
Lotte Must Stay Detention...

It was Friday afternoon and Lotte was waiting for the bell to ring.

Sixteen-year-old Lotte was in the fourth grade of the Havo in Hoogeveen, Drenthe.

Lotte is a nice sporty girl. She is not tall with her 1.55m height and has a super slim, lithe body. Today she wore her beautiful long blonde hair in two tight braids, which gave her a mischievous look. Very girly and almost K3-like.

Her girl's body was not yet fully grown and she had really small tight buttocks and two tiny breasts.

While in class, her mind drifted to the weekend. She would be home alone for the first time for a whole weekend, because her parents had booked a weekend at Center Parcs.

She was allowed to come along, but tomorrow was an important day for her as captain of her soccer team.

They would be champions if they won and she didn't want to miss that for the world.

She suddenly woke up from her daydream when a fist landed on her table.

Master Dick had apparently asked her a question that she had not received.

She never took that last hour of biology and the subject didn't interest her one bit.

"And, Lotte, what is the answer?" Dick bellowed again.

"I, I, I, can't master the question," she stammered, her heart pounding violently from the shock.

"Are you here to daydream or learn something Lotte? That was the question I asked you".

"To learn, Master Dick," she replied in vain as her classmates burst into tears.

Lotte went through the ground with shame.

Master Dick was really angry and gave a very short answer.

"Detention later!"

Lotte was really disappointed now because that meant she couldn't say goodbye to her parents.

Even worse, she had forgotten the house keys this morning.

When the bell finally rang after an eternity, she tried to sneak between her classmates.

Master Dick, however, was aware of this and summoned her to sit down again.

She asked if she could call home because her parents were going on holiday without her and she had forgotten the house key.

That was allowed.

She told her parents what had happened and luckily they understood the situation.

They would hand over the key to neighbor Ron, who could then pick it up there.

Master Dick turned the chair in front of her own table, sat down and looked Lotte straight in the eye.

Lotte's eyes meet his gaze and they looked at each other in a moment of silence.

The sound of departing students and teachers gradually died down until the school was completely silent.

"So Lotte, tell me, why haven't you been fully in your thoughts lately?" "You are constantly absent from class and your grades are dropping too".

"I know Mr. Dick, but it's for several reasons".

Dick took another good look at the teenage girl. Pretty girl, he thought.

His eyes briefly wandered over her chest and then looked deep into her eyes again.

Beautiful emerald eyes too, he thought.

"Tell me, what's going on?" "You can tell me everything as a confidant".

"Everything that happens here now stays within these four walls."

Lotte sighed and took another deep breath to gather courage.

Her chest protruded and mister Dick saw two tiny nipples poking into her tight top.

He was sitting with his legs crossed and inadvertently something started to grow between his legs.

So he sat with his legs apart.

Lotte sighed deeply again and started talking.

"Firstly, I would like to be honest and say that I think I chose the wrong package. With all due respect, I don't like biology".

"Watch your choice of words girl".

"Okay, sorry. Second, I accidentally saw my dad in the shower recently and saw his dick." Fortunately, Dad doesn't know this, but I keep thinking about it and then I get a strange feeling in the bottom of my stomach and in my crotch."


"But Lotte, that's biology now".

Lotte now looked at Mister Dick curiously.

"Biology, why?"

"Tell me first what exactly you saw at your papa's and why you are so preoccupied, if you will."

Lottie continued. "So Dad was in the shower and had his cock in his hand. He moved his hand around his cock back and forth and his cock got big."

"Oh," said Mr. Dick, "that's quite normal for a man."

"You know, pretty much all men do that sometimes when their balls are too full". "Then they release the pressure a bit that way, that's very natural".

"It's called jerking off," he added.

"I already told you about that in class last week, don't you remember?"

"No I wasn't there then because I had to go to the doctor with my mother for the pill". "I have rather heavy and irregular periods and then I really never feel well".

"That's very annoying for you, are you feeling better now that you're on the pill?"

"I don't know yet, I'll find out in about two weeks when I get my period".

"Mr. Dick, we have a test on that next week, don't we?"

"That's right Lotte, do you think that will work, or do I need to brush up a bit, now that you're here?"

Lotte thought that was a good idea and nodded.

"Lotte, between us, so 1 on 1, you can just say Dick, okay?"

Lotte nodded again.

"When you saw your father, did you immediately get that feeling in your gut and your crotch?"

Lotte nods again.

"That's very good Lotte, that means that you gradually start to become more mature as an adolescent". "You change from child to woman".

"You got excited about what you saw and that's a very natural reaction."

