
Manon's Mother

My best friend's name is Manon, we've been besties since high school and even experimented with lesbian sex when we were in high school. Manon took the lead, because I'm not that adventurous myself. Often we were making love in Manon's room and sometimes we went further, such as licking each other or fingering each other. It was all rather innocent and stopped when we went to college and Manon rediscovered the boys. I myself kept doubting, was I lesbian, straight or maybe bi? Yet or perhaps precisely because of this, love went badly, both with boys and with girls, so I remained alone.

My friendship with Manon remained, although, as I wrote, it is no longer as it used to be. I often visited Manon's mother's house, mainly because I missed having a house of my own. I had long since moved out and saw my mother, who had separated from my father, only sporadically. It hadn't clicked between us for years and things didn't go well between me and my father and his new girlfriend. I longed for a little warmth and friendship and found it with Manon and her mother. Anneke, Manon's mother, was a sweet person, very warm and although she lived alone after her divorce, she was always willing to offer Manon and me a cozy home. We often drank tea, ate the homemade apple pie, played a game or watched TV.

A few weeks ago I visited Manon again, we had agreed to meet her mother and I was looking forward to a pleasant afternoon with pleasant company. When I arrived Manon hadn't arrived yet and her mother said apologetically that her daughter had an overdue dentist appointment. The two of us drank tea and ate gingerbread cookies that Anneke had baked herself. She inquired about some joint acquaintances of Manon and me and soon we were gossiping about our circle of acquaintances.

Are you actually a lesbian?

Anneke's question came so unexpectedly that I blushed and started to stutter. We had just talked about some of Manon's boyfriends and I was totally unprepared for this question.

Yes, I ask because I never hear you about a boyfriend and Manon has told you about your experiments with lady love in the past.

I was perplexed that Manon had told her mother about our lovemaking and got a little angry that my girlfriend had talked about our intimacy like that. Anneke saw my confusion and hurriedly said,

Not that it's a big deal dear, I was just wondering...

We were silent for a while and Anneke poured us another cup of tea. She sat back down and looked at me for a moment.

No, don't make me lie. I found it exciting what Manon told me. Was it nice?

I nodded and felt how Anneke leaned over and pressed a careful kiss on my lips. I kissed back and a moment later her tongue entered between my teeth and explored mine. An embrace ensued, Anneke holding my head with both hands and I, eyes closed, under her tongue.

We didn't say anything more and I felt so happy that I accepted without resistance when Anneke pushed up my shirt and put her hands on my breasts. She fingered my nipples and a moment later she gently sucked them. I began to moan softly and put my arms around her neck.

Oh dear, right

moaned Anneke and kissed me again,

you are so pretty..She got up and pulled me over to the couch in the living room. I lay on my back and watched as she unzipped her dress and let it slide to the floor. She was a beautiful woman, plump with big breasts, a small belly and strong legs.

I got wet when she came to lie with me and opened my skirt. Her hand slipped into my panties and she started fingering me gently. My breathing got faster and faster and my breasts rose and fell more and more violently. As her finger moved back and forth over my wet slit, her tongue reached out and sucked on my pussy lips. I felt my clit stand up hard as she ran her tongue over it. My frizzy pubic hair was soaking wet by now.

Good thing you don't shave

whispered Anne,

i love a fluffy pussy so much.

I now also let my hand slide into her panties and a moment later we were fingering each other. Sometimes Anneke pressed her mouth to my tits or I kissed her full lips, feeling the constant pressure of Anneke's fingertips on my clit leading me to climax. I came with a stifled cry and felt that Anneke began to tremble under me as well.

Oh go on baby

she moaned,

I also want to cum like that..

No sooner had she said that than the living room door flew open and Manon stood in front of us.

Jesus mom what are you doing..how long has this been going on?,

my friend raged and glared at me and her mother. He started to cry and ran up the stairs, sobbing. I remained lying with my panties on my ankles. Manon looked reproachfully at me, although I saw that she had calmed down a bit.

It was the first time..

I said while looking for my shirt,

i have never before...

Still resentful, Manon sat down on the sofa and handed me my skirt.

But why?

Don't know,

I said,

all i know is i liked it.

Manon pulled out a cigarette from her jacket and set it on fire with a disposable lighter.

She has talked about lesbian love more than once in recent weeks,

said Manon pensively,

but I had no idea that she likes women herself.

In the meantime I had put on my skirt and shirt and got up.

And what are you going to do now?,

Manon asked, blowing out a puff of cigarette smoke.

I'm going to see her, see if I can comfort her.

I was already at the door when Manon called me.

I love what you do very much,

she said,

go ahead, go to my mother and make love to her. She deserves a bit of happiness after all that misery with my father.

I nodded and walked up the stairs.

And you too, by the way

Manon called after me,

do you finally know what you want?

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