
Lisa Re-educated

This first part is mainly an introduction to how Lisa came to live with me and discover a new world. The story has a longer lead-up so that subsequent parts can contain more action. There will also be several spin-off stories that tie in with this series. Those who do not want to read the background and structure can start from block 9.

On a rainy Friday evening, Lisa suddenly showed up at my door and rang the bell. I wasn't expecting any visitors so opening the door took longer than I would have liked in this weather. Although she was wet from the downpour in the meantime, I could clearly see that she was crying. I opened the door and without opening a word she fell into my arms, sobbing. We had known each other for years and had shared an early teenage love years ago. After a few weeks, however, we realized that we did better as close friends than as a couple, so we called it a day. Somehow I had always regretted this because in other circumstances she would have been an excellent partner.

The problem with Lisa was always her family. Her parents had separated when she was just born and her mom unknowingly blamed Lisa for the breakup. Her older sister, like the rest of the family, was very outgoing and fierce, so there was never really a place for the timid Lisa. This only really became clear when her father started a new relationship and there was literally no room for her in the house. As a result, she had to live with her unstable mother with a bad taste in men, which regularly ended in violent quarrels. All this had a major impact on her development and further growth as a person. Despite everything she had already been through, she was still very naive and usually did not realize what was really happening around her.

Also this time her family was the reason for her visit to me. After calming her down briefly, I realized that she urgently needed to change her clothes. Even though she lived quite close, even her underwear was soaked from the company. I took her to the bathroom, filled the bath and brought her a bathrobe and a mug that was oversized for me. This was the best I could do on that as she is not that big so other clothes wouldn't fit.

A minute later she handed me her clothes, still shivering from the cold. The only surprising thing about her clothes was why a girl of just 20 was still walking around in the hand-offs of her older sister who had a different physique. Although these had clearly had their day, I did my best to dry them as carefully as possible.

After what was almost an hour she snuggled close to me in the chair and rested her head on my chest. Then she began to tell her story noticeably emotionally. During her story I gently ran my hand through her hair because that always calmed her down. After an hour of talking and sobbing, she fell asleep exhausted.

What the following weekend brought I can only describe as pure chaos and a coming and going of people. The argument with her mother and especially her new boyfriend had escalated to the point where she could not go back home at the moment. After several mediation attempts, her sister had been allowed to bring a suitcase with her belongings to me. Lisa was going to move in with me for a while because she couldn't go to anyone from her family. All this had left a heavy impression on her and for the first week I mainly let her do it. Towards the end of the week she had regained the courage to resume her classes at the college and at the weekend she dared to go for a walk in the park.

The time she spent with me visibly did her good and she slowly began to find a peace she had never had. Over the months that followed, she started exercising with me and got to know the healthy, fresh kitchen. Since she could no longer count on pocket money from her parents, she went to help in a butcher shop on Saturday morning.

When her mother was away for the weekend, she had decided to return home and collect all the things she thought she still needed. This had caused another fierce argument when her mother came back home, which hit her mentally but also financially. Lisa had forgotten that her mother had power of attorney on her bank accounts and had been naive enough to never stop this. So great was her surprise when all her accounts were suddenly empty in retaliation for "theft of the mother's property". This not only left Lisa completely mentally exhausted but also prevented her from going out so I could no longer use my playroom when she was out of the house.

I planned my casual dates with submissive ladies when Lisa was out. Given that these were mainly married ladies, stranded in a sexless marriage, this was still quite easy. Now that Lisa was back in ruins she was permanently home and this was starting to disrupt my life as well.

After a few weeks, the frustration with the situation started to get too great, so I decided to take action myself. After talking to her family it became clear that going home would only hurt her mentally and I didn't want that either. Lisa was a good friend, a confidant, someone I cared deeply about. So I was left with only one option: I had to re-educate Lisa. Making sure she got rid of her bad habits and could finally live up to her potential. Because I didn't want to damage what remained of her self-esteem, I would have to do this not only firmly, but also tactfully and gently.