"Dick, do you ever jerk off?", Lotte suddenly asked curiously.

Dick didn't expect this question and he turned red. He felt the blood draining from several parts of his body in the direction of his cock.

This clearly started to grow even further.

"Do you?" she repeated again.

"Yes Lotte, I do that too".

"How many times then?" she asked eagerly.

I do that almost twice a day."

"Wow, that's quite often I think, right?". "Does that also hurt when you do that?" she added.

"Yes, that is indeed quite often, that's because I always have full balls very quickly," said Dick and added that it doesn't hurt, but feels very nice.

"Jerking off is very relaxing and a wonderful feeling. It is a form of masturbation".

"You know, girls your age and mature women often masturbate too and that's a wonderful feeling for them too."

"Masturbation ends when done right in orgasm". This is also called cumming.

"I heard my dad talking about it while he was jerking off I think". I heard him, sighing and panting, shouting "I'm coming".

"What did you see then?" Dick asked.

"Nothing, daddy had turned over just before, for which I only heard that he was panting and growling. I also saw him tense his buttocks and make shocking movements."

"Yes, then he definitely came quite a bit," Dick said with a smile.

Lotte looked at the smile she had seen so often on Dick.

A beautiful smile..

"Dick, you said girls masturbate too, right?"

"That's right Lotte".

"But we don't have a penis, how is that possible?"

"Girls finger themselves on and in their pussy.

"Oh, how are you?"

Dick had meanwhile become very horny because of her innocent, intimate questions and his now steel-hard cock had no room in his pants.

"Do you want to learn then?" Dick asked, knowing that he had crossed the line of what was permissible as a teacher and confidant.

He was also shocked at his own words.

Lotte was quite curious and nodded again while softly saying "yes".

Then she added, "but I want to see a man jerk off and cum first, is that possible?"

Dick thought for a moment before answering.

His dick actually gave the answer before he thought.

"You can, but this is strictly between us, okay?" "I can't give this as a practical lesson".

"So you really can't tell anyone, really nobody, understood?"

Lotte understood.

Dick got up from his chair.

Lotte saw from behind her table that Dick had a kind of point in his loose trousers.

She gave a little laugh and mumbled that it looked like a point tent.

Dick smiled back and thought she was right.

He unbuttoned his pants.

"Well Lotte if you open the zipper of the point tent now..."

Lotte opened the zipper and Dick's baggy trousers fell down over his buttocks.

"Gosh", said Dick, the inner tent still has to be removed from the tent pole.

It seemed like a game and Lotte thought it was funny.

With a beautiful teenage smile and twinkling eyes, she pushed down his underpants.

Whipping out Dick's huge, well-veined meatpole.

Lotte looked at it in admiration in silence from behind her table.

"It's much bigger than daddy's," she said with her mouth open in surprise.

Dick kicked his shoes, pants and underpants wider and Lotte watched the whipping of the huge cock during this activity.

Again she had that feeling in her lower abdomen and crotch and she also told Dick

"Then you're a little excited by the view, I think," he said.

"Just feel your panties at your crotch," he added.

Lotte carefully put her hand in her jeans and felt her crotch above her panties.

"It feels a little damp".

"Then you are indeed a little excited."

According to biology, that is very normal and logical."

Dick now stepped sideways next to her table.

"Look Lotte, this is a big man's penis in an erect state, also called Penis, cock or dick as the most common names".

This is what it looks like when it's stiff, when the man is excited.

Dick stood against Lotte's table and his cock slowly swayed up and down in front of her.

Dick's cock was at least eight inches long and thick as a large winter carrot.

Lotte repeated that it was much bigger than her daddy's.

Dick said: "My cock is also much larger than the average of 15 to 16 centimeters and also much thicker".

He swung the huge colossus to and fro with pride.

Lotte thought that was a funny sight and put a beautiful smile on her face, while she looked alternately at Dick's cock and into his eyes.

"Now shall I show you how to jerk off?"

Lotte looked at his throbbing cock again and pushed her chair forward.

She wanted to see this up close in order to get a good grade next week.

Dick put a hand under his balls and said, "This is the scrotum with the two balls in it.

The balls contain sperm, in which there are countless seeds that can fertilize a woman.

So this is actually a kind of seed factory."

Lotte thought that was funny.

"If the factory has made a lot of seed, the balls are big".

"Then it's nice to jerk off and get ready.

Then comes ejaculation."

Lotte softly repeated everything Dick said, in order to remember everything well.

"Just feel how heavy they are now, and soon after ejaculation you can feel the difference".

Dick took her small warm hand and led it to his shaved scrotum.

