it. I was caught by a mix of emotions.

All right then. Tomorrow I will put on a dress without lingerie underneath. You have it your way!

I sent her late in the evening. I immediately felt a lot calmer.

The next morning I had already packed my dress. I checked my phone but no response from her.

Oh, check it out too!

I said out loud angrily. I didn't want to give in to her and still grabbed a bra and a thong.

I tried to concentrate on the lessons, but I just couldn't. Every 5 minutes I checked my phone. Still no message. It wasn't until after the lunch break that a message arrived.

What's your phone number?

. I was so happy with her message, but I didn't really want to give my number. Still I did.

I'll call you at 2 o'clock

sent them back.

At 2 minutes to 2 I asked the teacher if I could go to the toilet.

It's recess in 20 minutes

she said bit.

I really can't wait

I wailed and got my way. At exactly 2 o'clock I was able to hide in a toilet cubicle. Still, I was ashamed that I had disobeyed.

She didn't need to know, I told myself.

At exactly 2 o'clock my phone rang. I knew it was her.


I said tensely.

I expect you to answer your phone a little more decently

came the voice of Miraja. Tougher than I imagined.Good afternoon madam

I said.

Better. Are you wearing the requested dress?

she asked.

Yes Madam


Very good and you also neatly left out your lingerie?

. I was ashamed.

Yes Madam

I lied. I heard the tremor in my own voice.

I don't want you to lie to me, slut!

she said sternly. What did she call me?

You now have the chance to take off your bra and panties

. My heart was pounding, she just knew.

I fidgeted a bit on my back and a moment later removed my bra from under the dress. I also took off my thong and put it in my bag.

They're out

I said through the phone.

You understand that I can no longer take your word for it

she said.

So just send a photo as proof

. Reluctantly, I sat down on the toilet and took a picture under my dress showing my bare pussy. My nipples also pierced through the fabric of the dress.

I didn't even hesitate when I sent the photo.

Very good, slut

sent them back. Now I was sure she had called me that.

I walked back to class and noticed my nipples were still showing. Others had to notice, too, but no one said anything. I found it so exciting.

That night Miraja called.

How did that feel, slut?

she asked.

Very exciting

I replied.

I'm proud of you

she said. I shuddered. That felt wonderful to hear.

Tomorrow again and let's meet next Tuesday after school, because we still have to talk about your disobedience


I swallowed meeting.

She sent an address. I felt good, but I really didn't dare to go to her house just like that. What did she want from me?

No, I don't dare go to your house alone

I sent.

You are a sensible girl

she said.

Let's meet on the terrace then, do you think that's better?



I replied.


I asked a little embarrassed into the phone.

Can I please finger myself and cum?


No, slut

said Miraja firmly.

You have to earn that first


I suddenly had an even stronger desire to finger myself. How could these words make me so horny?

The temptation to finger finger was great, but I held on. I didn't want to disappoint her.

The next day at school I was still horny and tense because of my dress with nothing underneath. During the break I really had to smoke a cigarette to relax.

I picked up the phone during my lesson and saw a message. Of course from Miraja:

On our first meeting, I want you to be fresh. Until then, no smoking will be allowed


I was disappointed, but I obeyed and didn't smoke.

That night Sonja came into my bedroom. She knocked first. Sonja did the housework at our house.

Raquel this package was delivered for you today

. I took the box.

And what I wanted to ask you: I did the laundry today, but your panties weren't there


I turned bright red. This was so embarrassing, but she already smiled understandingly.

You don't owe me an explanation. I just wanted to make sure I hadn't forgotten them


She left again, leaving me still tense. I opened the box and saw 2 balls and a note.I want you to be healthy. So in addition to not smoking, you also go for a run every morning. These balls will surely help you to stay motivated


The next morning I got up early and put on my gym clothes, but of course I let those balls slide into my pussy first. Wow how different this felt.

While running I noticed how horny this made me. I didn't want to stop for a long time, but the round was over and I had to go to school.

I kept that up for a few days. Working out every morning with that delicious thing in my pussy, but I wasn't allowed to finger me all that time. Fortunately, the day of our meeting finally came. I was so excited that I could hardly sleep the night before. In addition, I was also very horny. I wanted so badly to finger myself, but I held on. Otherwise all this would have been for nothing.

