
Lars And Tom - 1

Tom is an outdoor boy, 17, with a toned body from racing on his mountain bike and road bike. He was outside a lot anyway, in the summer his muscular body was brown and his dark blond hair was not so dark anymore. He lived a little outside with his parents, his father had a tree nursery. The area was green and perfect for Tom's hobbies: cycling and swimming. Both outside of course, and if he was alone he preferred to swim naked in a somewhat remote lake that you could only reach with your mountain bike. Across the street from where he lived stood a lonely house that had been for sale for a while. There was some activity again recently, it seemed to be sold. Tom was curious about his new neighbors, maybe he could make friends with one of the new residents. Not that he was lonely, he had a great time solo but he still dreamed of a soulmate. Dan could also be a girl, though he wasn't sure how that could work. He was home alone this summer, his parents and little brother had gone to France, and Tom had volunteered to watch the farm. Little hoeing, watering some trees here and there, and more. Lazing, cycling and swimming. His father had thought that was a good idea. Tom liked it very much, but after a week alone he needed some company. His friends were all on vacation, the solution was not there.

That morning a moving van showed up, and soon it was unloaded, and everything was dragged inside. It was a hot summer day, and Tom thought they hadn't timed it right, it was sweaty. Dressed only in sports shorts, Tom was watering some trees on the roadside plot, and it took him longer than usual. He was curious. Especially when a large luxury car stopped after a while, and a couple and a boy his age got out. The boy looked around, at his new house, and also across the street, where Tom was pretending to be busy. But Tom couldn't resist raising his hand to the boy. Lars hesitated for a moment but also raised his hand to the tanned guest across the street.

The three of them entered the house, and Tom was pleased to see them unload some sports bikes. Tom hoped they belonged to the boy.

The moving van was almost empty, and Tom could see a lot of lugging stuff behind the windows of the house. He went to make coffee and rummaged around inside. When he lay down in his hammock in front of the house after a while, he just saw a boy cycling away on a mountain bike. Tight cycling suit on, brown muscular calves. Tom was shocked at himself. What interest did he have in that boy? Did he get an erection from those dancing buttocks in those tight cycling shorts?

After a while it occurred to him that he had to do some hoeing in the back of the tree nursery, he had promised his dad. He grabbed his mountain bike, shoveled it over his shoulder, and cycled back. The job was done quickly, which was a good thing, it soon got too hot for it. He lay down in the grass at the gate that formed the end of the tree nursery. On the other side of the fence was a path where Tom sometimes cycled. He was just stretching out when he saw someone approaching. Tom got up and walked almost nonchalantly to the gate. He hoped it was that boy. And indeed…. Tom raised his hand.

Lars squeezed his brakes and stopped two meters in front of him. Sweat ran from his forehead.


said Tom,

you are my new neighbors


I believe that

Lars replied. Tom felt that tension from earlier that morning again. Luckily he was behind a fence and Lars couldn't see the excitement he felt. He did have a good view of Lars body. It was a bit tighter than it first appeared from such a close distance. Was he mistaken, or did he see an erection in the cycling shorts?

Tom started talking about cycling and told him about his hobby, their shared hobby.

You have already found this path, I can show you many more. I also cycle a lot


That sounds like fun, I don't know anyone here yet and neither does the area


Shall we meet this afternoon at two o'clock, in front of the house?

After the appointment, Lars got back on his bike and Tom watched him. He was pretty sure Lars had an erection like his. Strange, he had never felt feelings for boys in himself, was actually looking for a buddy for the summer, but what happened? This confused him, but it was too exciting to stop.

Tom quickly ate some sandwiches and put some food and drink in a backpack, and put on his cycling shorts and cycling shoes. That's all he needed. He was a little afraid of the revealing nature of those pants, although it also heightened the tension

Lars was already waiting for him outside. Despite the heat, he still had his shirt on.

Are you ready for it? Follow me, I know some nice trails. Are you in shape?

, Tom teased a bit.

Bring it on

Lars bluffed, and Tom was gone.

Tom turned things on but didn't feel like acting tough, but chose some nice paths, and regularly looked back. Lars, however, kept up with him just fine. After an hour he stopped at a nice and secluded spot near a lake, put his bike against a tree and sat down in the grass. He gave Lars a drink, his face red from the heat.

Warm isn't it, especially now that you're sitting still

. Tom hoped he would take his shirt off, but didn't dare ask him. Lars hesitated, but finally did, stood up and hung the shirt over his bike. Again a wave of horniness overtook Tom. Tom masturbated quite often, but how horny he felt today was very unique. He tried not to think about it too much.

