
Laura's New Husband

Laura didn't know what it was about her. In the past seven years she had had three relationships with nice men. Each time the relationship followed a certain pattern. At first it was fun and exciting, then it just felt familiar, then it almost became a brother-sister relationship and the next phase was irritation and that was a moment to call it a day. Maybe she just didn't get it. She had broken up with Dennis four months ago and was single again.

Time to breathe new life into her social media. Not Tinder, just Facebook. And so she had reconnected with classmates from high school. And she had a lot of chat contact with Iris in particular. Time to meet again in real life.

It was a pleasant evening in a tapas bar. All classmates from high school were updated, work and of course the subject of relationships was also discussed. Iris was a listening ear for Laura. And it not only relieved it, but it also became more and more corny and all the disadvantages of men came up. At ten o'clock they left the tapas bar and Iris knew a nice pub where you could also dance. So it was going to be a real night out. And soon Laura and Iris were on the dance floor, swinging. While they enjoyed themselves and danced the alcohol off, Laura looked around. At first she hadn't noticed, but suddenly she saw that there were only women in this pub. At least they weren't bothered by pushy guys.

After an hour on the dance floor, it was time to relax. Laura stepped aside and Iris fetched two more dry white wines. Laura noticed that Iris often came here. She knew the barmaid and some of the other visitors. As they sipped their wine, they gossiped about the other guests. Unexpectedly, Iris kissed Laura on the mouth. Laura stammered that she only kissed men. Iris grabbed a strand of her medium-length dark hair and pursed her lips. The lock laid on her upper lip and said in a deep voice:

Then I'm your new man



Laura said and now she allowed the kissing. There was nothing masculine about Iris. Nice face with beautiful eyes, modest but well-groomed make-up, medium-length dark hair and, as they say, feminine curves: breasts, buttocks and wide hips. A body Laura was jealous of.

Laura looked around a little nervously, but it seemed as if no one was noticing them. The dry kisses gradually became wet kisses. When Laura felt Iris's hand come up over her sweater, she pushed it away. That was really not the intention. They continued to kiss and Iris' hand came up again.

Shall I take you home?

Laura said. While Iris responded enthusiastically to this, Laura realized that she was giving Iris false hope. Iris is a nice friend, but Laura wasn't a lesbian after all.

When they arrived at Iris' apartment, Iris tried in many ways to seduce Laura to go upstairs. But Laura was clear

I'll come see your apartment sometime during the day, that's better.

Laura said goodbye with a kiss on Iris' cheek.

The following days Iris was in Lauras head. During the week, Laura's image of a potential partner changed. She wasn't thinking about a nice man, but about Iris. Laura surfed the search with questions like

How do you know you are a lesbian?

but that didn't answer. You had to follow your gut. How did she feel about Iris? She watched lesbian pornography and it was quite arousing. She then played with herself and thought of Iris. And when a female colleague walked down the hall in front of her, she caught herself only paying attention to her buttocks. And she compared it to Iris' buttocks.

On Sunday evening she had received a text from Iris asking if she wanted to come and see her apartment. Only on Wednesday did she dare to answer with

Yes please

. Saturday evening, a little too early, she was at Iris's door with a large bunch of flowers with a card

For Iris, From Laura

. Modestly, but she dared not go any further. Her clothes are more extravagant. A blue suit with a white stripe. Margriet van der Linden could also wear it. Underneath that an orange turtleneck, so she looked festive. Her orange boots accentuated her height. Iris opened the door with a big smile. They kissed each other on the cheek and a gentle kiss on the lips. Iris looked feminine again. A flowery half-length skirt, white blouse and a woolen cardigan over it.

You went to the hairdresser. Nice!

. Laura showed off her short blonde hair as she walked into Iris apartment. Take a look around and I'll grab a vase. Nicely decorated, cozy and with lots of plants. Iris put the vase of flowers on the table and kissed Laura again in thanks for the flowers, but perhaps more for the card. This was very promising. The conversation had to get going first. Some nuts and olives, white wine and soon the ladies were chatting about everything again.