The next morning came the dress instructions: a short skirt, a camisole, heels of at least 8 centimeters, a push-up bra and a thong. The latter surprised me, because I hadn't worn a thong in ages and now at the meeting I suddenly had to?

At school I could hardly concentrate. Finally the lessons were over and I went to the agreed terrace. I recognized Miraja right away from her photo. She was truly a beautiful woman. She wore long leather pants and a dark lace shirt with short sleeves.

I hesitantly walked over to her table and wanted to sit on the chair.

Did I give you permission to sit down?

she asked sternly and loudly enough for a few tables around us to hear as well. I turned red with embarrassment.

I looked around at the people looking at me.

You wanted on the terrace. I granted you that favor, but we're still discussing what I want to discuss here, and it's still by my rules!


Can I sit down?


Yes, you can sit down


You look good, Raquel

she said. I felt happy with this compliment from a critical woman.

Thank you


How do you feel about being obedient to me?


I was shocked, because all this time I told myself that I was in control and was only proving to her how strong I was. Was I really obedient all this time? Yes, I concluded.

It is strange

I replied.

Does that mean we should stop doing it?

. I felt the courage sink into my shoes.

No, I mean strange, but in a good way


So you want to continue with this?


I had to think about that for a while.

Yes please

I finally said from my heart.

The waiter came and Miraja ordered lunch, also for me, but I was not allowed to choose.

If we continue, some things will change. I'm going to decide more things for you. Your clothes for every day, your sport, your alcohol consumption and your sex life


I had to swallow that for a while.

In addition, from now on you will address me properly as Mistress, understood?


Yes, mistress


We ate a nice salad for lunch and mistress Miraja asked me about my sexual experiences. I had to answer no to most of the questions. I had no experience with anal sex, fisting, spanking or bondage, lesbian sex. Some words triggered the people around us. The mistress took no notice of that, but I still found it embarrassing.

You've been making quite a few missteps lately

said Miraja when lunch was finished.

You deserve punishment for that. Do you also want that here on the terrace or would you rather come home with me


I knew she was shameless and would punish me here without hesitation, whatever the punishment might be. So I just wanted to go with her.

Then I will ask that handsome waiter for the bill and I think it would be good if you offer to pay him in kind


I looked at her with wide eyes. That was really not possible.



I hesitated. She smiled kindly.

It's not necessary. I can also just pay and then we will go our separate ways


Before I could answer that, the handsome waiter was already there with the bill.

I had to decide now, otherwise everything would be over.

I imagined how I had to blow him behind the restaurant to pay the bill. There were uglier men to satisfy, I told myself.

Do you want to pay by card or cash?

he asked Miraja.

Can I also pay you in kind?

I interrupted him. He looked at me in surprise.

Excuse me, ma'am?


Now I repeated it louder. Unfortunately also loud enough for other tables to hear.

The waiter wasn't sure what to say.


said Miraja suddenly sternly.

Behave yourself and don't embarrass this young man with your slutty behavior! I am happy to pay by debit card and I will give a generous tip for this inappropriate situation


I was bright red and could sink through the ground.

As we walked away I felt how some people on the terrace were watching us.I just wanted to test how dedicated you are

said Mistress Miraja.

Personally, I really didn't like it, but I was still happy that I passed my test.

We walked through the center together. I felt watched, while this was not true at all. Meanwhile I tried to imagine what the home of a mistress looked like. Candles everywhere? A red room full of whips and other kinky stuff like in 50 Shades of Grey?

Just outside the center we came to her apartment. It was a beautiful house, but to my surprise so ordinary. There was no SM in this house. Actually, that turned me on even more, because mistresses didn't live in some kind of fetish palaces. They just lived in nice apartments. They could be anywhere. Unrecognizable. Maybe I actually knew more SM fanatics than I actually knew. Were the feelings that had come up in me lately not so strange after all?

Mistress Miraja sat down on a couch. I wanted to sit on a chair, but she stopped me.

What did we agree on about that?


May I sit down mistress?

I had to laugh a little that I had to ask such a stupid question. The mistress clearly did not appreciate that and grabbed my wrist firmly. With her other hand she unexpectedly hit my buttock hard.


I said startled, but I got another blow on my other buttock.

Did you find it funny?

she asked, alternating between slapping her buttocks on my skirt.

I'm sorry, mistress


You are not sorry at all! You make the same mistake twice and disappoint me. If you don't want to hear, you just have to feel


I felt my buttocks glow.