I took a day off and in the morning I woke her up and told her to get ready because we had a busy day. The outfit she chose reflected how she felt and the state of her wardrobe. Pants that were way too big with an oversized sweater and a pair of worn-out shoes. With some reluctance she got into the car and was shocked when our first stop was the municipality. Once she arrived here it became clear to her that we would change her official address. That way, her mother could no longer use her as a tax deduction.

The next stop was the bank where we had all powers of attorney that the mother had canceled. Once that was done we drove to a large shopping center on the outskirts of the city. On the way there, I gently explained to her what I expected of her now that she was officially a member of my family. I didn't want money from her, as a teenager I had collected a large number of crypto coins as a joke and only realized I had them when Bitcoin went through the roof.

What I did want from her was regularity and structure. Her school year could no longer be saved at this point, but a number of strategically chosen subjects still had to succeed. Getting up after noon and staying awake until the sun almost came up had to stop. Eating was only allowed on the ground floor and the amount of soft drinks and sweets had to go down. There was also one very important rule that we were going to tackle right away: in my house, only clothes that fit were worn. Considering Lisa had lost some weight since she lived with me, this meant a completely new wardrobe.

We spent the whole day buying quality clothes and shoes. Lisa was an attractive girl and it was about time the world could see this too. At first she protested and didn't want me to help choose and pay for all these clothes. However, she quickly understood that no was not an option, so she gave in.

In the first store she only found a simple black dress that was tight around her breasts and booty but fanned loosely over her legs, accentuating her pear-shaped body nicely. Before she could take it back off I removed the tag and told her she would wear this for the rest of the day. She wanted to protest but I took away her other clothes and went to pay so she had no other choice.

Subsequent purchases went more and more smoothly. As she got into the mood she started to look around more and more but passed less often. In a shoe store, she picked up a stylish pair of pumps, put them back on, but stared. I then took them off the rack again and told her to try them on. She said her mom didn't want her to wear heels on which I sighed and reminded her she lived with me now and she wore whatever she wanted as long as it fit and wasn't worn out. When she stepped on the pumps, it immediately became clear to me that she still had to practice on them. She immediately got the chance for that because I put her current worn shoes in the box and closed it. Then I gave her a pair of open heeled shoes as summer was not far away to try out. When these also turned out to be comfortable, they went on the pile of 7 pieces.

After the shoe store I pushed her into a beauty salon where I had already made an appointment for her. She had beautiful long locks, but they had become dull and unkempt from delayed hairdressing visits and bad shampoo. I arranged a cut, color, manicure and pedicure for her, which gave me several hours to meet up with a potential submissive. Once I had listened to this lady's wishes and we had arranged an appointment, I went to see how Lisa was doing.

When I entered the salon I almost didn't recognize her. The blonde accents looked natural in her now radiant brown locks and went well with her brown eyes with green accents. Although there was a lot of hair to cut, her hair still reached past her shoulders. What really topped it all off was her beautiful smile that I had missed so much lately.

After the small makeover, we had a quick bite to eat, after which Lisa started shopping with unprecedented energy. Suddenly she found what she wanted very quickly and before I realized it she had almost filled the entire suitcase with new clothes.

When she wanted to buy underwear in a standard clothing store I stopped her. The quality of the lingerie was too low for my standards and I had made other plans for this. Before we left the mall, I quickly pushed her into a more high-class boutique. "You regularly go to a restaurant, so you need appropriate clothing


Since she didn't have to pay, she gave her eyes free rein and chose a few dresses to test. The first was a long black dress with a high slit and a modest plunging neckline that went well with her. The second was a tight-fitting green dress that showed off her figure beautifully. Finally, she had put on a red silk dress that made her look like a real princess. She also chose some matching jewels and left the checkout to me.

On the way home, we stopped at a local lingerie store known for its excellent service. Lisa insisted she knew what size she was, but the saleswoman had a different opinion. Soon Lisa also realized that she had been buying the wrong size and fit for years. The manageress showed her which bras and brands would suit her best and then let us continue shopping.