He unbuttoned his shoes and asked Lars

are you coming with us to swim?

. Lars stammered a bit surprised that he didn't have a swimming trunks with him, but Tom replied that you don't need them here at all. Tom got up and quickly pulled off his cycling shorts in front of Lars face. Tom's cock was only half hard, but it still jumped up a bit. Lars flushed his face, but studied his friend, who was now naked in front of him, as closely as he could, for quickly Tom walked over to the water and dove into it. With no one paying attention to him, Lars quickly undressed. His erection was very hard, but he quickly walked to the water and hoped Tom wouldn't see it. He was wrong, this is what Tom had hoped for. And had seen enough

Lars had never swum naked before, but enjoyed the cool water around his cock and down his buttocks. To both of them's relief, their erections also diminished and after a while first Tom and then Lars climbed out of the water. Lars now walked out of the water quite shortly behind Tom's bare buttocks. He enjoyed.

Trying not to look at his friend too much, Tom lay on his back in the sun. But he couldn't hold back the erection. Lars lay down next to him and quickly looked at his friend. There was no hiding now. Tom was no longer tense.

You're as horny as I am, Lars


I'm afraid so too

Lars replied.

I don't know what to do with that


Neither do I Lars. I only watched girls until now

. Tom lay on his back and gave Lars a good view of his tanned body. His cock stood erect. There was no pubic hair to be seen, and he apparently sinned like this more often, he was streak-free brown. Lars went mad with horniness. He wanted to touch him but controlled himself and also lay on his back. His cock was also erect, and the razor hadn't left much pubic hair, but it wasn't nearly as brown as Tom, and certainly not in his pubic area. That saw the sun for the first time today, it seemed. After 5 minutes Tom straightened up.

Can I touch you, Lars?

. Lars nodded. Both boys had hormones raging through their bodies. Tom put his hand on Lars' stomach, which was quite muscular.

He stroked his belly, his chest, his nipples, which were hard. Then down. Lars gasped. Would he? Over his hip, to his muscular thighs, the inner thighs.. Lars moved his legs apart.. Tom moved his hand towards Lars crotch. He went mad with lust. Also the other thigh. Then a finger behind his scrotum. Tickled some.. Lars finally got his way, a hand on his bald balls shiver through his body. Tom put a second hand on Lars cock. He stroked it, first the shaft, then to the head. Tom decided to take it up a notch and moved his mouth to Lars navel, continuing to caress his cock. He licked the navel, moving his tongue to the hard nipples. There he licked rounds, and now he was serious about Lars beautiful cock. Tom understood that things could go fast, but he still underestimated Lars horniness. When he picked up the pace a bit, Lars came. And how. Tom looked at the cock, still licking the nipple, and took the brunt of it. A hard shot of cum hit him full in the eye. It startled him, raised his head but didn't stop jerking off. A second wave hit Lars face. Then two more followed, but they only made it to Lars belly.

Both boys were taken aback by this spectacle. Lars wiped the semen from his face, and Tom tried to clean his eye again. He regained his horniness the fastest and licked his fingers clean of Lars' cum.


, Lars stuttered.

Not at all. Was horny. Mega horny. Did you come well?

, he asked profusely.

I nearly fainted. Thanks man


Lars now felt the pressure to do something too. Tom was still kneeling next to him, he could easily place a hand between Tom's thighs, and played with his friend's thighs. Faster than Tom did, his hand went to his friend's balls. Tom's body reacted very violently. Tom's horniest mood ever was surpassed by a factor of 5. Lars noticed and was prompted to do things he never thought possible. He stroked the cock and moved his mouth to Tom's. Driven by horniness, he kissed Tom full on his mouth, and pushed his tongue into Toms mouth. At the same time, he increased the pace of stroking Tom's cock. This couldn't last long, and it didn't. The sperm came in waves between their naked bodies, turning the two chests into a gooey white mess. After the climax, both came to their senses again and the senses won over the horniness again. The French kiss came to an end. Both fell exhausted to the grass. Wondering what the hell had happened.

After 10 minutes Tom got up.

Thank you, Lars. That was amazing


Are we gay now?

Lars asked.

I don't know, Lars. You are my friend

said Tom.

Are you coming? You can't go to your mother like that

, said Tom, and he dove into the water. Lars followed quickly, the water finally brought both to earth.

Still wet from the water, and finally with a flaccid cock they got dressed and cycled home. Tom stopped a bit from home.

Don't be ashamed Lars. You are my friend. Although we may never do this again

. Lars nodded. In their street Tom was still calling

racing bikes soon?

. Lars nodded, waved and cycled home. A very intense experience richer.

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