I'm going to set the table and prepare a salad. A pink tablecloth, beautiful plates and candles were brought out. Iris was going to make the dressing for a Caesar salad. If you like Caesar salad, you also like eating pussy, she once read. The anchovies went with the other ingredients in the food processor. Laura came to have a look in the kitchen and Iris asked if she wanted to taste the dressing. Iris dipped her index finger in the dressing and held it over Laura's mouth. Laura sucked on Iris's finger, this was more than just tasting.


Laura said and Iris smiled.

A moment later they sat across from each other at the table behind a large plate of Caesar salad. And then it was discussed last weekend. Laura confessed that Iris had confused her and that she had been in her head all week. When Iris responded teasingly with

only in your head?

Laura blushed and her nipples hardened as she remembered that she had fingered herself with Iris in mind. Iris pursed her lips and gave Laura an air kiss.

They continued to eat, foot-smoothing, and when they went to the kitchen for coffee after dinner, Laura grabbed Iris and pushed her against the wall.

Now I'm your husband

she said and kissed her mouth full. The tongues found each other and hands began to caress each other's body. Laura took Iris' round buttocks and kneaded them gently with both hands. Iris slid her hand under Laura's sweater and discovered she was not wearing a bra. Firm breasts with hard nipples.

This is what I was longing for last week

whispered Iris.

I'm just now ready for you

and Laura pushed her leg between Iris's. Gently Iris started to ride on it. Laura's hand now moved to Iris's breasts. Big, full, warm and she felt big nipples. Their mouths loosened for a moment and they smiled at each other.

How nice!

and they make love again. Iris undid Lauras pants and her hand went down. She felt a smooth mound of venus.

Cut for you too

see Laura with a challenging smile. When Iris responded that she would like to see that, they pulled each other into the bedroom. Making love above the covers, Lauras suit was taken off and Iris could play with Lauras pussy. Her index finger slid in easily and with her thumb she made small circles around her clit. Laura started to turn her hips and kissing she came. For a moment it became too much for her and she sobbed with emotion. Iris gave her little kisses and this brought Laura back.

How nice, Iris, how nice

Laura sighed. The orange turtleneck was also off in the meantime and Iris played with Laura's breasts and gently sucked on the nipples. While Laura stroked Iris's hair, she came to herself.And now you naked

cried Laura. Iris got up and sensually undressed. She showed her beautiful breasts and leaned over for Laura to kiss. Her skirt and panties fell to the floor in one fell swoop, and Laura had a view of Iris's dark, well-groomed pubic hair. She was pulled back onto the bed by Laura and their mouths met again. After a while, Laura's mouth went on a discovery tour of Iris's body. Nose, forehead, earlobes, neck, armpits and then to her breasts. It gave a primal feeling, sucking on the nipple of the left breast and gently kneading the right breast. Peaceful, connecting and soothing and it was unclear who enjoyed it more. Laura looked up to see Iris looking at her with satisfaction.

And then her mouth continued on its journey. Belly, navel, the birthmark to the left of her navel and then she reached Iris' crotch. Kisses on the dark hairs on the mound of Venus and then on Iris's slit. She sucked on the labia. First gently with her tongue between the lips and gently touching Iris kittelaar. She tasted the salty liquid with a little piss still in the distance. How dirty can be delicious. As the strokes of Laura's tongue lengthened, Iris had to move along. The index and middle fingers slid into Iris's as Laura's other hand went up again to gently massage such a nice breast of Iris's. Laura's eyes looked up and saw that Iris had her head back and saw her whole body writhing. Her fingers felt the squeeze of Iris's pussy. Iris pushed Laura's face harder against her cunt and not much later she came moaning. How incredibly beautiful. While Iris was still recovering, Laura took a good look at Iris's pussy as she gently played with the pussy lips. Laura crawled back upstairs and lying on their sides, the ladies kissed again. They looked at each other and laughed playfully and Laura said she was so happy that Iris hit on her last week. Iris was also happy that she had taken the plunge and conquered Laura in this way. She had already fallen in love with Laura in the tapas bar and she had to try to seduce Laura. She apologized that she might have slipped her hand under Laura's sweater too soon, but Laura gave her permission to do this at all times from now on.

Then leave your sweater off and then we'll have a coffee first. We still have a whole night ahead of us


It became many more nights and days and Laura enjoyed the new world she had discovered and which she continued to explore with Iris.

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