I intended to leave Lisa alone, but she seemed to enjoy my presence. She picked out a bunch of new underwear and then paused for a few hotter sets. "What's wrong?" I asked her softly. She looked at me in desperation and replied "Mommy always says this is for sluts and I don't think it would suit me". I put my arm around her and said reassuringly "It's all about how you feel when you wear it, the rest will take care of itself". Hesitantly, she took a set and said she'd like to see how she felt in it. She disappeared into a fitting room and a few moments later she motioned for me to come to her. I thought she needed help or that I needed to put something back so innocently approached her.

Suddenly she opened the dressing room and stood in front of me in the set she wanted to try on. I was shocked but couldn't take my eyes off her. Her breasts had always had a nice natural shape, but now they looked ready to eat. Due to the sports of the last few months, her stomach had also become considerably tighter, which made her hips come into their own even more. I always thought she was a pretty girl but now she looked like a horny young woman. "Not good?" she asked with uncertain innocence. "Unexpected" I replied with a small smile and added to this by saying how good she looked. "I thought you should at least see what you paid," she said innocently. Then she struck a pose in front of the mirror and said "I like sitting like this". She locked the fitting room, stepped out a few minutes later, and took a few extra sets on her way to the checkout.

Once I arrived home I helped bring the purchased items to her room where she was in for the next surprise. In our absence they had delivered and placed the dressing I ordered some time ago. Lisa saw this and got tears in her eyes. Without warning she turned to me, kissed me and wrapped her hands around me and started sobbing. Until today she had never really had her own room and her own clothes. Suddenly she had a completely new wardrobe and her own dressing. Although she had kissed me before in the past, this kiss felt different, more intense.

From this moment I also saw another Lisa emerge. She slowly became more confident and cheerful, even leaving the bathroom open when she was taking a shower. She got up earlier, went to sports without a complaint and resumed all lessons at school. Although she knew that succeeding had become almost impossible, she already wanted to get a head start on next year. This gave me the free time I needed and I was able to resume my normal appointments. For example, I scheduled Silke on Lisa's last day of class so that I was sure Lisa wouldn't disturb us. However, Lisa came home a little earlier than expected, so she saw Silke leave when she entered the street. Fortunately, I was able to brush off questions by saying she was a professional client who needed my freelance services. In itself this statement was correct, were it not for the fact that Lisa thought it was about IT services.

On the first day of the lesson-free week, I actually had to go to a client for an IT project, so Lisa had the entire house to herself. Since she would not participate in all exams, she had more time than needed, so she wanted to help me with the household. Since the ground floor was already immaculate and she did not want to enter my room and office, she only had the bathroom to start with.

When she was done with this she felt she could do a little more to help me so she decided to start cleaning my "mancave" as she called it. She had never been there and had become quite curious about it. Mainly because I labeled it my "game room" but I never seem to go in it and already had a very powerful computer on my desk. With a desire to thank me and a burning curiosity about the attic, she went upstairs and opened the door.

I was just leaving the client when I got a notification that the game room was open. I quickly switched on the live images of the cameras and saw Lisa standing in the room with her hand over her mouth and some cleaning products. I cursed under my breath and tried to call her but it went straight to voicemail. In the attic there was no reception due to all the insulation. I looked back at the cameras and saw that Lisa was still in space, and much to my surprise, her eyes were wide open.

I started the car and went home as fast as I could. Before every red light I checked to see if she was still in the room. To my surprise, the answer was always yes. Even when I got home she was still in the playroom. This is either very good or very bad I thought to myself as I opened the door.

I calmed myself down and climbed the stairs as confidently as possible.

Once upstairs I stood in the doorway and calmly said "Not the playroom you expected, huh?". Lisa was shocked, looked at me and said "Is this what you expect from me?". Her eyes, posture and voice were a mix of emotions. I could notice both fear and powerlessness, excitement and curiosity. I stepped up to her and said softly "No, unless you ever wanted to and asked me to".

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