She lifted the skirt and I received another hard blow on my buttock.

Now that the protection of my skirt was gone, the blows came directly on my buttocks and it hurt even more. It felt like my buttocks were on fire.

The mistress had a small bowl of water next to the couch, with which she wet her hands. Once wet, she started hitting too vigorously again.

Chat, chat, chat! it sounded loud now every time her hand touched my buttocks.

I got tears in my eyes. Partly from the pain in her bottom, but more from the humiliation and the feeling that the woman I had to satisfy was mad at me.

That was before your disobedience and your smile. The punishment for ignoring your dress code is yet to come


With a jerk she pulled the skirt off my body and also took off the shirt.

It was so strange to be in this position in front of another woman in my lingerie.

From the couch the mistress looked at my now red-hot buttocks.

Come here

she said, tapping her knee. I slowly got closer until I was standing in front of her. She pulled me forward over her knee and held me down with one hand.

The other hand soon smacked against my bare buttock again.


I cried with every blow.

I heard she was counting. Softly and it seemed very far away.

Twelve, thirteen, fourteen

. She went on like this for a while and I started to scream louder with every blow.

I couldn't hear her count anymore because of my own noise and it felt like 100 claps.

Finally the mistress stopped. I was able to catch my breath again. She caressed my glowing buttocks. She went down over the crotch of my thong.

Well damn!

she exclaimed.

Does this make you horny too?


I shook my head that it wasn't, but there was no denying that the pain had given me some excitement. I never knew this about myself.

She deftly opened the clasp of my bra and I saw it fall to the floor beneath me. She helped me sit up and there I sat with my bare breasts in front of her.

Again she wet her hands.

Your hands behind your neck, Raquel

she said sternly. My breasts stood proudly forward.

Talk! she hit my right breast hard with her wet hand.


she started counting again.

Talk! This time against my other breast. That really hurt.



My breasts swayed back and forth every time her flat hand touched them.

I had to stay strong to keep my hands behind my neck instead of protecting my breasts.

Talk! Talk! She kept spanking my breasts until they were red as well.19, 20

she counted. So both my breasts were hit hard 10 times and tears are streaming down my cheeks.

Satisfied, the mistress stopped. She sent me to another room where she had 3 large mirrors on the walls. There she left me alone to rest, while I could not avoid looking at my punished body.

It was actually much worse than I thought. It just glowed all over.

I was left there alone until Mistress Miraja finally re-entered. Again she brought a bowl of water. I was afraid she would use it again to spank me and make the blows louder.

This time there was also ice in the water. She pulled down my thong and dipped her hands into the water. They were ice cold and I shivered when she touched them to my aching breasts. When it started to get used to, the cooling was wonderful. She caressed me with her cold hands and sometimes with an ice cube. That was very cold over my nipples.

Finally my buttocks and breasts cooled down, but Miraja didn't stop caressing that.

She stroked my sopping pussy with her icy hands. 2 fingers slid into me and they looked like icicles, but delicious icicles.

She spoiled my clit. The cold made it so intense.

I groaned as I thought back on how much my life had changed since that one Instagram post.

You can cum

she whispered in my ear. I wanted that all too much and 3 seconds later I came screaming with pleasure.

I sank to the floor from exhaustion. The mistress let me recover and gave me a drink. I had permission to sit on the wooden chair, but because of my sore buttocks I preferred to stand.

Finally the bell rang.

Come in

I heard Miraja say. Did she let anyone in while I was standing here naked?

The most perverse thoughts went through my mind. What was she planning for me?

I heard chopping. A woman. Was that better than male visitors? It reassured me more.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Sonja standing there.

Your transport home is here

said Mistress Miraja.

Didn't you notice that the package was not sent by post? I brought it myself and explained everything to Sonja. I thought it was important that no one gets worried, because of course Sonja had already figured something out


I looked at Sonya. It felt good that someone was concerned about me. I had missed that feeling for so long. These 2 women cared a lot about me. It was good that Miraja had reassured Sonja.

Sonja has a sharp eye

said Miraja

From now on she will keep a close eye on you and let me know if you break the rules at home


That was a bit of a swallow, because when I had agreed I had thought that I could handle the rules smoothly.

I wasn't sure what to say and thanked the mistress. Then I went home with Sonja in the car.

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