He felt the warmth of her hand under her balls as she began to weigh.

Lotte thought it was a bit of a strange feeling, but Dick sighed.

Then Dick put his hand around his big fat cock and moved his hand back, just like Lotte had seen with her daddy.

A large purple lump appeared.

Lotte looked at the thick purple button with wide eyes full of admiration and thought it was a beautiful thing to see.

She still had the scrotum in her hand and played with it in her fingers unnoticed and thoughtlessly.

Dick said nothing, enjoying her innocent touch and curiosity.

See fingers did that wonderfully.

"That purple button, that's my head".

"And that little slit at the very top, that's where urine comes out when you urinate and the semen comes out when you come."

"The penis works like a kind of pump when jerking off".

"Fucking too, by the way, but we'll talk about that another time."

Lotte had to laugh at the word fuck coming from her teacher's mouth.

"Now I'm going to jerk off, take a good look".

Lotte leaned forward and put both hands under her chin with her elbows on her desk.

That way she could see it very closely.

Slowly Dick moved his hand forward, the head part disappeared and came back again when Dick moved the other way.

He repeated this over and over again.

"You see, this is jerking off and that's how the penis works like a pump, just like a bicycle pump.

Lotte saw that his head suddenly started to shine and there was a drop hanging from the tip of it.

"I already see some sperm, I think", she exclaimed enthusiastically and with a tickling feeling in her crotch.

"Dick answered panting that it's not semen but pre-cum, the sweetish soft fluid that made everything nice and smooth.

Lotte indeed smelled a bit sweetish.

Dick ran his finger along the drop and held it under her nose to smell.

Lotte misunderstood and thought she had to taste it.

She grabbed Dick's finger with her hand and slid it between her lips.

She sucked it off his finger.

"Strange, but nice," she muttered with his finger still in her mouth.

Dick continued to jerk off and every time some pre-cum came he gave Lotte a finger to lick.

Until Lotte did it herself with her finger.

Because the finger occasionally slid over his head, Dick was now really horny.

He now asked Lotte if she also wanted to jerk him off for a while.

Lotte shook her head no and looked at the spectacle in front of her.

Dick started to jerk harder and harder and even more forecose now gushed out of his head.

He started to growl a bit and his cock head got even bigger.

Suddenly Dick started cramping and screaming, after which he turned his cock slightly in the direction of Lotte.

"Lick my pre-cum away, now".

Lotte immediately obeyed.

Dick bent his huge cock head even further towards her mouth.

Lotte stuck out her tongue to lick away the pre-cum.

At that moment Dick pulled his skin back hard and came with huge jets gushing over her tongue and in her mouth.

She was shocked for a moment and was surprised but it actually tasted pretty good..

A second wave of warm cum landed on her tongue and it leaked down onto her chin and onto her tight top.

Dick now came to stand next to her chair and pushed his pulsating head between the lips of her mouth.

"If you like it that much, you can also suck it out Lotte".

"It's like a big milkshake straw, right?"

Lotte nodded, sucking.

She didn't stop until nothing came out and his cock went completely limp.

"Just feel how big and heavy my balls are now" Dick said.

Lotte put her hand under his pocket and weighed for a while"

"A little bit lighter and I think your balls are a little smaller now".

"That's right," said Dick.

"But not a lot of difference," Lotte continued.

"That's right, that's why I often jerk off twice a day, as I said earlier.

Lotte added with a broad smile: "So your seed factory works well".

Dick answered her laugh with a wink and said: That works very well".

Dick patted her on the head and said she had been paying attention and had learned a lot.

"And now me," she said, swallowing some last bits of semen afterwards.

"We'll do that on Monday," Dick said sternly. "You have a punishment with me for a whole week".

"Monday after school you come to my house, for private tutoring".

"We can't get caught there either."

He pulled up his pants, put on his shoes, then wiped the last of his semen off her chin with a handkerchief, then went to his desk to write down his address.

Then they walked together to the door of the room.

They forgot to lock it.

Fortunately, it seemed that they escaped unscathed. They could have been caught by a cleaning lady or a colleague.

At the door, he handed her the piece of paper with his address, email, and phone number on it.

"Until Monday Lotte," he said sternly and gave her a gentle pat on the bottom as she passed him out of the classroom.

See you Monday mister Dick.

Lotte walked with a delicious aftertaste of Dick's sperm in her mouth and a somewhat sticky top towards the lonely bicycle in the bicycle shed.

She texted mom that she was going home now and got an answer that they had already left.

The locked the bike, got on and cycled with a damp slot and panties on the saddle, rubbing with a broad smile towards home.

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